If you are referring to Cato the Censor, and not one of his forebears, this was the war-obsessed lunatic who spoke on every debate in the Senate with the prescription 'Delenda est Carthago'
I am not surprised that you find his views sympathetic.
Thank you for your concern. After examining the views of bigots like some whom I can point to readily, I have developed very high blood pressure, and am now on maximal medication.
A singularly stupid and senseless remark. The difference is that we condemn this kind of barbarity when it happens in our own land; you do not.
Congratulations. You made it to your first distinction.
I don't suppose the juxtaposition of Russell and your potty mouthed expressions particularly discompose you.
As I said earlier, the distinguishing mark which separates hypocrites from the genuinely outraged is the ability to see the fault in one's own country, and not to slur it over with vague nationalistic pablum. You, sad to say, do not survive the test.
A good day for you, it seems.