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Ok this incident happened to my great grandfather narrated to me by my Mamoo who always sworn to its authenticity. This happened in some part of India in the early 1900s when most of the people lived in villages and the streets were normally deserted after 7 PM. So one day my Great Grandfather was returning from some work, it was around 9 PM and the streets were deserted. As he was around 3 streets away from his house he felt someone following him. He looked back and there was a lone figure in a black silhouette following him. He got afraid and increased his pace and kept on walking towards his house. After some time he looked back again and the black clad figure had come closer. He increased his pace further and almost started running but when he looked back he saw to his horror that the "thing" was still getting closer. At that moment he remembered that standing bare in front of these supernatural things make them go away. So by the time he reached the corner of his street the "thing" had come very close, without thinking further he dropped his "shalwar". To his astonishment the "thing" halted, changed its direction and carried on down the street instead of coming onto him and disappeared in the darkness. When he regained his senses, he put on his shalwar and got home. When he entered his house he saw the whole family gathered in the living room consoling his niece who was crying badly. At that moment he found out that the "Churail" was actually his niece who was returning from her tutor’s house three streets from their house. She was wearing a Burka and when she recognized him she tried to follow and catch up with him only to be embarrassed horribly....................... Well it’s a true story believe it or not :)

May be Churail has been living in the family as your Great Grandpaa's niece.. Who knows! Don't forget that Nanga hone wali "trick" worked and made "her" turn away! :D
Ok this incident happened to my great grandfather narrated to me by my Mamoo who always sworn to its authenticity. This happened in some part of India in the early 1900s when most of the people lived in villages and the streets were normally deserted after 7 PM. So one day my Great Grandfather was returning from some work, it was around 9 PM and the streets were deserted. As he was around 3 streets away from his house he felt someone following him. He looked back and there was a lone figure in a black silhouette following him. He got afraid and increased his pace and kept on walking towards his house. After some time he looked back again and the black clad figure had come closer. He increased his pace further and almost started running but when he looked back he saw to his horror that the "thing" was still getting closer. At that moment he remembered that standing bare in front of these supernatural things make them go away. So by the time he reached the corner of his street the "thing" had come very close, without thinking further he dropped his "shalwar". To his astonishment the "thing" halted, changed its direction and carried on down the street instead of coming onto him and disappeared in the darkness. When he regained his senses, he put on his shalwar and got home. When he entered his house he saw the whole family gathered in the living room consoling his niece who was crying badly. At that moment he found out that the "Churail" was actually his niece who was returning from her tutor’s house three streets from their house. She was wearing a Burka and when she recognized him she tried to follow and catch up with him only to be embarrassed horribly....................... Well it’s a true story believe it or not :)

hahahaha! :rofl:
Once I had this weird and funny experience....
It was a clear moon lit night.I was suffering from fever.I was in high-school then.My bed-room has a window towards the verandah,where we used to hang the washed clothes to dry.

I woke up at the middle of the night feeling thirsty,but could not immediately get out of the bed as I was still weak due to the fever.I look towards the window and suddenly saw someone in white kurta walking in the verandah towards me.The white kurta and the moon light created a weird aura.That thing was walking endlessly towards me.....and still far from me.It made my hairs stand...

It took me some time to clear my sleepy head.it was then that I realized that the weird thing was nothing but a white kurta that belonged to my father ,which was hanged in the verandah to dry after washing.The breeze blowing made its arms wave in a rhythm,which made me think it is walking towards me.
A really weird and funny incident.
this is my school

so here we go (this is not a joke)
my school st aloysious was established in the year 1869 where it is made there was a graveyard no one knew about it until the const work started many graves were found out of which some skeletons were kept in our bio lab in the year 1920 the third floor in my school was made which served as a hostel after that from 1925-1932 many ssucides took place from and all of them jumped from a iron ladder ( around 3-4 of them jumped from it ) then in the year 1937 a father came from uk and said this lader is haunted and close it with iron wires and always spray holly water on it every friday now me and my friends were bunking and went backyard of our school where this lader and a small pond is there my friend was sitting on the edge of the pond and fell into the pond when we asked him how he fell he told us some on pulled him in the pond next day we again came back to the same place and this time we felt terrible cold and saw something which i cant tell you and ran our principle saw us and called us next day to know what were we doing there we told him every thing what all happend and then he told us about the graveyard which was there (where the pond is ) and about the boys who jumped from the iron ladder and how many abnormal activities have taken place there

who taught english at this school?you got loads of spelling mistakes and grammar is all over
its principal not principle

Once I was with my friends on our Building terrace , It was Night time . we were just sitting. That time one of My friend saw something in sky .We all then looked at it. It was a dot in sky moving around changing its colours - red , green , blue . It was not a star , I think It was a UFO . It was moving around speedily .

I was 15 year old then.

koi laser se khel raha hoga lollzzz
This happened to my friend in Karachi in Model Colony near Warsi Masjid. It happened long time ago I guess 8 years or may be more. It was winter time and sun would set early.

He was coming back from Warsi Masjid after offering Maghrib prayers and when he was about to move into a "gali" that connects this road with another one on which his house was situated. Like there are two road parallel but a little apart and there is a small street or gali connecting them. So when he was about to enter that "gali" he saw a tire coming from the other end of the street. He thought some child must be playing with it like you save seen on roads where children strike tire with a stick in their hand and then it moves. So he thought it's like that and that came nearer and nearer.

Just when he was thinking about it, the tire stopped in the middle of the street. Normally when tire speed slows then they fall on street but this one didn't fall and instead stopped moving. Then all of a sudden it started transforming into some big black bog (could be some other creature but he said it looked like a dog). It's like morphing tire into a dog starting from feet below and then moving up and morphing into other parts of the body like abdomen, head e.t.c. The dog was looking right onto my friend.

Naturally my friend was very terrified and he stood there motionless. Then after a few seconds that dog took a leap and jumped into some bushes that were on that road where my friend was standing. He kept standing there motionless and then after about an hour his elder brother came looking for him and saw him standing there. He took him home and later my friend was suffering from fever. The fever remained for 2, 3 days and then he told me this story after we met.

He had fever from just before the incident and hence hallucinated...
Once I was with a friend of mine who is into spirituality. We reached a tomb of suffi bazurg and there my friend asked me to check my pockets. I did and found nothing but money and few papers which I was aware of. In 10 seconds time, he asked me to check my pockets again and this time I found two 7-8 inches long taweez wrapped in cotton and thread. He asked me to burn them as they were "power" of something evil attached to my family. I burned them in "Mach" (the fire burnt at the tomb). Since then problems in my family turned a different direction and I later discovered I have opened yet another Pandora box but it was one very unusual experience to discover something alien in my own pockets.

Yaar Miracle Baba/ Pir like them are dime a dozen and they thrives on this type of surprise/ tricks!!
Me and two of my friends were wandering around in the nigh after Warden refused us to let in because according to him 1 AM was too late for class 11 students to return to the hostel ...Anyways we too a shortcut and passed the medical college ..My friend suddenly had an urge to leak..
He started doing this in the roadside. Suddenly we heard the voice of some girls laughing..We tried to find the source but could not find one..
All of us were terrified because Postmortem house was just 100 mts. from there..All of us ran hysterically and spent the night in the Cricket ground..
Next day had our @$$ handed to us by Principal..
two short incident but different country

my friend use to drive taxi cab in vacation in australia . one day while driving a passenger ask him to go some where near Melbourne at around mid night . so he was going there , while he was near a bridge suddenly a girl in marrage dress appeared and jolt the car ! and disappear . so my friend get down from the scene . my friend get down from the car and tried to see what happens and where the girl is but there was no body ! he check the body of the car but there was no trace of any spot in the car like nothing happens ! then my friend and the passenger ride again started their journey . then the passenger told my friend that few years back girl in her wedding days dies by road accident here from mthat day mny driver has faced simmlr experience here .
here it goes, dont know really to classify it as a supernatural story or not, I was at my boss's ranch near San luis obispo. We went out to the woods for some shooting practice, my boss, me and another colleague. there is a little known myth of a some haunted hillock there which was apparently some alleged burrial site which we were unaware of. I was carrying my .308 weatherby vanguard bolt action rifle. This rifle had never jammed before and I was putting rounds down at a pit around 400 yds, after maybe 30 mins maybe, I swiveled around 20 degrees to aim at this dune around 350 yds away, I fired the first round, and my next shot jammed. My boss was carrying 30-06 remington 700 series bolt action,he came and took aim beside me, he fired his first shot was a dud, he removed the casing, the next one he shot jammed. This was weird for me because none of our guns had jammed that morning.

In background we could hear my colleague nearly doing a rapid fire of 10 shots on his modified SKS, I cleared my cartridge and tried again , but my rifle jammed again. Then my colleague came over and he wanted to show off his semi auto .. and his gun jammed and his breach got stuck and wouldn't fire at all.

I got up and got a cleaning brush and got some water , before cleaning my gun i decided to give it another try and aimed back at the original target i was shooting at and it fired 3 rounds perfectly. My boss joined in and he tried it and his gun was working fine.

When we came back and we chatting at the bar, of of the guys told us about the burial legend.

Might have been a coincidence, but I have never seen 3 guns Jam at the same time
who taught english at this school?you got loads of spelling mistakes and grammar is all over
its principal not principle


if you are able to make people understand what you want to say then its OK for me
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