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Saudi U.N. envoy demands permanent Security Council seat for Arabs

There is no need of Security Council . UN is enough . because US and other four members doesn't respect the Resolutions of UN.
A UNSC permanent seat for OIC is more suitable & due. I think this should've been done way back...perhaps in late 1940's.
Finally, this should have been done long ago. The 22 Arab state strongly deserve a permanent seat in the UN. Its either we get it or as the Saudi FM said before that we will turn our back to UN as a whole.

Now Saudi Arabia rejected the non permanent seat next will ditch the UN member seat.

That is all good for internal consumption...But really does the MENA has a real chance to get a permanent seat?
Unlikely...I think , if there seat be attributed, it will be a rotating seat for South America and one for Africa...I personally think, while Saudi Arabia has every right to ask for a permanent seat like India, Japan and Egypt before her, although they didn't go to that length...I view its action, first in its kind, as an action of a spoiled country with a folie of grandeur...
Why do you pick random countries and involve them with you? :what: Man, religion doesn't gather countries, you can't join the UN because you just have the same religion, otherwise, Buddi and Christians can do the same. It doesn't make sense actually.

There was nothing random about that selection nor was I involving them with me in anyway; it was merely a point being made that the economies of 22 Arab Countries is less than that of 4-5 Non Arab Muslim Majority Countries !

Nor have I said that anyone should join the UN because they have the same religion but in the same vein I'd ask why should you join the UN because you speak the same language - Arabic ? If one is a source of identification than so is the other & likewise if one isn't than neither is the other.
There was nothing random about that selection nor was I involving them with me in anyway; it was merely a point being made that the economies of 22 Arab Countries is less than that of 4-5 Non Arab Muslim Majority Countries !

Nor have I said that anyone should join the UN because they have the same religion but in the same vein I'd ask why should you join the UN because you speak the same language - Arabic ? If one is a source of identification than so is the other & likewise if one isn't than neither is the other.
As I said, Arab league importance stems from it's strategic location in the center of the world (plz don't bring up your previous locations "importance" as there no comparison), it's dominance over most world energy resources and other major resources, it's huge area and 400 million population as well as it's GDP (and don't bring up that funny blackmarket thingy here again).

Arabs are different than your randomly picked countries because they share the same language, religion, history, destiny and interests and most importantly they are geographically connected and have a league of themselves.

And eventually, why are you being defensive? 
There was nothing random about that selection nor was I involving them with me in anyway; it was merely a point being made that the economies of 22 Arab Countries is less than that of 4-5 Non Arab Muslim Majority Countries !
As for this part, because they are a block man while your picked countries are not.
As I said, Arab league importance stems from it's strategic location in the center of the world (plz don't bring up your previous locations "importance" as there no comparison), it's dominance over most world energy resources and other major resources, it's huge area and 400 million population as well as it's GDP (and don't bring up that funny blackmarket thingy here again).

Bravo for zeroing on the sarcastic bits & leaving out the facts that I mentioned therein !

What strategic location are you talking about that a myriad other regions don't enjoy ?

And to hell with my sarcastic remark of the blackmarket thing - What about the other GDP figures ?

Your 22's combined GDP is less than the GDP of 4-5 Emerging Muslim Majority Country's Economies & I'm not including Pakistan in that !

Your 22's combined GDP is less than the GDP of one country - UK that hasn't any Oil !

Arabs are different than your randomly picked countries because they share the same language, religion, history, destiny and interests and most importantly they are geographically connected and have a league of themselves.

They've also been plotting against each other for the better part of a century so spare me the 'league of themselves' BS !

And eventually, why are you being defensive? 

As for this part, because they are a block man while your picked countries are not.

What am I to be defensive about ? I'm merely stating that is an absurd idea when the UN should be democratized you're asking for more privileges to be afforded to yet another group that uses & abuses that privilege for her own strategic designs !
Bravo for zeroing on the sarcastic bits & leaving out the facts that I mentioned therein !

What strategic location are you talking about that a myriad other regions don't enjoy ?

You have eyes right?


And to hell with my sarcastic remark of the blackmarket thing - What about the other GDP figures ?

Your 22's combined GDP is less than the GDP of 4-5 Emerging Muslim Majority Country's Economies & I'm not including Pakistan in that !

Your 22's combined GDP is less than the GDP of one country - UK that hasn't any Oil !
What's with the random countries man? Are they a block or sth? And please try and ask for a permanent UN seat if you can or have any, good for you.

They've also been plotting against each other for the better part of a century so spare me the 'league of themselves' BS !
So what? In Pakistan you find many groups slaughter eachothers but it still a one united strong country. Things happen all the time everywhere, people are not angels.

What am I to be defensive about ? I'm merely stating that is an absurd idea when the UN should be democratized you're asking for more privileges to be afforded to yet another group that schemes & plots against their own unless their all monarchs or dictators towing the same line !
Your voice count nothing, nobody would even know about you or me if Arabs got the seat.
Saudi Arabia, as the birth place of Islam, the Custodian of two Holy places, Makkah and Madina and as the leading Arab and Muslim country, should get the permanent Security Council membership.

But UN is not that important, what is more important is to increase the power of Arab and Muslim countries and slowly move out of the dependence on current world powers by becoming more self sufficient in terms of technology and manufacturing. UN is just a legitimizing tool for the powerful countries of the world, nothing less and nothing more. When the power equation changes, UN will also change, not before that.

Facepalm !

UN distributes seat based on race/ethnicity ?

Population wise, all of GCC is half of Pakistan's population.

Look at the title, seat for ARABS, not for Muslims. ( UN does not distribute seats based on religion either).
You have eyes right?


Dude ever seen the map of Turkey ? The maps of Indonesia & Malaysia ? Of Pakistan ? Of India ?

What's with the random countries man? Are they a block or sth? And please try and ask for a permanent UN seat if you can or have any, good for you.

There is nothing random about those countries nor did I make them out to be a block, I merely pointed out that all of your 22...22...22 rhetoric of achieving something doesn't mean a thing when 4 or 5 other Muslim Majority Countries & a myriad Western Countries have achieved that with no Oil ! Why should your combined GDP or 400 million population mean anything for you to get a seat on the UNSC ? Why not Mexico which alone is on the cusp of surpassing your combined GDP ? Why not others ?

So what? In Pakistan you find many groups slaughter eachothers but it still a one united strong country. Things happen all the time everywhere, people are not angels.

Its not about people being angels or what not but the fact that the GCC isn't one united strong country or anything like it !

Pakistan is no comparison we've been in sh*t for the past 3 decades therefore we're not saying 'Hey include us into the UNSC because we represent nearly 200 million Muslims, have tonnes of economic potential & have a fairly strategic location' !

Because the UN needs to be democratized where all are equal in value under International Law where the right to use & abuse power through the veto is taken away from the few & diluted to the many as democracy dictates - We are all sovereign States !

Your voice count nothing, nobody would even know about you or me if Arabs got the seat.

Then why are we talking about these things ? Forget about me....why are you advocating for it if your voice counts for nothing ?

At any rate no one is going to give the Arabs or anyone else the seat on the UNSC because these things aren't given but earned by creating enough nuisance value - Right now lets face it, we - the Muslim Countries - are at the beck & call of Western Powers & more so America...we have yet to earn the term 'Sovereignty' & that goes for us & you !
Dude ever seen the map of Turkey ? The maps of Indonesia & Malaysia ? Of Pakistan ? Of India ?

There is nothing random about those countries nor did I make them out to be a block, I merely pointed out that all of your 22...22...22 rhetoric of achieving something doesn't mean a thing when 4 or 5 other Muslim Majority Countries & a myriad Western Countries have achieved that with no Oil ! Why should your combined GDP or 400 million population mean anything for you to get a seat on the UNSC ? Why not Mexico which alone is on the cusp of surpassing your combined GDP ? Why not others ?

Its not about people being angels or what not but the fact that the GCC isn't one united strong country or anything like it !

Pakistan is no comparison we've been in sh*t for the past 3 decades therefore we're not saying 'Hey include us into the UNSC because we represent nearly 200 million Muslims, have tonnes of economic potential & have a fairly strategic location' !

Because the UN needs to be democratized where all are equal in value under International Law where the right to use & abuse power through the veto is taken away from the few & diluted to the many as democracy dictates - We are all sovereign States !

Then why are we talking about these things ? Forget about me....why are you advocating for it if your voice counts for nothing ?

At any rate no one is going to give the Arabs or anyone else the seat on the UNSC because these things aren't given but earned by creating enough nuisance value - Right now lets face it, we - the Muslim Countries - are at the beck & call of Western Powers & more so America...we have yet to earn the term 'Sovereignty' & that goes for us & you !

You don't understand, the 22 Arab countries are one block while your picked countries are not! Good night.

You don't understand, the 22 Arab countries are one block while your picked countries are not! Good night.

Oi you lard belly, what about the others that I mentioned ! :pissed:

You are zeroing on one thing & ignoring everything else conveniently - chicken ! :whistle:

So tell me hows life treating you in KSA ? :D

When can we finally hear about the good news that you've finally gotten on one knee & popped the question & are getting married ? :azn:

You don't understand, the 22 Arab countries are one block while your picked countries are not! Good night.

22 countries in one block..We have seen the fate of Iraq,Syria and Libya. You people are busy in killing each other and talking about one block :omghaha::omghaha:..Who all will be there in UN with veto power (Somalia,Libya,Iraq,Palestine,Yemen,Sudan etc etc) ? This world will end before this thing can happen.
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