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Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

Analysis Of China’s PISA 2009 Result
We performed quite well in Pisa 2009
The article mentioned this. Taiwanese IQ have decreased substantially due to mixing with less intelligent natives. Lol.
So you are also from Shanghai. Which district you come from? I am from Pudong.

My computer wallpaper is a picture of Pudong District. :P


It is not fair to compare Shanghai results to that of countries. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities of China and is quite rich as well.
Since their PM has said this

I dont know why india did not select the above city as their representative just like we have Shanghai

( the 2012 test was done on other Chinese students as well. The results will be released by the organisation later)

This is still haunting my friend's cat today:

Agni-V, India's 'China Killer'
I think that Viet Nam had a stellar performace. It is quite astonishing.

It ranks global top 8 in science, well ahead all major Western economies except the Finns!

It outdone Canada, Australia, Austria in Maths!

Statistically speaking Viet Nam's mean Maths score is the same as that of Germany!

I mean WOW!

There are many Chinese in VN, thats why their scores are high. Majority of VNmese have Chinese blood.
It is not fair to compare Shanghai results to that of countries. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities of China and is quite rich as well.

Possibly yes, but the results from the other Chinese provinces (even the poorer ones) are also above the OECD average.

Plus all countries do send results from their chosen provincial and state-level entities, such as Massachusetts for the USA and Tamil Nadu for India.

And Shanghai is a Municipality, while Hong Kong is an SAR. These administrative divisions are on the same level as Provinces, and are not part of any province.
Based on your Chinese logic, we would not be called puppet of U.S. if we pro-Chinese right?

Who beat U.S. in 1975? It was Vietnam, not China. Who humiliated Chinese army in 1979? It was Vietnam. How can we puppet to anyone while we never lost to any and submit to no one? We like to join force with U.S. and Japan, or any country out there but China, you Chinese got problem ? Bring your Chinese army on. Talk is cheap.

I have been hearing you Chinese talk about nuke Vietnam or take over Vietnam in 1 week, this and that but I never see one thing happen. Not even a shot down of Vietnam SU in east Vietnam sea.

I heard U.S., Japan, and even s.Korea challenge you Chinese at whatever zone I forgot the name. Why not shoot down their boats and planes.

I am tired, I want to see some real action and less talk from Chinese.
China and Russia assisted you idiots. You guys loss over 2 miilion ppl, US only 54,000.

Why didn't India participate in the PISA test?
Because their real IQ will be lower than the 80 average.

Take Singapore as the example, they are in top 10. Their country only have 5 mil population. You think they are superior than Russia and Vietnam. Vietnam only need to send Laos to destroy them within months.
Lol. So it takes Russia + Vm >singapore? VN =1<Singapore?
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Dont you Chinese ever get the point? The point is the test score does not mean to measure Nation's superiority.

I have mentioned above regard to Vietnamese test result, some people including some Vietnamese on internet delusional think that the Vietnamese is good because they out performed U.K and U.S. , but in fact their whole education no match for UK, and U.S., broken and needed to reform, admitted Vietnam Ministry of Education.

Same with the Chinese, while many of your nationalists boasting about the result. However, it is not like you trying interpret. Many problem lies within your education system, big gap of disparity between the smart and dumb Chinese. Your Chinese fellows also admitted.

Opinion | Despite recent test scores, China is not 'eating our lunch' | Seattle Times Newspaper

Yong Zhao on Finland’s “Decline” on PISA and East Asian “Success” | Diane Ravitch's blog

Here the leak of the whole China score.
Analysis Of China’s PISA 2009 Results

Reading 486Math 550Science 524 Average520

If I use the test score above, you are on the rank of 20th.
Relax, first it is good to know what is PISA?

First and foremost it is NOT about to measure Nation's superiority as you correctly say. That is a different thing. You should know, a country only needs some few elites to rule.

PISA is a international programm which aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students. It is very much like any tests you take when you at school. That´s all. You can take part or you can choose to stay away.

Sure, Vietnam education system has its strength and weakness. No doubt about it. The strength of Vietnam lies in the Confucianism system which emphazises education. The main weakness is lack of adequate fundings (money) needed to catch up with other prosperous countries. As you say to compete with America and England. Anyway I´m happy to see VN on a par with Germany.

You needn´t bash the Chinese. They are good at school. That is a well-known fact.
When some superpowders are spraying dust everywhere bragging about their great potential of so called "demogragphic dividends", they dont seem to care and to muster the volition to perform in PISA which is one of the international arenas where the abilities of their teenages are measuring up against the same from other countries.

No system is perfect.
It is OECD which sets the rules. It also monitors, evaluates and studies the outcomes.

If the PISA test does not have values to the educators/governments, it should have been folded up long time ago even before China started to take part in 2009.
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