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Sharia for India

Any source Pakistanis are raping women every 2 hour? Give me some credible source for rape stats in Pak....

Please, don't post "express tribune" now :lol:
in india people are doing something about it by creating an issue. in pak, the supreme court forces the mariage of the vitims to the culpritss. i dont think you guys have any face to talk about it.
There's no point thumping our chests. A poll in 2011 -here's the link ranked Pakistan as the third most dangerous country for women behind Afghanistan and Congo.

Where was India? Fourth!

We don't want or need the sharia. However good it may be in its intent, unfortunately in today's world it has become a regressive system, subject to interpretation by any random Abdul, Shakeel or Javed who apparently can issue any fatwa they like to any end. What has the sharia done for Pakistan?

As for women in Pakistan having a better time of it than their counterparts in India, the difference in my opinion is in what gets reported and what does not. Pakistan isn't a haven for women, either.

Also India is a society undergoing so many transitions that it will still take time - a long time - to reach that ideal place where women are given the respect they deserve. Men, particularly men who are living in the hierarchical and traditional structures, resent this. But they will have to change, or they will be forced to change. But I see the increasingly confident women around me in India, the executives, businesswomen, bureaucrats - and believe me they are in a much better space than a few decades ago.

Pakistan on the other hand seems to be going through this transition at a slower pace, if at all. The fact that there are journalists like Spring Onion on this website who seem to be good examples of women in the workplace is proof that Pakistan is not mired in the middle ages either. But it seems to me that - given Pakistan's own deeply traditional, clan, religion and agrarian systems- there will as much if not an even greater backlash to modernization. As it is there are stories of women being exchanged as restitution, honour killings etc. So not a lot to write home about.
Lolz, the nations ranked third and fourth trying to throw mud against each other.. Shame on us!!
I don't like two practices of Sharia law. Cutting hands (Source: Quran) and Stoning to death (source: Hadith). Apart from these two all other practices are good. I don't get why Allah SWT ordered to cut hands of thieves. How can they eat and pray if they have no hand? I feel distrurbed when I hear this practice is still there in Iran, Nigeria and other countries. Allah forgive me for not liking this particular Sharia practice.
Any source Pakistanis are raping women every 2 hour? Give me some credible source for rape stats in Pak....

Please, don't post "express tribune" now :lol:

comeback when a woman can report r@pe in your country. till then be happy with your fake honor as they are crying silently.
Problem? :D
this is 21st century nt 7th :coffee:
Let's be honest here, women in the subcontinent are treated like they were in 7th century, i wouldn't mind having 7th century laws to punish those thugs.
Given the chaotic and corrupt nature of Indian society and bureaucracy, there definitely needs to be a complete overhaul of its impotent legal system; piecemeal reform is obviously not going to work. Maybe Sharia is the indeed the answer. I hope no one rejecting the proposal is doing it out a kneejerk aversion to Islam; that would be very shortsighted.
Let's be honest here, women in the subcontinent are treated like they were in 7th century, i wouldn't mind having 7th century laws to punish those thugs.

There is a welcome debate on the issue in India. If you think that debate is a sign of worsening matters and the response should be some really illogical laws based on tribal honor code, then that debate is not for you.

That debate is a sign that women are coming out of their homes and demanding their fair share and competing with men. I don't know how its in Pakistan but there's friction in India because changes are afoot. A long way to go, its a 1.2 billion country with incredible diversity and poverty and lack of awareness and governance.

Remember malala wouldn't have been shot if she had ''complied'' or a Saudi woman will probably not get threatened by outsiders if she never sees any outsiders.
not laws, but culture of the Indian subcontinent is the problem. a very uncomfortable truth especially for those who believes Bharatiya Samskruti(manu smriti is a code part of this culture) is 7000 years old and is the best. we need western style education and liberalism(not to the extreme level). the culture of present north India is that of prey(women) and predator. moreover, women are personal properties of families just like sheeps,land,camels for most of the rural India and perhaps true for whole middle east and subcontinent. don't blame law or it's enforcement.

go to north east and see whether they see women as inferior. definitely not. also true to some extend in liberal regions of India where Vedic culture declined.:devil:
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