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Prothom Alo didn't manipulate that? Or you just pick and choose?

The fact that its a shameless propaganda mouthpiece that openly writes all sorts of crap for awami political propaganda is exactly the reason why it holds wight when a opinion poll in pee alo goes in favor of the opposition. If pee alo survey says its 54% in favor of opp. then in reality its over 75-80%. :wave:
Bro how u know that those young ppl wet their pants :cheesy:
If those hefazoti islam aka jamat had that courage why they bombed on them.

Even though their life threatening those young ppl were determined to go there. Its the gov sending back them.
But lets see what happens next day.

These hefajoti islam is funny. First they said they had 20 mil supporter. Then they said they had 4 mil thousand supporter.
Now their number came down to 10 thousand.
Not sure whats their present condition :azn:

Youths sent back from Feni | The Daily Star

@ 2/3 days back in Chittagong, the Shahbagi's declared a "71 member Suicide Squard". Soon, the "Hafjete Islam declares a "313 member Suicide Squard ". About this 313 suicide squard they said that during the Battle of Badr 313 "Sahabies" gave their life so in line with that they have nomonated 313 numbers. They also threatened to uproot these Shahabies where ever they are found.

@ Recently they have said that on 15 March 2013 they are going to stage a meeting at Ashulia near Savar where Shahabag's has also planned for a meeting. Let's see what the Govt does !!!

@ They have also declared that on 5 April 2013 all the members of "Hafajete Islam will move from Chittagong to Dhaka to have a big rally at Manik Mia Avenue (In front of Sansad Bhubon). They also requested to other Muslims of Bangladesh to join the rally. They are expecting to gather near about 2 crores of people. They also threatened to the Govt to pass a law about punishing the members of Shahabagi including Shahria Kobir and Mumtasir Mamun.
Thousands vow for Jamaat-free Bangladesh


The youth protesters of Ganajagaran Mancha on Friday again reaffiarmed the resolve to not leave the streets unless convicted war criminals were executed and Jamaat-e-Islami was banned.

“It is the vow of students, workers and other professionals to build a nation free of Jamaat,” Ganajagaran Mancha spokesman Imran H Sarkar told a Mancha rally at Ashulia.

The two-hour rally kicked off at around 4pm with the recitation of verses from the holy Quran and religious books of other faiths.

A one-minute silence was also observed in memory of those who lost their lives in the recent factory fires, including the one at the Tazreen Fashions Ltd and the martyrs of 1971 Liberation War, followed by singing of the national anthem.

Imran said millions of people, including students and workers, are building up a combined resistance against a quarter, as they did in 1971 to free Bangladesh from the clutches of the Pakistani occupation force, through the on-going demonstrations.

He also dubbed the movement the second freedom fight of Bangladesh.

Thousands of people from across the social divide, most of them factory workers, rallied at Ganajagaran Mancha and chanted slogans demanding death penalty for war criminals.

Addressing the female workers present there, Imran said, “Fanatic Jamaat-e-Islami is trying to create a hostile environment in the country at a time when the women have taken to the streets against them.”

Udichi Shilpi Gosthi of Savar Upazila began performing mass music at the stage at around 2.30pm.

The rally, moderated by blogger Mahmudul Haque Munsi, was the first ever programme of the demonstrators outside Dhaka. Student leaders took turns in addressing it.

The speakers refuted religious group Hefajat-e-Islam’s allegation that Ganajagaran Mancha was demonstrations by atheists.

Addressing the rally, Bappaditya Basu, the President of Bangladesh Chhatra Maitri, said the Mancha never made any statement against any religion.

“We’ve learned patriotism through our religion. Those who lack patriotism can never be religious,” he said.

Hefajat-e-Islam had called for resisting the rally at Ashulia as they did at Chittagong.

Hefajat’s Ashulia unit Convenor Mufti Monir Hossain said they would resist the rally ‘at any cost’ but could not due to heavy police and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) deployment at the spot.

Basu expressed his anger for foiling of the Mancha rally at Chittagong amid resistance by Hefajat.

He castigated BNP chief Khaleda Zia for her recent comments that the youths gathering at Shahbagh were atheists.

“Please restrain your language. You’ve no right to insult the people,” he told Khaleda.

Ruling Awami League’s student affiliate Bangladesh Chhatra League General Secretary Siddiqui Nazmul Alam alleged that efforts were on to brand Ganajagaran activists atheists.

Some of the workers, who thronged the rally venue, said they skipped work to join the gathering.

“I have never seen such a scene in my entire life,”40-year old Jahidul Hasan, a shopkeeper at Jamgarha, told bdnews24.com. “The boys have shown us how much they feel for the country.”

Some of the factories at the industrial belt announced holidays ahead of the rally.

Assaduzzaman, a worker at one of those factories, Natural Sweater Factory, said he came there at around 1pm.

“My father is a freedom fighter. I have come here with my whole family,” he said.

“We want to see all the war criminals walk the gallows,” he said.

Meanwhile, five crude bombs exploded in Beron and Gazir Char at around 1:30pm, Ashulia Police Station Officer-in-Charge Sheikh Badrul Alam said, leaving two people injured.

Though the OC said the motive behind the explosions was not clear, many felt it was an attempt to foil the rally, because the explosions were barely two kilometres from the site of the gathering.

Organisers said the Shahbagh protests would continue as usual, along with Ashulia.

Shahbagh protests began on Feb 5, hours after the International Crimes Tribunal-2 pronounced life in jail for Jamaat-e-Islami Assistant Secretary General Abdul Quader Molla.

The protesters said the verdict was ‘lenient’ given the crimes he had committed in 1971.

The Ganajagaran Mancha spread to the corners of Bangladesh uniting people against 'war criminals'.

Thousands vow for Jamaat-free Bangladesh - bdnews24.com

police and BAL being retarded-ly obvious about their hand in "Liberation war part-2" while saying that no politics is involved :rofl:

bunch of scums, trying to crash our economy to the ground :hitwall:

Now look in the following video how our people are being protected by PoLeague:

২৮ ফেব্রু থেকে ৫ মার্চ পর্যন্ত গনহত্যার হৃদয়বিদারক আর্তচিৎকার... | Facebook

UN should immediately ban them from UN mission, a warning isn't enough. Previously I showed my sympathy for police members because they're just obeying order and doing these for their livelihood. Definitely, for that I wouldn't support blood thirsty vampire act by them.
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@ 2/3 days back in Chittagong, the Shahbagi's declared a "71 member Suicide Squard". Soon, the "Hafjete Islam declares a "313 member Suicide Squard ". About this 313 suicide squard they said that during the Battle of Badr 313 "Sahabies" gave their life so in line with that they have nomonated 313 numbers. They also threatened to uproot these Shahabies where ever they are found.

@ Recently they have said that on 15 March 2013 they are going to stage a meeting at Ashulia near Savar where Shahabag's has also planned for a meeting. Let's see what the Govt does !!!

@ They have also declared that on 5 April 2013 all the members of "Hafajete Islam will move from Chittagong to Dhaka to have a big rally at Manik Mia Avenue (In front of Sansad Bhubon). They also requested to other Muslims of Bangladesh to join the rally. They are expecting to gather near about 2 crores of people. They also threatened to the Govt to pass a law about punishing the members of Shahabagi including Shahria Kobir and Mumtasir Mamun.

1. you are full of jamati air...
2.no-one declared 71 member suicide squad,....stop propagating things, it's healthy.
3. hefajat is trying to protect jamatis....not Islam.
4. Ashulia event happened with a huge support from the RMG workers.
5. there are not 2 crore nuts....i will expect some hundred hefajati nuts there max... :P .
We want communal harmony in BD, extremists are not welcome.

There is saying in Bangladesh that " A Pakistani is always a Pakistani, but some(jamati) in Bangladesh are not always a Bangladeshi". In hindi I guess there is a saying that goes like this-- na dhobi ka, na ghaat kaa. Don't be that person by speculating.
All the majority muslims of BD are nastik as they asked death penalty for war criminals.
No one called any one nastik before this.
How the social structure is breaking. How one ppl started to judge one by religion.
How low life ppl becoming.
With these ppl we were living this long.
They started a war which is against truth. Lets see which one wins truth or lie.
Its pity a large population grown with lie and they are now making conspiracy and vandalism against the country.
And one big party which we used to believe our alternate way backing these extremists.

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All the majority muslims of BD are nastik as they asked death penalty for war criminals.
No one called any one nastik before this.
How the social structure is breaking. How one ppl started to judge one by religion.
How low life ppl becoming.
With these ppl we were living this long.
They started a war which is against truth. Lets see which one wins truth or lie.
Its pity a large population grown with lie and they are now making conspiracy and vandalism against the country.
And one big party which we used to believe our alternate way backing these extremists.

Calling you Nastik for demanding death sentence for war criminals.................?
No one called before..................?
How the social structure is breaking.........?
How low life ppl..............?
With these ppl you were living this long................?
They started a war which is against truth.................?

hmmmmmm sigh....

But it is in the same way when AL called anyone Rezacar/traitor who pointed fingers against AL. Isn't it?

The same thing/sh!t but opposite action.
Calling you Nastik for demanding death sentence for war criminals.................?
No one called before..................?
How the social structure is breaking.........?
How low life ppl..............?
With these ppl you were living this long................?
They started a war which is against truth.................?

hmmmmmm sigh....

But it is in the same way when AL called anyone Rezacar/traitor who pointed fingers against AL. Isn't it?

The same thing/sh!t but opposite action.

The thing is Jamaat labeled the Freedom Fighters as Nastik and Hindu in 1971.Now they are also claiming whoever wants judgment for war-crimes is a nastik.Whoever went to Shahbagh was a nastik.Now Shahbagh definitely had athiests among their organizers.But the scores of people who went there could not possibly have been atheists.The astiks who went to shahbagh and the nastiks who organized it had a common agenda and that was jaudgement for war-crimes.Their agenda had nothing to do with theism/atheism.If all those who went to shahbagh are labled as nastiks it is guilt by association.

নাস্তিকদের চেনার জন্য ১০ টি ক্লু দিচ্ছি । যদি প্রমান করতে পারেন যে এই দশটির একটিও তাদের মাঝে নেয় তাহলে সে মুনাফিকের ক্যাটাগরিতে পড়বে । নতুবা সে নাস্তিক । তবে আমি দৃঢ় ভাবে বলতে পারি নিম্নে উল্লেখিত প্রতিটি দোসই তাদের মাঝে পাবেন । আপনার আশ পাশে যদি শাহবাগের কোন নাস্তিক থাকে তাহলে একটু মিলিয়ে নেন । আর ইসলাম প্রিয় মানুষের চরিত্র দেখেন । আমি বলছি না সব মুসলমানই মুমিন । ত্রুটি থাকবেই । তবে অন্তরে নাস্তিকতা থাকবে না ।

১/ ব্যাক্তি জীবনে এই সব গুলোকে পাওয়া যে তারা নামাজ পড়েনা এবং জানেনা ।
২/ ইসলাম কি, এর অবস্থান কি, ইসলামের দাবি কি ? তা মোঠেও জানেনা ।
৩/ এরা সংস্কৃতি প্রিয় । আর সংস্কৃতি ঐ অঙ্গনে তাদের চলাফেরা যেখানে কোন মুমিন থাকেনা ।।
৪/এরা চরিত্রহীন । অবাধ মেলামেশায় বিশ্বাসী ।
৫/কুরানের নীতি তাদের কাছে অপছন্দনিয় ।
৬/এরা মদ্যপ, জোয়াড়ি, ব্যাভিচারি, অত্যাচারি ও অহংকারি হয়ে থাকে ।
৭/এরা বিজাতীয় সংস্কৃতি লালন করে বেঁচে থাকে ।
৮/এরা ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষতায় বিশ্বাসী ।
৯/এরা পরাগাছার মত জীবন ধারন করে থাকে।
১০/এরা আল্লাহর দেয়া সাধিনতাকে অতিক্রম করে ।
একমত হলে লাইক দেন আর দ্বিমত হলে কমেন্ট দেন

Collected from a FB page.

Major FACEPALM.......jei beta eta likhse o 'nastik' shobder ortho bujhe bole mone hoi na.....bangla janle eta likhto na.......point no.1.........taile to duniyar shob ihudi/christian rao nastik.......kintu tara to kono orthei nastik na!!Non-muslim ar Nastik er moddhe je parthokko ase ta ei lok jane na....
নাস্তিকদের চেনার জন্য ১০ টি ক্লু দিচ্ছি । যদি প্রমান করতে পারেন যে এই দশটির একটিও তাদের মাঝে নেয় তাহলে সে মুনাফিকের ক্যাটাগরিতে পড়বে । নতুবা সে নাস্তিক । তবে আমি দৃঢ় ভাবে বলতে পারি নিম্নে উল্লেখিত প্রতিটি দোসই তাদের মাঝে পাবেন । আপনার আশ পাশে যদি শাহবাগের কোন নাস্তিক থাকে তাহলে একটু মিলিয়ে নেন । আর ইসলাম প্রিয় মানুষের চরিত্র দেখেন । আমি বলছি না সব মুসলমানই মুমিন । ত্রুটি থাকবেই । তবে অন্তরে নাস্তিকতা থাকবে না ।

১/ ব্যাক্তি জীবনে এই সব গুলোকে পাওয়া যে তারা নামাজ পড়েনা এবং জানেনা ।
২/ ইসলাম কি, এর অবস্থান কি, ইসলামের দাবি কি ? তা মোঠেও জানেনা ।
৩/ এরা সংস্কৃতি প্রিয় । আর সংস্কৃতি ঐ অঙ্গনে তাদের চলাফেরা যেখানে কোন মুমিন থাকেনা ।।
৪/এরা চরিত্রহীন । অবাধ মেলামেশায় বিশ্বাসী ।
৫/কুরানের নীতি তাদের কাছে অপছন্দনিয় ।
৬/এরা মদ্যপ, জোয়াড়ি, ব্যাভিচারি, অত্যাচারি ও অহংকারি হয়ে থাকে ।
৭/এরা বিজাতীয় সংস্কৃতি লালন করে বেঁচে থাকে ।
৮/এরা ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষতায় বিশ্বাসী ।
৯/এরা পরাগাছার মত জীবন ধারন করে থাকে।
১০/এরা আল্লাহর দেয়া সাধিনতাকে অতিক্রম করে ।
একমত হলে লাইক দেন আর দ্বিমত হলে কমেন্ট দেন

Collected from a FB page.

আমরা খুব ভালো করেই জানি তুমি ওই বাল-ছাল কেল্লা পেজ থেকে এই ভুগি কপি-পেস্ট করেছ....তোমার মাথায় এত গিলু নেই.....
here is a few brain teaser question for you, at least to find the answer within yourself --
-what did Quran & Prophet say about religions
-what did Quran & Prophet says about culture,tradition and motherland
-what is the characteristics and differences between sunni-shia-wahabi-atheist...lastly but a very important--salafist.

My assessment- if you ever find out these you will actually understand what is Jamats doing and why they should be banned?
The thing is Jamaat labeled the Freedom Fighters as Nastik and Hindu in 1971.Now they are also claiming whoever wants judgment for war-crimes is a nastik.Whoever went to Shahbagh was a nastik.Now Shahbagh definitely had athiests among their organizers.But the scores of people who went there could not possibly have been atheists.The astiks who went to shahbagh and the nastiks who organized it had a common agenda and that was jaudgement for war-crimes.Their agenda had nothing to do with theism/atheism.If all those who went to shahbagh are labled as nastiks it is guilt by association.

If Jammat calls everyone Nastik in Shabagh, then Jammat is wrong and spreading propaganda. It will not work for Jammat.
But again, there are two demands at Shabagh:

1. punishment of war criminals (which is politically motivated)
2. Ban Islamic politics, which is an agenda of Nastiks.

So why believers in Shabagh wanting banning of Islamic politics which is clearly an agenda of Nastiks? Why believers are in along with nastiks for the demands of Nastiks which is banning Islamic politices. So if the believers have no objection to the demand of Banning Islamic parties which is a demand of Nastik, then calling believers Nastik by Jammat is not unjustified.

Now you will say, Jammat is a terrorist party, but I can say the same for AL. All allegation of terrorism, and especially, the allegation of communal violence against Jammat is false and politically motivated.

So the better process would be let the people decide. Let Jammat permit participate in the election democratically, and their fate would depend on how much vote they get. Banning is not a democratic process.
If Jammat calls everyone Nastik in Shabagh, then Jammat is wrong and spreading propaganda. It will not work for Jammat.
But again, there are two demands at Shabagh:

1. punishment of war criminals (which is politically motivated)
2. Ban Islamic politics, which is an agenda of Nastiks.

So why believers in Shabagh wanting banning of Islamic politics which is clearly an agenda of Nastiks? Why believers are in along with nastiks for the demands of Nastiks which is banning Islamic politices. So if believers has no objection to the demand of Banning Islamic parties which is a demand of Nastik, then calling believers Nastik by Jammat is not unjustified.

Now you will say, Jammat is a terrorist party, but I can say the same for AL. All allegation of terrorism, and especially, the allegation of communal violence is false and politically motivated.

So the better process would be let the people decide. Let Jammat permit participate in the election democratically, and their fate would depend on how much vote they get. Banning is not a democratic process.

If you look at it though some of the organizers want Dhormo-Bhittik parties to be banned,the general mass never supported it.They never said Islamic parties should be banned.If they did many of the huzurs who supported them primarily would not have supported them.Please do more research and find me some such demands where they wanted all Islamic parties to be banned.
আমরা খুব ভালো করেই জানি তুমি ওই বাল-ছাল কেল্লা পেজ থেকে এই ভুগি কপি-পেস্ট করেছ....তোমার মাথায় এত গিলু নেই.....
here is a few brain teaser question for you, at least to find the answer within yourself --
-what did Quran & Prophet say about religions
-what did Quran & Prophet says about culture,tradition and motherland
-what is the characteristics and differences between sunni-shia-wahabi-atheist...lastly but a very important--salafist.

My assessment- if you ever find out these you will actually understand what is Jamats doing and why they should be banned?

I am afraid I will fail in your test contest. Anyway, where did I say I wrote those. Did you see the red line (collected from FB page).

Better tell me why should Jammat be banned? Is Islamic politics against Islam?
Please do more research and find me some such demands where they wanted all Islamic parties to be banned.

A timeline:
On February 10, the Shahbagh demonstrators submitted a memorandum to the Jatiya Sangsad speaker Abdul Hamid to press home their six-point charter of demands, including death penalty for all war criminals and ban on Jamaat and religion-based politics. On the day national cricketers expressed solidarity with protest.

Now aren't those harsh words? Or may be those boys are simply plain stupids enjoying free biryani and free sanitation? :rolleyes:

On February 26, the Shahbagh protesters said that their movement was not against any religion or religion-based politics. They said they wanted death penalty for all war criminals and a ban on Jamaat-e-Islami.
One month that shook Bangladesh

Another article:
Shahbagh movement needs to establish its identity

Notice the hypocrisy? They are ALL on the same boat, it doesn't matter how one tries to sugar coat the whole thing.

Many of the smaller religious parties in Bangladesh had no issue with Shahbag protests initially.

What ticked them off is why a self-confessed murtid like Thaba Baba got a full Islamic rites funeral. Isn't that munafig or manufag or something? :what:

Note: Many of these smaller, non-government sponsored Islamic parties have no links with Jamaat.

And answer me this: from where did he and his loyal cult following are getting that sort of inspiration in a poor, 3rd world, 90% Muslim nation like Bangladesh?

None of the so-called "educated" media outlets like the Daily Star had ever gotten to that.

I respect people's opinions, but I do not respect extreme hypocrites :no:
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