KRAIT KRAIT your proud that you have 150 million ultra rich while alteast close to half a billion people are living below a dollar. Its sad that indie's gross domestic product is barely higher than ours and we are a nation of 35 million. Krait, I am criticising indie because there is an excessive people in poverty, while half a billion might seem small number to you, i dont see the urgency in india to get over that problem, forexample during great depression there was an urgency in the canadienne government to get nearly 30% of population out of poverty. Even if you achieve your super power status in future, the wealth inequality will prevent indie from becoming something a prosperous nation, indie has to solve the problem as i don't see trickled down effect and this is based on lots of my friend volunteering in orphanges all across inde. Also I do understand the reasons behind poverty and if it weren't for your strict visa laws in your country people especially in canada would do alot more to help but sadly if you have some prior military service, you cannot come to india and yes i was rejected along with 5 of my buddies for visa because of the stupid visa laws. See in comparision, pakistan looks over my prior background and allow my buddies to participate in the NGOs projects in collaboration min haj foundation or any NGo we want to work with seriously. On the other hand indie is terrible when it comes to foreign NGO, way too many laws when you have excessive poverty. Remember someone living in glass door....