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Scores dead in Mumbai train bombs

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These arguments can never finish nor end. Nothing's gonna happen by putting all the responsibility on Pakistan, its gonna get worse.

Minutes after the blasts you guyz started, making claims Pakistan did all this, did you guyz ever looked into your politics ever. While keeping your eyes shut, based on assumptions, oh yeah who else it's gonna be "Pakistan". Investegations have'nt even started in full scale yet.

Just explain, What benefits Pakistan could have got by doing this so. Yes on the Other hand India certainly do. By bringing all the attention of the world towards them, especially US. To Put Pakistan down, in the eyes of whole world. World support, Political benefits, religouse benefits, arms benefits and regional benefits all in all goes in the favour of India. Does Pakistan want this to happen? What was Pakistan getting outta this? CRAP

My advise to you guyz, a famouse one "Look before you leap".
Samudra said:
Oh Neo, there would be no Taliban but for Pakistan today.
Forgetting the Konduz airlift are we?
A few paper's speculated on it without evidence!

Pakistan has to fight a civil war for itself, its citizens and not to satisfy US,Canada or any other country.That is if Pakistanis want their country to be a democratic, modern nation and not some Islamic theocratic Mullah run country.
We don't want to fight a civil war at all. War and chaos are bad.

The fact that many people are actually reluctant to recognise this and pretend that they are forced to fight the scum due to external pressure will lead us to percieve that you're in bed with the terrorists.
Oh the agitation is not from fighting them. It's because we have an enemy in the form of India. When we started securing the western border India massed all its troops on our border and we faced an imminent attack.

Only Pakistans army is to be blamed for your internal issues.
Dont let another B haunt you guys.
Being blamed?

Its not the fault of the external entity.They see the scum to be coming from Pak and when they see the source somehow leads to Pakistani army and the terrorists in bed some decades ago they surely have reason to put pressure on Paksitan.
Anything that has pointed to Pakistan has pointed to the tribal areas not the Pak Army. Pak army is at war over on the tribal areas.

At best, they can have a little sympathy with the Pakistan Government.But none of that nonsense will stop them from asking the right questions when their countries get bombed.
Maybe you shouldn't even be asking questions to Pakistan. You need to deal with SIMI first.

The responsiblity to dealing with the trouble makers rests squarely on Pakistan.
Why? They operate on Indian controlled territories.

You **know** what happened to the murderer of Daniel Pearl and why he was killed.
He was killed by an unknown group out of the blue. The demands were outrageous.
Jana said:
Sir Officer do Sam has any proof of that wht he was saying ???

Dose the US had any proof of WMD when she attacked Iraq which her own people are saying was an excuse just to attack.
Anyway i was replying to sam.

All here in our country are condoling from core of heart not dancing like them on deaths on our side sir.

They are blaming without enquiring into the incident.

This fingers are been pointed towards lakshar-e-toiba, i hope u know where LeT is based.
Asim Aquil said:
Some Indian army blokes were caught after they killed Kashmiris and pinned it on groups like LeT. Links, anyone?.

That has been inquired and bought to light and that's why u can say this so authoritatively here.And this was done by Indian institutions so that shud give an idea that the institutions arent corrupt but yes,there are/might be pockets of corruption. But some thing of this sort and magnitude, no way.

Asim Aquil said:
Of course I dare say this is the same thing. This would be tad too extreme even for India. My condolences, and I hope no Kashmiri group was involved. And I hope India manages to ward off another catastrophe like the one that happened when the last train was subjected to terror attack. 2000 Muslims died to pay for the 52 deaths then.

That was labelled as terror attack 9 attack on the train) it was a communal tension and no bomb was used but it was torched by a mob.So it was like they against them.

And yes regarding repeating that over here,is very remote.First of all everbody is affected Hindus,Muslims and christsians.And if there had to be revenge killings it wud have happened after the attack on Ayodhya and Benares temples.but it didnt happen. We wont let that happen.

The best way to defeat terrorism is to dust off after every bomb attack and continue life with added vigour.
Jana said:
Where is the proof Sir ???prove it Sir not suspician!

if we have 11 or more attack will this mean we had the proof that they have done it??

Being a military man cant u see other factors they have many insergencies in India beyond one in Kashmir.
Cant u see it happend in the financial hub??.

See now here u r connecting the insurgencies to Bombay blasts, and everybpdy knows that pakistan is/has been supporting terrorism in kashmir.So now u got the idea why we say u did it.

Jana said:
Now Sir this is not fair u r more biased here Sir
u r doubting even this that we are sad over the incident we are hurt over the killing of women and kids!

Sorry to say sir but from a person like this was not expected.:embarassed:
How can u say this Sir.

its hard to make the world believe when there is nothing but hate against Muslims i know Sir.

Jana pls dont be so modest and quit crying.
Asim Aquil said:
But given the amount of public massacres and communal violence India has seen over the years, its horrible of them to just blindly pin this on Pakistan within hours of the attack. Even if they didn't orchestrate the attacks to divert attention, they saw this as a cheap opportunity to do it now.

jana has answered you, why we say paksitan.She has given the explanation.
Jana said:
One of the official of indian State government said and was quoted by newspapers and Television network as saying that they had the prior information that a planned attack was heading towards the railway stations but they dint know the time and place :what1: . quite intresting isnt it ? it seems that those who had planned it were so foolish to give them this info

plain bullshit!!!
Neo said:
Why are people so eager to blame Pakistan minutes after blasts.
We've seen this before and we'll keep watching this in future. :mad:

the govt hasnt blamed.Its the public and cant blame them for that. And Jana herself has admitted that bomb blast links could be to terrorists in Kashmir who is supported by pakistan.
Neo said:
I can understand the sentiment but its not the case.
Infact Pakistan is gaining territoy with has put Indian government in a very difficult position as Pakistan once again is on the rise and a able to meet any challenge tit-for-tat..

Explain pls

Neo said:
Pakistan now enjoys MNNA status and its also considered as major ally against WoT..


Neo said:
US is looking into long term strategic relationship with Pakistan on 'one on one' base, regardless her friendship with India which is meant to encouter China not Pakistan.

exactly tahst why he rejected a n deal to pakistan and said that these countries have different history
Asim Aquil said:
I asked for a link not a quote.

The reason I ask is that they were asked to cease activities after the Dec 26 attacks on India and then they declared Jihad on Pakistan too in a statement. This aspect hasn't gotten much publicity.

Then early or mid January they were banned too. If Musharraf was interviewed before his presidency then I'm sure he would've said that. However Musharraf did ban the more notorious groups of the past like the Jaysh soon after he overthrew Nawaz Sharif.

Which is another evidence that Pakistan had started fighting against militant groups much before Sept 11 and America's involvements.

The link is given in this thread earlier.

And regarding banning LeT, pakistan nor Mushraff was not ready to ban thjeir homegrown terror group inspite of requests from india,and they did that only after they realised very late that this snake could be equally dangerous.
Neo said:
Its time for us to get international attention to the indeigenious struggle of Kashmir and define terrorism.

Another Kargil..sheriff and mushraff had enough of internationalising Kashmir.

Neo said:
India has sucessfully profitted from the 9/11 events by playing the victom.
Islamophobia is an effective weapon today. :rolleyes:

MNNA...WoT...grants..AID...F 16... who profitted?
Asim Aquil said:
What I'm trying to say is, they just want PR. They won't ever do it. They'd gain a lot more from PR, and will play it on for a long time.
iof we can gain more from just PR than a war,then whats the big deal.Let su play PR.
Asim Aquil said:
Read about the cuban missile crisis in American History class.

That's the most famous incident but not the only one. There has been 4 other times in history (Berlin, Berlin Wall, 73 Arab-Israeli War, Reagan build up) that we went to the nuclear trigger - deliberately - on the European side. Add in another 4 on the Sino-American and Sino-Soviet confrontations. That's a total of 9 times that we nearly killed human civilizations - deliberately.

I don't even want to count the number of times we nearly went to war by accident.

Asim Aquil said:

As long as we're conventionally able to ward off an Indian invasion, by procuring more weaponry it would never escalate to war. India would not attack without a chance to be SURE that it would win.

Kragil proved you're wrong.

Asim Aquil said:
Pak on the other hand has a policy of not attacking India first. Even historically any action from the Pak government has been limited to launching offences towards Kashmir.

Kragil proved you're wrong again.

Asim Aquil said:
So good aggressive policies and detterrents are how we'd avoid war. It won't go nuclear as long as there's no war.

But do you have your own proposals as to what should be happening?

Try to descalate. Keep your infantry at the border but pull back your artillery and armour - way back - some 50 miles back.
Officer of Engineers said:
Try to descalate. Keep your infantry at the border but pull back your artillery and armour - way back - some 50 miles back.
The defacto border is peaceful, meaning, we dont have artillery duels like it used to be when Capt.LT served.
Still, as a gesture, it goes a long way to de-escalate.

I have very little hope for genuine peace but maybe the truce can last just a little bit longer.
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