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Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

Well done Zhejiang! Congratulations!

Zhejiang is the world's no 1 and all the students were selected from regular classes and ordinary schools. Zhejiang actually bests Shanghai by an average of 4 points.

So essentially we have a population of 80 million who can top the PISA scores by virtue of the samples performance. That is amazing!

So this time around we also have:北京房山区、天津、河北、江苏、吉林、海南、四川、云南、宁夏和我省共10个省(市) - Municipalites: Beijing and Tianjin, Provinces: Jiangsu, Jilin, Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Ninxia participated.

Let's see if we have news of the performance of those students

TIME is making a fool of itself!

I guess jiangsu province took the 2012 PISA no. 1
There are some latest results leaking from Chinese media. Zhejiang, a rich province neighboring shanghai, participated PISA 2012 and achieved quite good results (570 in reading, 623 in math and 582 in science). However, the sample of students are somewhat biased, 80% of students tested were from rural area and all elite schools were excluded in the test. Zhejiang has a population of 54 million and urbanization rate of 62% and GDP is around 10000 USD per capita."

Original source: PISA测试 浙江省普通中学学生试测成绩获世界第二-浙江新闻-浙江在线
China Is Cheating the PISA System | TIME.com World Student Rankings: China Is Cheating the PISA System | TIME.com"

Nothing of the above is written in any link you provided. moar smoke and mirrors by the aparatchicks.

But there is this gem:

Chinese students almost all the energy used in the previous study, lack of sleep even at the pay, the cost of physical decline, in order to obtain a competitive advantage scores


XiongBingJi said that in addition to knowledge of education to show for education, other educational too much debt. If only concern knowledge and education, paying no attention to character education, psychological education, life education, such education is difficult for public satisfaction.

  "China's basic education for serious examination-oriented education, students' academic burden is too heavy, serious psychological problems, lack of education and other issues of life".....

You're making people that will burn out too soon.....
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Nothing of the above is written in any link you provided. moar smoke and mirrors by the aparatchicks.

But there is this gem:

You're making people that will burn out too soon.....

How you Indians are supposed to comprehend higher dimensions, even with google translator? :rofl:

The difficulty of enterance test doesn't equal to The capability of students.That's just plain stupid and doesn't make any sense at all.It's just like indians boast about how their enterance test is harder than America's.It only means that those students of poor province need to go though a though test so that,some of them can leave their province to get better education.
Shanghai students got the first place in PISA 2009 and zhejiang students got second among 12 chinese provinces.That's a undeniable FACT,not some wild and illogical guesses made by you.

In retrospect, actually Zhejiang won 2009 PISA.

Its scores were closely 2nd (r.g. its maths was 598, only 2 pts shy of shanghai's 600), but unlike Shanghai, it was biased against during the sampling, because they took 80% of Zhejiang's scores out of its rural areas instead of 38% like what its urbanisation rate suggested.
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How you Indians are supposed to comprehend higher dimensions, even with google translator? :rofl:

So, we conclude that you lied, correct? Lying is just as bad in higher dimensions as it is here, no?

this is a translated version of your link for dear readers:

Zhejiang Online News December 7 PISA test, known as the education of the "World Cup" title. These days, students in Shanghai topped the PISA test news sparked a lot of discussion.

  Yesterday, Zhejiang Zhejiang Provincial Education Department released PISA 2012 students participated in the test results, the province ordinary high school students to achieve good results in the world's second pilot test, mathematics, reading, science and literacy achievement after Shanghai.

  Measured twice participated in PISA test scores are good, Zhejiang

  PISA is the "International Student Assessment" for short, launched by the OECD and implement, through the reading of the 15-year-old students in each country, mathematics, science proficiency test, the study is completed compulsory education students have mastered the social life require problem solving and lifelong learning. Testing is literacy, rather than subject knowledge.

  Since 2000 PISA, a triennial evaluation. Every reading, mathematics and science in three areas, select one as the main areas, the other two as secondary areas. The main areas of evaluation in mathematics in 2012.

  2012 PISA test, the global total of 65 countries (regions, economies) to participate in formal testing. In addition to Shanghai to participate in our formal tests, Fangshan District, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Jiangsu, Jilin, Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Ningxia, and the province of 10 provinces (municipalities) to extract samples of general education students participating in the pilot test.

  Shanghai to participate in PISA sample and test different from all the students in Zhejiang Province as a pilot, was sampled to an ordinary high school students. In fact, in Zhejiang Province in 2009 also participated in the PISA test pilot, reading, math, science scores are in first place in a national pilot areas (except Shanghai)'s. Second in the world in math and science literacy, reading literacy sixth in the world. There are from 59 middle and high school, 1800 people attended. There Fairview Middle School in Hangzhou, Hangzhou XI, the source Ching Middle School, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, two experimental schools in the tree orchid, tangqi School, Xiaoshan eleventh school, junior high Puyang Town, Xiaoshan Yi junior stoves and other agricultural town folder take the test, students are involved in junior and high school students.

  Organization and implementation of PISA test measured the province, and the provincial Education Examination. The hospital spokesman said Feng into the fire, in 2012 the PISA tests in 2009 and the same school testing, random testing is an ordinary high school student, that is not heavy high participation township schools still account for about 80%, and participate in sampling tests is a third-year student body.

  2012 test results better than in 2009, ranking second in the world three literacy, mathematical literacy among the 599 points to 623 points to improve reading literacy, respectively, from the 525 up to 570 points, 567 points by the scientific literacy increased to 582 points . Von into the fire, said the province has been identified to participate in the 2015 PISA test pilot, will be expanded to 150 schools. Focus on evaluation of the scientific field in 2015, and added the Financial Literacy and collaborative problem solving skills content.

  Students that participated in the test measurement is very interesting topic

  Yesterday, we contacted to participate in two pilot tests Hang PISA Eleventh.

  Xiao Zhang 蔡小雄 says these days to see Shanghai issued PISA results 消息 and take the test last year, students discuss "feel and the entrance of the routine is very different".

  Chen Zhi, director of education at the memories of 2009, twice in 2012, schools have been able to get the staff random part of the students' poor performance has good "papers are Chinese, testing time is about two hours." After a good job, then sealed away. "

  Chen said, listening to the students talk, more emphasis on the ability to test, is not the only answer to many questions. "2009 that test, look after the newspaper discovered was a good test."

  Hang Eleventh High School (5) classes Wen Yue, 2012 participated in the PISA test measurements.

  She recalls high school last semester, the class has four students were drawn. Papers of a very thick, very comprehensive subject, mathematics accounted for more oriented to lifestyle topics.

  "Math gave the formula, there are financial problems. Example, to tell you the interest rate, calculate interest." She said, "and the test is not the same. Examination scheduled to die the answer, but this is better than living, life, very interesting."

  Feng into the fire, said the entrance and more focused learning content, based on a different philosophy syllabus, PISA concept of lifelong learning as well as to assess problem-solving ability, which is the entrance there is inspiration and reference.

  PISA test guide steering capability conception of education

  Deputy Director of Christian Education Department of Zhejiang Province Department of Education 方红峰 said, PISA test scores excellent, balanced description of Zhejiang advantage in education, quality of education, etc., in one survey, also found some problems. For example, the region, including Zhejiang, Shanghai, including student learning time, homework time is longer compared to European and American students, how to reduce the academic burden on students, especially an unnecessary burden, the next step is to think about.

  "PISA test is introduced, opening up a window for us to guide our teaching, from the original conception of knowledge conception steering ability." Department of Zhejiang Province, an expert said that in recent years, the province has been moving in this proposition examination papers one direction. More questions arise in the study of student ability has been the subject of concern students' ability to solve problems in the real scenario.

  "Those memories may be fragmentary knowledge of the clouds, so that students have touched thinking, the ability to be developed, which will affect student life. Educational perspectives to guide their children to go to thinking, let the children to think more clearly and expression. Despite the difficult transition, but it is the responsibility. "he said," we do not care about the test rankings, but to learn to interpret PISA test for the value of education to improve the learning process first, the results of the analysis behind the formation of today, the second is to better investigate evaluation of students' learning abilities. "

  Relevant sources, specific test data is still being analyzed, Zhejiang. Shanghai's evaluation results show that Shanghai campus class time students average 28.2 hours per week, ranked No. 9 in the participating countries (regions), but it Time to 13.8 hours per week on average, much higher than the average of about seven hours , ranked first. Results of the first, while the burden of the first.

  XiongBingJi renowned educators believe, PISA final analysis written test, study the content knowledge of education, the results reflect only the knowledge of education, and can not inspect the student's personality, physical and mental condition.

  "Chinese students almost all the energy used in the previous study, lack of sleep even at the pay, the cost of physical decline, in order to obtain a competitive advantage scores, while foreign students only the 25% to 40% of their time on their study, there is a lot of freedom growth of time to do things their own interest, which put exercise. "XiongBingJi said that in addition to knowledge of education to show for education, other educational too much debt. If only concern knowledge and education, paying no attention to character education, psychological education, life education, such education is difficult for public satisfaction.

  "China's basic education for serious examination-oriented education, students' academic burden is too heavy, serious psychological problems, lack of education and other issues of life, at the national level have a profound understanding, then proposed entrance examination system reform, education management system, the modern school system construction of a series of reforms envisaged expectations by establishing multi-evaluation system, the students, the teacher liberated from the examination-oriented education out to encourage students to personality, interest in developing. "XiongBingJi said.
Well done Zhejiang! Congratulations!

TIME is making a fool of itself!

Why TIME? Perhaps you want to know who is the chief editor of TIME? A well-known anti-China Indian, Oh sorry, an American, :rofl: , promoted by CNN to such a senior position through kinda of Confirmative Action.

I've been closely followed this PISA soup opera of smearing China campaign.

Even though there're some sour grapes here and there in the very beginning, the major assault on 'China Cheating" started by Tom Loveless, from Harverd, in his personal blog under Brookings Institution, titiled sth like "China is cheating on PISA" ( google it).

Then, Diane Ravitch, a well-known education activist picked up the piece from Tom Loveless and spreads it to wider America through her blog (google it)

Then TIME and BBC picked it up (from both Brookings and Ravitch) and wrote their due smear pieces. That's when it went global.

Then Andreas Schleicher, the "father" of PISA, from OECD defended China by his piece yesterday in his OECD blog ( "Is China Cheating PISA or are we cheating on ourselves?" )

Then BBC picked up this article of Schleicher.

Today, just now, Tom Loveless in his Brookings blog wrote another smear piece "Attention OECD-PISA, your silence on China is wrong" , aiming to crusify Schleicher.

Somehow, i can't comment on Tom Loveless's blog. It is "moderated" (aka banned).
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Judging by their university entrance exam scores,Shanghai students are about national average。

Rural kids are far more diligent and excel in maths and science。

They have to study real hard to get on a very limited enrollment list for the province from whence they come。
Zhejiang's 2013 PISA scores are out!! :lol:

It outscored Shanghai!

To copy/paste a comment from Time:

There are some latest results leaking from Chinese media. Zhejiang, a rich province neighboring shanghai, participated PISA 2012 and achieved quite good results (570 in reading, 623 in math and 582 in science). However, the sample of students are somewhat biased, 80% of students tested were from rural area and all elite schools were excluded in the test. Zhejiang has a population of 54 million and urbanization rate of 62% and GDP is around 10000 USD per capita."

Original source: PISA测试 浙江省普通中学学生试测成绩获世界第二-浙江新闻-浙江在线
China Is Cheating the PISA System | TIME.com World Student Rankings: China Is Cheating the PISA System | TIME.com"

Note that Shanghai's maths was 613, Reading: 570, Science: 580. I don't get it why the chinese source said it was No 2, since it clearly outscored Shanghai.... except there was another Chinese province that even outscored Zhejiang?! :D
Well , if rank 1 to 10 are all from China ,then I do think PISA got the reson to reveal Shanghai's score only.
Why TIME? Perhaps you want to know who is the chief editor of TIME? A well-known anti-China Indian, Oh sorry, an American, :rofl: , promoted by CNN to such a senior position through kinda of Confirmative Action.

I've been closely followed this PISA soup opera of smearing China campaign.

Even though there're some sour grapes here and there in the very beginning, the major assault on 'China Cheating" started by Tom Loveless, from Harverd, in his personal blog under Brookings Institution, titiled sth like "China is cheating on PISA" ( google it).

Then, Diane Ravitch, a well-known education activist picked up the piece from Tom Loveless and spreads it to wider America through her blog (google it)

Then TIME and BBC picked it up (from both Brookings and Ravitch) and wrote their due smear pieces. That's when it went global.

Then Andreas Schleicher, the "father" of PISA, from OECD defended China by his piece yesterday in his OECD blog ( "Is China Cheating PISA or are we cheating on ourselves?" )

Then BBC picked up this article of Schleicher.

Today, just now, Tom Loveless in his Brookings blog wrote another smear piece "Attention OECD-PISA, your silence on China is wrong" , aiming to crusify Schleicher.

Somehow, i can't comment on Tom Loveless's blog. It is "moderated" (aka banned).

I dont know if that indian cheerleader at TIME is the chief editor now. But he ate a mouthful of shiit when his interview with Wen Jiabao was banned. He was arsholing again when he was caught plagiarizing.

Yeah while other sour-grapers are slamming the results, the PISA organisers are adamant in defending the result and the test.
I am pretty sure if Vietnam pours more money into the education system, we will surpass other losers and land on the top 10.

China, here comes Vietnam. :-)
Shanghai is not China..

maybe for CCP, rest of China does not matter.
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