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Shabaz Sharif & PML-N appeasing terrorists?

Why the TTP didn't offer the same truce to other provinces because they are not lead by closet Talibans.
Some people are really champion in twisting the words and inventing meanings that suit their purposes and prejudices. Do I need to remind you that the so-called TTP elders have been offering such truce to the Federal Government... So what meaning should I draw from those offers? That the Islamabad is lead by the closet Talibans? Such offers are also made to the Karzai regime... so according to your Nobel-laureate (in disinformation) logic, the Karzai regime is also lead by the closet Talibans?
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More from the closet Talibans. This time their favourite news paper is reporting.

Federal government believes in

Thursday, March 18, 2010
By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: In a special cabinet meeting here on Wednesday with PM Gilani in the chair, the federal government conveyed its official confirmation to a visibly perturbed Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif that there now was no doubt that “Punjabi Taliban” were carrying out suicide bombings and acts of terrorism in his province.

The Interior Ministry bosses who gave a presentation on law and order in the country revealed that so far in six acts of terrorism (December 1, 2009-March 12, 2010), the Punjabi Taliban had killed 154 innocent people, including women and children in addition to injuring 565 persons.

The first official confirmation is in big contrast to tall claims of the Punjab government that no Punjabi Taliban existed in the province therefore there was no need to get serious about any operation in the areas where these elements were allegedly growing their influence and ability to attack anywhere in the province with the help of local recruits.

A top source said that the official confirmation about the Punjabi Taliban greatly upset Shahbaz Sharif, who was present in the meeting when Interior Minister Rehman Malik told the cabinet that there was no doubt left that Punjbais were behind the terrorism in the province.

Sources said that Shahbaz Sharif sharply reacted and wondered how could “killers, rapist, dacoits and robbers” be called Punjabi Taliban. Shahbaz was not ready to accept the statement given in the cabinet meeting that instead of finding excuses and role of Pashtun Taliban, it was high time to focus on the activities of the Punjabi Taliban who were in fact behind the recent wave of terrorism. The Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik, and Secretary Interior Qamar Zaman gave a presentation on “law and order situation in the country, anti terrorism measures and federal and provincial coordination.”

The interesting aspect of this presentation was that it did not contain any information about Islamabad, AJK, or Gilgit-Baltistan. Sources said that many members of the cabinet were at a loss to know as to why Shahbaz Sharif was not ready to accept the bitter fact that Punjabi Taliban existed.

The Punjab government had been taking the stand that the law and order situation in the province was not as bad as compared with the other areas as its local police had been effectively tackling the situation. :lol:

That was why, all the major attacks of bombing in the last three months were declared to be the job of Pashtun Taliban as it suited the provincial set-up. But, the sources said, instead of listening to the argument of the interior minister based on information, the chief minister kept on insisting that the Punjabi Talibans could not do it as no such league of terrorist existed in his province.

Meanwhile, sources said that participants raised several objections to the “substandard” presentation. They said that the interior secretary was told that what he was trying to tell was already reported in the media and there was nothing new. Sources said that Federal Ministers Farooq Sattar, Naveed Qamar, Dr Babar Awan and others expressed their dissatisfaction over the poor standard of the briefing.

It was claimed that 27 possible attempts of terrorism were foiled in the Punjab. The secretary interior said attack on security forces vehicles at the RA Bazar and the SIA building, Lahore, had caused 70 deaths. The secretary also gave details about suicide bombing at DG Khan, ISI Builing Multan, Askari mosque in Parade Lane Rawalpindi and Moon Market, Lahore.

Secretary interior said that three factors were responsible for this massive outburst of terrorism in the Punjab — presence of banned sectarian organisations, fleeing militants and foreign covert interference.

But, the sources said, no one raised any question in the cabinet meeting that on the one hand, the federal government believed that banned organizations were involved in terrorism in the province and on the other, the Punjab government minister Rana Sanullah was holding joint election rallies with the leaders of banned outfits.

Federal government believes in
To me TTP are just TTP whether Punjabi, Urdu speaking or Pushtoons. Denying the existince of a problem doesn't take away the problem.

Entire media and opposition is after the closet Taliban leadership of Punjab at this point and Gen Kayani called CM Punjab for an unschdeuled meeting to discuss the statement by SS, yet Taliban supporters like Irfan Siddiq and closet Talibans are insisting otherwise. :disagree:

here is more to read:

From Osama to Taliban, where are the Sharifs headed?
By Saeed Minhas

ISLAMABAD: Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s careful treading through the power corridors received a severe blow as his public appeal to the Taliban for avoiding his fiefdom raised an unprecedented hue and cry in the National Assembly.

If the CM’s actions are not enough, the younger Sharifs meeting with Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani in Rawalpindi was taken as another political blunder made by the ambitious prodigy of a family known for its love affair with the Army GHQ and extreme-right entities – known as non-state actors in modern politicking.

Parliamentarians from across the board could not resist the temptation to pounce on the Sharifs by highlighting their Punjab-centric and pro-establishment past throughout Monday and for ridiculing the rest of the three provinces. Our friends from NWFP and Balochistan were furious and shared their venom by saying the Sharifs should start to bid adieu to all their hopes.

Perhaps taken aback by an unexpected (surely unscripted) slip of the tongue, the younger Sharif’s political mentors, especially the intellectual maestro from Lahore and GHQ-expert from Rawalpindi, could not do much but rush for fresh advice from their well-fed local and imported spin-doctors. Much to their grief, the outspoken street-smart wiz-kids of Lahori and Sialkoti origin could also not manage to help bail them out of the mess, as both of them have been dispatched to settle personal scores against the Chaudhrys of Gujrat in a by-election. Finding no one coming to the rescue of his political custodian, Hamza Shahbaz was forced to meekly stand before the media and take their blows on his chin.

Cafeteria, corridors and even galleries were abuzz with this discussion and Nawaz leaguers, who were very recently flying high on their by-election victories were visibly deflated, being forced to avoid making eye contact with the media. On the floor of the House, if their fellow male parliamentarians were asking for an apology from their party leader, they were also being shown dupatas by some female colleagues who were mimicking Nighat Orakzai, an NWFP MPA who had earlier in the day offered her head scarf to Shahbaz for being cowardly and perhaps for inciting the Taliban to attack others not in his province.

These heartbroken leaguers seem to have all the reasons for pointing fingers at the advisors of the Sharif bothers, especially towards the chair of their House leader, whom some of them consider an autocrat within the democratic (but currently dissolved) setup of their party. One of the leaguer, a lawyer from Lahore, could not remain silent, whispering “lets hope the elder Sharif starts listening to some saner elements now and come out of the company of his trusted men”.

Being an Amratsari-Kashmiri, he added that Mian sahib likes to eat well, get driven around by trusted men and get a good twitching massage on his kneecaps and legs. “But that cannot be true of a person who is dubbed as a leader in waiting and who undoubtedly holds complete sway in Punjab. It also remains a fact that of all the political parties, if anyone is matching MQM’s media model, then it’s the Sharifs. They believe in hiring the best of the best to work for their image glorification and providing them spin options.” A news-bugger, who claims to be a correspondent of some secret publication, was thrusting this analysis upon all of us when an ever-smiling MQM’s bhai-log kicked in with his usual dribble, “we have a media team equipped with technological superiority whereas Mian sahib prefers to hire those already serving in high positions”.

Revisiting the past is always painful for most of the players in our treacherous political history, but facts cannot be denied, said a soft-spoken parliamentarian hailing from the ANP. He said that following the first secret call-on of Shahbaz, Mian sahib had taken a back seat when he was told by party hawks that power remains the ultimate goal of the younger ace of the family. This was exactly the reason, why the late Sharif never introduced Shahbaz to Gen Jillani back in the 80s and offered Nawaz for induction in the Ziaul Haq set up.

From meeting with Osama Bin Laden to toppling Benazir’s 1988 government to formation of the IJI, the ANP leader claimed that Mian sahib had been in close contact with NWFP and FATA parliamentarians. Before the MQM, our parliamentarians used to be key to making governments, he recalled, adding that the Sharifs love for “Jihad” and his efforts to impose himself on the nation as Caliph are all part of our recent past. “I vividly remember the Jamaat-e-Islami’s advertorial campaign against Sharifs in which they relied on the slogan of “Qazi Aa Giya” (Qazi Hussain has arrived) and alleged that Nawaz had betrayed the cause of the IJI,” he added.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Rehman Malik is nothing but a miserable clown and quoting him to prove a point is the lowest of the low of a biased and badly desperate mindset (another indication is calling a national party Taliban closet). First ask you beloved to decide who is doing what? Sometimes he sees Indian hand behind all the attacks, other times its revealed on him that some other foreign hand is involved, that he has no courage to take the name of; now all of a sudden he has found Punjabi militants behind all the attacks.... Where is the proof? Where is the court jurisdiction?

From meeting with Osama Bin Laden to toppling Benazir’s 1988 government to formation of the IJI, the ANP leader claimed that Mian sahib had been in close contact with NWFP and FATA parliamentarians.
And what the successive Army chiefs and other Generals were doing starting from Zia to Musharraf during all this time? Waging war on these extremist elements? Were they not patronizing and supporting these extremist elements? Who were those so-called Kashmiri freedom fighters who were sent along with the NLI troops to conquer Kargil by General Musharraf? Where they not the same extremists all of a sudden Musharraf and his supporters became enemy of, after he was shown danda by Bush and Chaney? Why all the blame on Nawaz? Shame on those who cast such cheap shots to prove points while totally ignoring how much dirt is sticking on their own clothes.
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SSGPA1, I never knew you derive your 'knowledge' from cartoon characters; my bad, I should have understood from your posts.
Today people like altaf hussian calling Pml n non state actors lol u got get serious this thread is as credible as if america wants to sell us F22 raptor....
One more to the closet Talibans and to the closet Taliban supporters of the closet Talibans :tup:

I have highligted the delicious parts but it is worth reading the whole article by a very competent former ambassador.

Comment: Shahbaz Sharif’s Taliban entreaties —Zafar Hilaly

We can be sure that when the Taliban do not respond positively to his entreaties, Mr Sharif will not blame the Taliban, or fate, but Musharraf, the PPP, the MQM, the Americans, the Indians, the British, the Nigerians, the Somalis, in fact everybody but the Taliban

At the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Yasser Arafat was asked what advice he had for Bill Clinton. “Bill Clinton,” he said, “should remember that goats don’t talk.” Mr Shahbaz Sharif should perhaps also remember that silence can, on occasions, be full of potential wisdom, because one unguarded impulse can reveal more of a man than a hundred speeches. His brief utterance in Lahore earlier this week, beseeching the Taliban to spare Punjab because essentially they were on the same side, said more about him than a hundred speeches could convey.

We know the Sharifs well, beginning with Abbaji and how he made his pile before losing it, getting it back and then converting it into a fortune, of course, entirely as a result of his remarkable business acumen. We know too the Sharifs’ love for Punjab, particularly Lahore, where they are presently ensconced in a veritable palace surrounded by a thousand splendid acres of land. We also know that in their innumerable terms in office, at the Centre and in Punjab, they did their best to develop their beloved Lahore, sometimes at the cost of the rest of the province and always at the cost of the rest of the country.

Following on their cri de coeur of ‘Jaag Punjabi Jaag’, we know also how they founded several institutions such as The Bank of Punjab, Punjab this and Punjab that. In fact, most institutions that have ‘Punjab’ as a prefix, or for that matter a suffix, owe their provenance to their initiative. And soon Punjab will also have its very own custom designed local government system, thanks again to the Sharifs.

Those of us who live in Sindh never actually get to see the Sharifs because the beat of the Sharif brothers normally extends from Lahore to Murree or, at best, within Punjab and abroad, to London, Dubai, Jeddah and Riyadh. Jeddah is for them an obligatory stop, in response to the call of a generous God who has bestowed on them so much largesse, even though Nawaz Sharif omits it from his Assets Declaration Form. And Riyadh is where creatures of the Sharifs’ earthly god, the Saudis, go when summoned. As for the other provinces, for the Sharif brothers they may as well be located in a different world, nay another planet.

Hence, it was not surprising that earlier this week when Mr Shahbaz Sharif demanded of the Taliban that they cease their barbarous and murderous antics, he did so only for the sake of Punjab. That was predictable because, for the Sharifs, Pakistan is a pseudonym for Punjab. And, predictably, as the popularity of the Sharif brothers has grown in Punjab, correspondingly it has declined outside Punjab.

Some felt that it was presumptuous for Shahbaz Sharif to harbour the hope the Taliban will cease terrorising Punjab in response to his entreaties. Not so. Like the Taliban, the Sharifs are fundos though, for the sake of political expediency, of the closet variety. And like the Taliban they also suffer from dyspepsia, a disease which the patient and his friends frequently mistake for deep religious conviction and concern for the salvation of mankind. Hence, there is always the hope for Shahbaz Sharif that the Taliban may oblige.

However, we can be sure that when the Taliban do not respond positively to his entreaties, Mr Sharif will not blame the Taliban, or fate, but Musharraf, the PPP, the MQM, the Americans, the Indians, the British, the Nigerians, the Somalis, in fact everybody but the Taliban. For the Sharifs, it is Musharraf who is the fount of all evil and, next to the devil, responsible for all our woes. An elaborate mausoleum has been designed in their minds for their enemies with Musharraf heading the list. The only problem is that if they continue indulging their fixation with Musharraf, they might end up finding their own bones interred in it.

At the function he addressed, Mr Sharif posed the question why the Taliban, if they fought with the PML-N against military dictatorship and the US and for democracy, are terrorising Punjab. Two thoughts occur immediately. Lolling about in a Saudi palace does not amount to ‘fighting’ for democracy. And if it is dictatorship that they were ‘fighting’, then what else is the Taliban rule but the most vicious form of dictatorship. The antediluvian, geriatric Sufi Mohammed of Swat told us, via the national hook-up in 2008, precisely what the Taliban thought of democracy. Besides, the Taliban repartee is full of violence, the language of the functional illiterate, which clearly the Sharifs are not, even if they cannot muster up more than a sentence or two on files.

Whatever happened to the Sharifs in the few weeks that they spent in jail under Musharraf was surely far less than what they inflicted on Salmaan Taseer when they had him in their clutches. And to the latter’s credit, one rarely, if ever, heard him bellyaching about the torture inflicted on him in the several months of solitary confinement that he underwent at their hands and those of their mentor Ziaul Haq. Nor did we see or hear Taseer urging Benazir or Musharraf to have the Sharifs tried for treason.

In the view of a former Punjab psychiatrist-turned-civil servant, the fixation of the Sharifs with Musharraf is actually the neurotic affliction that most ‘hands-on’ type of administrators, like Shahbaz, develop for their foes when overwrought or overworked. This affliction has many manifestations including loss of memory and denial, sudden temper tantrums including a desire to banish from view and office those who have the temerity to argue or resist. Clearly, Shahbaz Sharif needs a break for treatment.:agree:

But what Pakistan needs is not merely a break from the Sharifs. We need a break from all muddleheaded fools with occasional lucid moments leading us. We need neither a Napoleon, nor a Moses, nor desiccated calculating machines like those imported from Washington in the past. We are not a fussy people. We can make do with just about anyone who is reasonably honest and somewhat competent. Is that asking for too much?

The writer is a former ambassador. He can be reached at charles123it@hotmail.com
The recent speech of Shehbaz Sharif shows that PML-N cares only Punjab, and it doesn't care other three provinces!
He was practically begging the Taliban to spare Punjab, if this is the level our leaders have stooped to, I wish that they be exiled before they can stoop any lower and hand Pakistan over to the terrorists on a platter.
I being a Punjabi am saying this, Pakistan is for us all, Pukhtoons, Sindis, Balochis, Punjabis, Mohajirs, Saraikis, Baltits, etc.............We are all a part of Pakistan and Pakistan is a part of all of us.
Whatever problem we face we face it as a resolute nation, an indivisible nation.
Alhamdullilah our forces are setting an example for the world to follow because of their successful campaigns against terrorists in some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world. By begging the Taliban for mercy and pointing out similarities in his own government and the Taliban agenda, he has disrespected the blood of our martyrs and the innocent civilians who spilt blood without even knowing what they had done to have to endure treatment one would not subject a rabid animal to.
I am disgusted at the CM.........................
Watch this from 39.00 to 41.00 shabaz sarif was only replying to hamid meer speech stop being kids know the facts on the ground 1st then start giveing out your judgementsVideo Capital Talk 16th March 2010 - Friends Korner

The clip posted there ends at 39 minutes. Does it have the actual video of what SS said or just how Hamid Mir sees it?

BTW, they articles posted here are written by some senior editors and former civil servants who are more close to facts than you and I.

I am sure you also smiled at the Azizi clips :)

This is not about political scoring but about taking a combined stand against enemies of Pakistan.
Some more pearls of wisdom from a dictatorship-supporter. Lets dissect the post and see how tall it stands.

BTW, they articles posted here are written by some senior editors and former civil servants who are more close to facts than you and I.
Who could as much be on the payroll of Salman Taseer and Zardari or looking for some lucrative positions for doing this 'service' of twisting SS's words to please their masters.

a very competent former ambassador.
What you know about his competence? He is competent because he wrote something that suits your point of view? The only competence Hilali had was as a nephew of Mr. Agha Shahi and for the same reason (Shahi's influence) he was appointed at good stations. By the way do you want to know little more about former ambassador, Zafar Hilaley? He was Benazir's advisor !!!!!! So now can you see the conflict of interest? No, because you are not only ignorant, you are also biased and blind supporter of dictator and dictatorships. If a PPP supporter will not write BS against Nawaz brothers who will? A very competent former ambassador, Former civil servant .... my foot.

This is not about political scoring but about taking a combined stand against enemies of Pakistan.
You are not doing this for what you are saying, you are doing this in the love of your West/USA toe-licker Musharraf and for your hatred towards anybody (PNL(N), Judiciary, PTI etc) who apposes your coward hero and challenges his failed and disastrous policies. The disinformation about SS's speech is already debunked but you'll keep posting lies in a hope that the lies often repeated will eventually be accepted as truth but it wont happen.
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