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Saudis cannot enjoy the fruits of Israel

Your a confused little monkey arent you...

Your juden ilk occupy Jerusalem,, oppress the Palestinians for decades, steal their lands and homes

Yet you seem to be under the impression that the rest of the muslim world should ignore your actions and work with you and make peace
Your a confused little monkey arent you...

Your juden ilk occupy Jerusalem,, oppress the Palestinians for decades, steal their lands and homes

Yet you seem to be under the impression that the rest of the muslim world should ignore your actions and work with you and make peace
You despicable people terrorise dozens of countries in the world. You try to create "Muslim states" everywhere. You rape, behead, mutilate and stone people. You run paedophile rings in Europe and throw acid in people's faces.

You marry off girls as young as 8 and kill women for having the audacity to be raped.

You do all this around the world, and then expect us not to think you're scum?

Nigga please.
:rofl::flame: ha ha so this is why you white jews turned up in the middle east claming to be more middle eastern then the middle easterners

There is no smoke without fire jew,,, your kind have been hunted down like animals for centuries.

From the Romans to the Russians, from eastern europe to Germany, to Spain to England

Your people have been butchered like pests, because of the things you do, and the way you act

You tried this shit before, you tried to steal spain and they slaughtered you, you told the Germans that berlin was Jewish land and forced them to rise up and teach you jews a lesson that you would never forget

When I was young and naive Ithought, poor jews, no one deserves this, then I saw what kind of lies jews peddle, how their forked tongues twist words,

you steal a innocent people's homeland and act as if its yours, your inhuman.

The Germans were right about you
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