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Sharif calls for visa-free travel between India and Pakistan

if this happens i too would love to meet @LoveIcon and few more
Shariff is an idiot. He is not seeing what restrictions Indian government has put on Pakistanis for visa. One condition that a letter of sponsorship to be signed by class 1 officer. And that is it. No Pakistani can get the visa. Even those who have deep links inside.
nawaz should shift to India and return Atleast for Us pakistan end all kind of diplomat relations with Pakistan atleast till 2036-37
Nawaz Shariff seems to be high on crack rather than focusing his attention on some genuine issues he wants visa free travel with India?? Nawaz Shariff should first answer whether he is on the payroll of a wealthy Saudi prince or not and then he can start with that Iran Pakistan gas pipeline since the issues have finally been resolved. Please focuss on other side of the border Mr Nawaz Shariff and prove you're "sharafat" for once at least.
If the European Union can do it why not India Pakistan ?

European Union member countries were never one single Country.

India Pakistan were the same country only 66 years ago.

Indians and Pakistanis have more in common than French and Germans.

Open borders mean open trade and more people to people, more businessman to businessman, more artist to artist, more students to students, more military to military contacts.

Think of the possibilities as the hostilities disappear and peoples lives are transformed in both the countries. Think outside the SOUTH ASIAN BOX.

This is highly desired and possible. But we must first tackle our local problems

Religious zeal which transpires simply into hatred of other religions and sects. This thing combined with uneducated masses plus corrupt politicians, who want an agenda different from local real hardcore problems, and last but not the least a war machine which exists, feeds and prospers itself on regional hatred. This nexus of politicians, generals, religious leaders and uneducated masses is the true hinderance to success of south asia.

Someone mentioned previously that india pakistan china russia are in different blocks. Well they all can one day be in one block only if our leaders had the vision. Imagine a south asia on the lines of EU having immense trade with china across the himalayas and russia having access to nearly one 3rd of humanity.
if this happens i too would love to meet @LoveIcon and few more

Bhai neutral venue pay mil lo because visa+tension free travel will be possible only after formation of Greater Punjab. :D

Anyway - I think it's politically correct statement - every body knows it's not possible but on other hand look what's message, India as usual beating war drums and their politicians doing hate speeches against Pakistan but Pakistan is always sincere to resolve issue and live like good friends :whistle:

BTW - Someone should tell this tamatar that he is PM of Pakistan and his country need him at home
Bhai neutral venue pay mil lo because visa+tension free travel will be possible only after formation of Greater Punjab. :D

Anyway - I think it's politically correct statement - every body knows it's not possible but on other hand look what's message, India as usual beating war drums and their politicians doing hate speeches against Pakistan but Pakistan is always sincere to resolve issue and live like good friends :whistle:

BTW - Someone should tell this tamatar that he is PM of Pakistan and his country need him at home

Lol...Tamaatar, but i am amazed how can a PM of a country be outside without any official engagement for so long
Lol...Tamaatar, but i am amazed how can a PM of a country be outside without any official engagement for so long

It's time of new Chief's appointment, Last time he sent Musharaf out of country but that experiment didn't worked, so this time he himself went out of country :sarcastic:
Ideally and i again repeat ideally a south asian union on the lines of european union would be highly beneficial and possible for this entire region. in the early 1940's no european could have though that there would be a european union and easy travel between countries. God knows maybe once we south asians have had enough of bloodshed, poverty, war , religious fanatacism maybe we can one day put our differences behind and unite on the basis of commonalities and prosper as a united region
If the European Union can do it why not India Pakistan ?

European Union member countries were never one single Country.

India Pakistan were the same country only 66 years ago.

Indians and Pakistanis have more in common than French and Germans.

Open borders mean open trade and more people to people, more businessman to businessman, more artist to artist, more students to students, more military to military contacts.

Think of the possibilities as the hostilities disappear and peoples lives are transformed in both the countries. Think outside the SOUTH ASIAN BOX.
we do have a union. its called SAARC. Its not working well because members (india and pakistan specifically) weaken it by fighting.
It wasn't sarcasm - most Indian Muslims I have met have claimed to have some relative or the other on the other side, so assumed it must be true for you as well and if there are any then they can sponsor you and you can make your wish come true. Which part of India are you from?

Again silly mind at work and your fantasy of seeing all haters of modi as Muslims

lol if all hindus supported Feku and are like you in India then this party would have divided India in many more parts.

Again try to going personal, which part of India i belong to is none of your business, specially of a sick mind like you
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