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Seven soldiers killed in bomb attack in eastern Turkey


Jan 28, 2012
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Seven soldiers were killed in a bomb attack targeting a military vehicle in downtown of the eastern province of Tunceli on Tuesday evening, media outlets reported.

A powerful explosion ravaged the Atatürk district of Tunceli at around 6 p. m. and heavy causalties were reported as many ambulances rushed to the scene of the blast.

The security sources said an explosive was planted by the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in a road in Atatürk district of the city. The explosive was detonated by remote control when a military vehicle passed nearby.

Injured soldiers were immediately taken to the Tunceli State Hospital. Sources said some of the injured soldiers died just after they were transferred to the hospital.

A written statement from the Office of Tunceli Governor later said that seven soldiers were killed in the attack and one civilian severely wounded.

The explosion caused a fire in the area and some of the cars in the scene were burned. The fire was brought under control by firefighters from Tunceli Municipality.

Security forces and police units were reportedly deployed in the area.

Republican People’s Party (CHP) Tunceli Deputy Hüseyin Aygün said there are three shattered corpses in the hospital. He blasted on the violent methods of the PKK, saying that the explosion in downtown of the city targeted innocent people, including women and children.

The PKK has stepped up its armed activities in recent months. In a similar attack last week, it killed 10 soldiers and wounded 60 when a group of terrorists fired rocket-propelled grenades to a military convoy travelling between the eastern provinces of Bingöl and Muş.

Listed as a terrorist organization by the US, EU and Turkey, the PKK has been fighting against Turkish state for almost three decades. This year saw one of the bloodiest campaigns in the 28-year-old conflict since the capture of Abdullah Öcalan, the jailed leader of the PKK, in 1999.

Seven soldiers killed in bomb attack in eastern Turkey

seems you are happy , dont worry we still got alot till the 1 million iranians by iraq .

unfortunately six soldiers and a civilan was killed

The fire from Syria is spreading to Turkey.

nothing is spreading , assad and iran giving more weapons to PKK and PKK want to do all it can with all its members before winter and unoperational and they stopping attacking baracks because when they do they get massive casualties even when attacking with 10x people so they use road mines and bombs now.
What do those terrorists want from Turkey? Do they want autonomy or what?
@ PKK TK & Grand Vizier,

Gentlemen, I believe we are all Muslims, even if not, then we are humane people, I request you to stop this victimisation please.

It's bad enough we are divided by the ugly vested interests. Thanks.
we fight each other than we act like Muslims are one power , sadly word ummah don't exists anymore, Muslims kills more Muslims than Non Muslims, ugly fact.
Lol at ottoman Turk.

he must be running out of email accounts, ip addresses and nicknames.
Terrorists can want nothing , they are just terrorists , they feed from innocent blood , when they get free blood ( help) they turn to maniacs , they get killed like rats , but because they feed on blood they will attack.

Well the PKK is clear on what they want. I'm not sure why blackeagle is confused, but then again, he's always confused.
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