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Senate committee calls for ban on Indian channels

Whether Pakistan should ban Indian TV channels is Pakistan’s prerogative. But fact remains that almost all Indian entertainment channels have shows directed at Indian audience. Reference to Pakistan if any would be extremely rare and incidental.

The soaps on these channels, like everywhere in the world is targeted at the women folk and hence issues close to a woman’s heart are dissected, exaggerated and spiced up to hold their eye balls. Irrespective of the country or culture, women issues are similar and can be identified with most women. Hence, American dramas are well received by the women folks in Asia, even though the Asian culture is quite distinct.

The premises that Indian channels telecast for targeting and to pollute the population of Pakistan is too farfetched. These channels are commercial ventures and sustains primarily on ad revenues. Programs on these channels need to hook eyeballs of Indian audience to sustain themselves.

Many in India, including your truly do not appreciate the suitability of many shows being aired. Objections to many shows have been raised in the Indian parliament, wasting valuable time of the government.

A Pakistani member commented that 2 hours of ‘Sas Bahu’ will kill him, is not too off the mark. Ask any Indian men how he manage to survive the assault, every evening and he will pour out his horror stories:cry:

This does not take away the fact that we have numerous 24 hours news channels, competiting for eyeballs too. Now there is so much news that can be captured and presented. Even Global news channels have to either repeat their shows or show features to cover 24 hours. Product differentiation and positioning have made many of these news channels “ info-tainment “ channels. Yes, many of these channels have frequent reference to Pakistan under banners of “Breaking News”. These are also the channels that will have shows ghosts, rapeand murder, along with graphic reconstruction of the crime.
How does an Indian perceive these News channels? The way they actually are; Infotaintment channel. In case of a serious need to catch news, most Indians will switch on news channels not exceeding ten at most, including CNN BBC. I am sure; a Pakistani’s experience may not differ much.

To answer a query raised earlier in the forum, I remember, when I was young and we had only “Doordarshan”, Pirated tapes of Pakistani serials were ‘a rage’ with almost all video libraries stocking them. Pakistani Serials were perceived to be better in content.

However, with the arrival of numerous Indian channels and choices, the audience may not have the same craze. Nevertheless, even today, some Pakistani cannels are available in some areas based on audience demand. They have to compete with other Indian Channels for eyeballs of the women folk, the primary consumer of TV.

Coming back, whether Indian channels are corrupting Pakistani citizen, my personal opinion would be yes. They are corrupting the Pakistani citizen, as much as they corrupt Indian citizen. The fact remains that we have the remote to switch channel. “Freedom of Choice” is one of the bedrock of modern societies. It's for Pakistan to Choose...
Pure speech is no doubt supported by all of us. But again keeping in view your religious scenario you can not allow everything that negates your faith and preach you things which are not allowed by your religion.

If still everything should be allowed in the name of free speech then i think we need to wind up all the religious organisations which curb the freedom of speech in the name of blasphemy.
Sau bismillah.

Anyway i am all for banning Indian channels as long as India also does not allow Pakistani channels in India.

when bharatiyas are not allowing our channels why should we allow theirs.

When Mumbai attack happend they even banned Pakistani actors and even mistreated them.
In matters of protecting the state we have to become eent ka jawab pathar. If they ban our TV channels, artists, players and so on, ban their overhead flights and transit to Afghanistan. Mauka bhi hai, dastoor bhi hai.

I'm against banning for religious reasons since that harms Pakistani society and makes intolerant of opposing point of views, which will ultimately arise even amongst us for various issues. Once you can ban one thing, then its not that hard to keep banning the rest.
:tup: agree. why selective freedom of speech should be practiced in the first place.

Anyway NO Indian had replied to my question that how many Pakistani channels are allowed to be shown in India by Indian govt ???

One i know is KTN other is Sindh TV
Sau bismillah.

Then speak out in this matter as well just like you are standing up for defence of Indian channels.

In matters of protecting the state we have to become eent ka jawab pathar. If they ban our TV channels, artists, players and so on, ban their overhead flights and transit to Afghanistan. Mauka bhi hai, dastoor bhi hai.

Indeed i am all for it. And waisay bhi we are already not earning much from that so its not gonna harm us in a big way .

I'm against banning for religious reasons since that harms Pakistani society and makes intolerant of opposing point of views, which will ultimately arise even amongst us for various issues. Once you can ban one thing, then its not that hard to keep banning the rest.

Religioous is one aspect. Tolerence come from mutual respect not from one-sided respect. I did not see much tolerence in Indian media conetent for Islam.

So NO we are not much easy for showing and supporting shirk
Wow...10 pages and 200+ posts ....

Well Pakistan should go ahead and Ban Indian Channels. Anyways Pakistani audience is not the intended audience for these channels, and Indian channels are not going to miss that viewer ship.

If it helps Pakistanis feel good. Then the GOP should takes such step.
Yaar yeh kay bakwas hai hipocracy!. Pakistan had era when its TV serials were very popular in India, I am talking about "Bakra Kiston pe" whole series we were kids then and we use to rent Video cassets to view them, and there were some more i dont remember ..some serous ones in which my Mother use to be intersted in ..not us kids.
I think it was 1987'-92 golden era of Pakistan serials. There was no satellite tv then. but we all watched it. Abhi bhi you can catch them up on you tube.
how can one forget Omar sharrif. even he use to be a famous person in Sharjah during the Indo- Pak matches.
See the ones who are addicted to having fun and they get it in watching whatever. In India too lot of Men do not watch saas bahau serials but women do.

How many women are here on this forum ?? very few.
I don't get why u need to ban it if u don't like it don't watch simple ! clickin a damn button is far easier than banning .
Respectable act from Pakistan.Ban All Indian Channels as well as Hindi Cinemas along with strict raid of pirated Dvds or online "live" channel things etc.This will greatly benefit Pakistan to Understand Your Culture.
Indian Channels are Supposed to be Watched by Indians?I was like WTF ,When they invited pakistani artistes here.
Cut off the link with India.The Obsession for India too will reduce by a Huge difference.Your Channels can dub Hollywood Blockbusters to Urdu/pashto instead of Hindi Cinemas.
Let Indian do Whatever they want.they are not related to Pakistan,Afghanistan or Iran :)

EDIT:Seize those Who Smuggle Indian DTH Set Top Boxes to Pakistan.Thanks
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honestely indians teenagers and young adults are so deluted with western style of life that they just protray themselves as westerners... i for one see this first hand to when in canada the young indian adults are comeing here without asking around people what to wear , how to talk to people , how to make a status,ECT.... its just that there self morals are so low that it dosent look like there indian more like western white washed indian. same now with pakistani kids aswell ,,,, before alot use to be sencord but now nothing is ..no sharam.... should go back to the zia ul haque regime
Indian Channels are Supposed to be Watched by Indians?I was like WTF ,When they invited pakistani artistes here.
Cut off the link with India.The Obsession for India too will reduce by a Huge difference.Your Channels can dub Hollywood Blockbusters to Urdu/pashto instead of Hindi Cinemas.
BTW we all saw how the invited Pakistani artists were treated in India, after getting their songs in indians movies the response from some jealoused indian musicians was too obvious to reveal how some Indians feel about Pakistani's, i am not in favour that there should be a ban on any kind of channels in Pakistan, but there should be some positive sign froma cross the border as well, u mentioned Obsession?:rofl: care to elaborate keeping in mind the Indians commenting:taz: on Zaid Hamid every where on Internet

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