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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Erdogan: We love the Saudis, the Emiratis and the rest of the Gulf as well as the Qataris
President Erdogan loves so much, so good.
LOL Saif Al Camel and SC is getting happy over this mysterious "source" and posting a correspondence form 1000+ years ago, different time and totally different people but anyway we are not Byzantine, we totally ravaged Arabia dont forget that.

Nothing to see here, its funny the Saudi lovers get happy at this "Turkish source", Turkey never said anything contrary, it always maintained that the base is not against KSA but for its interests. It is like a little kid (Qatar) calling on a older kid (Turkey) to handle a smaller bully (Saudi). And the older kid saying "My eye is on you, it is for your best interest you behave however I want to be friends with you to". This is how politics is played.

America "supports" Turkey while supporting YPG/PKK, Europe trades with Russia while trying to de-stabilise it. Saudi calls Qatar "brothers" while trying to starve it, Turkey calls Saudi "brothers" while moving against it. Nothing to see here.

Facts on the ground still is Turkish military base is in Qatar and getting bigger by the day.
LOL Saif Al Camel and SC is getting happy over this mysterious "source" and posting a correspondence form 1000+ years ago, different time and totally different people but anyway we are not Byzantine, we totally ravaged Arabia dont forget that.

Nothing to see here, its funny the Saudi lovers get happy at this "Turkish source", Turkey never said anything contrary, it always maintained that the base is not against KSA but for its interests. It is like a little kid (Qatar) calling on a older kid (Turkey) to handle a smaller bully (Saudi). And the older kid saying "My eye is on you, it is for your best interest you behave however I want to be friends with you to". This is how politics is played.

America "supports" Turkey while supporting YPG/PKK, Europe trades with Russia while trying to de-stabilise it. Saudi calls Qatar "brothers" while trying to starve it, Turkey calls Saudi "brothers" while moving against it. Nothing to see here.

Facts on the ground still is Turkish military base is in Qatar and getting bigger by the day.

You have some quite interesting imaginary "facts" my Turkified and enslaved Anatoli. Do you want to reread the words of your "Sultan" (nice Arabic title) once again, kawli?

Don't forget the Battle of Al Wajbah.



Ended your 15 year old presence in what is today Qatar. Now you are worshipping the people in power whose great-great-grandfathers slaughtered your enlisted peasant army who fought for your conquerors (Ottoman family - originally impoverished nomads from modern-day Turkmenistan that conquered your ancestral land and Turkified your people along with a few other tribes, LOL) glory.

Your irrelevant 171 big and tiny military base (approved by the US) is totally irrelevant when the US has its largest military base in the region which is home to 20.000 soldiers in the same tiny Qatar. Wake up from your fantasy sleep and rather worry about the US creating a Kurdistan next to your borders which you cannot do anything about other than crying while you are flooded by millions of Syrian refugees who will surely enrich your society. Get off from your horse (you do not have the world famous Arabia horses) but rather donkeys.

So Fenasi The Donkey should go worry about matters were he is even remotely relevant and mind his own business and take notice from the quotes that Saif Al-Arab posted. You have been barking too much Turkified Anatoli. Return to your Kebab shop somewhere in Sheffield in the UK that your parents escaped to.

Maybe you should close the Incirlik Air Base to the US, NATO and even KSA before barking.


“The aerial elements of the United States, Germany, Denmark, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are deployed at the İncirlik base as part of the fight against Daesh,” Çavuşoğlu said answering a parliamentary question on the foreign use of the air base located close the border with Turkey.


As I said mind your own business when brothers have a dispute (regimes in power not the people). A dispute that will be solved moreover. KSA is the one pulling the strings in the GCC/Arabian Peninsula. That will never change. You should worry about the upcoming Kurdistan, Armenia and such likes, donkey boy.

A little reminder:

Qatar ready for dialogue, says emir in televised address

Arab News | Published — Saturday 22 July 2017

Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. (AP)

DOHA: Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani said in a televised speech on Friday that Doha is ready for dialogue to resolve a diplomatic crisis with neighboring Gulf countries so long as his country’s sovereignty is respected.
“We are open to dialogue to resolve the outstanding problems,” so long as Qatar’s “sovereignty is respected,” he said. “The time has come for us to spare the people from the political differences between the governments.”
The Qatari emir valued Kuwait’s mediation and the support of other countries for the efforts, including the US, Turkey and Germany.
He criticized the closure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people.
The Qatari emir claimed that life in his country was continuing as normal since the Anti-Terror Quartet, comprising Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt, severed diplomatic and travel ties with it last month.
“As you know, life in Qatar life goes on normally,” he added.


And we the Arab nation, people and in particular citizens of the Arabian Peninsula are and always will be ready to ensure and work towards a healthy brotherly and sisterly relationship regardless of what the existing rulers are up to on both sides. This ground reality will never change.

To all non-Arabs here or elsewhere that try to create hostility between brotherly people, meddle in affairs that do not concern you or troll here on PDF, here is something that you should have in mind:

The Emperor of Byzantine sent a letter to Muawiya in hopes of sowing more dispute and hatred among the Muslims. The letter read as follows:

"From Caesar of Rome to Muawiya,

We've come to know of what has occurred between you and Ali, and we see that you are more fitting for the Caliphate and so if you wish I will send you an army which will retrieve for you the head of Ali."

and so Muawiya replied to him saying,

"From Muawiya to Hercules,

Two brothers disputing so what right do you have to intervene? If you don't keep quiet I will send you an army its forerunners near you while its rearmost near me, to retrieve your head which I would then give to Ali."

Nothing more to add, I believe.

Also don't forget that it is your leader that is coming to our region and visiting KSA as the last nation on his trip. You can imagine what he is going to do there, especially considering his recent spanking and humiliation from Germany.

King Salman to hold talks with Erdogan
GHAZANFAR ALI KHAN | Published — Sunday 23 July 2017


In this February 15, 2017 file photo, Saudi King Salman and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hold talks in Riyadh. The two leaders are to hold talks Sunday in Jeddah to discuss regional issues, including the Qatar crisis. (SPA)

RIYADH: Key regional issues, including the Qatar crisis, will top the agenda of wide-ranging talks on Sunday between King Salman and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Jeddah.
The focus of the talks will be relations among Gulf countries. The leaders are also expected to exchange views on regional and international issues, and offer solutions to end regional tensions.
Erdogan’s “first stop will be Jeddah on Sunday,” said Turkish Ambassador Yunus Demirer, who flew to the city on Saturday to prepare for the presidential visit.
Erdogan “will then depart for Kuwait and later Qatar to meet Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani,” the envoy added.
Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain last month cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and issued 13 wide-ranging demands to lift the embargo, including the closure of a Turkish military base in the emirate.
Regarding Erdogan’s visit to the Kingdom, Turkey’s presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said: “Turkey has adopted a constructive role since the onset of the Qatar crisis, and called for negotiations toward a resolution through dialogue.”
Kalin added: “Erdogan and the leaders of the Gulf will also discuss bilateral relations and other regional issues such as Iraq, Syria, terrorism, Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
“It is unacceptable to try to surround Al-Aqsa Mosque on security grounds, install metal detectors and block Palestinians and Arabs or other Muslims from entering there.
“We call on all sides, the Arab world, Europe, the US and the international community to raise their voice on this issue.”

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Look guys the Arab troll is back lol.

Don't forget how we destroyed the Saudi state and beheaded the dog Abdul Wahhab and your emir lol
Look guys the Arab troll is back lol.

Don't forget how we destroyed the Saudi state and beheaded the dog Abdul Wahhab and your emir lol

Can't answer all the facts that I humiliated you with, Turkified Anatoli donkey?

Really? Is that why the First, Second and Third (current KSA) survived and grow even larger and more powerful while your former foreign conquerors and slave-masters (Ottomans) have been dead, buried and thrown to the dustbin of history for 100 years now?

Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi died in 1794. He died a natural death.

As for "we" unless you are an Hijazi Arab or an Egyptian Arab, you did not destroy anything.:lol:

Now conform to the reality and mind your own business, kawli. Go save your Russified and Russian-controlled "brothers" in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The actual Turks that you can't even communicate with, LOL.

Be a good puppy and wait until your master has visited King Salman at his palace in Jeddah.

Enough of your braying in this thread and elsewhere Arab-obsessed donkey.
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The camel rider is back, hip hip falafel, hip hip falafel.

How many times you been banned now? 10+?

You really ruin the quality of every thread you join.
388 Saudi companies are about to exit the Qatari market

# Sky_news

# Trump: In the next 24 hours, I will give my opinion regarding the militias of the Lebanese Party

# ⁧ Trump ⁩: ⁧ # The Party of God is a threat to the entire Middle East

⁧ ⁩ # ⁧ Trump ⁩: I will not leave ⁧ # lion ⁩ unpunished as did ⁧ # Obama ⁩

President Trump says that if Obama crosses the red line in Syria, Russia would not be Russia or Iran in this country.
Saudi Arabia Must Realize It Can’t Win the Feud with Qatar

Qatar has already circumvented the Saudi blockade

JUL 26, 2017 4:09 PM EDT

The confrontation between Qatar and its three immediate neighbors has hit a wall. Efforts by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, ably supported by Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker has partly offset the President’s early ardent support of Saudi Arabia and its friends. The likelihood of President Trump overruling his Secretaries of Defense and State seems increasingly remote.

Absent a Washington surprise, the current measures against Qatar will not force Doha to cave. Closing air, sea and land access to Qatar caused only temporary pain. More than 90 percent of what Qatar imported from its neighbours were goods in transit from other suppliers. Qatar surprised observers — and perhaps even its own people — at the apparently seamless manner by which it found alternative routes and sources for everything it imports. It may cost more, but it works. Even if the crisis is soon resolved, most Qatari entities will prefer to make the new flows permanent rather than again become dependent on their neighbors. Similarly, Qatar’s Central Bank found workarounds to counteract attempts by the UAE financial sector to disrupt Qatari riyal transactions. In short, all else remaining equal, Qatar should be able to sustain the new state of affairs indefinitely into the future.

What next? The signing of an agreement between Qatar and the United States to fight terrorism financing put that particular ball into the neighbours’ court. Qatar can reasonably insist the others sign the same agreements with the United States. Saudi Arabia will find that an impossible condition, if past performance is any indication. Reducing the 13-point ultimatum to six slightly vaguer demands does not appear to have fazed Doha, while world opinion remains mesmerized by the original impossible set of demands.

The neighbors have few options to change Qatar’s calculations. Direct military force would bring catastrophic consequences for all. Imposing a naval and air blockade would be as dangerous. It would run the risk of direct confrontation with Iran, not to speak of the disruption of vital natural gas deliveries worldwide. Would they be desperate enough to attempt to assassinate the current leadership in Qatar? Surely not; even if successful, the neighbours would suffer huge international opprobrium — without any certainty that the Al-Thani family would find a new ruler more amenable to surrender.

The neighbours also have few economic options for turning the screws. Stopping existing imports of Qatari natural gas to the UAE and Egypt would hurt those countries, while Qatar Petroleum and its partners could easily find other markets. Withdrawing UAE and Saudi deposits from Qatari banks would hurt liquidity but only for a short time. With $40 billion in Central Bank reserves (not counting gold holdings) Qatar can easily sustain the riyal peg without need to touch Qatar Investment Authority’s $300 billion plus in foreign assets. The full-throated but poorly disguised smear campaign, launched by the new “Saudi Arabian Public Relations Committee” in the U.S. has done more damage to the reputation of the neighbors than to that of the intended victim.

The UAE, in the meantime, realizing that depriving its sports-crazed citizens of televised international soccer games was a dangerous step too far, quietly decided to allow BeIN, the Aljazeera-owned worldwide sports channel, an exemption from the general embargo on the parent company. This gesture to sports fans notwithstanding, the leadership in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh have boxed themselves in. Concessions at this stage would damage national amour propre to an unacceptable degree.

Without a dramatic game-changer, this stand-off will persist into the indefinite future. However, Riyadh needs a solution. The attempts by the Saudi leadership to reform the country’s economy created resentment among those who benefit from the existing system. The military adventure on Yemen has turned bad. Now the regime faces the potential embarrassment of failing to bring a tiny country, which the Saudi leadership view with ill-disguised contempt, to heel.

As of this writing, the only way out of this impasse remains the proposal by U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson. The question of terrorism financing can be resolved through bilateral arrangements between the U.S. and the GCC countries. Other issues need to be resolved through quiet mediation and negotiation, while all parties find a way to issue statements grandiloquent enough to let them stand down, while still claiming victory.

The CNN report on Qatar's relationship with terrorism three years ago.

LOL Saif Al Camel and SC is getting happy over this mysterious "source" and posting a correspondence form 1000+ years ago, different time and totally different people but anyway we are not Byzantine, we totally ravaged Arabia dont forget that.

Nothing to see here, its funny the Saudi lovers get happy at this "Turkish source", Turkey never said anything contrary, it always maintained that the base is not against KSA but for its interests. It is like a little kid (Qatar) calling on a older kid (Turkey) to handle a smaller bully (Saudi). And the older kid saying "My eye is on you, it is for your best interest you behave however I want to be friends with you to". This is how politics is played.

America "supports" Turkey while supporting YPG/PKK, Europe trades with Russia while trying to de-stabilise it. Saudi calls Qatar "brothers" while trying to starve it, Turkey calls Saudi "brothers" while moving against it. Nothing to see here.

Facts on the ground still is Turkish military base is in Qatar and getting bigger by the day.
Actually the Arabs did put the Mongol Ottomans back to their real size after finding out that they were not fit for khilafa.. and not worth the trust they put in them.. rebellions started all over the place and Europe made the final blow.. that is how Arabs got their revenge on unworthy leaders who tried to send Islam and Muslims back to Jahilia..
We have to go on without Qatar; a conservative Gulf monarchy, in totally anachronistic place. Promoting policies & values it does not practice.

د. أنور قرقاش‏حساب موثّق @AnwarGargash
We have to go on without Qatar; a conservative Gulf monarchy, in totally anachronistic place. Promoting policies & values it does not practice.

د. أنور قرقاش‏حساب موثّق @AnwarGargash
Lucky for us,the other GCC monarchies are so liberal and progressive. ...
Actually the Arabs did put the Mongol Ottomans back to their real size after finding out that they were not fit for khilafa.. and not worth the trust they put in them.. rebellions started all over the place and Europe made the final blow.. that is how Arabs got their revenge on unworthy leaders who tried to send Islam and Muslims back to Jahilia..

Mongol Ottomans lol. You obviously dont know how charitable the Ottomans were to the Arabs to the extend some Turks even criticise the Ottomans.

And the British did most of your fighting, dont claim victory off the backs of others. You only sold one ruler for another.

What stopped you Arabs from establishing the Khalifate and bringing us back to "enlightenment" :) I am not talking about IS.
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Mongol Ottomans lol. You obviously dont know how charitable the Ottomans were to the Arabs to the extend some Turks even criticise the Ottomans.

And the British did most of your fighting, dont claim victory off the backs of others. You only sold one ruler for another.

What stopped you Arabs from establishing the Khalifate and bringing us back to "enlightenment" :) I am not talking about IS.
You should revise your history books to find out who has been charitable to the other..Arabs put you there in accordance with Islamic fairness..
There is a good saying in Arabic: If one honours the honorable he owns him, if one honours the lame he rebels
إن أكمرمت الكريم ملكته وإن أكرمت اللئيم تمردا


The other face of Doha Qatar:





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