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Saudi ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’

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It would be just a weapons sale and that too to SA we are not sending our troops to Syria or delivering our weapons directly to Syrians .
Besides Iran for past 3-4 decades sided with India and even today is the only source for Indian access to afghanistan via chabahar , when Iran doesnt address our concerns we should answer her in the same plate. On the other hand Iran is actively supporting and arming Asad's regime which lost its credibility after killing thousands of Syrians .

What a bunch of nonsense. Iran is not a party to the Pakistan-India conflict. It has been trying to build up neutral stance and good relations with both India and Pakistan.
And thats what Pakistan should do as well in Iran-Saudi regional conflict, instead of actively taking a side (whether its in Syria or elsewhere)

Being neutral is the most responsible policy, especially since Iran is your direct bordering neighbour and Saudi Arabia is not. I understand Pakistanis have spiritual affinity to Saudi Arabia. But I have never understood this indulgence towards the House of Saud, which is a godless decadent tribe and family.

I can counter your "Chah Bahar" argument with the IP pipeline agreement Iran had with Pakistan. Iran was trying to help your economy and energy security, and spent a lot of work building that pipeline on its side of the border.
In the end it was Pakistan that failed to live up to its commitments in IP gas pipeline project.
Take a careful look at yourself before blaming Iran for relations with India.
The IP pipeline was of MUCH greater significance than Chah Bahar, and in the end it was you that pulled away.

Do you what's funny? It is in Iran's strategic interests to have a strong Pakistan, because its a buffer state against India. We dont view things in a sectarian manner.
Although if Pakistan actively takes side with Saudi Arabia against Iran, then reciprocally our sense of interests will also change.
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Is this is a price of getting 13 F-16s from Jordan??? I think we should not give these weapons to saudi arab, as syria is a only thread in that region to isreal, america and its allies. Syrian Military is defending their country and i dont think so they are doing any thing wrong. they are fighting the war which was imposed on them.
Yeah right thats when Saudi love for Pakistan springs to life and we are already fighting a war and the country is bleeding but we must support Syrian rebels. First stand up on your own two feet and then talk about supporting so and so. I find it hypocritical on the part of Pakistanis and even others who expect them to interfere in the Syrian conflict when their own backyard is burning and not a day passes without any such catastrophe as a suicide attack or targeted killings.

This is pure business, they want weapons, we want money.
Is this is a price of getting 13 F-16s from Jordan??? I think we should not give these weapons to saudi arab, as syria is a only thread in that region to isreal, america and its allies. Syrian Military is defending their country and i dont think so they are doing any thing wrong. they are fighting the war which was imposed on them.

Please provide a credible evidence of the Jordanian F-16s being the payment for these weapons.

I know you don't have one, therefore stop your conspiracy theories.
10,000 Pakistani troops, Pakistani weapons, 13 ex Jordanian F-16s for the Pakistani Air Force in return, its all starting to add up now. Of course given that these news reports are true.
What a bunch of nonsense. Iran is not a party to the Pakistan-India conflict. It has been trying to build up neutral stance and good relations with both India and Pakistan.
And thats what Pakistan should do as well in Iran-Saudi regional conflict, instead of actively taking a side (whether its in Syria or elsewhere)

Being neutral is the most responsible policy, especially since Iran is your direct bordering neighbour and Saudi Arabia is not. I understand Pakistanis have spiritual affinity to Saudi Arabia. But I have never understood this indulgence towards the House of Saud, which is a godless decadent tribe and family.

I can counter your "Chah Bahar" argument with the IP pipeline agreement Iran had with Pakistan. Iran was trying to help your economy and energy security, and spent a lot of work building that pipeline on its side of the border.
In the end it was Pakistan that failed to live up to its commitments in IP gas pipeline project.
Take a careful look at yourself before blaming Iran for relations with India.
The IP pipeline was of MUCH greater significance than Chah Bahar, and in the end it was you that pulled away.

Do you what's funny? It is in Iran's strategic interests to have a strong Pakistan, because its a buffer state against India. We dont view things in a sectarian manner.
Although if Pakistan actively takes side with Saudi Arabia against Iran, then reciprocally our sense of interests will also change.

If Iran can claim to be neutral after supporting Asad by all means Pakistan can stay neutral too by selling arms to SA as we not directly doing anything there.
If Iran can claim to be neutral after supporting Asad by all means Pakistan can stay neutral too by selling arms to SA as we not directly doing anything there.

I meant neutral in Pakistan-India conflict.
Anyway, do what you want. Pakistan is a sovereign country and can pursue its interests, as it perceives them.
As a matter of fact. A few weeks ago, several clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the ISIS themselves. I'm guessing that I'm right to say that it won't take the nation of a 1.2 billion Indians to realize that the FSA is fighting the ISIS, and thusly, the statement you produced defies the basic essence of logic, if not rational. Unless you happen to know a Holy Ghost that tells you something else, then you might be right .

FSA & IF performed very badly vis ISIS:

The Observatory, a Britain-based group that relies on activists and other sources on the ground, said the figure included 760 moderate and Islamist rebels, 426 ISIL fighters, 190 civilians and 19 others whose identities have not been establishe

only 429 ISIS killed when comapred to 760 FSA+IF.

BTW JaN still stands with FSA & almost every assault by rebels is led by JaN.
Thanks for your advice. Our strategic and business interests are in accord with our collective moral standing on Syria. Pakistan cannot remain indifferent to the butchery of the Syrian people.

Supported and ignited by the GCC who turned it sectarian like they export garbage everywhere & ruined Syria, now as you said a comment below.
We do what suits our interests.

Your all after what suits your interests so no need to use the misery of Syrians as an excuse like the Palestinian story has been used by many for their own interests.

After all, FSA which does not exist anymore has no chance to win, SAA is the most in advantage and many first FSA Syrians are turning back to the SAA, after all the average Syrian soldier and FSA militiamen have a lot in common, both fight for Syria, sectarians pulled them away from each other.
Pakistan has picked the right side of history. Thats what matters. We stand with the Syrian people who are our brothers in faith not with a mass murderer.
So, that means you're against Saudis?
Supported and ignited by the GCC who turned it sectarian like they export garbage everywhere & ruined Syria, now as you said a comment below.

Your all after what suits your interests so no need to use the misery of Syrians as an excuse like the Palestinian story has been used by many for their own interests.

After all, FSA which does not exist anymore has no chance to win, SAA is the most in advantage and many first FSA Syrians are turning back to the SAA, after all the average Syrian soldier and FSA militiamen have a lot in common, both fight for Syria, sectarians pulled them away from each other.


Yes, it was the GCC who started to butcher thousands of Syrians, who have carpet bombed whole Syrian villages, who used chemicals on civilians, who poisoned the water, who tried to cut off Syria from the remaining world by shutting down for the internet connection etc, it is GCC that is carpet bombing cities and towns and who have killed more than 50.000 civilians due to indiscriminate bombings and killings. It is also GCC that is behind the Shabiha gangs and their child-murderers who have been behind many massacres on civilians.

It is also the GCC that has imported thousands of Shia Iraqi terrorists and other terrorist filth to Syria. Same with HizbAlShaitan.

Yes, in your little messed up world view all Syrians are supporting the Child-Murderer and are hardcore Ba'athists. Like the Ba'athi rule has not been sectarian since they came to power. Been oppressing 80% of the Syrian people who happen to be Sunni Muslims and not Nusayris. The Nusayris are dominating everything compared to their small numbers. It was a hideous regime before and after they started to kill their own people in the thousands for demanding more rights they turned into a terrorist regime backed by terrorist states.

Keep the fairytales for yourself.
We can't be a part of this Saudi sponsored genocide again....... once again we are being given the "ummah" pill (UMMADOL 1GRAM) , and seems that everyone here is ready to swallow it.....

Did anyone ever think that, just like Syria, Arab world is also full of despots, then why such a misdirect of sympathies....

You guys are being played here once again..... consequences of this misadventure will be far-off.... this will give the Saudi's breathing room.... strategically this is a big mistake...... even Saudi's here are being played and even they don't know it...... final victor in this game is Israel.

Stop before you make a fool out of yourself......
10,000 Pakistani troops, Pakistani weapons, 13 ex Jordanian F-16s for the Pakistani Air Force in return, its all starting to add up now. Of course given that these news reports are true.

Those are F-16s US owed us. We will deploy forces in Saudi Arabia to train the GCC command and forge a stronger alliance. Pakistan has a highly trained military machine and its time to reap its fringe benefits. Its also winning us arms contracts.

Pakistani military industry is getting richer and it will help us maintain S.Asia's largest weapons export shop. We will sell to whoever can pay us.
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