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School van targeted by TTP in Swat

Come talk to us when the internet murtids actually achieve anything. Destabilizing countries and creating anarchy is all they do and then they come cry on the internet after the well deserved phainti. The western imperialist project to make everyone in the world a consumerist slave will fail spectacularly. Just keep your popcorns ready.

Murtads will rise in Afghanistan after a generation because of how bad the Taliban gov is.
Pakistan’s narrative is out of wack.

Also I noticed the trend that Gen Z in the Muslim world are prioritizing development and economy. They want to acquire the tools but can’t.

Too much radicalism and little development leads to Iraq where there’s a rise in murtads.

Pakistan main problem is economy, if leaders can get their priorities right and have development, insurgency in Balochistan and Waziristan will end.
Just economy isn’t good enough either.
Libya, Syria and Iraq’s economy was strong and had development in mostly all areas.
In a country like Pakistan, we need more development and a proper narrative. We need a proper ideology as to why we should be united under a single flag. Pakistan is made up of many nations. We were told to unite for Islam but our country continues to flirt with secularism and kufr ideologies. Why should a Punjabi or Pashtun stay together in a country? What is the uniting factor? We need to answer this with our national ideology of us being united for Islam. We need to strengthen our narrative and purpose for existence. We need to return to Iqbal’s vision for Pakistan. We need to truly embrace Islam.
Only way to permanently defeat separatism in the country is by embracing Islam. No nation that makes up Pakistan would want to leave a country that’s united by Islam.

Too much radicalism and little development leads to Iraq where there’s a rise in murtads.
The Irani effect. Wherever they go their fitna follows.
Murtads will rise in Afghanistan after a generation because of how bad the Taliban gov is.
It’s happening right now at an alarming rate. A few days ago I seen a Dari speaking Afghan (don’t know the ethnicity) in downtown Toronto about to convert to Christianity with their preachers.
Taliban gov needs to work harder to become Islamic. Their banning girls education is just ignorance and mixing culture with religion. They also need to implement Hudood if they claim to be Islamic Emirate. Their blunders are strengthening ISKP and murtads the most.
I hope they fix up before it’s too late.
COAS busy in killing locust
Will kill terrorist afterwards

So long as you have people like Gul and Meena fronting the venom of ethno-fascism, these bastards will always have a fringe support base both in the grassroots and upper echelons of society. Yes, you read that correctly, there is both covert and overt support for this vile doctrine in both working class and some elites within Pakistan.

It's a cancer that must be surgically removed, but not before a decent chitrol has been handed out to a few people on the list. Problem is that presently powers that be are very preoccupied...
To add to that, military action is not always the solution. If Military really starts taking action, there won't be any Pakistani left in Pakistan, even a quarter of military will vanish too.
Pakistan main problem is economy, if leaders can get their priorities right and have development, insurgency in Balochistan and Waziristan will end.
this suits the leaders. they will never fix it because that will break the status quo and they rather not.
they have the capacity to repace suffering with prosperity and development but they wont.

The day we fight this war calling these terrorists ‘khawarij’ and counter their fitna Islamically, we will win this war.
Till then we can keep importing western secular ideologies and keep promoting lgbtq but it will only strengthen these terrorists and strengthen ignorant Mullahs.
The more we abandon Islam the more problems we’ll have.
You will never be successful against them with secularism.
I have mentioned before that during the late 80s and later in late 90 in Islamabad I used to offer prayers at Lal Masjid and I saw a radical change for worse in there.
the locals there that fill up the mosque are no less fanatics in their beliefs than those who slit throats.

TTP will use all the narrative that suits it, anti globalism, anti secularism, pro Pashton, pro Islam, anti army, anti Shia anti women.. . it will use every populist slogan because it knows that Pakistani population has a large number of bigots, racists , xenophobes ,fanatics and takfiris that is always there to refill it ranks despite fighting with the power of state and worlds top military for over 20 years.
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