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Shed 'Gandhigiri' approach with Pakistan, Afghan scholars urge India.

Funniest sh1t I have heard. Pakistan nor Afghanistan has any control over the border except a few major entry routes. This is a long border over 1000 km and its impossible to patrol it. Forget patroling most pakistani or Afghan troops can't even enter those areas. These areas are controlled by Tribal Lashkar (militia) and the Taliban. NO one can close that border, the Tribes simply won't allow it. That's one of the main reasons why the British left these areas autonomous. As the Durand Line Treaty confirms, these areas are outside the jurisdiction of Pakistan and Pakistani army has no right being there.

As regards to the rest of your post about the difference between the Pakistani and Iranian approach to refugees. The Iran is a much more controlled centralized and closed state unlike Pakistan. The pakistani security services are corrupt and with a few dollars you can buy them off.

No one can close the border? Im pretty sure putting a few mines down here and there will do something.

You dont think a couple of dollars can buy off some Iranian?
BTW your english is pretty good.
selective vision or blindness to see from a birds eye view is not my problem, but yours. So go ahead. let INDIANs address our problem and let the Pakistanis address their problem.

Mr INDIAN, I would like to clear few things here, that is, I was the man who always supported the ‘cause’, 9/11 2001, of ongoing war in Afghanistan. I always supported US and her allies for their war in Afghanistan if they were intended to remove the bases of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan which may again pose a threat to their security and may result in 9/11 type of attack in West again :agree:.

I used to make few points as below:

1st , US did a mistake when they trained Al Qaeda and Taliban militants against SU and then they left that place as it is which then destabilized this region. I also blame them for the over 20,000 deaths in Indian Kashmir due to flow of those militants like Ilyas Kashmiri who got training from CIA/ ISI to fight against SU in Afghan in 80s and then many of them like Ilyas Kashmiri came to Indian Kashmir since 1989, till then Kashmir was one of the most peaceful region of the world. And I blame ‘only’ US/ CIA for starting this type of ‘militancy culture’ in South Asia region in 80s. :agree:

2nd , US did a mistake to go to Afghan without full support of whole world, including China, whose Xinxiang state also face threat from the same region. I straight say, "either NATO might be capable enough to win in Afghan/ against Al Qaeda and Taliban establishments there, or, they might not have gone there without full support of rest of the world." :no:

3rd , I straight warn US/ West for not leaving Afghanistan if they lose to Taliban/ Al Qaeda as this organization is still very strong which is led by Mr Al Zawahiri now. I straight warn US/ West, leaving Afghanistan with victorious Taliban/ Al Qaeda will pose a serious threat to whole world in future. They will face the worse when they will again face 9/11 type things in West from that certain region/ Afghanistan and Pak’s tribal areas. I tell them, “its no doubt that you have destroyed that region but if you leave this mess as it is, it may destroy even the whole world one day.” I warn, Taliban will certainly take over Afghanistan if NATO leave and then they will bring the Afghanistan to exactly the same state they had till 2001. :pop:

From here, did you read my posts on this matter carefully? I always tried to say, “NATO’s bombings on Afghan to target militants, is right, but they would defend all those families who are on run from there.” You get the point? :what: Im the man who support this ongoing war in Afghan for the cause of 9/11 2001, if it is intended to remove those establishments from Afghan who may pose the similar threats to West in future. it may also send the Afghanistan into hell under Taliban rule if NATO leave that place. But I said, I don’t support bombing on innocent and those who are on run from there, and they would be defended in Australia type country as first our population is very low and second Afghans come here by boat very often. I straight argue, “how much is the population of Afghanistan, hardly 30mi? and how many of them can come here, no more than 5mil to 10mil? Then can’t we give space to hardly 4mil to 5mil Afghan refugees in the country like Australia of hardly 22mil, which is 2 times bigger in size than India of 1.2bil population? especially if we were first responsible to destroy that country, Afghanistan, and now we are the one who bomb on them making them run from there?”

I also said, “if they might be Christians, for example, were they be treated in the same way as the Afghani boat people are treated in Australia as they are Muslims?” I meant to say, “If we may imagine even one time that they are Christians, we will be very happy to accept hardly 4mil to 5mil Afghan refugees in Australia to fight for the cause of defending the whole world from terrorism, which may be originated from that region in future as its US/ West who was behind doing this mess in that country.” :agree:

Means, I support every effort to fight against terrorism, but I support giving space to Afghan refugees in the Western nations like Australia if these refugees are on run from there due to NATO’s bombing, you get the point?
:pop: Also, I proposed to give a time frame, say 1 month, to all the people living in those certain areas who may face NATO’s air strikes, to leave their home within that certain time frame before NATO's bombing start there. and if they wish to move somewhere, including Australia, we would welcome them as its because of us. :meeting:
Mr INDIAN, I would like to clear few things here, that is, I was the man who always supported the ‘cause’, 9/11 2001, of ongoing war in Afghanistan. I always supported US and her allies for their war in Afghanistan if they were intended to remove the bases of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan which may again pose a threat to their security and may result in 9/11 type of attack in West again :agree:.

I used to make few points as below:

1st , US did a mistake when they trained Al Qaeda and Taliban militants against SU and then they left that place as it is which then destabilized this region. I also blame them for the over 20,000 deaths in Indian Kashmir due to flow of those militants like Ilyas Kashmiri who got training from CIA/ ISI to fight against SU in Afghan in 80s and then many of them like Ilyas Kashmiri came to Indian Kashmir since 1990, till then Kashmir was one of the peaceful region of the world. And I blame ‘only’ US/ CIA for starting this type of ‘militancy culture’ in South Asia region in 80s. :agree:

2nd , US did a mistake to go to Afghan without full support of whole world, including China, whose Xinxiang state also face threat from the same region. I straight say, "either NATO might be capable enough to win in Afghan/ against Al Qaeda and Taliban establishments there, or, they might not have gone there without full support of rest of the world."

3rd , I straight warn US/ West for not leaving Afghanistan if they lose to Taliban/ Al Qaeda as this organization is still very strong which is led by Mr Al Zawahiri now. I straight warn US/ West, leaving Afghanistan with victorious Taliban/ Al Qaeda will pose a serious threat to whole world in future. They will face the worse when they will again face 9/11 type things in West from that certain region/ Afghanistan and Pak’s tribal areas. I tell them, “its no doubt that you have destroyed that region but if you leave this mess as it is, it may destroy even the whole world one day.”

From here, did you read my posts on this matter carefully? I always tried to say, “NATO’s bombings on Afghan to target militants, is right, but they would defend all those families who are on run from there.” You get the point? :what: Im the man who support this ongoing war in Afghan for the cause of 9/11 2001, if it is intended to remove those establishments from Afghan who may pose the similar threats to West in future. it may also send the Afghanistan into hell under Taliban rule if NATO leave that place. But I said, I don’t support bombing on innocent and those who are on run from there, and they would be defended in Australia type country as first our population is very low and second Afghans come here by boat very often. I straight argue, “how much is the population of Afghanistan, hardly 30mi? and how many of them can come here, no more than 5mil to 10mil? Then can’t we give them space in so low population in the country like Australia of hardly 22mil, which is 2 times bigger in size than India of 1.2bil population? especially if we were first responsible to destroy that country, Afghanistan, and now we are the one who bomb on them making them run from there?” I also said, “if they might be Christians, for example, were they be treated in the same way as the Afghani boat people are treated in Australia as they are Muslims?” I meant to say, “If we may imagine even one time that they are Christians, we will be very happy to accept hardly 4mil to 5mil Afghan population in Australia to fight for the cause of defending the whole world from terrorism, which may be originated from that region in future.” :agree:

Means, I support every effort to fight against terrorism, but I support giving space to Afghan refugees in the Western nations like Australia if these refugees are on run from there due to NATO’s bombing, you get the point?
:pop: Also, I proposed to give a time frame, say 1 month, to all the people living in those certain areas who may face NATO’s air strikes, to leave their home within that certain time frame and if they wish to move somewhere, including Australia, we would welcome them as its because of us. :meeting:
I do not understand the reason behind your reply to me. Please brief me with little words
so whey they support Indian cause they are "scholars"
but when they are doing anything Islamic, they are "Mad Mullahs"

interesting how India love to play with words depending on her moods.

As for the article, it was simply trash talk meant for the consumption of the Indian audience.
He will be in Pakistan next month saying how great our ethnic and historic links are :lol:

We all know there is only one place On this planet where Mad Mullahs goes wild In middle of street .....Would u like a hint ....:azn:

Afghanistan Is Suffering coz of they let themselves get used by other nation for their personal benefits.... its time for Afghanis to drop weapon ...Go to schools Get education And making their life to have some Meaning And Make their Nation stand proudly in World...Unlike some other nation who are happy just going down the Drain:D
Looks like these scholors gave advise in 1961 to attack Pakistan.... Because of which they faced all that years of war..... They messed with wrong people before and they are asking to mess again........

Whatever happend in Afghanistan is their own fault. They kept their aggressive stance on Pakistan so we had no other choice....So if they still have that stance than OK... get prepared for many more years......
Afghanistan Is Suffering coz of they let themselves get used by other nation for their personal benefits.... its time for Afghanis to drop weapon ...Go to schools Get education And making their life to have some Meaning And Make their Nation stand proudly in World...Unlike some other nation who are happy just going down the Drain:D

They paid for their mistake that they did in 60's. Hopefully they have learned from their mistake and would do all the stuff you mentioned. I hope you losers would help them too other than trolling here on PDF.

Leaving aggressive stance against Pakistan is the first step towards prosperous and peaceful Afghanistan.
So in their words India should shed Gandhigiri & adopt Amreeka giri ...:undecided:

I think we`ve good balanced policy & dont need any kind of advice specially like these...:disagree:
Thəorətic Muslim;2691125 said:
No one can close the border? Im pretty sure putting a few mines down here and there will do something.

You dont think a couple of dollars can buy off some Iranian?
BTW your english is pretty good.

To lay down the mines, you have to be and no pakistani or Afghan troops can just go into tribal areas to put down mines. They have to ask the permission of the tribes first. I doubt the tribes will agree though since the border is non existance in the first place.

I don't get your comment about Iranians and thx for the compliment lol.
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