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We are a country situated in an area where we have India to our east, north and west. More so, our western border is with the state of West Bengal; this state is home to 91 million Bengalis (Assumption 1: we are disregarding the presence of other ethnicities).

Since these protests are putting more pressure towards the banning of all religious based parties; closures of the many institutions of the already existing ones; and is shifting the country towards pure secularism, a question rises in one's mind.

Without Islam, what real reason does a purely secular Bangladesh have to exist? (Assumption 2: we are disregarding the complexities of Bangladesh joining India)

Note: we are also considering the fact that Muslim communities do exist in secular India (regardless of their social status, be it high or low)

Taking these two assumptions and the above fact into account, I would like to know the opinion of all who read this post regardless of nationality.

Without Islam we're nothing. If they fight for the war criminals who did raape,genocide ; let them do what they want. but If they want to make BD Islamless nation, as a muslim we've to protest. Islam only Islam is our first identity, than we're Bangladeshi.
So,they've to remember one thing in mind, no mater a bangladeshi support which party, but if it is about Islam, all will stand in a same line than So we won't tolerate if Islam base politics banned,or islamic religious party banned. as bcoz all the Islamic party are not jamaat's wing & they've no relation with politics.
For the last couple of years that I have been on this forum the BD section has always been dominated by jamatis. Those who weren't exactly a part of that group kept quiet, for they would be labelled as dalals otherwise. I guess this is the first time we are hearing the voice of real Bangladeshis here, people who represent this Bangladesh..nice to see the jamatis on a backfoot.

1. Mainstream Bangladeshis kept quiet partly because they had better things to go on an online forum and discuss with people who merely hurl insults. If you observe the more educated Bangladeshis here are the less emotional and often post less frequently.

The Jamatis used to hurl abuse left, right and centre including family insults. Even on this thread they have called people "bedeen" (religion-less/anti-religion) as well as family insults (can't be bothered to check the previous pages to see if they have been deleted but it included "mallu ke bacha")

However in the real world they are 4.6% of the electorate and decreasing.

The empowerment of women through their entrance in the labour market via the textiles industry will gradually change Bangladeshi society even more to the point that Jamatis will be even more irrelevant. Recently Bangladesh had its first female paratrooper, could the Jamatis stop that?

2. As long as normal Bangladeshis abide by forum rules, not react to rezakar/Jamati provocation and post politely and intelligently then forum members will get a Bangladeshi sub-forum which more accurately depicts the reality of Bangladesh and is more representative of Bangladeshi society than supporters of a small extremist party.
We are a country situated in an area where we have India to our east, north and west. More so, our western border is with the state of West Bengal; this state is home to 91 million Bengalis (Assumption 1: we are disregarding the presence of other ethnicities).

Since these protests are putting more pressure towards the banning of all religious based parties; closures of the many institutions of the already existing ones; and is shifting the country towards pure secularism, a question rises in one's mind.

Without Islam, what real reason does a purely secular Bangladesh have to exist? (Assumption 2: we are disregarding the complexities of Bangladesh joining India)

Note: we are also considering the fact that Muslim communities do exist in secular India (regardless of their social status, be it high or low)

Taking these two assumptions and the above fact into account, I would like to know the opinion of all who read this post regardless of nationality.

1. We are Muslims and will remain Muslims.

Islam in Bangladesh is amongst the oldest in the world older than Indonesia, Pakistan, Morocco (maybe even Egypt) due to Said bin Abi Waqqas, a companion of the prophet coming to the area (radi'Allahu anhu).

2. Nepal is Hindu but despite having the same religion does not merge with India.

3. India would never want to annex Bangladesh as it has 150 million Muslims, dealing with Kashmir and Naxalites is bad enough but add 150 million Muslims who have vivid memories of statehood then that is a recipe for disaster.

4. Do not understimate the importance of merely having your own state on the consciousness of a people. The Kuwaitis have their own flag, army, anthem and they would never accept being annexed by fellow Arab Muslims in Saudi or Iraq.

5. There are religious groups that are indifferent or supportive of the Awami League e.g. Deobandis, Tableeghis, Fultolis who outnumber the Jamatis by far.

Some of these groups are also quite anti-Jamati.

Islam in Bangladesh does not equal Jamat or Maudoodism.

This is a gross overreaction to the whole issue.

Bangladesh is here to stay and going nowhere.

Jamatis on the other hand (despite what they say) ultimately want to destroy Bangladesh, i.e. its existence as a separate independent nation. The older leaders of Jamat have vivid memories of Pakistan days and nostalgia for it and believe it is a religious duty to be part of Pakistan. The younger members are not as Pakistano-philic but ultimately believe in a confederacy at least.

So it is Bangladeshi nationalists who are striving for an independent Bangladesh whilst Jamatis are striving for the end of an independent Bangladesh.
We are a country situated in an area where we have India to our east, north and west. More so, our western border is with the state of West Bengal; this state is home to 91 million Bengalis (Assumption 1: we are disregarding the presence of other ethnicities).

Since these protests are putting more pressure towards the banning of all religious based parties; closures of the many institutions of the already existing ones; and is shifting the country towards pure secularism, a question rises in one's mind.

Without Islam, what real reason does a purely secular Bangladesh have to exist? (Assumption 2: we are disregarding the complexities of Bangladesh joining India)

Note: we are also considering the fact that Muslim communities do exist in secular India (regardless of their social status, be it high or low)

Taking these two assumptions and the above fact into account, I would like to know the opinion of all who read this post regardless of nationality.

See the red bold red part in the article why indians wants to undermine our Islamic aspirition and heritage and how India and Awami League impose "secular" extremism to supress out inherit Islamic aspiration. Sylhet was one of the first place where Islam was florished in face of oppressive hindu class system and abuse. And Hammer-fist family being from Sylhet region, he along with his indian master in age old crusade to revert back what sylhet once was. Its pitty but that is Hammer-fist all about.

Political hate-campaign to hide socio-economic dissipation

Sadeq Khan

The country has gone through a punishing couple of days of hartal and violent disturbance, during and following the day when the “International Crimes Tribunal” of Bangladesh delivered its second judgment on February 5 against a political leader charged with “crimes against humanity” committed during the liberation war of 1971. The first judgment carrying death sentence to an absconding clergyman and TV anchor for religious talks, allegedly also a member of the same political party in 1971, was delivered on January 21.

The Tribunal is deceptive in nomenclature. It is neither based on international law, nor based on regular domestic Criminal Procedure Code. It is a hybrid national court, based on a Bangladeshi statute passed in 1973 and amended in 2009 and 2012, evidently “very late to begin the search for justice, for the accused as well as for victims.” It was given the qualifying name “international” to try the charges as war crimes not subject to statute of limitation, and the amendments relaxed the Evidence Act for the special trials allowing depositions of hearsay evidence.

Clamour for such trial was presumably politically engineered 21 years after liberation, when unexpected by many, BNP won general elections after the fall of dictator Ershad, and a “pro-Indian” political lobby felt the strong need to challenge the “pro-Islamic” drift of the polity, including the Awami League, by revival of secularism as the drive behind the “spirit of liberation war.” It was not until the advent of 2008 general election under a “friendly” emergency government that the Awami League put the agenda of re-enactment of war crimes trial in its election manifesto.

গণজাগরণ চত্বর থেকে: দেশের বৃহত্তম ঈদগাহ ময়দান কিশোরগঞ্জের শোলাকিয়া’র ইমাম আল্লামা ফরিদউদ্দিন মাসউদের নেতৃত্বে শতাধিক মওলানার একটি দল শাহবাগের আন্দোলন চত্বরে এসে সংহতি জানান।

সোমবার বেলা পৌনে দু’টায় গণজাগরণ চত্বরে আসেন মওলানা মাসউদ।

এ সময় উপস্থিত আন্দোলনকারীদের নিয়ে এক মোনাজাতে পরম করুনাময় আল্লাহুর কাছে তিনি প্রার্থনা করেন, “হে আল্লাহ তুমি জালিমদের সঙ্গে থেকো না। যারা দেশের সঙ্গে বেঈমানী করেছে, দেশের মানুষকে হত্যা করেছে, মা-বোনদের ইজ্জত নিয়েছে, তাদের সঙ্গে তুমি থেকো না খোদা।”

মোনাজাতে তিনি বলেন, “যারা দেশের সঙ্গে, দেশের মানুষের সঙ্গে বেইমানী করেছে। আল্লাহ তুমি তাদের শায়েস্তা করো।”

এর আগে সংহতি প্রকাশ করে তিনি বলেন, “হিটলারের নাৎসিবাদের মতোই ভয়ংকর জামায়াত।”

দেশের ইমাম সমাজের প্রতিনিধি হিসেবে তিনি শাহবাগের আন্দোলনে সংহতি প্রকাশ করতে এসেছেন বলে জানান।

শোলাকিয়া ঈদগাহ ময়দানের ইমাম বলেন, “গত ৭দিন ধরে এখানে যারা আন্দোলন করছে তাদের সঙ্গে দেশবাসীর দোয়া রয়েছে।”

Summary for non-Bengalis:Imam of the largest Eid congregation of the country came to Shahbagh and prayed with the protesters.


Awami maulana. Not surprise. Just wait one more year Maulana. Kabor ache.
a country run by diplomacy not by hating or making useless trouble .most of the bd ppl wants india bd a good bilateral relation by a fare policy.jamat cant do that . they are useless now .well some middleeast countries will be happy but we will be isolated from the rest of the world .5% jamat doesn't represent us .they were backfooted many days ago .just uses the BNP and BAL like a parasite.otherwise who cares the jamat .
For the last couple of years that I have been on this forum the BD section has always been dominated by jamatis. Those who weren't exactly a part of that group kept quiet, for they would be labelled as dalals otherwise. I guess this is the first time we are hearing the voice of real Bangladeshis here, people who represent this Bangladesh..nice to see the jamatis on a backfoot.

a country run by diplomacy not by hating or making useless trouble .most of the bd ppl wants india bd a good bilateral relation by a fare policy.jamat cant do that . they are useless now .well some middleeast countries will be happy but we will be isolated from the rest of the world .5% jamat doesn't represent us .they were backfooted many days ago .just uses the BNP and BAL like a parasite.otherwise who cares the jamat .

This mob fascist cry has nothing to do with Jamaat, Jamaat is just used as an excuse. With your kind of Awami League representative govt Bangladesh already isolated from rest of the world except for Awami master india. Even indians are killing Bangladeshis and plan to further aggression by river dam and other means. But offcourse gullible class in Bangladesh who claim themself to be "progonmo" will be biggest loosers once they grow up because it will be indians who will dicate them what to do.

You want proof: Indians using Awami League regime evaded 400cr taka tax on Warid/Airtel purchase. Then the deal was Bangladeshi officials and employees will not be subject to lay off but indians laid off Bangladeshi officials from many top and mid level positions and installed indians. Airtel even moved some of back office operation to india. This is how indians are taking over and this so called "projonmo" will live under de facto indian rule. There are plenty of such examples.

Indians are working to weaken protection on garments industry and our financial institutions using Awami League regime to change long standing policies. Trend already started where indians are picking up these sick garments factory and shipping money out of bangladeh to india.
lol dude u ok? where tf u found AL support in my post?you and your ex allied hasina both should be kicked out from bd.your answer is in my post .there is no place for the bs in international. you need to be more diplomatic. and seriously your party jamat has lack of it. honestly if bd ppl ever decided to give you power i'm 100% sure your goverment will collapse with in 3 months .keep barking
This mob fascist cry has nothing to do with Jamaat, Jamaat is just used as an excuse. With your kind of Awami League representative govt Bangladesh already isolated from rest of the world except for Awami master india. Even inf indians are killing Bangladeshis and plan to further aggression by river dam and other means. But offcourse gullible class in Bangladesh who claim themself to be "progonmo" will be biggest loosers once they grow up because it will be indians who will dicate them what to do.
lol dude u ok? where tf u found AL support in my post?you and your ex allied hasina both should be kicked out from bd.your answer is in my post .there is no place for the bs in international. you need to be more diplomatic. and seriously your party jamat has lack of it. honestly if bd ppl ever decided to give you power i'm 100% sure your goverment will collapse with in 3 months .keep barking

You don't have to support Awami league, you are just gullible class in Bangladesh who claim themself to be "progonmo" will be biggest loosers once they grow up because it will be indians who will dicate them what to do. As I said Jamaat is not matter for this mob show or for running the country.
You don't have to support Awami league, you are just gullible class in Bangladesh who claim themself to be "progonmo" will be biggest loosers once they grow up because it will be indians who will dicate them what to do. As I said Jamaat is not matter for this mob show or for running the country.

I can never understand how can Jamatis degrade their own country men like this. Do you Jamatis really think that common Bangladeshi's are so gullible that India is going to fool them and lure them in doing things. Here is a secret. We are not super humans from Mars. Its been hardly 60 years since we all were part of the same political entity. And Indians have not mutated into Martians yet. Maybe its the Jamatis who are super smart who can see things which the normal gullible Bangladeshis can't. Yeah this must be it.
Whats bangla for viva la revolution?:lol:.....let these kids have their moment in the spotlight.
I can never understand how can Jamatis degrade their own country men like this. Do you Jamatis really think that common Bangladeshi's are so gullible that India is going to fool them and lure them in doing things. Here is a secret. We are not super humans from Mars. Its been hardly 60 years since we all were part of the same political entity. And Indians have not mutated into Martians yet. Maybe its the Jamatis who are super smart who can see things which the normal gullible Bangladeshis can't. Yeah this must be it.

How can you understand if you don't do your own research on the history of Indo-BD relation?

Here's what we got rid of with the death of the traitor Mujib: the 25-year Indo-BD Friendship treaty, parts of which imposed on us the following:

Article 4 practically eliminated Bangladesh's power to devise an independent foreign policy and made it compulsory for Bangladesh to consult India about any major foreign policy matter.

Article 5 forced Bangladesh to confer most favored nation status on India to clear the way for India to capture Bangladesh's economic market without any restrictions, but Bangladesh being a smaller economy was unable to avail itself of the opportunities of most favored nation status.

Article 8 ensured that if there was a military conflict between Bangladesh and India, Bangladesh, as a weaker power, could not seek help from outside world to protect its territorial integrity.

Article 9 was included to protect India's strategic interest in its insurgency infested North Eastern states by imposing restrictions on Bangladesh to provide help and support to the insurgents, but India itself broke the sanctity of this clause by providing military and political assistance to Shanti Bahini in Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Article 10 restricted Bangladesh's power to sign a defense deal with a third party to improve its armed forces.

By dint of this treaty India was able to diminish Bangladesh's power to protect herself and the right to establish political and economic relations with other nations independently and consequently became the de-facto power over Bangladesh to whom the new born country had to depend for her security and economic development only to lose her relevance as a sovereign nation. Thus the entrapment of Bangladesh was complete.


So no thanks! Martians or no martians, we don't want this friendship!
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