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Shaheen III | News & Discussions.

No, those are false rumors.
Shaheen-II hasn't been tested since 2008 because it qualified all of the 6 test flights, with the Army Strategic Forces Command training its men during at least two of them.
The upgrade will soon appear in the form of Shaheen-III.

But we Do need something like Shaheen IIA

Slightly increase range
Better guidense system
Few structural upgrades
That is exactly what Shaheen-III is. Not of 4500km range or MIRVed.

~3000 km.


whatever the Shaheen III is..i just hope that they test it soon..its been almost 6 years.i am aware of Shaheen III and no progress yet
Not all threats have to be dealt with missiles. America is in the process of being brought down to its knees right next door in Afghanistan. No missiles needed for that. Just another turn on the balls.

I am so amazed and surprised at the lack of knowledge being presented in certain posts like this one. 'American is being brought down to its knees'.......?? REALLY???? That's some serious big words son!!! and without a clue of the reality. It'll be nice to read up on American military, foreign policy, American interests, economy, etc. You'll get an answer that way.

With all the corruption and bad governance, with bankruptcy looming on the horizon every year for the past many years, with terrorism killing thousands of people every year, with businessmen moving to America and other foreign and eastern countries......I can still NOT say that Pakistan is going down on its knees. It still runs somehow in every aspects. Although poor but it still runs!!!

How could you POSSIBLY say that about the world's largest economy, extremely stable country and political environment for business and jobs, superb financial growth, the most modern, the strongest and the state of the art military...???? A country that can fight about seven consecutive wars if it really has to??? Unbelievable!!! the truth is, American doesn't want to and doesn't need to stay in Afghanistan with full force. There will ALWAYS be presence there, primarily to monitor the terrorist activity by Al-Qaeda, etc and to keep things in check and monitored about the Chinese and the Iranians. That would be done through the equipment and personnel that will remain behind in Afghanistan. There is enough electronic equipment and infrastructure to do the job with far less people. Why keep a full force there when they may not have enough to do there anymore??
How does reduction in forces make 'America bending down on its knees'?? You guys have some CRAZY thoughts and the post just sounds silly, no offense. It will be nice if you make comments that are somewhat realistic.
From the looks of Shaheen 1 Pakistan may be working on improving their solid fuel rocket motor design.
If that is happening,then future long(er) range missiles can be less bulky due to efficient motor.
It is plausible that trying to improve on rocket motot may be one of many factors delaying Shaheen 3.

While Ghauri's liquid fuel motor was north korean design...
Any ideas from where solid motor design came to Pakistan?
While Ghauri's liquid fuel motor was north korean design...
Any ideas from where solid motor design came to Pakistan?

China, of course. The DF-11's solid motor design was the basic learning step in the 90s, and replicating them as Ghaznavis was helpful. Whole of the Shaheen series evolved out of this design, with modifications and improvements on it.
They are realistic. What seem to be more amazing is your RAW cockiness. Failed f22, bodies bags in their hundrends out of Afganistan, Iraq is back into civil war and you can't even keep track of your Nuclear weapons
what are you saying? With whom you are talking in this post?

probably he is nuts and is talking to himself

I am so amazed and surprised at the lack of knowledge being presented in certain posts like this one. 'American is being brought down to its knees'.......?? REALLY???? That's some serious big words son!!! and without a clue of the reality. It'll be nice to read up on American military, foreign policy, American interests, economy, etc. You'll get an answer that way.

With all the corruption and bad governance, with bankruptcy looming on the horizon every year for the past many years, with terrorism killing thousands of people every year, with businessmen moving to America and other foreign and eastern countries......I can still NOT say that Pakistan is going down on its knees. It still runs somehow in every aspects. Although poor but it still runs!!!

How could you POSSIBLY say that about the world's largest economy, extremely stable country and political environment for business and jobs, superb financial growth, the most modern, the strongest and the state of the art military...???? A country that can fight about seven consecutive wars if it really has to??? Unbelievable!!! the truth is, American doesn't want to and doesn't need to stay in Afghanistan with full force. There will ALWAYS be presence there, primarily to monitor the terrorist activity by Al-Qaeda, etc and to keep things in check and monitored about the Chinese and the Iranians. That would be done through the equipment and personnel that will remain behind in Afghanistan. There is enough electronic equipment and infrastructure to do the job with far less people. Why keep a full force there when they may not have enough to do there anymore??
How does reduction in forces make 'America bending down on its knees'?? You guys have some CRAZY thoughts and the post just sounds silly, no offense. It will be nice if you make comments that are somewhat realistic.

He's responding to the above.
@orangzaib if a superpower is being defeated by bunch off Taliban than their can be no bigger humiliation and defeat than this this is going down on knees and we should stop discussing future missiles and wit for them to be tested
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Coming back to the topic now, Shaheen III is much more of a reality than we think! ;) China the allq weather friend again playing its part.
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