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Saudi Curbs Spark Expat Fear...Anger Work To Pay ... To Stay

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Saudi Curbs Spark Expat Fear...Anger
Work To Pay ... To Stay
RIYADH, April 11, (AFP): Abdel Qayum had to borrow money back home in India to buy a Saudi labour visa, but with new curbs on foreigners in the kingdom the construction worker could be deported even before paying off his debt. “I paid an equivalent of $4,000 in India to get a work visa in Saudi Arabia,” said the shabbily-dressed bearded man who earns less than $600 a month in Riyadh where he has been working for two and a half years. “Nobody told me, either here or in India, that we cannot work for other than our sponsors. My sponsor had no job for me here, so I was forced to work for someone else,” said Qayum, who has so far failed to make enough money to pay back the costs of his visa to the kingdom.

Under new rules imposed this year, foreigners are allowed to work only for their legal sponsors in the kingdom while their spouses cannot take up jobs. The change in the law affects millions of expatriates in the Gulf state and has sparked fears of mass deportations of migrant workers.

Some 200,000 people, mostly Asians and Yemenis, have already been expelled from the oil-rich kingdom in the past three months due to the new restrictions, immigration officials say. Many foreigners enter Saudi Arabia under the sponsorship of a Saudi national but end up working for others, or set up their own businesses.

Saudi Arabia officially hosts eight million foreign workers, while economists say there are another two million unregistered non-Saudi workers in the kingdom.

In a calming measure, King Abdullah on Saturday ordered the interior and labour ministries to allow “workers violating the labour and residency system a maximum of three months to rectify their situation.”

The practice of sponsoring expatriates, which repeatedly comes under fire from rights groups, has become a lucrative business for many Saudis who engage in trafficking of work visas.

“Police chase us like we’re thieves,” complains one Jordanian resident who identified himself only as Nizam. “The sponsorship system must be reformed instead of deporting innocent people who are only trying to make a living.”

In 2010, UN rights chief Navi Pillay called on Gulf countries to stop requiring migrant workers to secure local sponsors, saying the system fosters abuses. She said foreign workers in the Gulf are frequently subject to unlawful confiscation of passports, withholding of wages and other abuses.

Mukhtar, a Pakistani who works at a shopping mall in Riyadh, said he pays 8,000 riyals ($2,135) per year to his sponsor to secure a renewal of his work permit. “My sponsor is just an owner of camels grazing in the desert, and he could not employ me,” he said.

“Our agreement was that he takes care of my documents and I find myself a job. I am working to make up for what I have to pay to stay here and now they want us out. This is unfair.”

Although the kingdom has the largest Arab economy, and is the world’s biggest oil exporter, the unemployment rate remains above 12.5 percent in a country where youth make up 55 to 60 percent of the around 19 million nationals.

Labour Minister Adel Fakih has admitted that “six million foreign workers are employed in low jobs unfit for Saudis and 68 percent of them are paid less than 1,000 riyals ($270) per month.”

The majority of Saudis prefer working in the public sector where they are better paid for shorter working hours and enjoy more holidays. “The labour ministry has the right to promote the employment of Saudis to replace foreigners, but this should not disrupt the economic activity as sectors such as the construction need foreign workers,” said chief economist at the National Commercial Bank, Said al- Shaikh. According to Shaikh, the retail sector employs 1.7 million non-Saudis while 2.8 million foreigners work in construction.

Nearly 700,000 people are employed in the industrial sector of whom only 20 percent are Saudis.

During the three-month grace period, workers trying to avoid deportation have begun regularising their status by transferring their sponsorships to their current employers. Mohammed Abdullah Awad, a 27- year-old Yemeni, had to pay $2,000 for his sponsor to allow him to transfer his visa to his employer. “Sponsors exploit us and we can do nothing about it,” Awad said sadly. “I have 13 dependants to take care of.”
Saudi curbs spark expat fear...anger
The visa trade has been flourishing for last 60 years and there are thousands of people who assumed "kafeels" are employee of Jawazat, Police, Intelligence, Traffic Dept. MOI, MOL, MOFA, etc. So it is false the assume that the government is not award of such visa trade and it is some kind of sporadic underground trade. The real fact is that that visa trade is tactically tolerated as it brings income to otherwise utterly useless tribal citizens and keeps them away from making trouble. But every now and then the labor market become over saturated hence legislation should be to mass deport people and once again create demand for the visa market. Having lived in Saudi for almost 30 years, I have witnessed three such sweeps in the 80, 90 and now 2000's. And let me assure with confidence that the visa trade will be back in full swing sooner or later. The routing works somewhat like this. This ministry orders a harsh crack down, hundreds thousands of people are deported, king takes notice on humanitarian ground, amenesty period of 3-6 months is announced and once its over everything is back to normal and people forget about it.

The fact is that a lot of Saudis make comfortable income from Kafalah business and they have been doing this for years and years generations and generations therefore they have not developed any real skills. The government cannot provide such lucrative handouts on permanent basis to close these businesses. It would also create hundreds thousands of disgruntled citizens which makes for political instability against the royals.
The visa trade has been flourishing for last 60 years and there are thousands of people who assumed "kafeels" are employee of Jawazat, Police, Intelligence, Traffic Dept. MOI, MOL, MOFA, etc. So it is false the assume that the government is not award of such visa trade and it is some kind of sporadic underground trade. The real fact is that that visa trade is tactically tolerated as it brings income to otherwise utterly useless tribal citizens and keeps them away from making trouble. But every now and then the labor market become over saturated hence legislation should be to mass deport people and once again create demand for the visa market. Having lived in Saudi for almost 30 years, I have witnessed three such sweeps in the 80, 90 and now 2000's. And let me assure with confidence that the visa trade will be back in full swing sooner or later. The routing works somewhat like this. This ministry orders a harsh crack down, hundreds thousands of people are deported, king takes notice on humanitarian ground, amenesty period of 3-6 months is announced and once its over everything is back to normal and people forget about it.

The fact is that a lot of Saudis make comfortable income from Kafalah business and they have been doing this for years and years generations and generations therefore they have not developed any real skills. The government cannot provide such lucrative handouts on permanent basis to close these businesses. It would also create hundreds thousands of disgruntled citizens which makes for political instability against the royals.

But then what is the usual job for local Saudi People? If 8 million people will be outsider for such a less population like SA, I am really surprised, how come it is not impacting the job of local SA people? What step usually GOV take for local people? Is it like in US, there are jobs that separates between H1B and Citizen people, simillarly SA has some kind of rules?
Labour Minister Adel Fakih has admitted that “six million foreign workers are employed in low jobs unfit for Saudis and 68 percent of them are paid less than 1,000 riyals ($270) per month.”

The majority of Saudis prefer working in the public sector where they are better paid for shorter working hours and enjoy more holidays.

According to Shaikh, the retail sector employs 1.7 million non-Saudis while 2.8 million foreigners work in construction.

Nearly 700,000 people are employed in the industrial sector of whom only 20 percent are Saudis.

Unfit for Saudis. :sick: Meaning manual labor.

Looks like the ancestors of the Tribes of the Sahabah (Peace be upon them all) have forgotten their roots. ALL the Sahabah engaged in MANUAL LABOR. The Prophet Peace be upon him, ALL the Prophets and Messengers Peace be upon them all, engaged in MANUAL LABOR.

Seems like just because you know Arabic, your not Warranted the ability to understand the Qur'an or it's message. Where are the members who proudly flaunt their Gulf Flags?
The visa trade has been flourishing for last 60 years and there are thousands of people who assumed "kafeels" are employee of Jawazat, Police, Intelligence, Traffic Dept. MOI, MOL, MOFA, etc. So it is false the assume that the government is not award of such visa trade and it is some kind of sporadic underground trade. The real fact is that that visa trade is tactically tolerated as it brings income to otherwise utterly useless tribal citizens and keeps them away from making trouble. But every now and then the labor market become over saturated hence legislation should be to mass deport people and once again create demand for the visa market. Having lived in Saudi for almost 30 years, I have witnessed three such sweeps in the 80, 90 and now 2000's. And let me assure with confidence that the visa trade will be back in full swing sooner or later. The routing works somewhat like this. This ministry orders a harsh crack down, hundreds thousands of people are deported, king takes notice on humanitarian ground, amenesty period of 3-6 months is announced and once its over everything is back to normal and people forget about it.

The fact is that a lot of Saudis make comfortable income from Kafalah business and they have been doing this for years and years generations and generations therefore they have not developed any real skills. The government cannot provide such lucrative handouts on permanent basis to close these businesses. It would also create hundreds thousands of disgruntled citizens which makes for political instability against the royals.

It appears to be a pretty smart but unfair system for all parties concerned. The Governments get stability, their citizens get paid, and immigrants get a chance to work that otherwise would be denied to them.
But then what is the usual job for local Saudi People? If 8 million people will be outsider for such a less population like SA, I am really surprised, how come it is not impacting the job of local SA people? What step usually GOV take for local people? Is it like in US, there are jobs that separates between H1B and Citizen people, simillarly SA has some kind of rules?

Most of the low to mid qualified Saudis want easy jobs and high pay upwards of 20,000 SAR minimum.

Then are those who are in the kafalah business, I know a few who make 100,000+ SAR monthly from kafala business. Many of these are tribal people who are not even qualified to sign their own name and ironically they are the people govt does not want to come on conflict of interest with.

Most of the high qualified Saudi's are absorbed by the PetroChem industry and they live in a parallel universe with their presence in KSA but heart and minds in Europe and USA.

The labour minister himself is assumed to be highly corrupt and behind the scene is an alleged co-operation with 20 something influential business families close to the royals and ministers who want to assert a firm grip over kingdom economy.
It appears to be a pretty smart but unfair system for all parties concerned. The Governments get stability, their citizens get paid, and immigrants get a chance to work that otherwise would be denied to them.

:coffee: All the Saudis have to do is threaten an 'Arab Spring' and wala! Free food, gas, utilities, travel paid for by the Government to every Saudi.

Just like the Kuwaitis.

TIME magazine did a report on why Qataris weren't interested in a 'revolution' their reply was 'we are afraid of what would come next after, would we still be getting the quality of living we receive now?' Pretty much, why overthrow the government, when they provide us luxuries for free?

Qatar's Emir Calls For Legislative Elections, Even Though No One Asked | TIME.com
Thəorətic Muslim;4149300 said:
:coffee: All the Saudis have to do is threaten an 'Arab Spring' and wala! Free food, gas, utilities, travel paid for by the Government to every Saudi.

Just like the Kuwaitis.

TIME magazine did a report on why Qataris weren't interested in a 'revolution' their reply was 'we are afraid of what would come next after, would we still be getting the quality of living we receive now?' Pretty much, why overthrow the government, when they provide us luxuries for free?

Qatar's Emir Calls For Legislative Elections, Even Though No One Asked | TIME.com

A new national security doctrine has emerged in the GCC since the Afghan-Soviet war that is to export their extremists and pacify their educated with monthly handouts to firm the hold of royals onto power. In Qatar and KSA they are direct hand out into your bank account and in Kuwait their are compensated by debt waivers. Talk about a really spoiled nation! Wonder what will these people do when the oil finally runs out or a world crisis is to take place.
I understand that there is a massive degree of youth unemployment among saudi youth and Royals fear a backlash. Instead of ripping people off their bread winning,they should ban all new visas and force multinationals to employ saudis instead of imported workforce.

They should ban extentions in visas,so that upon finishing a contract they can go home. These men should go to their countries and demand jobs from their own govts. Frankly,its their country and they can do as they please regardless of the concequences the deported men may face.
A new national security doctrine has emerged in the GCC since the Afghan-Soviet war that is to export their extremists and pacify their educated with monthly handouts to firm the hold of royals onto power. In Qatar and KSA they are direct hand out into your bank account and in Kuwait their are compensated by debt waivers. Talk about a really spoiled nation! Wonder what will these people do when the oil finally runs out or a world crisis is to take place.

They will start selling their industrial, education, service, military cities? :P
Their Country Their Rules . Don't Like it Don't go there .

All the Blame lies with us South Asians , Yemenis and Far eastern people that citizen from our country have to work like slaves over there .

Blame lies with us not them .

You do realize these people do the Jobs local consider to be beneath them thats why this scheme exists in the first place.
You do realize these people do the Jobs local consider to be beneath them thats why this scheme exists in the first place.

But it does not take away our responsibility as a country . How many Chinese go to Saudi to do Manual Labor Work ??

We should learn something from them . Once they HAVE TO DO manual labor they will get down from their "High Camels" .
I understand that there is a massive degree of youth unemployment among saudi youth and Royals fear a backlash. Instead of ripping people off their bread winning,they should ban all new visas and force multinationals to employ saudis instead of imported workforce.

They should ban extentions in visas,so that upon finishing a contract they can go home. These men should go to their countries and demand jobs from their own govts. Franklt,its their country and they can do as they please regardless of the concequences the deported men may face.

As long as there is an oversupply of eager workers willing to work for little pay and bad conditions, why would they ban any visas or stop making money? Like you said, it is their country and they can do as they please. As long as people are lining up for visas, they can be made to pay, and pay again, and pay more, and then again.
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