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Shaheed Diwas: Have we done justice to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev? -

Inquilab Zindabad!!!
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Indians are translating "Shaheed" as patriotic soldier who died fighting for his country but this is NOT definition of Shaheed. Its a Muslim word for God sake if you are borrowing it, borrow it the way it is.. It is dyeing in the path of Allah (sorry not any god) while fighting AND fighting either to defend an attack on the state of non-believers to eliminate menace and conspiracies. Even when two Muslims fight and kill each other, they are called "killed" instead of Shaheed.

No one in India calls "Gandhi Jee" as Shaheed who was 100s of times bigger leader and torch-barrer AND was martyred because of his ideas but here Bhagat Singh is called "Shaheed"?? (I have respect for his bravery and service to India but its separate subject). I have raised this concern before and everybody is slipping away and refraining to answer even though 170 Members have gone through this thread already.
Any man who stands for progress has to criticize, disbelieve and challenge every item of the old faith. Item by item he has to reason out every nook and corner of the prevailing faith. If after considerable reasoning one is led to believe in any theory or philosophy, his faith is welcomed. His reasoning can be mistaken, wrong, misled and sometimes fallacious. But he is liable to correction because reason is the guiding star of his life. But mere faith and blind faith is dangerous: it dulls the brain, and makes a man reactionary. - Why I am an atheist? (1930)

Looks very appropriate quote for today
Indians are translating "Shaheed" as patriotic soldier who died fighting for his country but this is NOT definition of Shaheed. Its a Muslim word for God sake if you are borrowing it, borrow it the way it is.. It is dyeing in the path of Allah (sorry not any god) while fighting AND fighting either to defend an attack on the state of non-believers to eliminate menace and conspiracies. Even when two Muslims fight and kill each other, they are called "killed" instead of Shaheed.

No one in India calls "Gandhi Jee" as Shaheed who was 100s of times bigger leader and torch-barrer AND was martyred because of his ideas but here Bhagat Singh is called "Shaheed"?? (I have respect for his bravery and service to India but its separate subject). I have raised this concern before and everybody is slipping away and refraining to answer even though 170 Members have gone through this thread already.

When did Shaheed become a Muslim word, if I am not mistaken it is a persian word used in both Hindi and Urdu. If Pakistanis have so much problem with us using the word then first stop using Indian language like Punjabi and Urdu which is Inspired by khariboli a North Indian language. They can can completely start using Arabic & Persian. After all people from land of pure claim to be descendants of arabs & persians.
Indians are translating "Shaheed" as patriotic soldier who died fighting for his country but this is NOT definition of Shaheed. Its a Muslim word for God sake if you are borrowing it, borrow it the way it is.. It is dyeing in the path of Allah (sorry not any god) while fighting AND fighting either to defend an attack on the state of non-believers to eliminate menace and conspiracies. Even when two Muslims fight and kill each other, they are called "killed" instead of Shaheed.

No one in India calls "Gandhi Jee" as Shaheed who was 100s of times bigger leader and torch-barrer AND was martyred because of his ideas but here Bhagat Singh is called "Shaheed"?? (I have respect for his bravery and service to India but its separate subject). I have raised this concern before and everybody is slipping away and refraining to answer even though 170 Members have gone through this thread already.

So you have so called respect for Bhagat singh !!!! and you are fighting for so called word "Shaheed" ...:lol:

It's Persian word not Muslims word (Arabic) and Persian is Ind-Europian Language Evolved from Sanskrit and Indian languages , It's language of "Parasi" Community which ruled Persia when Islam wasn't even in existence. It's A language of Fire Worshipers.....
So you have so called respect for Bhagat singh !!!! and you are fighting for so called word "Shaheed" ...:lol:

It's Persian word not Muslims word (Arabic) and Persian is Ind-Europian Language Evolved from Sanskrit and Indian languages , It's language of "Parasi" Community which ruled Persia when Islam wasn't even in existence. It's A language of Fire Worshipers.....

What a non-sense fabrication you are doing here.. so you mean concept of Shaheed existed before Islam and Islam picked it up to mean something? You mean concepts of Jihad, Salat, Zokat, Touheed, Nimaz, Qayama ( and the list goes on.. ) had existed before Islam in the culture and Islam somehow came and picked them up to constitute itself? Completely out of this world!

Shaheed also means "witness" but it is the first word of Kalma which you say to become Muslim and here it is.



No culture in the world calls its martyred as "Shaheed" because they don't interpret this word the way Islam does. Shaheed is the highest designation which a Muslim may earn in life other than divine designation of Nabuat (which Allah decides and blesses) and this is not "give-away" that anybody may and could earn. Come on go on an read some to know what it means before writing such a poor and totally imaginative false fabrication.

BUT before I end, I also want to "learn" from you what else in Islam has been adopted in Sunsikrat which means huge in Islam and which also means the same in Sunsikrat or Persian of era before Islam??
Shahid or Shaheed (شاهد) is a Muslim theophoric name, from Ash-Shaheed (Arabic: الشهيد‎), one of the 99 names of God in the Qur'an.

As a male given name it is common among Muslims, being also one of the names given to Muhammad. It is the Arabic word شَهيد (šahīd) meaning both witness and martyr.

In India and Pakistan, the two meanings in Arabic have diverged with different pronunciations. Shāhid (from Arabic: شاهد‎) is a noun meaning "witness" in Urdu and Hindi,[1] whereas Shaheed (Shahīd, from شهيد) means "martyr".[2] In these countries, Shahid is commonly given as a name, whereas Shaheed is less so.

"Shaheed" is sometimes given after death as an honorific to Muslim and Sikh martyrs, e.g. the 18th century Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh and the Indian freedom fighter Shaheed Bhagat Singh (1907–1931).

shahid and saheed are differnt in hindi.. i hope this clarifies
Shaheed?? Bhagat Singh was a Muslim? That is news to me. :blink:
Shahid or Shaheed (شاهد) is a Muslim theophoric name, from Ash-Shaheed (Arabic: الشهيد‎), one of the 99 names of God in the Qur'an.

As a male given name it is common among Muslims, being also one of the names given to Muhammad. It is the Arabic word شَهيد (šahīd) meaning both witness and martyr.

In India and Pakistan, the two meanings in Arabic have diverged with different pronunciations. Shāhid (from Arabic: شاهد‎) is a noun meaning "witness" in Urdu and Hindi,[1] whereas Shaheed (Shahīd, from شهيد) means "martyr".[2] In these countries, Shahid is commonly given as a name, whereas Shaheed is less so.

"Shaheed" is sometimes given after death as an honorific to Muslim and Sikh martyrs, e.g. the 18th century Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh and the Indian freedom fighter Shaheed Bhagat Singh (1907–1931).

shahid and saheed are differnt in hindi.. i hope this clarifies

Wait a min, I wouldn't let you spin it.

A bit from WIKIPEDIA (even though I do not rely on it for my learnings but it has something with reference here)

The word "shahid" originates from the Qur'anic Arabic word meaning "witness", which is used in the context of "those who bear witness." Its application to Muslim martyrs originates from the context of the martyr having died in the way of Islam and, therefore, having become a "witness" to the "Shahada", i.e. "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

The word 'shahid' in the Qur'an is used to denote "witness", not martyr. An example is verse 16:89 of the Qur'an:
وَيَوْمَ نَبْعَثُ فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْهِم مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ ۖ وَجِئْنَا بِكَ شَهِيدًا عَلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاءِ ۚ وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَانًا لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ
Translation: "And on the day when We will raise up in every nation a witness against them from among themselves, and We will bring you (Muhammad) as a witness against these (your people or the other witnesses); for We have revealed (sent down) to you a Book (Scripture) expounding all things clearly, and a guidance, and a mercy, and glad tidings for those who have Surrendered unto Allah (Muslims)." (Al-Qur'an 16:89)

In the Qur'an (verse 3:98), God calls Himself a 'Shahid':
قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لِمَ تَكْفُرُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ شَهِيدٌ عَلَىٰ مَا تَعْمَلُونَ
Translation: "Say: "O People of the Book, why do you reject the word of God when God is a witness to all that you do?" " (Al-Qur'an 3:98)[1]

The etymology of the word "shahid" suggests that it primarily means "witness" and the same word began to be used by Muslims as an honorific title for Muslim martyrs who died fighting in the way of Islam. Subsequently, and over a period of time, the same word was adopted by non-Muslims in the Middle East and South Asia such as Arab Christians and South Asian Hindus and Sikhs to denote their martyrs.

then the died one "WITNESSED" by ACT as well as WORDS. That is why Shaheed has to be only in the path of ISLAM and Allah to be the one who "WITNESSED" by act.

Now coming back to my point, Shahadat or Shaheed is a Muslim Title. When they use it, they try to become something which is FOREIGN their faith and many ways anti-to-their-faith. Its paradoxical to imagine somebody non-Muslims acknowledging himself as Shaheed.. its wrong and expression of misery that OKAY I DIDN'T HAD anything in my faith but allow me to BECOME SHAHEED even though I am Christian or Hindu or Sikh. Shaheed is not patient and you don't get sued for using it but understand the miserable condition in which this is being "adopted". Give non-Muslim Martyred ones a good name, respect them and present them as heros but they are NOT SHAHEED. P E R I O D.

To explain this aspect further, this would be similar to a situation in which a Muslim named Khalid fought against Hindus (for example) and died fighting but was given name Khalid Ram Bhagt after his death to glorify his death. SOO WRONG!

Lets look through your own point for a moment here, if Shaheed is given to "Muslims and Sikhs" then Muslims have this name by birth but its interesting that Sikhs can become Shaheed after they die but never in their life time? Illogical to the limits possible!
Lol,The word shahid is used extensively all over India by the political parties and nobody cares about it's origin here. As far as Shahid Bhagat Singh is concerned,even he care a damn what we use as a prefix to his name.He had an ideology,lived for it and died for it.
what is wrong with pakistanies they dont see the moral behind the story but keep fighting for word meanings whether Bhagat singh was a shaheed or not but we are still talking about him

well he and his mates died for the freedom of India from the british and thats important loosers are abusing each other for the meaning of a word and not talking about his sacrifice for his mother land (he was born in now Pakistan and died in Lahore jail )

even if shaheed is a arabik word then what ??????

does it changes anything even mehndi is a hindu tradition and was adpoted by muslims alike does it takes way its fragrance ...stop looking world thru a prism of relegeon ..relegeon is a personal matter those who admire a person on his merit always get sucsess and those who demerit a person on his skin colour , race , language or relegeon end up loosers

have you ever thought that why despite so called 1000 year muslim rule hindus still survived and are proporous again , why jews even after bieng hunted and degraded and looted thru all the known history managed to get the level of sucsess even in countries where they were hated most ....... all the world is not just about relegeon stop looking for it in every thing other wise pakistanies will end up like the clergy of baghdad who werre debating about whether killing a mosqueto is haram or halal when enemy was at its gate ...get your priorties right other wise history wont be too mercifull to you ..Thanks
first of all non muslims cannot be called shaheed period, Because its a islamic word pertaining to muslims only make your own word in hindi/hindu and call them what ever

"thank you come again":cheers:

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