'Not surprised its an old approach ... now even judiciary wishes to stick to same lines ... "" cant figure out whats going on , simply say foreign hand ..
The very simple reason could be, Mr arsalan chowdry,s case!
I guss our judges has , strat comming out of the majic, once created by our, CIA financed media & civil society, & some , politicians like IMRAN , NAWAZ, BB & the voilent lawyers!
Now suddnly, they got their eyes back?
This is a huge change & a reality, in which pakistanis been captured or kiddnaped, by the contractors working for allies!
I really want to see , the face of our beloved, internationally awaraded, CJ chowdry ! Who was on the forfront bashing , our own forces.
A CJ , who only can give 30 odd seconds, sentence to, asif baba - gilani chor?
Its been written in our holy book , that all hummans are full of mistakes , only angels are , the innocent ones!
Bt our, CJ can't remembers, that even him is nt (the perfect one-Angel)
Bt for PA, he is mr QANOON !
Nice twist in the, story ! Let's see wht happens next!