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Science & Technology in the Muslim world

Science and religious views don't go together.... If some one is trying to bring in science
... He's like saying o God/Allah see I have finally found something to verify you..
or proove you correct..... spitting on the face of millions and millions of believers and followers.


yeap. Agreed.

This is what medieval Christians used to do when dealing with science. Although some of the Christian priests are huge contributers in scientific discoveries.

Thankfully Medieaval Christianity $hit was largely dumped by the goras.

But the same gora ignorance of the past is being lapped up by the Islamists of today.

This is why I call these Islamists as "aping Medieval Christians".

2nd thing.... when you are in Rome talk like Rome... most of the posters here understand the language of mullahs... half knowledge and misquoted verses are what they understand.......

This is where I disagree with you.

Holding the torch of knowledge among the ignoramus is the ONLY way to go.

The torch may not be that bright, knowledge may not be that perfect, but still better than utter darkness where these Islamists tend to dwell.

But you my friend turned yourself (sadly) into a Mullah when you quoted a holy book completely out of context and with utter contempt.

Qur'an 15:19: والارض مددناها والقينا فيها رواسي وانبتنا فيها من كل شئ موزون

never said what you implied by posting childish pictures of carpets.

And this is what I want you to come out clearly.


And as an intellectual, and Indian (most likely a Hindu) should be secure enough to talk about Quran in a knowledgeable way.

When I read Geeta, I try not to willfully quote it out of context.

It doesn't make me a believer in Hinduism.

Same way if you spread the truth in the name of Quran, you too will be following righteousness. And that's the intent of your faith. Isn't it?

This is what medieval Christians used to do when dealing with science. Although some of the Christian priests are huge contributers in scientific discoveries.

Thankfully Medieaval Christianity $hit was largely dumped by the goras.

But the same gora ignorance of the past is being lapped up by the Islamists of today.

This is why I call these Islamists as "aping Medieval Christians".

Well, to be fair, the clergy did show lots of interest and appreciation with the research and development of ever more nasty torture devices during the inquisition. :P
Well, to be fair, the clergy did show lots of interest and appreciation with the research and development of ever more nasty torture devices during the inquisition. :P

Yeap. That's true for "most" of medieval Christian clergy.

I was referring to the small percentage that did provide good research work on plants and germs. However that small amount of work is no excuse for the cruelties afflicted on Spanish Muslims, and Jews and non-Catholic Chrisitans.

No wonder, leaders like Thomas Jefferson refused to allow Church in the then newly founded university such as UVA.

Now that you've asked.... 1st thing this thread should be put into hall of fame here for being amongst the biggest fail.

Science and religious views don't go together.... If some one is trying to bring in science
... He's like saying o God/Allah see I have finally found something to verify you..
or proove you correct..... spitting on the face of millions and millions of believers and followers.

2nd thing.... when you are in Rome talk like Rome... most of the posters here understand the language of mullahs... half knowledge and misquoted verses are what they understand... how do you expect them to grasp what the full meaning is... when they are approaching the thing differently and with madarsa spectacles.

3rd thing as some poster appealed about Koran and somehow It gives the felling that its a kind of taboo topic for Pakistanis... they might be hafiz and read the book 100 times daily but are shy in disscussing it.... what happens here is that they generate their own version of its meaning or what mulla told them do the work of poison... and at time joke like that egg shape argument.

I have no problem with your book and what you belief.... neither am I intrested in badmouthing about that.... I would look better If you disscus the thing among yourself and sort out the mullah BS together.... but as you can see from last few post... thats not happening.

You are contradicting yourself in every sentence you write:
1) Science and religious views don't go together ; that applies to you mostly, I can prove it by the video of your ICBM lunch, Where you can see your religious Hindus leaders are blessing the missile. spitting on Hinduism as a whole who claims to be secular. That is the best proof of your confusion, so how can you talk about anything else but speculate, since you are confused in your own minds.
No such aberrant behaviour appears in the Muslim world.

2) You are confusing religious Mullahs with the Muslim scientists who as Muslims you can call them mullahs scientists, these ones, because the ones you cite have a role to teach Koran not the sciences it points to.
So when one studies these sciences, it is for his own good; a knowledgeable person is much better than an ignorant one for his own sake and for his community and society as a whole. So here goes your ignorant comments.

3) You badmouth about Koran ,Islam ,Pakistanis and you say you you are not, here is the ultimate proof of your own confusion within yourself.

And hey, you choosed the right name for yourself in PDF; DARKY, so your subconscious mind recognizes that you live in the dark ages characterised by ignorance.
Here is a scientific indicator updated particularly focused on nanoscience

Some Muslim countries rises very quickly other have a high rank

yet another constipated conspiracy theory.

If there were 500,000 books in Mali, Why all the Muslims countries were sitting on eggs (including yourself) and not translating them?

F the french.

Speak for your role.

man. so many constipated conspiracy theories being spreading by Islamists

So many

First of all I am not an Islamist, I am a Muslim, a scientific Muslim.
The story of the at least 500 000 untranslated Muslim scientific books in Mali, is not my invention, it is a fact, well documented, with pictures of some of the books, you can do some research on it, if you want.
To translate that amount of books will take huge resources, both human and financial, and only Saudi Arabia or some other GCC country can afford that, and obviously the will of the Malien government to initiate the work, if they deem it necessary.
They all might have decided not to translate these works and keep them in Arabic for further study, than they might order some to be translated if they are meaningful enough, or just keep the knowledge for themselves as a secret if they feel it is of a very high value, scientifically speaking, meaning these works might lead to some R&D in the Muslim world, and can thus contribute to the discovery or rediscovery of lost scientific or other subjects theories and principles that can help islamic nations to climb the ladder of research and development and contribute significantly in the scientific world.
Muslims enjoyed Eid al-Adha, but not Syrian children

Few days ago, Muslims were celebrating Eid al-Adha, one of the most important festivals in the Muslim calendar. In this important occasion, Muslim family and friends bought new clothes, gathered during meals, dressed on the finest garments, gave gifts. But not Syrian people, especially children.


FNOTW: Muslims enjoyed Eid al-Adha, but not Syrian children
Arab contributions to mathematics and the introduction of the Zero
Regional, Science, 4/22/1998
Arab contributions to human civilization are noteworthy. In arithmetic the style of writing digits from right to left is an evidence of its Arab origin. For instance, the numeral for five hundred in English should be written as 005, not as 500 according to English's left-to-right reading style.
Another invention that revolutionized mathematics was the introduction of the number zero by Muhammad Bin Ahmad in 967 AD. Zero was introduced in the West as late as the beginning of the thirteenth century. Modern society takes the invention of the zero for granted, yet the Zero is a non-trivial concept, that allowed major mathematical breakthroughs.
I know it is very old thread but can't notice some absurd claim. Why do people have to claim other's inventions to feel good? Everybody know that zero (as a placeholder and not as a value) was invented in India, along with the number system (all symbols used have evolved from Indian scripts). And what about writing as 005 for five hundred?
Muslim countries should be doing more and more R&D and encourage their young men to take science as there subjects in education.
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