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Sevmash: Russia will give India an aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" in Dec12

lol it looks like showing middle finger to enemies :lol:
2015 indian navy :

INS vikramditya , INS vikrant , INS virat , P-8I ,arihant , nerpa ,3 kolkata class , shivalik class , 4 komarta class ..... did i missED anything :chilli:
PODBEREZOVIK-ET2 3-D SHIPBORNE RADARS or fregat radar...... which one will be seen on INS Vikramaditya..?:undecided:
some information regarding freget and PODBEREZOVIK radars..... here is the link

It has been posted in "Italian radars for India’s new aircraft carrier INS Vikrant" thread on 1st or 2nd page...
nice to see them keeping to the 4 DEC deadline . this is one ship i await with baited breath :).
I hope this news will put a lid on those people who think that India and Russia relationship are seeing bad days. ;)

I'm sorry but after this deal, and of course the PAF-FA/MRTA as India is already in to deep, I'd be happy if India never bought another Russian defence product again. Time after time, Russia has delayed completion and imposed last minute extortionist fees. Not to mention the terrible, record of after sales but HAS cost the lives of Indian servicemen- FACT. The simple truth is India has outgrown the relationship in terms of defence dependency and can now get, in most cases, better kit on time and on budget from other sources, not to mention the ever growing indigenous defence industry continuing to deliver these days. Russia had her chance earned she, in my eyes, well and truly blew it, when the going was good she took India for all she could.
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