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Shabqadar: 87 killed, dozen injured in twin explosions

This war will never end untill and unless we win hearts and minds of people ...

and you will never ever win the hearts and minds of people like the TTP and others. You will only win their hearts and minds if you obey what they say.
I'm choosing your post to make a wider point. Like many here, you seem to believe that if Pakistan stopped fighting the militants/terrorists, everything would become okay. How exactly? Where will all these guys go? To live a peaceful existence for the rest of their days? Not about to happen. These chaps will attack Afghan/American forces if they owe allegiance primarily to the Afghan war or try & impose their narrow views on those people of Pakistan unfortunate enough to be in their area of operation. Attacking Americans would only result in further territorial intrusions into Pakistan, either by drones or by personnel. Many here want America to go so that these killers can turn their attention on Afghans & leave Pakistanis alone. Won't happen; they will kill Afghans & will kill Pakistanis too. They are simply not amenable to reason. Any illusions on that score are likely to be short lived. These guys have their vision of how they want Pakistan & the world to be & you can be reasonably sure that it isn't anything like your preferences. Any idea of making compromises will just not work because all that will happen is that the compromise will be accepted only as a starting point to the completion of their goals. Pakistan society is slowly becoming more right wing & hardline religiously simply because the space in the centre is slowly being squeezed out. The whole centre of gravity is slowly being shifted. What was unacceptable & crazy will slowly be considered moderate & centrist and the new unacceptable will be the presently unimaginable & horrifying.

This was always your war. You should have fought it years ago & not waited till you were dragged kicking & screaming by the U.S. into fighting it.

I've discussed this issue in great detail in this thread:


Definitely read through it if you are interested in getting a more in-depth opinion of what is happening on the ground there.
I am not out of my mind, I am telling the facts. You know what do the left over people do when their families are killed in these attacks? They are left with no option except to join these militants with the revenge of their family members in their mind. They dont care about OBL's killing or any other incident / drama. They have only one thing in their mind, just to kill themselves, and that mentality is being exploited by so called TTP or whatever. As they are brainwashed in the manner that it is Pakistani Govt. who is allowing the drone attacks, since you cannot hit US directly, attack on Pakistan / its forces.

They are dying with the dignity you were talking about. remember?

what a lame excuse!!! What should the relatives of the suicide bomgings in cities in peshawar, lahore, karachi etc do?
This is very sad but expected.

I can understand the point of views being expressed and all sides are to blame here.

These terrorists are a joint American-Pakistani creation for a shortsighted goal of defeating the Soviets.

Now what has happened, has happened, it was time to eradicate the terrorists once and for all ten years ago but the way some Pakistani's have supported terrorists, the job has become much more difficult.

The American population sees Pakistan as a nation that hides and aides terrorists while the fact is that only a small percent approve of Al Qaeda's and Osama's actions.

The biggest humiliation for Pakistan is that Osama was indeed in this nation and I am damn sure that he has support amongst our security establishment.

We cannot end the WOT in days or seconds because terrorists will continue to attack this nation, they have before and they will again.

The best way forward is to completely crush these terrorists, either with the west or by ourselves if we can do so.

There should not be any complicity or good/bad taliban policy, all our concentration should be to eradicate all those militants who have threatened the state.

Similarly, all the terrorists sympathizers must be caught and prosecuted.

There has to be separation of state and religion if the aim is to end the use of violent Islam.

Ameen for all your wishes Faz bhai.

Some are correctly blaming this on the OBL public elimination. I agree that this is a backlash. But where they are wrong is that it is not the US's fault. US would have gone after him anyway. My question is that why was Pakistani army and some ISI jokers protecting him all this while? (please do not come back with deniability and asking for proof. Even the cows by now realize what is the game behind the good tully bad tully story. We are beyond that).

Imagine that had this twisted narrative not been existing on part of ISI and the pakistani generals, and had they gone after OBL and the other precious assets that they so dearly protect by themselves, will the backlash had been so much. Had they just handed over OBL years back and ceased their support to these terrorists, this backlash would not have been there and neither would this war have stretched so much. The moral fabric of the pakistani society would not have been today at a dilemma where even some of the moderates and liberals have now started yielding in favour of these gun toting fools. And then we get the honor speech from the generals.

Never in the history of our countries have so many lost so much for the twisted sense of honor of so few. And even now you will find the same game of good tully and back tully continiuing in the stupid minds of these few generals who are now so power drunk from years of the army rule that the arrogance of the destruction of their country escapes them totally.

Anyone who has been in any military installation training would know about the palpable excitement of going back to meet families after the initial training. These kids would have been looking forward to so much with their families.

There is no use wishing for the peace of the families or these lost souls. Nothing can bring solace to those mothers and fathers. Nothing.

If someone feels such a need to wish for something, pray that this war gets closer to the families of these power drunk generals and it will be only then they will get a first hand taste of what they are putting their countrymen through.

But why is anyone wasting time and showing disgust at those f@lth of humanity. Nothing will change. How I wish that there was a restart button for everything somewhere....
now you come to sense and know how bad war is, but some of you guys cheer for our terrorists to destroy Afghanistan and kill its people. If war is painful in Pakistan, so it is in Afghanistan.

who is supporting war in afghanistan??, did we made soviets bring war in afghanistan, or the americans??
now you come to sense and know how bad war is, but some of you guys cheer for our terrorists to destroy Afghanistan and kill its people. If war is painful in Pakistan, so it is in Afghanistan.

Many of your fellow countrymen cheer for the terrorists too against the US, so why single out Pakistanis? What's with the hypocrisy?
who is supporting war in afghanistan??, did we made soviets bring war in afghanistan, or the americans??

before going to political issues, look at the attitude of common pakistanis. They support, encourage war in afghansitan, give it all the right and wrong names to keep the war alive. but when it comes to paksitan, they wont like that idiea.

secondly, the hell with americans, it was americans along with PAKISTAN that created this monster of terrorism, now the same evil is haunting both of you-----so at least afghans are not alone anymore the way we used to be.
Many of your fellow countrymen cheer for the terrorists too against the US, so why single out Pakistanis? What's with the hypocrisy?

you are absolutely right about some of my countrymen killing their own peopole and destroying their own country. the same thing is happening in your country. your countrymen killing your people.
How do you know that the bombers who carried out this attack lost their family in these drone strikes?

You talk as if all terrorists are those who have lost family in drone strikes when in reality only a miniscule percent might fall into this category.

Even before the drone strikes these terrorists were attacking Pakistan, how do you explain that?

Dignity is for those who command it, not those who fall prey to propaganda.
The drone attacks is one of the factor that has aided the TTP's hirings. The Pakistan is in disturbed situation just due to its geographical location, and that is the main interest of US in here. Btw i am unable explain the reasons these terrorist's attacks in Pakistan, can you please explain.
before going to political issues, look at the attitude of common pakistanis. They support, encourage war in afghansitan, give it all the right and wrong names to keep the war alive. but when it comes to paksitan, they wont like that idiea.

secondly, the hell with americans, it was americans along with PAKISTAN that created this monster of terrorism, now the same evil is haunting both of you-----so at least afghans are not alone anymore the way we used to be.

you are a dillusioned afghani, no pakistani supports afghan war at all, are you crazy??, the war has been haunting pakistan from day one, thanks to afghan war we have security problems

your northern alliance started war in the first place, by taking bribes and helps from america

talibans was created by pakistan, right, but talibans stopped soviet war, it is also fighting the american war in the first place, your northern alliance monkeys are sleeping, talibans were war heroes one day and terrorists another day, now go and ask that question in washington

talibans became terrorists because it was hiding osama, but americans failed to provide proves that osama was involved in 9/11, talibans were made terrorists out of 9/11 which was utter bullshitt, talibans never did 9/11

talibans were strict and behaving like stone age idiots, right, but they were never terrorists
you are a dillusioned afghani, no pakistani supports afghan war at all, are you crazy??, the war has been haunting pakistan from day one, thanks to afghan war we have security problems

your northern alliance started war in the first place, by taking bribes and helps from america

talibans was created by pakistan, right, but talibans stopped soviet war, it is also fighting the american war in the first place, your northern alliance monkeys are sleeping, talibans were war heroes one day and terrorists another day, now go and ask that question in washington

Correction, it was the mujahideen that were trained by joint US, Pakistani, Saudi etc. ops. Taliban is a 100% pure creation of the Pakistani army to establish their writ by proxy in Afghanistan. And the Pakistani army support to this group continues to this day with the irrestible desire to bring V2.0 of taliban rule and prosperity to Afghanistan and honor to Pakistan once the Americans have left.

Sorry to interject but thought that we can put that in order.
what a lame excuse!!! What should the relatives of the suicide bomgings in cities in peshawar, lahore, karachi etc do?

Good question. Also, has anyone done an analyses on the suicide bombers? How many were relatives of collateral damage of airstrikes and how many young guys / kids brainwashed in a special purpose madrassa at a young age?

Also, how many victims of terrorism of Taleban became self radicalised and blew up Taleban assets? If none, then there is no infrastructure in place to exploit them, no? Then the problem is that infrastructure? How about getting to the root cause, the infrastructure of terrorism?
Correction, it was the mujahideen that were trained by joint US, Pakistani, Saudi etc. ops. Taliban is a 100% pure creation of the Pakistani army to establish their writ by proxy in Afghanistan. And the Pakistani army support to this group continues to this day with the irrestible desire to bring V2.0 of taliban rule and prosperity to Afghanistan and honor to Pakistan once the Americans have left.

Sorry to interject but thought that we can put that in order.

didnt taliban emerge out of mujahideen

prosperity cant say, but talibans brought a long peace to afghanistan after 2 decades of war, talibans finished drug traficking, they stopped growth of drugs, they exterminated many poppy fields, it was much better than american afghanistan
Good question. Also, has anyone done an analyses on the suicide bombers? How many were relatives of collateral damage of airstrikes and how many young guys / kids brainwashed in a special purpose madrassa at a young age?

Also, how many victims of terrorism of Taleban became self radicalised and blew up Taleban assets? If none, then there is no infrastructure in place to exploit them, no? Then the problem is that infrastructure? How about getting to the root cause, the infrastructure of terrorism?

You do not understand the complex intertwining of honor here. Ghairat and honor are hurt only when the drones attack the good taliban & / or the bad taliban. In no other case.

So the logical deduction is that terrorists are created out of revenge of only the drone attacks and due to no other factor. What infrastructure??
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