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Secular India is a myth

Batman original theme tune !!

Radianceweekly.com has printed that article and frankly speaking radianceweekly.com is not something which I would consider authoritative and I have not been able to get any other source to triangulate this data.

Having said that communal riots have seen sections of the Indian Police Force rather the the State Police Force acting quite unconstitutionally.
Everyone can see through the Indian "democracy" veil except fanatical followers such as the ones pictured before burning an innocent book. I won't advise them to cross the border or make themselves seen in any civilized nation, and it's a shame they find refuge under the caring protection of the Indian police. These mobs may start out burning books which might sound fun to some people participating on this forum, but do we have to be reminded of what else these mobs are capable of doing and have done in the past? We should start sending arms over the border for minorities to protect themselves against these monkey mobs.

One India: Two Peoples, Holy Cows And Scapegoats

By Subhash Gatade

01 September, 2008

1. Kafka in Goa : How Tariq Ahmad Batloo was 'Declared' a 'Terrorist'
Does anyone have heard about Tariq Ahmad Batloo, the tragic and rather unbelievable story of the Kashmiri trader, who is at present languishing in one of those 'high security prisons' in Kashmir meant for 'dreaded terrorists'.

In fact Batloo's arrest in Goa last year had made headlines when it was claimed that he was arrested while he was getting of the Mangala express carrying a 'kilo of RDX, grenades and detonators in his suitcase' and planned to 'set off bomb blasts in Goa'. When the case came up for hearing in the court the cops neither had any ticket to show that he travelled by the train nor did it produce the RDX or Grenades which he was allegedly carrying on the day. There were many other loopholes in the case and when it became evident that it was a frame-up and Batloo was picked up a full week before his 'official' arrest, he was acquitted by the judge.

But that was not the end of his tragic story. The 'Herald' a respected daily in Goa in its editorial 'Making of a Terrorist' had given details aftermath of his acquittal (Panjim, 15 July 2008) :

Battlo, accompanied by his brother and cousin, was having a shave at a barber’s when police picked them up and took them to Vasco police station. They were instructed to take the very next flight out of the state. Police were at the airport, questioning them, as well as photographing and filming them, and making calls on their mobile phones. As soon as they reached Delhi and collected their bags, they were surrounded by men in plain clothes who took Battlo away. Two days later, J&K police said they caught him in his ‘hideout’ in Jammu, on the same day that he left Goa. He has been booked in an old 2005 case against someone else, and now faces the prospect of spending a few more years in jail, until another court realises that it wasn’t possible for him to reach Jammu on the same day he left Goa at 5.45 pm and reached Delhi at 8.30 pm, and acquits him from those charges as well.

Perhaps Tariq Ahmad Batloo's saga reminds one of the classic novel 'The Trial' by Kafka where an ordinary citizen is ranged against forces much beyond his control. 'Herald' had rightly concluded :

'The strange case of Tariq Ahmed Battlo – the man who was released by a Goa Fast Track Court only to be seized by plain clothes policemen outside the New Delhi airport and whisked away in a car, after which Jammu & Kashmir policemen claimed he was arrested from a ‘hideout’ in Jammu – will probably come back to haunt us all.'

For anyone who is a close watcher of the 'terrorism' scene in the country it would be a mere cliche to say that the case of Tariq Ahmad Batloo is not an exception. There is a growing list of innocent people from minority community who have been apprehended under any pretext, branded as 'terrorists', tortured for months together to extract some confession from them and ultimately booked in some case to spend prime time of their lives behind bars. 'Tehelka' the english weekly recently did a series of articles in its July-August (2008) issues which delineated plight of innocent Muslims who had to bear the brunt of police highhandedness under similar false pretext that they belonged to some 'terrorist' organisation.

One can cite n number of cases where long arms of the Indian state reach out to pick up innocents to cover up their incompetence in providing security to its citizens. After each bomb blast or surprise violent act, arrests are made, organisations named but the police and investigative agencies are not able to prove their claims in most such cases.And it has in its kitty enough 'strong laws' which enable it put anyone behind bars for months together without a semblance of legal hearing taking place.

2. "Coimbatore Blasts : A Police Fabrication : SIT"

It was the end of March that the Special Investigation Team from Tamilnadu discovered that the cases registered against five Muslim youths in Coimbatore were fabricated by the police.(The Milli Gazette, 1-15 April 2008) July 2007 had witnessed arrest of five youths Haroon Basha, Malik Basha, Ravi alias Tipu Sultan, Bolo Shankar alias Theequrrahman and Shamsudheen on the basis of "secret information". The police version of the story talked of a conspiracy by this group to plant bombs in various hospitals in Coimbatore supposedly to increase the influence of 'Manitha Neethi Pasarai' (MNP) a human rights organisation. It was also announced that the police have seized pipe bombs from the accused. As is always the case a section of the media carried stories based on the police version.

When MNP's claim that the whole episode were a fabrication by the police, gathered broader support then the government was also forced a start a fresh enquiry in the case by the SIT. The SIT officials even recommended action agains the cops - namely Intelligence assistant Commissioner Rathina Sabhapati and his associates - who had arrested the five youth belonging to a 'Manitha Neethi Pasarai' (MNP) a human rights organisation to malign the group.

It was worth emphasising that as a result of the CID report, Rathina Sabhapati was demoted and transferred to other place.

In fact for the SIT it had been a rather shocking revealation that the whole exercise of arrest of these innocent youths and the "seizure" of explosive materials planted earlier by the cops themselves were part of a joint effort of Rathina Sabhapati and Inspector Elankovan with due support of senior officers. Basically it was an exercise to malign the MNP.

Of course it would not be improper to say that the act by the Coimbatore police pales in significance if one were to look at a case involving the Delhi police itself. The case pertains to two persons namely Mohammad Marouf Qamar and Irshad Ali, residents of namely Bhajanpura (Delhi) and Sultanpuri (Delhi), who were working as informers for the Special Cell of the Delhi police. It has been more than two and half years that they are languishing in Tihar Jail on false charges of "Al Badr terrorists". Thanks to their refusal to continue working for Special Cell who wanted to send them to as moles in a militant camp in Kashmir, they were first kidnapped by the police themselves and later showed that they were nabbed from Mubarak Chowk bus stop on G.T. Karnal road in North Delhi on February 9, 2006 with two kgs of RDX and pistols. Later it was revealed that Qamar was abducted from his Bhajanpura residence on 22 December 2005 whereas Irshad Ali went missing from his Sultanpuri home on December 12. Oblivious of the fact that the Special Cell people had themselves kidnapped the duo, the family members of both of them lodged a complaint with the police about their sudden disappearance.
Later Qamar and Ali both moved Delhi high court and in protest against police harassment asked their lawyer Sufiyan Siddiqui not to file any bail application. When the matter came for hearing the 'holes' in the case were evident where their counsel produced records of calls between them and Special Cell officials before their "arrest" to prove that they were informers. Interestingly statements of Special Cell officials contradicted each other. While the police had claimed that they were nabbed from a J & K bus in the capital with RDX, neither it could produce tickets of the journey nor the driver or conductor of the said bus knew anything about the matter. Neither the special cell carried out any search at these "dreaded terrorists" nor they disclosed in the chargesheet from where did they receive the arms and explosives.

The CBI enquiry made it clear that the Special Cell's version "did not inspire confidence" ( Hindustan Times, 'Some Respite for Police Officers who 'framed' Informers, 6 th August 2008). It also aggreed to the fact that the 'duo were victims of a conspiracy hatched by the Special Cell in colloboration with the IB officials". Justice Suresh has asked the CBI to proceed against the guilty officials.

One can just imagine that if it is possible to implicate innocents in the national capital itself, under the full glare of the media, then if one moves further away from the capital, there would be further deterioration in the situation. Of course, looking at the tremendous importance of the media, which is considered a 'watchdog of democracy' it becomes easy if the stakeholders in the media itself are ready to sidestep institutions of democracy and take upon themselves the job to 'investigate' such 'terror related crime' and pronounce 'judgement'

3. Media : Don't Swallow It !

Gauri Lankesh,a senior journalist from Karnatak, and editor of a Kannada weekly 'Lankesh Patrike' had in an article (The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2008) demonstrated how the media itself joins the bandwagon of demonising particular communities and sections of society and metamorphose into a 'legitimate tool' in their 'terrorisation' and 'stigmatisation'.

In her detailed writeup she discussed details of a case where three young men were arrested in Hubli and Honnali towns on charges of vehicle theft. (Riazuddin Ghose, Mohammad Abubakar and Mohammad Asif )Looking at the fact that all of them belonged to the minority community, 'within a day of their arrests, police sources leaked to the media that they suspected that the trio might be involved in planning terrorist attacks all over the country'.

The police leak was enough for all sorts of speculative stories in the print as well as electronic media where the reporters provided juicy and spicy details about the 'terrorist trio's plan' to blow most of Karnataka's key buildings All these reports which were sourced to 'police officials who did not want to be named' contended that these three young men 'had links upto Osama Bin Laden and down to the local 'sleeper cells' of LeT or SIMI. The men were also suspected of conducting arms training in forests, flying Pakistani flag, possessing RDX, distributing arms and weapons to 'sleeper cells', recruiting hundreds of youth to terrorist organisations, possessing AK-47s. etc.

'One report which appeared in the The Hindu, can be summed up thus : The fact that one of the arrested youth claimed before the magistrate that his human rights have been violated by the police made the magistrate suspect that he was no ordinary youth....On the basis of this assumption, the magistrate instructed the police to subject him to a thorough interrogation. And that was when the "terrorist links" were revealed."

The hyper activity in media - which even published news of 'arrest' of a number of students when the police had not done so and which also reported that "religious books and material" were seized from the trio ( as if carrying religious literature itself is a crime ? )- led to a situation where the three 'accused in bicycle theft' were depicted as most dreaded terrorists which the world has seen in recent times.

The caution expressed by a senior police officer Mr Shankar Bidri, while talking to a TV channel just fell on deaf ears. He had said : "So far no proof has been unearthed to label these youths as terrorists. The media is indulging in blatant fabrication of news. What if their case too turns out to be another Dr Mohammad Haneef case ? Let us not turn into terrorists those who are innocent."

Of course there is another sinister way in which media goes the extra mile in 'stigmatising',' criminalising' individuals under some false pretext. The highly mischievous manner in which Times of India carried a defamatory report on Bangalore Technies is a case in point.

Under the caption 'New Network of Terror Technies Come To Light" (28 Feb 2008) it tried to put every Muslim individual who is working in the I.T sector under suspicion. The report by some N.D. Shiv Kumar claimed that ' Bangalore appears to have turned into a hub of radical technies.
Under the banner of Muslim Information Technology Professionals Association, these technies in the city are said to be networking and aiding radical groups.' Apart from spreading such baseless canard against a paritcular community, it also singled out few persons whose contribution to the whole IT industry is recognised by their adversaries also. And this included Mr K.M.Sherif. The mischievous report even mentioned that the police is looking for K.M.Sherif imputing that he is absconding.

K.M. Sherif a I.T. professional for 25 years who has worked with Wipro, Sun Microsystems and who is at present Chief Executive Officer of a reputed IT firm, would not have imagined in his wildest dreams that such a slanderous piece would be carried by TOI. He has promptly filed a criminal proceedings against Times of India for defamation and has even sent a legal notice to the owners and publishers, editor of the paper. In a moving letter he explained the prevalent situation :

..An environment has been created where the press can imply any random person to be a terror suspect, and the so-called terror suspects are immediately judged by the press and fascist sections of society to be terrorists with no due process available to them. In most cases, the people who are thus implicated have no backing or support and are isolated by the society and thus are doomed even when they are innocent.

It is not difficult to imagine how such reports do irreparable damage to the careers of minority students who are aspiring to get into IT industry and also to those who are already working in IT firms by planting suspicion and mistrust in the minds of people.

Interestingly, the media which is ready to go the extra mile when it comes to the issue of 'Jihadi terrorism' ( or 'Fassadi terrorism' - to quote M.J. Akbar) seems to develop cold feet when they clearly see the involvement and participation of Hindu terrorist groups in such violent act(s). The blasts in Kanpur (24 th August 2008) which occured in a private hostel run by a retired employee M. S.S. Mishra which clearly saw the involvement of Bajrang Dal activists is a case in point. It took more than three days for 'Indian Expres', Hindustan Times, IThe Hindu or for that matter The Times of India, to report the incident which exposed a big conspiracy hatched by the Hindutva brigade to foment communal riots.In the words of a senior police officer, the explosives gathered by the duo 'were enough to blow half of Kanpur'.Interestingly the hindi newspapers were more forthright in reporting the incident. Even a newspaper like Jagran which is considered close to the Hindutva brigade covered the explosion immediately.

4. Bajrang Dal Bombers

It is official. The Sangh Parivar members have now joined in plotting terrorist attacks. On Sunday afternoon, a bomb accidentally went off in Kanpur killing a former Kanpur city convener of the Bajrang Dal and his associate while they were assembling a bomb in a private hostel room.
( The Mail Today, 26 th August 2008)

Sharadanagar, rather a non-descript locality in Kalyanpur, Kanpur has suddenly reached national-international headlines, thanks to a bomb-explosion in one of the private hostels run by a retired employee of KESKO Mr Shiv Sharan Mishra. Mr Mishra had built this private hostel, which had nine rooms and 14 students stayed in the hostel and Rajiv had kept one room with him.

The explosion witnessed deaths of Rajiv alias Piyush S/O Mr S.S. Mishra and Bhupinder Singh Arora, a friend of Rajiv, and ex-convenor the city Bajrang Dal, in explosion and serious injuries to two others. The bomb explosion was so massive that there cracks in all the walls of the hostel and bomb splinters reached 50 metres from the spot of the explosion.

It is reported that Piyush, who use to work as a complaint officer in a mobile company in Lucknow, came home with Bhupinder and asked the residents of the hostel to vacate the rooms on the pretext of checking the electric wiring. As soon as the occupants left the hostel, a massive blast took place. Recovery of a timer device and prohibited explosive raw material shows that a major terror plot was being hatched there. Ths photo studio run by Bhupinder was in Sarvodaya Nagar locality and his shop was very close to the popular J.K. temple

Bhupinder used to run a photo studio in the Sarvoday Nagar locality of Kanpur and his shop was close to the city's popular J.K. temple, police said. According to the police the explosives were meant to spread during Sunday's celebrations.On monday police recovered some crude hand grenades, lead oxide, red lead, potassium nitrate, bomb pins, timers and batterires from the spot. The police felt that the quantity of explosives stored there was enough to destroy half of Kanpur.

The most notable fact about the perpetrators of this conspiracy, who died during this explosion, is that both of them belonged to Bajrang Dal, the 'storm tropper' wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. The leaders of the Bajrang Dal have conceded that they 'worked with the organisation' some time back and one of them happened to be the convenor of the city wing.

Looking at the grievous nature of the crime, and the fact that a major tragedy could be averted, it is expected that the state government with necessary help from the central government would try to unearth the real conspirators who were behind the plan. It is a positive sign that the police have recovered mobiles of both of them and now if they wish they can take the case to its logical end.

And looking at the fact that while leaders of the city Bajrang Dal were conceding the fact that the perpetrators happened to be members of their organisation and 'who have stopped working for it since sometime' , the police in the city was 'still investigating their details'. There is a strong possibility that the police may turn the focus of the investigation to Babbar Khalsa to save the real perpetrators of this act. In a report of the incident which appeared in 'Jagran' a hindi daily ( 25 th August 2008) one gets to know how the wind is blowing in this case. It tells us that 'The name of Babbar Khalsa Force has cropped up in the conspiracy to wreak havoc in the city. The ATS members dropped hints to this effect." It further adds 'according to ATS sources, Bhupender was related to Babbar Khalsa Force and police has seized two of his mobiles'.Perhaps it is conveniently forgotten that Bhupender Singh was once a City Chief of Bajrang Dal.

Of course there is a strong possibility that the powers that be would 'individualise' the crime and would rather never try to move beyond the obvious.Apprehensions about behaviour of the polity and the state apparatus is not uncalled for. We have been witness to cavalier attitude of the police as well as intelligence agencies whenever any terrorist act committed by Hindu fanatic has come to the fore.

In a press conference held in Delhi ( 'Setalvad raps CBI on Nanded terror, 29 th August 2008, Mail Today) leading social activist Teesta Setalvad and filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt reported the "massive cover-up operation" launched by the CBI of the Nanded terror incident which similarly saw deaths of two youths of Bajrang Dal activists in 2006. According to them the CBI did not apply 'sections of criminal conspiracy or booking the Bajrang Dal accused under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act' while 'submitting a chargesheet this March in court.

They further add :
"The CBI chargesheet filed in March 2008 in the Nanded case is an eyewash. The CBI has watered down the entire terror trail and links to terror training grounds of Bajrang Dal youth in Maharashtra - the Bhonsla school in Nashik and Nagpur - have not been explored. The Mumbai anti-terrorism squad (ATS) chargesheeted 11 persons for criminal conspiracy but the CBI did not even consider the possibility of a conspiracy - it has, in fact even diluted the ATS case."

5. Victims as Perpetrators !

Friday the 22 nd day happened to be an important day as far as focussing/underlining the manner in which minorities are viewed and dealt with by the state and the civil society in today's India.

A three day 'People's Tribunal on the Atrocities Committed Against Minorities in the Name of Fighting Terrorism' saw its inauguration on this day at Hyderabad. Organised jointly by different civil society organisations the tribunal intended to see victims from 10 states depose before a eminent jury of judges and lawyers and journalists.

The People's Tribunal sought to question the manner in which terrorist incidents/acts are treated in the country where 'Only people from one community are arrested, only organisations of one sort are blamed and motives too similar are rattled most of the times. Facts like members of all communities dieing, including of the one being blamed for the act, or the particular community targeting its own place of worship simply go unquestioned.'

The day also saw a protest demonstration in Churchgate, Bombay under the auspices of 'Awami Bharat and and the Dalit-OBC Intellectual Forum' against the manner in which Ken Heywood, a key suspect in the Ahmedabad terror attack, who had sent the terror mail just five minutes before the attack happened, was allowed to escape the country.

Demanding that 'Ken Haywood should be immediately be recalled to India and a thorough investigation be carried out, as he seems to be a key person in the planning and execution of the Ahmedabad and other terror attacks' the invite for the demonstration expresses the possibility that 'Haywood being an undercover CIA operative with the task of formenting terror so as to destabilise India and spread fear and insecurity and thus pushing India further into the US-Israeli camp.' The concerned citizens demonstration at Churchgate Railway Station sought to question the manner in which 'A person who was under the constant glare of the media and who even had police security posted outside his residence' was allowed to leave the country. It rightly says 'The very fact that even his passport was not confiscated speaks volumes of our "intelligence" agencies.'

The deponents in the tribunal comprised of two types of people. People who were arrested by police of flimsy charges and then let off due to lack of evidence, relatives of people who are in jail under similar charges.ll those who deposed, belonged to Muslim community. A few of the deponents also submitted copies of documents pertaining to their cases. The jury which comprised of eminent judges, social activists and journalists issued its interim report which emphasised that a large number of innocent young Muslims have been or are being victimized by the police on charges of terrorism in gross violation of law. The People’s Tribunal showed that police, intelligence agencies and even judiciary are constantly compromising civil liberties and constitutional rights all over India. It seems that the Indian state has become an apparatus that willfully ignores the basic human rights of minorities in the country. It rightly emphasised that it is the collective responsibility of society 'to ensure that the merchants of terror are punished but at the same time society has to take care that deep rooted prejudices do not develop against certain sections - so much so that these sections start wondering whether they are part of this society at all or not.'

A tendency on part of the police also came in for lot of criticism wherein police seem to rush to the press immediately after nabbing some person and dole out the stories of their success and relate the progress of the investigations. The media inadvertently or because of malice towards particular communities also reproduced this police version ad verbatim.

Interim recommendations of the People's Tribunal are worth consideration : Human Rights Commissions at the state as well as central level taking up such matters sincerely, courts becoming more cautious in granting police or judicial custody looking at the fact that alleged confessions of the accused can also be doctored, Courts awarding compensation for the destruction of life and reputation of persons acqutted by the courts, trial courts being provided with medical officer who can immediately examine any accused complaining of torture in Police or judicial custody, police should not be allowed to get blank papers signed by the acccused, members of Bar Associations seeking to prevent lawyers from representing accused persons must be hauled up for Contempt of Court for interfering with the administration of Justice. And the most important recommendation was addressed to the Indian government which talked of its signing the International Criminal Court Treaty known as the Rome Statute which has been signed by most countries.

6. All Beaten Bears ?

The saffrons have a good ability of peddling their 'achievements' and denouncing their 'opponents'. And when Narendra Modi's anti-terrorist squad with due help from other state governments officially 'cracked the case' about Ahmedabad blasts and arrested its 'masterminds' there was no stopping them. Senior leaders of the saffron dispensation described the 'success' of the Modi regime in solving the case within a fortnight as the culmination of the no nonsense approach of the Party' towards terrorism.

But despite all the brouaha over this 'spectacular achievement' and despite receiving congratulatory messages from many quarters, one notices public scepticism over the claims by the government. Sheela Bhatt, (rediff.com, 26 th August 2008) who recently did a story 'highlighting how the Gujarat police force cracked the Ahmedabad blasts conspiracy and how the they were going about building an airtight case against the terrorists,' gave vent to this feeling. According to her 'the biggest stumbling block before the Gujarat police' is the general disbelief or public scepticism 'over its claim of having cracked the case.'

But before coming to the grand disjunction between claims by the Gujarat government and the people's perception about it, it would be opportune to underline an important conclusion which has largely gone unnoticed. As per the Gujarat government's claims it has not only got evidence against the planners and executioners of the bomb blasts in Ahmedabad and Surat, but it has definite insights into the conspiracy aspect of the blasts in Samjhauta Express and in Jaipur. The import of this is that (to quote Ms Sheela Bhatt) :

In other words, what the Gujarat police is claiming is that the blasts in Hyderabad, Bengaluru ,Jaipur, Ahmedabad and probably Samjhauta Express were conceived, planned and executed by the militant faction of the Students Islamic Movement of India formed after 2005.

That also means the usual suspects -- like Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence, Lashkar-e-Tayiba or HUJI of Bangladesh -- can't be blamed for some of the recent blasts that have killed more than 200 innocent Indians........
A senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader in Gujarat, whose party is in power in the state, says, "We have not found any external links to SIMI in the execution of the blasts in Ahmedabad and Surat."

It remains to be seen how palatable this would be to the ideologues of RSS-BJP whose weltanshauung rests on the twin pillars of Pak bashing and stigmatising Islam.The general public scepticism could be discerned at two levels.

The police force in the country is laced with tremendous power and little accountability which has made it too lousy. It is normally the case that as they can pick up any bear and parade it as a self-confessed tiger, they have little drive or motivation to go after the real tiger(s). This situation results in appalling intelligence failures by breeding incompetence and corruption within the force. It was not for nothing that in one famous judegement in the fifties Justice A.N. Mulla castigated it as 'the biggest organised goonda force in the country'.
In case of terrorism related investigations the police force which exercises power without any accountability acquires further immunity thanks to the special laws drafted for special conditions.If under normal law confession before a police officer is not admissible as evidence, under such laws such confessions are admissible. It follows that terrorism related investigations which are considered special always face credibility problems in this part of the world.

Coming to Gujarat the memories of Sohrabuddin and Kausarbi encounter killings are still fresh when police force from two states - Gujarat and Rajasthan - coordinated their killing and presented it as killing of Lashkar-e-Toiba operatives who were planning to eliminate Narendra Modi and other senior leaders. Later it was revealed that controversial Gujarat IPS officer and “encounter specialist” D.G. Vanzara, now under arrest for the death of Sohrabuddin in November 2005, and his team of trigger happy police personnel had killed at least 15 people in the past few years in nine encounters on the alleged grounds that they were plotting to kill Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi and other senior BJP leaders. He had also arrested scores of “terrorists” on similar charges.

The public scepticism has another important dimension.

People have not forgotten that blasts in Ahmedabad evoked altogether different reactions from the mainstream parties. A senior leader of the BJP Ms Sushma Swaraj, had blamed Congress for the blasts who according to her wanted to divert people's attention from the controversial means adopted by it to win vote of confidence. As opposed to Ms Sushma Swaraj, a senior Congress leader and ex Chief Minister of M.P Mr Digvijay Singh had raised some pertinent questions about the blasts in the country. He had asked why blasts occur whenever BJP is in trouble. He had also said that he had enough proof to show the RSS and its front organisations had been involved in bombmaking in earlier events. People noticed that it was for the first time that the mainstream political parties had moved away from usual 'SIMI' or 'Pakistan bashing' over these blasts. As rightly noted by historian Amaresh Mishra in one of his writeups in 'The Milli Gazette' for the first time the political nature of bomb blasts and the politics underneath it was coming to the fore.

It is now history how the scenario dramatically changed once the central government lost its case against SIMI in the special tribunal appointed by it to verify the ban and the government had to rush to Supreme Court to get a stay order. Suddenly one fine morning we were told that Narendra Modi's police people ( which had definitely covered itself with glory in the 2002 carnage) have ultimately cracked the case and it is after a long time that police people in different states showed exemplary co-ordination to nab the accused. Just a day before when we were waiting with bated breath about the results of interrogation of Ken Haywood - the key link in the whole case - by the ATS in Bombay (with a 'lookout notice' issued against him) we discovered that he has already fled the country.

The powers that be told us that in fact Indian Mujahideen and SIMI are same organisations which had perpetrated the dastardly act. Even if one were to believe that the 'confession' by Safdar Nagori, head of SIMI was true, who was arrested in March in M.P., then the said confession had not made any such claims.

7. Where Do We Go From Here ?

....It is difficult to say what will happen next !

Whether the police and security forces would understand their folly and would release Tariq Ahmad Batloo unconditionally or whether Delhi police which has branded two of their earlier contacts Irshad Ali and Mohammad Marouf Qamar as 'Al Badr Terrorists' would make amends to their steps ? Whether media would engage in a deep soul-searching about its complicity to join the powers that be in making 'terrorists' out of innocent people ? Neither it is possible to predict when would the process of 'terrorisation' and 'stigmatisation' of particular communities would end nor it is possible to predict when would the division of peoples in Holy Cows and Scapegoats would end.

As of now there seems to be no end to the phenomenon of scapegoating - wherein the long arms of injustice pick up scapegoats from Indian population to cover up its own incompetence nor does one see an end to the phenomenon of 'holy cows' wherein it protects people/organisations irrespective of their crimes against the people of the country.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the future of India as a republic is at stake here.




BBC | 12 Sep 2008

Hundreds of thousands of people are still homeless after floods hit the Indian state of Bihar last month. Some of the victims face the additional hardships that come from being members of the low caste dalit community. Rajan Khosla of the charity Christian Aid has been meeting some of them in the village of Mirzawaa, where 500 families live in temporary shelters.

Let me be born again as an animal rather than as a harijan (dalit). We face more humiliation than they," says Tetar Rishidev, a dalit from Mirzawaa village, in the district of Supaul.

After the floods in Bihar millions of people lost their homes, belongings and even family members. But for the dalits of Bihar there is further misery: the caste system.

In Mirzawaa village, Sakal Sadah is a dalit.

Today - unusually - he is happy. There is a food distribution and his family will get food. His children have been surviving on some leftover rice once in a day.

Sakal Sadah is a landless agriculture labourer and earns about 40 rupees (80 cents) for a 12-hour day.

Now he's worried: "Where will I get work now? Everywhere is water. No one is going to employ me, I am a harijan."

Hundreds of dalit families are in the same situation as Sakal: they have been hardest hit by the Bihar floods.

In this emergency, when everyone should be provided with food, certain groups are denied access.

The plight of these communities in remote, rural areas is very serious - especially in the feudal state of Bihar.

They cling to the little they have. Many families have left behind one male member to keep an eye on their house and belongings.

Segregated society

Asdev Sadah, an elderly dalit, stayed behind to guard the house of his upper caste employer.

"I used to work in their fields," he said.

"They wanted me to watch their house and belongings. I have to listen to them. They will provide my family food and work once they come back.

"I have nothing left in my house - because it was made of mud it has already collapsed. My malik's (employer's) house is strong and they have stuff kept inside."

It seems a strange sort of society where an old man stays back, without food or shelter, taking numerous risks to guard the house of his feudal lord.

But Asdev no doubt knows full well that in this segregated society, there is no other support system for him and his family.

The relief camp in Sabela School in Madhepura is run by one of Christian Aid's partner organisations who are doing all they can to help.

It was set up because organisers knew there were many dalit villages in the area.

I met Jamuna Devi and Puliya Musamaar here.

They told me that they were not allowed to use the hand pump to get water as it belonged to upper caste people.

The same upper caste people also asked the camp organisers to move displaced people away because as dalits they would contaminate the entire place. Their request was refused.

"When will people understand we are also human beings?" Puliya asked. "We need food and water, our children also feel hungry."

I asked one of the aid agencies running another relief camp whether they would have a dalit cook.

Their response was negative. They felt that not everyone would eat food cooked by dalits.

Christian Aid and its partner organisations are including two dalits in the cooking teams in the relief camps they run - thus ensuring that they are not excluded.

Everyone needs food in this crisis situation, so why should people like Sakal Sadah, Jamuna Devi and Puliya Musamaar be so discriminated against?

And if Asdev Sadah can work in the fields and loyally guard the house of his higher-caste employee, then why people should refuse to eat food cooked by them?

We have to challenge the system. I know the problem is gigantic. But efforts need to be made. Each one of us has to make a step forward.

Another aid agency working in this area assured me that they tried to treat displaced people equally.

The critical point is that while equality may be an accepted philosophy it can only happen once people also agree in practice to be equals.

Equality means that all people should get food and their rights and dignity are respected.

But flooding and discrimination seem to have taken those rights away.


True colors of Indian secularism...
Christians in India face prospect of more attacks by extremists
Rhys Blakely in Bombay

Attacks on nuns, churches and Christian refugees across India are stoking fears that Hindu extremists are planning to target minority communities as the country prepares for a general election.

The worst anti-Christian violence in India since independence 60 years ago came in Kandhamal district, in the state of Orissa, in recent weeks. Hindu fanatics attempted to poison water sources at relief camps holding at least 15,000 people displaced by mob violence, local activists alleged. Hundreds of Christian refugees in the region were told not to return to their homes unless they converted to Hinduism.

In Chattisgarh, central India, two nuns from the Missionaries of Charity, the order founded by Mother Teresa, were beaten by a mob when they took four orphans to an adoption centre.

A spokesman for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India said: “These nuns are known for spending their life for the service of the poorest of the poor in the world. In India most of the beneficiaries of their services belong to the Hindu society.”

Related Links
Christians targeted by mobs in India
Babies die in Indian hospital trials
A church was burnt down in Karnataka, southern India, the state that recorded the highest number of anti-Christian incidents in India last year. There were also reports of violence in Madhya Pradesh, central India.

The Catholic Church said that at least 35 people — many of them burnt alive — had been killed by Hindu extremists in Orissa since August 23. It is feared that the country is on course for an even greater tragedy as hardline groups seek to mobilise support in an election year. The deadline for the general election is next May. A UN investigation gave warning that India was in danger of a repeat of the anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat in 2002, which claimed 2,500 lives.

Asma Jahangir, a special rapporteur on religious freedom for the UN, said: “There is a real risk that similar communal violence might happen again unless incitement to religious hatred and political exploitation of communal tensions are effectively prevented.”

She added: “Organised groups based on religious ideologies have unleashed the fear of mob violence in many parts of the country.”

The crisis in Orissa began over the murder of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati, a local figurehead for the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), an extremist Hindu group. Saraswati had campaigned against the alleged forced conversion of poor Hindus to Christianity by Western-backed missionaries. Hindu extremists dismissed a claim of responsibility from Maoist militants for the murder and blamed Christians. They refused to condemn the murder of Christians that followed.

Gauri Prasad Rath, the president of the VHP in Orissa, said: “I do not condemn the violence against Christians. I condemn the killing of Hindu sage Swami Laxmananda Saraswati ... Christians killed him.”

The decision to take the body of Saraswati on a two-day procession of the state led to the violence when the ceremony was used as an anti-Christian rally. It is believed to have been sanctioned by the RSS, an influential Hindu fundamentalist group that holds sway over the BJP, the largest Indian opposition party.

Some moderate Hindus suggested that the RSS exploited the murder of Saraswati for political ends - a course of events that would echo UN warnings on “political exploitation of communal tensions”.

“The murder of Saraswati was a gift for the RSS,” Dhirendra Panda, a Hindu member of the Committee for Communal Harmony in Bhubaneswar, an independent civil group, said. “They will decide when the violence ends.”

Source: Times Online
I also feel frustrated with Hindu caste system. But this is not only problem with Hindu; actually in India all religions have caste based problem, hindu’s are having more. I personally know in Muslim’s and there are same problems with Christians, so its problem with Indian social culture and only Hindu's should not be blamed.

In many states lower caste people have got political voice better than ever now time is ripe that they should get fast economic benefits, but this is only possible if they stop working under local land lords, and this is only possible when there will be major industrialization.

Though I can say with authority, government in India is committed for long oppressed people and present high caste generation is also scarifying (by reservations/free education/free lunch and many more schemes) hugely for their own oppressed people, which is very good sign and I can say with full authority, my generation feel deep pain to know our own people’s condition and we are committed to work to together.

Also I would like to highlight, few people here claim, India is a failed democracy, having ugly face of secularism etc. etc. In fact they do not understand concepts of secularism and democracy, they never got chance to experience these actually. Dalit problem is a social problem and it is not a creation of Indian democracy or secularism, its more than thousand year old problem and democracy is trying to solve it, without secularism and democracy these problems will only grow.

Because present Indian generation do feel from deep of heart for dalits and backward classes and wants equality, the moment we can give economic boost to our poor people you will soon see biggest curse of India will disappear…..
I also feel frustrated with Hindu caste system. But this is not only problem with Hindu; actually in India all religions have caste based problem, hindu’s are having more. I personally know in Muslim’s and there are same problems with Christians, so its problem with Indian social culture and only Hindu's should not be blamed.

My friend you rightly feel frustrated with Hindu caste systems. It is certainly unjust. But it is only a social problem when people of different casts are not getting discriminated while system remains. I mean when certain people belong to upper caste, some belong to lower caste and the BASIC necessities of lives are provided by a successful secular state without discrimination.

It becomes a problem of secularism implementation by govt when poeple of certain caste and religion are discriminated and "majority" oppressors become untouchable despite their crimes and GOI closes her eyes on the issues. It is not only about the flood victams. Babri Mosque, Orrissa, Gujrat etc are all examples in front of us.

Secularism is generally the assertion that governmental practices or institutions should exist separately from religion or religious belief. But does secularism also bounds GOI to stop violence against religious minorities and low caste communities. I don't think so.

So if a country states, we are a successful secular nation, what should we consider while verifying these claims? Or just that GOI said it and people believed it. I am afraid it doesn't work like that.
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My friend you rightly feel frustrated with Hindu caste systems. It is certainly unjust. But it is only a social problem when people of different casts are not getting discriminated while system remains. I mean when certain people belong to upper caste, some belong to lower caste and the BASIC necessities of lives are provided by a successful secular state without discrimination.
This is what state is trying to do…. They have officially defined the castes (SC/ST/OBC) and trying to give benefit to them. But state can give benefits up to it’s economic limits. But any how there is major benefits are flowing to SC/ST/OBC. So you can not blame Indian governments. Government as an entity does not discriminate rather they have best programs and investing massive money.
So your argument as Indian democracy is not secular is not true.

So if a country states, we are a sucessful secular nation, what should we consider while verifying these claims? Or just that GOI said it and people believed it. I am afraid it doesn't work like that.
It does not matter you believe in Indian democracy and secularism or not, its not for you, its for people of India and they have to judge, and I am sure country’s future is good and these fundamental concepts will become strong. What ever country currently is only due to these concepts, and I am sure except few people who have some motives, no one will say India is a failed state (because if some one says basic concept of Indian democracy failed that means country has also failed, which is totally wrong).
My friend you rightly feel frustrated with Hindu caste systems. It is certainly unjust. But it is only a social problem when people of different casts are not getting discriminated while system remains. I mean when certain people belong to upper caste, some belong to lower caste and the BASIC necessities of lives are provided by a successful secular state without discrimination.

It becomes a problem of secularism implementation by govt when poeple of certain caste and religion are discriminated and "majority" oppressors become untouchable despite their crimes and GOI closes her eyes on the issues. It is not only about the flood victams. Babri Mosque, Orrissa, Gujrat etc are all examples in front of us.

Secularism is generally the assertion that governmental practices or institutions should exist separately from religion or religious belief. But does secularism also bounds GOI to stop violence against religious minorities and low caste communities. I don't think so.

So if a country states, we are a successful secular nation, what should we consider while verifying these claims? Or just that GOI said it and people believed it. I am afraid it doesn't work like that.

dear umer

yes Caste based social hirarechy and discrimination was a wrong . like any other discrimination which are based on religion, gender or race .
India have accepted that and have taken big steps to reform its society .

efforts are showing the result

51% of businesses owned by SC/ST/OBCs-India-The Times of India

NEW DELHI: Political empowerment is finally translating into economic muscle for the country's most disadvantaged sections.

Over half of all business establishments in the country — 51% to be precise — are today owned by the socially disadvantaged sections, mostly OBCs, with a slim contribution coming from SCs and STs.

This is the good news coming from an analysis of social ownership patterns of business establishments as presented by the latest Economic Census for 2005. But before you start cheering this empowerment story, here's a caveat.

A closer look at the data shows that the majority of businesses owned by OBCs/SCs/STs are establishments without any hired workers — that is, these are pa-and-ma ops, run by members of the household. They are possibly mainly efforts at self-employment.

The data shows that while people from these sections owned 45% of business establishments at the time of the last Economic Census in 1998, their share has registered a 6 percentage point increase since then. OBCs account for the largest chunk of this growth.

The OBC share in ownership of businesses has increased in all major states, barring Tamil Nadu, where they already owned a high 74% of all businesses, and Punjab, where a small decline in OBC ownership has been offset by a rise in SC-owned businesses.

In states like UP, the increase in OBC ownership has been significant, going up from 38% in the last census to nearly half of all businesses in the state by 2005. In Gujarat, the proportion of OBC-owned establishments has gone up by 13 percentage points to comprise almost a third of the state's businesses.

However, the status of the weakest among the reserved categories, the scheduled tribes (STs), seems to have remained virtually unchanged.

There has been a steady increase in ST-owned establishments in north-eastern states but that has been offset by a decline in many other states including Orissa, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
This is what state is trying to do…. They have officially defined the castes (SC/ST/OBC) and trying to give benefit to them. But state can give benefits up to it’s economic limits. But any how there is major benefits are flowing to SC/ST/OBC. So you can not blame Indian governments. Government as an entity does not discriminate rather they have best programs and investing massive money.
So your argument as Indian democracy is not secular is not true.

What a preposterous way to defend GOI directly and mock millions of low caste communities and minorities suffering by the hands of hindu fanatics. How can you say GOI is not discriminating by not providing them security? Are money and best programs going to provide them security against GOI sponsored hindu terrorists? Go tell that to nun who has been raped in Orissa and try to explain her secularism of India. Go tell that to low caste communities which are being discriminated against food distribution. My argument is if GOI can’t provide security to minorities against hindu majority regarding number of issues then it is making fool of herself by saying that we are one of the world’s biggest democracy and secular nation. Remove the mask and show that GOI is full supporter of hindu terrorists killing minorities.

It does not matter you believe in Indian democracy and secularism or not, its not for you, its for people of India and they have to judge, and I am sure country’s future is good and these fundamental concepts will become strong. What ever country currently is only due to these concepts, and I am sure except few people who have some motives, no one will say India is a failed state (because if some one says basic concept of Indian democracy failed that means country has also failed, which is totally wrong).

Vice versa it doesn’t matter what you believe about Indian democracy and secularism. People are not blind to see from your broken spectacles that you refuse to remove. These are hard facts my friend often not easy to swallow. So far I have seen no valid points from your side defending it. Steps are being taken by GOI to stop this, but then, call yourself secular when implementation of those steps have proven results. I am sorry to say but so far it's a failure.
The Danger of Hindutva to Secular India
S. R. Welch

Last year in the village of Manoharpur, India, a mob of Hindu supremacists burned to death Australian missionary Graham Stewart Staines and his two young sons. The mainstream U.S. media, which typically casts its jaded gaze on that part of the world only to report death tolls after typhoons, bus, or train disasters, responded predictably.

But while the American public generally responds to news from this part of the world with a bewildered shrug, the response to this story was one of collective, visceral, revulsion. For many Americans, still reeling from another horrific event that recently occurred on their own soil – the Texas dragging death of James Byrd Jr. – the story put India squarely on the map, bringing a grotesque culmination to preceding weeks of church-burnings and rumors of anti-Christian hatred.

More than twenty months have now passed since the Staines murder, and South Asia has once again retreated to the periphery of American awareness. Yet the violence against the Christian minority in India continues unabated. And while the government of Prime Minister A. B. Vajpayee responds ambivalently to this crisis, its cohorts in the religious right do not -- organizations such as the Shiv Sena (“Army of God”) and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (“World Hindu Council”) continue to put forth divisive and inflammatory propaganda, with tangible and far-reaching results. Whether by parliamentary bill to restrict “mixed faith” marriages, state-sanctioned “reconversion” campaigns or the movement to rewrite the history of India as an unalloyed Hindu “Zion,” religious nationalism is reshaping the national agenda of the world’s largest democracy.
This brand of religious revivalism – Hindutva as it is known – has the dimensions of a sustained movement with ambitions of political and cultural reform. Its rhetoric of Hindu supremacy, virulent with the demonization of minorities and exaggerated threats to national identity, resonates among many members of the conservative upper and middle classes. This growing grassroots support has emboldened the movement and placed its ideologies into public office, from local government to Parliament. Even Rabindra Pal (“Dara”) Singh, the man accused of organizing the Staines murder, is now considering a bid for public office.

Representatives of the movement offer little regret for the Staines murders or the other acts of religious hatred that have plagued the country. Instead of unequivocally condemning the violence, mouthpieces for outfits like the VHP indignantly retort that Christian missionaries are waging a campaign to deculturalize “Hindu” India by perpetrating “forced conversions” of its poorest, and most vulnerable, communities. VHP Vice President Giriraj Kishore, for example, has publicly maligned men like Staines as “traitors” and “desecrators of Hindu gods”, implying in essence that violence against them is an act of cultural self defense. In other words, they’re getting what they deserve.

Meanwhile, the Vajpayee government publicly condemns the communal violence but is reticent when it comes to assigning responsibility. Vajpayee prefers to rationalize the killings, beatings, and church bombings as aberrations or “isolated events,” and fidgets away from any suggestion that blame should be laid at the feet of VHP or its militant affiliates, whose members have been clearly implicated in several cases. This is no surprise, as Vajpayee’s BJP (“Indian People’s Party”) is considered the parliamentary arm of the Hindutva movement.

Evidence has supposedly been uncovered that links some recent incidents with operatives of Pakistan’s intelligence services, whose mission, presumably, is to embarrass India among its democratic peers. Such claims may take the heat off Vajpayee for the time being, but if true they should be more cause for alarm than vindication, because they suggest that the social unrest wrought by Hindutva extremism is so disruptive that it has invited exploitation by India’s military rival. The divisiveness of Hindu supremacy, then, may not only be dangerous to India’s democratic institutions, but to its national security as well. But such considerations may be lost on the radical right, for whom Pakistan is frequently invoked as a source of the nation’s ills. Now, with a convenient circle of logic, not only can the enemies of India be blamed for the campaign of “forced conversions,” but can be likewise accused of the ongoing campaign of vigilante “justice.”

Ultimately, it is in its definition of “enemy” versus “Indian” where Hindutva reveals its true colors, for at root is the assertion that the only “true” Indians are Hindus, while all others – particularly Muslims and Christians – are not. The latter religions, termed “semitic” according to the Hindutva theory of history, are alien faiths imposed from the outside on “Hindu India” by foreign aggressors. Such exclusionism makes Hindutva, at its philosophical core, not merely “nationalistic” but supremacist. And any ideology that defines nationhood – with the concomitant rights and enfranchisement that this implies – by membership in a privileged race, culture, or religion, is nothing less than fascist.

This label is not applied glibly. The philosophical parent of the Hindutva movement, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (“National Volunteers Union”), is an ideological organization that has an influence upon domestic conservative politics comparable to that of the U.S.’s Christian Coalition. The head of the RSS during the Gandhi era, Madhav Golwalkar, once famously praised Hitler for showing the world “how well nigh impossible” it is for different races and cultures, “having differences going to the root,” to be assimilated into a national whole. The purging by Germany of the “semitic Races,” Golwalkar goes on to say, is a “good lesson for us in Hindusthan [India] to learn and profit by.”

Such statements of course are not widely publicized, though Golwalkar is still highly respected in Hindutva circles. One need only read pro-Hindutva literature, however, to find that the spirit of his remarks is still alive and well. While downplaying the “petty differences” of creed and race on one hand, or claiming that only nationalism is the “religion” of Hindutva, the RSS for instance goes on to assert that in a “free and prosperous India” Muslims and Christians would “naturally return” to their “ancient faith and traditions.” The message is quite clear – in an India free of constitutional “appeasements” of religious minorities and vigilant in cleansing the nation of the polluting influences of foreign missionaries, converts to “alien” faiths will naturally recognize the superiority of Hinduism, and re-embrace it. Those without the wisdom to do so would be suspect, and thus worthy of second-class citizenship – or worse.

During the last century a diaspora of Indian émigrés spread their culture to communities as far afield as Johannesburg and Jackson Heights; at the beginning of this century Indian cuisine, music, literature, and film enjoy an unprecedented popularity abroad. That Indian culture not only competes with but also penetrates the commercial monolith of Western culture testifies to its modern robustness and vitality. For its part, the religion called “Hinduism” – the amorphous family of traditions and philosophies that comprise historical reality, and not the neo-orthodoxy of the Hindutva movement – will continue to endure by virtue of its inherent inclusiveness, tolerance, and its unique recognition that no creed has a monopoly over truth.

No, the likes of Graham Staines or his converts do not pose a credible threat to India or her culture. The true danger thrives in the demagogues of the religious right, their proselytes, and the creed of bigotry they pander in the name of cultural revival.

The Danger of Hindutva to Secular India

During October the Washington-DC area got a taste of the fear that Pakistani Christians face everyday. With a serial sniper on the loose, DC area residents kept their children close and avoided outdoor activities, never knowing when or where the sniper might strike next. Pakistani Christians live under the same fear, but in their case victims are not randomly selected. Christians are purposely targeted by Islamic extremists for no other reason than their faith in Jesus Christ and an assumed connection with "the West." While police officers and FBI agents spent countless hours tracking down clues until they captured the sniper suspects, Pakistani police have proven unwilling or incapable of finding the majority of those responsible for perpetrating 5 deadly attacks against Christians in the last year, leaving 39 dead and over 75 wounded. And while the sniper attacks were carried out by two deranged individuals, attacks on Christians are organized by whole groups of extremists; groups which, unfortunately, are gaining popular support.

The most recent attack on Christians in Pakistan occurred September 25th in Karachi. Seven Christians working for the Adara Aman-o-Insaf (Peace and Justice Institute), a human rights organization, were brutally murdered by two armed men who shot the Christians in the head at point blank range. Six of the men died instantly. Another died awhile later at a Karachi hospital. An eighth victim who was shot in the head miraculously survived and has slowly recovered. Instead of hunting down the militant Muslims responsible for the crime, police held one of the office workers, Robin Peranditta, for almost a month. Already beaten by the attackers, Robin was then tortured by police to extract evidence. The Sindh High Court intervened and ruled that his detention was illegal. Despite this ruling, police forcibly re-arrested Robin as he was leaving the Court premises. He was released a short while later.

Already tense from the Karachi murders and four other deadly attacks since last year, Pakistani Christians' fears were heightened in October as a result of the country's parliamentary elections, in which a hard-line Islamic party made significant gains. The Muttahida Majlas-i-Amal (MMA), an alliance of six clerical parties, won 20% of the parliamentary seats and was elected the majority party in two regions _ the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) bordering Afghanistan and the Balochistan province bordering Iran. Known as open supporters of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban regime, the MMA has publicly called for the imposition of Islamic shariah law in Pakistan. Some Christians in NWFP and Balochistan have already considered migrating to friendlier areas of the country or even overseas. A Pakistani human rights leader told ICC: "The future picture looks very bleak and gruesome in Pakistan. The religious minorities find that their plight will further be made miserable." Islamic extremist groups are reportedly already meeting with MMA politicians in Islamabad and promoting a candidate for Prime Minister.

Washington-DC area residents are grateful to God that they no longer have to live in constant fear of attack. Pray that Pakistani Christians will receive the same blessing.
caste system in india is an active problem faced by all indians. it has not ended, and there is no need to pretned that it doesnt exist, or to point out similar problems in other nations.

What people should understand when pointing out caste systems is that though the problem isnt eradicated, there has been dramatic improvement. 60 years ago in Kerala, the dalits had to make way for brahmins. today such a condition doesnt exist. though sometimes some high castes exhibit prejudice, the sheer improvement in the system shows that india is making progress.

discrimiation is present in every country, despite many countries taking extensive measures against it. if somebody is determined to discriminate against others, it is impossible to achieve parity. however, if there is constant improvement, then we can say that the nation is making progress, and that eventually, it will be successful.
Challenge to secularism and Indian democracy

The Indian democracy is under threat. With the political leaders trying to create a social rift on the basis of caste and community. As Modi continues his doctrine of Hindutva in Gujarat, Kerala is slowly creeping up on Islamic fundamentalism..
CJ: Ramesh Manghirmalani , 27 Jun 2008 Views:1097 Comments:10
GUJRAT AND Kerala are both headed by persons who are ideologically imbalanced fundamentalists. Kerala chief minister VS Achuthanandan is committed to communism which has Stalin as its hero. Gujarat is headed by Narendra Modi, a fundamentalist of Hindutva, drawing inspiration from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Modi’s reputation is stained by the fact that, as head of the state government in Gujarat between February, 2002 and May, 2002, he was responsible for the communal nature of state institutions at that time. The state department’s detailed views on this matter are included in its annual country reports on human rights practices and the international religious freedom report. Both reports document the violence in Gujarat from February, 2002 to May, 2002 and cite the Indian National Human Rights Commission report, which states there was "a comprehensive failure on the part of the state government to control the persistent violation of rights of life, liberty, equality, and dignity of the people of the state."

Mahatma Gandhi, who won us the Independence, does not figure in the ideology of both. Nor does his picture hang in the politburos of the two. At the Communist Party headquarters in Kolkata, you can see the pictures of Marx and Engels. At the RSS headquarters at Nagpur, photos of Shivaji and Maharana Pratap Singh are on display. Even when I have inquired about the reason for the absence of Gandhi’s portrait, they have simply shrugged their shoulders as if he does not fit into their scheme of things.

What I found most disturbing was the incipient Islamic fundamentalism beginning to creep into Kerala. Some 40 years ago, Gujarat had its first Hindu-Muslim riot. From then onwards, Hindutva forces have constantly pushed their way in by using weapons such as propaganda and at times through communal riots to be where they are. They have more or less achieved their objective as the Gujaratis themselves do not distinguish between Hindutva and Indian nationalism. Why Vallah Bhai Patel was against Muslims? There is certain misinterpreted concept which the Gujarat fundamentalists follow.

The disturbing trend in Kerala can still be stopped by liberal Muslim leaders. Instead, money is sought from abroad to finance fundamentalists to help them buy the best properties at key places. The Left is unhappy. They are the ones fighting against fundamentalists, the BJP hardly figures anywhere.

What I am expressing my horror at is the manner in which Gujarat has undergone a change. It was a secular society before the communal riots in 1969. Today, it is the stronghold of Hindutva. I am concerned that Kerala may also go the Gujarat way and become home for Muslim fundamentalists. The recent Deoband ’fatwa’ against terrorism has made the entire Indian Muslim community think.

However, the terrorists have brought back the vocabulary as if they are fighting against ‘idol worshippers.’ The Indian Muslims have preferred to stay away from the debate which the terrorists are trying to degenerate into an anti-Hindu campaign. India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, had said that fundamentalism among minorities could be curbed. But if the majority community take up fundamentalism, the country would then go fascist.

India has, by and large, followed his principles of secularism. But where probably the nation has failed is in Gujarat, which is behaving as if pluralism does not suit the genius of India. In this kind of atmosphere, institutions adjust themselves to the wishes of the master. I saw the fear of Modi all around. He has been taunting the Centre to take action against him for the Gujarat carnage. The Centre was too timid to do so. Now he is blessing action against writers who point out that things have not returned to normality and that the state remains divided on communal lines.

For example, political psychologist Ashish Nandy wrote early this year that "Gujarati Muslims too are ‘adjusting’ to their new station. Denied justice and proper compensation, and as second class citizens in their home state, they have to depend on voluntary efforts and donor agencies. The state’s refusal to supply relief has been partly met by voluntary groups having fundamentalist sympathies..." I experienced this when I was at Ahmedabad earlier this week.

What Nandy has stated is the truth without any embellishment or exaggeration. Things are in fact worse. This is a blatant attack on freedom of expression. How can a free Press, an integral part of a democratic society, exist if Modi is so touchy about even the mention of the riots in which 2,000 Muslims were killed? I am encouraged to see that some 170 intellectuals, including academics, writers, film makers, journalists and activists, from all over the world have issued a joint statement condemning the anti-democratic forces "that claim to speak on behalf of Hindu values sometimes and patriotism at other times, especially in Gujarat, but who have little understanding of either".

The ball is now in the court of the Gujarati middle class, whether living in the UK, the USA or in India itself. They must speak out because it is their name that is being dragged through the mud and it is they who are being blamed for changing their values to chauvinism and narrow-minded obscurantism. At the same time, they should ensure the rehabilitation of Muslims who were ousted from their villages and were not being allowed to return. I met many who want to go back to their homes and who are willing to forget and forgive if given a chance to restart their lives.

Modi’s party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is busy devising strategies for the next general elections and coining slogans for electioneering. Probably, the Gujarat example goes down well in some Hindi-speaking states. It’s a pity that the BJP has no compassion when it comes to the Muslims. But I don’t expect even a modicum of rethinking from a party which has dreams of establishing a Hindu Rashtra and anointing Modi as the Prime Minister after LK Advani. In the context of the Gujarat, Tehelka exposed India’s needs to wake up and take notice. I am not asking about taking notice of the act because that has been known to all for long through works like Rakesh Sharma’s Final Solution. India needs to take notice of the reactions of a section to the expose. It is utterly sad that some of the reactions show a destruction of the moral meta-narrative in a section of the Indian society. But it is also heartening to find so many common voices pouring in from everywhere condemning the acts in the most vehement terms. These are the voices, talking from their heart, who bring sanity to India and to any discourse in India. They are the ones who make this country survive. But I look here in this post at the disturbing reaction by a section and to question them on where is their moral reference point from which we should talk with them.

I recall the example of Bhindranwale, a Sikh fundamentalist, in Punjab. He could have been dealt with otherwise and the marching of forces into the Golden Temple was not justified. After all, the place is the Sikhs’ Vatican. At that time the Sikh community should have asserted itself and blocked Bhindranwale from occupying the space which belonged to the nation.

New Delhi’s failure to take on communal forces has created an atmosphere in Gujarat where even a person like Nandy cannot highlight the truth. Mind you, it has taken 40 years for Gujarat to be what it is today, a purely Hindutva haven. This may happen in Kerala and Islamic fundamentalists may clone Gujarat. New Delhi has so far stood helpless in the case of Gujarat. That is to be deplored. Would the Centre remain inactive in Kerala and other parts where extremists use Modi as their role model to propagate communalism? Modi and the rise of his party have many similarities with Adolf Hitler and rise of Nazis in Germany. Modi’s victory bodes ill for this nation.

In a state where Mahatma was born, we have a leader now who confesses his targeting of Muslims, and yet, people vote him back into power. Hitler used to openly confess his contempt for Jews and yet people backed him. Modi is a bachelor, like Hitler. He is (supposedly) not corrupt (like Hitler). He is vegetarian (like Hitler) and has contempt for meat-eaters. He goes after his agenda which he makes it clear right in the beginning (like Hitler) and it involves targeting certain sections blaming them for all ills of the society. The economic prosperity in the land is high (like under Hitler), and his goons are ready to target and kill one community (like under Hitler) with protection from the state apparatus. Like Hitler, Modi practices and spends lot of time on mastering his oratory. Like Hitler, he creates an image and persona that is much more than the party and the ideology.

Modi is in-your-face candid about his crimes (like Hitler) which people see as a sign of honesty in comparison to other weak and corrupt leaders who push the same agenda but are not honest about it. Congress and Left have no better track record when it comes to protecting the interests of minority religions in this country. Their record is same or even worse compared to that of Modi. The difference is that Modi just accepts what he does.

A known, strong and honest criminal is better than a hypocrite, weak and dishonest criminal – that seems to be the attitude of the Indian people.

Seriously, India is in a lot of trouble. I know many Muslims personally, who keep saying that India is no longer a place where Muslims can stay. So far, I thought they were exaggerating. But it seems that in certain parts of India it is true - particularly Gujarat and Maharashtra. I meet Indians (non-Muslims) from these states and am shocked at the hate they spew against Muslims. At the same time, it is paradoxical to hear about our supposedly great tolerant culture. Modi is a problem for civilised society.

Challenge to secularism and Indian democracy
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