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This happened to my friend in Karachi in Model Colony near Warsi Masjid. It happened long time ago I guess 8 years or may be more. It was winter time and sun would set early.

He was coming back from Warsi Masjid after offering Maghrib prayers and when he was about to move into a "gali" that connects this road with another one on which his house was situated. Like there are two road parallel but a little apart and there is a small street or gali connecting them. So when he was about to enter that "gali" he saw a tire coming from the other end of the street. He thought some child must be playing with it like you save seen on roads where children strike tire with a stick in their hand and then it moves. So he thought it's like that and that came nearer and nearer.

Just when he was thinking about it, the tire stopped in the middle of the street. Normally when tire speed slows then they fall on street but this one didn't fall and instead stopped moving. Then all of a sudden it started transforming into some big black bog (could be some other creature but he said it looked like a dog). It's like morphing tire into a dog starting from feet below and then moving up and morphing into other parts of the body like abdomen, head e.t.c. The dog was looking right onto my friend.

Naturally my friend was very terrified and he stood there motionless. Then after a few seconds that dog took a leap and jumped into some bushes that were on that road where my friend was standing. He kept standing there motionless and then after about an hour his elder brother came looking for him and saw him standing there. He took him home and later my friend was suffering from fever. The fever remained for 2, 3 days and then he told me this story after we met.
whooa.. what a story it was. please dont mind but i dont think that story was true. becoz if u see some human ghosts or spirits then its understandable, but a mysterious dog is too hard to believe.
whooa.. what a story it was. please dont mind but i dont think that story was true. becoz if u see some human ghosts or spirits then its understandable, but a mysterious dog is too hard to believe.

It's 100% true as he was my best friend (I wrote "was" because we haven't spoken to each other for the past 3 years, I don't know where he is) and will never lie to me. And supernatural things could take any form be it dog or something else.
There is a place in the UAE, just before Ras Al Khaimah City (when you are heading from Dubai to RAK on emirates road) it's called al hamra village. It's a real ghost town. You can go and see it for yourself! It's quite a weird place, with dead end streets and people who disappear into walls. You hear voices but wont see any people. All the buildings look nearly the same, cracked & dust ridden, even the mosque, except that, the mosque is sparkling clean from inside. If you visit during prayer time, you'll definitely hear voices but you wont see them. Venture only at your own peril!!
here is the another true incident from Radio program where they are telecasting true incidents :

i and my friend sumon use to chat in a under construction 6 storied apartment complex in khilagon 13 tilpapara area ( this are is near were i live ) . there was talking goes on about this building is, the owner of this land had a daughter who committed suicide from their 3 storied building and after that some un naturul thing had happens so the owner have given the land to developer and again mysterious incident happens to many people who had gone to sixth floor during late evening during the magreb prayer have seen the daughter or something els . one such incident is that, one day a labour had his self job to clear the floor alone during evening and he saw a ghost looking girl who didn't had one eyes ,seeing this he get frightened and was caught with severe fever for three days ,he died next day after telling this incident .so one day while chatting as college student we were just kidding about that and i suggested my friend sumon lets go to the top floor he refused to go their and we leave the place that day. the next day sumon called me from his mobile number and ask me to come to that building for going some where . so i went to the building and ask the care taker where is sumon ? ,he told me he is in 3rd floor so i went to the third floor where we usually chat . i saw there sumon sitting in a tool keeping his head downward i saw his eyes were little different ,he ask me to sit, i sit beside him . he ask me that day lets go to the 6th floor , i told him yesterday you didn't want to go but why today ? he just said lets go so i start going with him on the floor while we were in the fourth floor stair a call came to my mobile i saw and surprise that its from sumon number so i just became little confused and ask sumon where is your mobile ? he told me in my pocket ! so got little scared and told sumon that a called came to mobile from my mom and i am going ground floor , he insisted me on going 6th floor and talk there . i told him that its private talk ,telling this without looking back or any where else i get down to the ground floor immediately and directly entered care taker room and then take the call it was sumon ! he ask me where i am ? i told him i am in the building where are you ? he told in front of the building so i come out of the care taker house and see sumon standing infront of the building . i ask him were are you not with me in third floor ? he told told he just came there . so we along with some other went to the 6th floor looking for that sumon but didn't get any .
I know a teenage girl - Nasrin ( a relative of my friend ) who is said to have been possessed by djinns for very long time - almost two years. My friend happened to be present at their house on the day when it all started. According to my friend the girl collapsed on their lawn and when they ran from the house hearing the noise the girl was rubbing her face on earth. For next two years the girl remained almost unconscious communicating in a male voice denying all treatment medical as well as exorcism. Her family members claim she was cured by a religious man (they say Pir Sahib). The girl was l3-l4 years of age then. For a period of two years she consumed so less food that hardly could sustain a girl of her age.

I met her later while attending a marriage in my friend's house. Completing her teens ,she looked completely normal to me. She frankly tell us her story. She said she came outside the room to wash her hand after dinner as they did not have attached toilet in their village house. She saw a burning figure of a old beard man with turban approaching her floating in the air. She just could not bear the angry look in his eyes and collapsed. She said she can not remember what happened next. She sadly said as if someone had erased two years from her life.

As she lives very far from my place , I could not gather current information about her which could otherwise give valuable clue if she has any illness.


My father who was an avid angler claims he had seen white ladies many times in a particular corner of a lake (behind my house) where they he used to sit at night for angling ( to evade the eyes of the person who took the lake on lease from the Railways). He said such sighting was so common they hardly bother them.

But most convincing story is narrated by my uncle (Mousaji) who saw a white lady early morning in famous Shibpur Botanical Garden and fainted. He had repeated this story probably several hundred times. And I do not see any reason to mistrust a person of his stature (A high rank officer in a famous British Paint Company)
another experience from radio program : some parts of this story is not clear to me as i was little frighten listening it at night :cry:

my aunt and her family rent a house which was known as haunted house . as the other member was out of house during day time she use to work alone in the house fast couple of days/week were normal nothing un usual happened . one day she close the water tap and was in the back yard for other work then she heard water is falling from the tap but she had closed it ! any way she again close the tap and return to the yard ,some times later again the water is falling ! this time she stoped the main switch of water tap and return to back yard for usual work , this time she saw a small kid of 5/6 month walking in the yard ! seeing it she tried to get near the baby but it moved aside then she again tried to touch it this time it vanished ! so she become afraid .however at night she told it to other family member about this incident but no body bother to believe it . after this incident nothing happened for some month . then one day at night her sleep broken by the sound of cup plate falling so she woke up to see what happened , going to the dinning/kitchen area she saw nothing but some cup /plate are fallen ! any way she return to bed ,this time again the same sound so she return to dinning and saw a kid with three leg is throwing cup plate etc to floor !!! seeing this she got frighten and saw other member of his family also watching this ! she get fainted ,when she get conscious she saw everybody is packing to leave the house .
Once I was with my friends on our Building terrace , It was Night time . we were just sitting. That time one of My friend saw something in sky .We all then looked at it. It was a dot in sky moving around changing its colours - red , green , blue . It was not a star , I think It was a UFO . It was moving around speedily .

I was 15 year old then.

I have had almost a similar experience...!!!
I dont care if anybody believes me or not...have been trying to get my parents to believe me for a long time seems people only believe it when they see it happening to them..
here it goes...
two years back when I was 21...I used to go to this jogging park right next to my gym and run at around 8pm in the night everyday...
this one day I was running and was 20 minutes into my running when suddenly I looked up and saw a blue-bright dot in the sky...
I didn't pay much attention..as I thought it might be some plane passing by....
I kept running...
2-3 mintes later I looked up again and the light was there...albeit at not the same position it had moved but appeared to be stationary when I was looking at it...
I tried to think of a reason...you know that when you experience something strange our mind tries desperately to come up with theories explaining these strange occurances...and so I tired to imagine all the reasons for that light to be there...
I stopped running and paid attention...
it looked like a bright-blue led...in the sky...
and then just as I stood there watching it....
it zig-zagged in the sky...it was dancing...!
all acroos the sky...moving in random motion...like no known aircraft can...!
I knew immediately that this one would be hard to explain...
the first thought was that I am imagining this and that I am tired...
I sat on the grass wit hmy head still looking upwards...
I had my gym bag there...and I took a sip from my sipper...
I looked up and the LED was in a different quadrant of the sky...
I knew it wasn't fatigue that made me see that light..
the second though was that somebody was messing with me...
it could have been some kid with a laser pointer...
but it wasn't
the area has no tall buildings...and i am yet to come across a blue-led laser pointer in dilli..
plus the laser would not appear as a dot in a cloudless sky...
the ligth was gone in some time and I started to jog again...
I completed one round and looked it wasn't there..
two rounds...still not there...
three rounds...not there...
then when I thought it had left me...
I looked up after the 5-6th round...and the led was right on top of my head...like at 90degrees....and stable...
just as I looked at me...the led dashed across the sky...and went under the horizon...
I called my friend...cus at this point I was scared...
he came leaving his sets in the gym aside...but the light was gone...
I couldnt explain...you know how frinds are...he laughed at me...and told me to go home and rest...
I went home and stayed up...for that night...I googled this and found that others have experienced something similar with bright lights and shiitt...
it ws too bizzarre...

The One that i saw was changing its colours and Moving with such speed that no Aircraft can. It was moving here and there and after few minutes It disappered.
Once I was with a friend of mine who is into spirituality. We reached a tomb of suffi bazurg and there my friend asked me to check my pockets. I did and found nothing but money and few papers which I was aware of. In 10 seconds time, he asked me to check my pockets again and this time I found two 7-8 inches long taweez wrapped in cotton and thread. He asked me to burn them as they were "power" of something evil attached to my family. I burned them in "Mach" (the fire burnt at the tomb). Since then problems in my family turned a different direction and I later discovered I have opened yet another Pandora box but it was one very unusual experience to discover something alien in my own pockets.

What if your friend was a hitchhiker or pecket maar and you don't know?
Well there is one more place in my school our old bio lab now i dont know if it is true or not but that door is closed with chains no one is allowed to go there
so here is what i have heard in mid 90's there was a boy named parth or something a good bio student he use to be in the lab even after the school use to get over one day he did not reached his home till evening his parents came checking to school but did not found him later the other day they found him in the bio lab with a knife sort of thing in his eyes after that the lab was closed as many student felt cold and some abnormal things

guys who belive in ghosts and all should visit my school even till today no one is allowed to enter the school after evening there are even 10 dogs in my school big ones
Ok this incident happened to my great grandfather narrated to me by my Mamoo who always sworn to its authenticity. This happened in some part of India in the early 1900s when most of the people lived in villages and the streets were normally deserted after 7 PM. So one day my Great Grandfather was returning from some work, it was around 9 PM and the streets were deserted. As he was around 3 streets away from his house he felt someone following him. He looked back and there was a lone figure in a black silhouette following him. He got afraid and increased his pace and kept on walking towards his house. After some time he looked back again and the black clad figure had come closer. He increased his pace further and almost started running but when he looked back he saw to his horror that the "thing" was still getting closer. At that moment he remembered that standing bare in front of these supernatural things make them go away. So by the time he reached the corner of his street the "thing" had come very close, without thinking further he dropped his "shalwar". To his astonishment the "thing" halted, changed its direction and carried on down the street instead of coming onto him and disappeared in the darkness. When he regained his senses, he put on his shalwar and got home. When he entered his house he saw the whole family gathered in the living room consoling his niece who was crying badly. At that moment he found out that the "Churail" was actually his niece who was returning from her tutor’s house three streets from their house. She was wearing a Burka and when she recognized him she tried to follow and catch up with him only to be embarrassed horribly....................... Well it’s a true story believe it or not :)
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