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Shenyang J-15 aircraft carrier-based aircraft

Catapult-capable-J-15 flying shark deployed (弹射型飞鲨已率先编入舰载机中队。)

What deployed ??? It is an old image we know sine about one year akready.
What deployed ??? It is an old image we know sine about one year akready.
I posted what the big shrimp posted, the picture is only for reference
Don't believe it, how about learn some Chinese so that you can read whats in the tweet to verify? OK?

The original tweet, i did not added anything of my own
I posted what the big shrimp posted, the picture is only for reference
Don't believe it, how about learn some Chinese so that you can read whats in the tweet to verify? OK?

The original tweet, i did not added anything of my own

Indeed, but at school I was not good in languages. English was hard, Latin a mess and French impossible ... So I don't think Chinese will be easier even if my motivation is surely greater.
What deployed ??? It is an old image we know sine about one year akready.
I think this news is reliable, since it has been confirmed by various sources.

However, many also think that this is not J-15B.
I think this news is reliable, since it has been confirmed by various sources.

However, many also think that this is not J-15B.

Pardon, but how reliable are these reports, while in the meantime we know the J-11B is back in production + the J-16-manufacturing under way. We haven't heard anything nor seen any new-build J-15 at SAC since some time and "being deployed" would mean it is in production with already test finished, certified + a meaningful number built.

IMO all together unlikely.

Indeed, but at school I was not good in languages. English was hard, Latin a mess and French impossible ... So I don't think Chinese will be easier even if my motivation is surely greater.
Who learns Latin? LOL. Isn't that a dead language? But schools here teach it for some reason ... very weird language.
Pardon, but how reliable are these reports, while in the meantime we know the J-11B is back in production + the J-16-manufacturing under way. We haven't heard anything nor seen any new-build J-15 at SAC since some time and "being deployed" would mean it is in production with already test finished, certified + a meaningful number built.

IMO all together unlikely.

I think the number is the key point here.
By entering service, it does not mean that catapult version of J-15 is or is going to be produced in any specific number.
In extreme case, we can think of this version enter service with only single one.

IMO, it is a specific model for training. It may and may not enter mass production.
Who learns Latin? LOL. Isn't that a dead language? But schools here teach it for some reason ... very weird language.

Indeed, Germans are sometimes :hitwall::crazy:

I think the number is the key point here.
By entering service, it does not mean that catapult version of J-15 is or is going to be produced in any specific number.
In extreme case, we can think of this version enter service with only single one.

IMO, it is a specific model for training. It may and may not enter mass production.

But then it is not DEPLOYED but merely "on board the Liaoning" for further testing. This might surely be possible, but then I ask, why such an over-hyped term like "deployed" which is immediately spun into "in service" by some fan boys??

Indeed, Germans are sometimes :hitwall::crazy:

But then it is not DEPLOYED but merely "on board the Liaoning" for further testing. This might surely be possible, but then I ask, why such an over-hyped term like "deployed" which is immediately spun into "in service" by some fan boys??

In PLAAF, if a fighter got the 5 digit number, then we consider it "deployed". We try to translate precisely, but sometimes we simply choose the most close word.

One more thing, I think it might/not be "on board the Liaoning", cause it is a catapult version, and is mainly used for training pilots with EMALS.
Who learns Latin? LOL. Isn't that a dead language? But schools here teach it for some reason ... very weird language.
If only you're a cleric of the Roman Catholic and go to the remnant of the Roman Empire, that is the theocratic city kingdom of the Papal Supremacy (the Vatican City) for further education then you're obliged to take the Latin language class and be versed into it, as did a friend of mine.
J-15 Flying Shark

J-15 is the first generation of Chinese shipborne fighter aircraft being developed by both 601 Institute and SAC for PLAN's first aircraft carrier. In the beginning there were rumors claiming that J-15 was a new semi-stealth design based on a similar but more advanced stealth design developed earlier by SAC/601 Institute to compete for the J-14 project (see below), but this design turned out to be a follow-on design. In order to save time and cut cost, the aircraft is now believed to be based on Russian Su-33 in terms of structural configuration and flight control system as well as domestic J-11B (see above) in terms of radar and weapon systems. Similar to Su-33, J-15 features folding wings, a pair of small canard foreplanes to improve its low speed handling and shortened tailcone to avoid tail-scrape during high AoA landing. Some key shipborne aircraft technologies such as landing/navigational systems are believed to have been obtained from Russia and Ukraine. One Su-33 prototype (T-10K-3) was acquired from Ukraine around 2001 and has been studied extensively. J-15 is believed to share many common components with J-11B, such as a similar radar, the same glass cockpit as well as the improved WS-10 turbofan engine. It can also fire a variety of Chinese designed weapons, including PL-8, PL-12 AAMs and YJ-83K AShM.
Overall J-15 is believed to be in the same class of American F/A-18C. The first prototype has been undergoing assembly at SAC since 2008. J-15 is expected first to be stationed onboard the Varyag aircraft carrier currently being fitted in Dalian. The latest news suggested that the first prototype made its maiden flight on August 31, 2009, powered initially by Russian AL-31F turbofan engines

WWW.Chinese Military Aviation.COM


I am not a technical person in aviation, but by looking at other good fighter jets and comparing general proportions/ratios of their designs, it looks as like JF-17, J-15 also have smaller intakes than it should have.
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Two new images via Eastpendulum/Henry K. ... blurred but anyway ! :-)

J-15T catapult bar 1.jpg
J-15T catapult bar 2.jpg
J-15 is catapault ready since day one```!! what they are doing now on J-15 is to change its avionics, radar and engines (two types of it: one close to 13 tons, and the other over 14 tons), hence there is the "new" designation J-15B`````the difference between J-15 to J-15B has nothing to do with "enhanced" landing gear!!! gosh````

and btw```the picture of our next gen stealth fighter on AC is getting clearer and clearer!! :cheers::cheers::cheers::victory::victory::victory:

Two new images via Eastpendulum/Henry K. ... blurred but anyway ! :-)

View attachment 426385 View attachment 426386
I know the second picture, PSed from a previous one```
Just a hint ... will it have canards or not?
I dont knwo```as they said “集大成者”·····you can ask few members here to translate```I cant bother`:lol:

oh, another thing, AC based AWACs will show its face in 2019 latest`````"theoretically" it can take-off from Ski-Jump`````
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