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Saudi riot police fire live rounds on Shiite protesters in Qatif

As I've read on internet and saw in media outlet,those who live in eastern parts of the country,can not get government jobs or any other official jobs.well if that's true,it's a hell of a pain.
Please be honest and answer:Are you sure the Shias who live in eastern parts,have all the rights other Saudis have?Have you ever traveled there?Meet those people?

With all respect,that was the most stupid idea one could say.So if someone demands his rights or protests,government should throw him out of country?Is that your logic?
They have declared dozens of times that they don't seek any independence and they are not even trying to overthrow the regime.They just want some of their rights that it seems is neglected by authorities.

Well I regularly travel to Eastern Region and well the shia there are well off.. You cannot compare Qatif and Awamiyan with the mainland eastern province because these towns are dominated by incompetent generation after generation sea pirates and robbers who refuse to modernize, educate and get into decent living.
Yes contrary to popular belief shia in gulf country are even more rich than sunni, and have high governmental post, in iran even a sunni mosque is not allowed to be built in tehran.
Saudi arabia, the wahabite state is full of husseyniate, it tells you the degree of sectarisation and confessionalism in iran by these extremist mullah

Coming from the same who defend the syrianr regime, :rofl:
You have shown your ignorance before toward Iran.So no wonders.This is not about Syria,we can talk about that in another thread.
About mosques in Tehran or Iran,again that comes from your lack of education.In Iran there is no such thing as Shia-Sunni mosques.There are just mosques and every Muslim with every sect can come in there and have his prayers.Mosques in Iran belong to both Shias and Sunnis.Still,there are dozens of mosques all over the Iran who belong to Sunni people and are built for them as they requested.In just one incident,authorities rejected the plan to build a mosque for Sunnis in a specific area of Tehran.Honestly,I don't know why.But it was just one incident,not more.At least when you try to lie,tell it to someone that doesn't know you are lying.

Well I regularly travel to Eastern Region and well the shia there are well off.. You cannot compare Qatif and Awamiyan with the mainland eastern province because these towns are dominated by incompetent generation after generation sea pirates and robbers who refuse to modernize, educate and get into decent living.
Refuse to modernize??That's funny.Maybe the government refuse to modernize there.Now you are saying those who protests are robbers and pirates?You guys are unbelievable.
According to my own Shia friend who lives in Hassa (Al-Hassa is the REAL main Shia region not Qatif and Awwamiyah by the way) Qatif's Shia are different than Hassa Shia in that they refuse to assimilate with their Sunni neighbors like refuse to sel their ands to Sunnis etc...

Hassa Shias own most business and hold the most government jobs in that region especially in Aramco the state's oil company which the majority of Saudis working there are Hassa Shia. Qatif and Awammiyah Shias are generally hated by both Sunni amd Shia population there because according to Sunnis they are extremists and radical and other Shias say "They give us a bad name".

I do not disagree there maybe a low level of lack of equal of rights like getting high government positions such as ministers etc.. But these anyways are rarely even given to the common people and not a royal family member anyways despite the increasing number of common people overtaking princes in high level government jobs lately.
With all respect,that was the most stupid idea one could say.So if someone demands his rights or protests,government should throw him out of country?Is that your logic?
They have declared dozens of times that they don't seek any independence and they are not even trying to overthrow the regime.They just want some of their rights that it seems is neglected by authorities.

What rights? Only these people in the region are creating chaos whilst others are living a luxurious life in Western and Central KSA. Eastern always seem to be making nuisance.
As I've read on internet and saw in media outlet,those who live in eastern parts of the country,can not get government jobs or any other official jobs.well if that's true,it's a hell of a pain.
Please be honest and answer:Are you sure the Shias who live in eastern parts,have all the rights other Saudis have?Have you ever traveled there?Meet those people?.

there is no distinguish among the people in the country all of them are equal wether in official jobs or/and social services and benefits.:argh:Shia also have their own representatives in Al Shura council. i think Mosa and others have said enough.

a few troublemakers and justice will be served.
Best way to serve troublemakers and ignorant people is to fire live rounds at them. Then what should be done with people who fire back?
Best way to serve troublemakers and ignorant people is to fire live rounds at them. Then what should be done with people who fire back?
Assad is doing that in Syria.So we should send him greetings and thanks.He is getting rid of armed terrorist gangs and mercenaries.
But these people in Saudi Arabia are not armed.
@Mosa:If they are really employed in Aramco,then it's a good thing.No revolution needed,just reforms,and giving them more rights.It's enough for them I think.
Best way to serve troublemakers and ignorant people is to fire live rounds at them. Then what should be done with people who fire back?

these troublemakers are the one who fires, burn tires, block streets attack government and public properties.
I see you supporting Assad and standing against dictatorships.what a hypocrisy.:disagree:

And we see people like you singing the song of democracy and human rights in Syria but remaining quiet in SA and Bahrain, now, what is that? Saudi Arabian Islamic principle?

these troublemakers are the one who fires, burn tires, block streets attack government and public properties.

In Syria they are freedom fighters and SA they are buggers, right? Are you sure you're not one of those buggers raised by uncle sam?
Meantime in Iran.


@Mosa:If they are really employed in Aramco,then it's a good thing.No revolution needed,just reforms,and giving them more rights.It's enough for them I think.

the constant "demand" and "need" for right is very annoying..they are minorities and should learn to live and behave like miniorities otherwise find a way to get green card to US of A.
Meantime in Iran.


the constant "demand" and "need" for right is very annoying..they are minorities and should learn to live and behave like miniorities otherwise find a way to get green card to US of A.

and you call ur self Muslim........ Have u ever heard of a thing names Patience. and loving our Muslims brother (good muslims or not let Allah decide that).

We are Muslims .The thing which make us common is our belief in Allah(S.W.T) and our belief that Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was , is and will be the last Prophet of Allah. other things lets Allah decide who did the right deeds and who didnt we are noone to judge other Muslims.

The problem start when we have attitude like that. We have to live with them. What kind of person or govt will that be who support killing Muslims or oppressing them while having wonderful relationship with Hanoods and Yahoods.

U pasted a picture of a lady expressing her feeling towards president of Iran , well i cant imagine if a lady in Saudi did the same to the King what her future gonna be.

The Only king in the royal family I respected was King Faisal(The one who got killed just coz he wanted Muslims to unite.) others are not even close to that but rather far far away from him.
Man these Saudis hate Iranians so much - I was just playing call of duty live and this Saudi told me a lot of bad things about Iranians.I mean i have seen a suadi post this " Hezbollah is a terrorist organization where as Al-Qaeda is Mujhideen " LOL.At least Hezbollah's Agents are not blowing up and killing hundreds of Muslims or non-muslim civilians.I am a Sunni (Not that i care about sect) and i think that Iran is thousand times better then Saudi Arabia and other gulf states.
بكى الشرق فارتجت له الأرض رجة ......,,,,,,,.وضاقت عيون الكون بالعبرات
ففي الهند محزون وفي اليمن جازع ,,,,,,,,وفي مصر باك دائم الحسرات
وفي الشام مفجوع وفي الفرس نادب ,,,,,,,وفي تونس ما شئت من زفرات
بكى عالم الأسلام عالم عصره ,,,,,,,,سراج الدياجي هادم الشبهات

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