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Saudi Curbs Spark Expat Fear...Anger Work To Pay ... To Stay

I understand that there is a massive degree of youth unemployment among saudi youth and Royals fear a backlash. Instead of ripping people off their bread winning,they should ban all new visas and force multinationals to employ saudis instead of imported workforce.

They should ban extentions in visas,so that upon finishing a contract they can go home. These men should go to their countries and demand jobs from their own govts. Franklt,its their country and they can do as they please regardless of the concequences the deported men may face.

800 labors were bared from working at Jeddah sea port as they were under the so called free visas. The cargo handling company which employed them has been issued 900 visas on expedited basis to full fill their labour shortage and clear up the sea port which had been stand still for a full week creating massive backlog of containers.

Like I said a lot of influential people make money from the visa racketeering and as long as these people are in-charge there will never be real reforms but a lot of lolly pop measures. If the government is serious in indigenisation of jobs they should take the first step to ban issuing any further work visas except for engineers and doctors. The labor market under shortage will be forced to hire and train locals. Arresting and deporting people will only create a lot of bad press but it is necessary to keep the visa machine oiled up. When there is surplus labor in the market the visa trade goes down considerably.

You do realize these people do the Jobs local consider to be beneath them thats why this scheme exists in the first place.

My dad came here in the 70's and those days the water tanker, dumper driver, garbage man, scrap collector all used to be Saudis.
So there was no such "beneath dignity" attitude back then. The islamization under Fahad breeded all such stupid attitudes among the youth. He feared than an educated and employed youth would not sit well with his controlling policies to education was islamized and kafalah business was promoted as a modern form of slave trading.
If there is anyone to blame,its us and us alone. If we run our nations properly,our men wont have to face exploitation. You can't blame GCC for minipulation and maltreatment of our citizens,when we so willingly export flesh and bone slaves.

We,should focus on developing our own economies so that we could create jobs for our citizens. If we fix our nations and economy,the GCC won't be able to exploit our citizens. You can't blame the bull to smack you,if youre gonna confront it.
=Aeronaut;4149319]I understand that there is a massive degree of youth unemployment among saudi youth and Royals fear a backlash. Instead of ripping people off their bread winning,they should ban all new visas and force multinationals to employ saudis instead of imported workforce.

Aeronaut youth unemployment isn't their cause these daily Laborers who work under the burning sun have taken these jobs. Local youth want a cushy job which i assure you these guys can never get in the first place as most of those jobs belong to westerners.

do you really think a local will work for 600 a month in desert heat outside all day long and then come home into cramped apartment these guys share i don't think so.These laborers are being used as escape goat nothing more nothing less.

They should ban extensions in visas,so that upon finishing a contract they can go home. These men should go to their countries and demand jobs from their own govts. Frankly,its their country and they can do as they please regardless of the consequences the deported men may face.

Its their country and they should do as they please but without these guys doing these jobs they do no one in Arabia or any other GCC nation will touch them thats why this scheme of allowing foreign nationals was created.

And as for your argument that these people should go back and demand jobs from their own government i agree 100%. in Pakistanis case they will spend a lot more money chasing these visas then it takes to start a small business.
The chief issue with us Pakistanis is that we have a national epidemic of finding 'short cuts'. Instead of innovating in our own environment we seek heaven in other nations.

Pakistanis are some of the most intelligent and hardworking people i have met. But with all of that,we also are quite stupid and emotional,we lack strategic thinking.

Find a bunch of Pakistanis in the US and compare them to the breed we export to the GCC, you will know what i mean. I think,we should ship ALL of our expats from GCC back to Pakistan. They will be enraged and would cause a crisis for any govt to introduce reforms in our own country.

"Beggars are not choosers", its time when we broke the 'kashkoll'.
But it does not take away our responsibility as a country . How many Chinese go to Saudi to do Manual Labor Work ??

Pakistan Government like the dinars these guys sent back home so the politician encourage or look the other way and pretend this isn't happening i am assuming Indian government is the same.I cant say about Chinese in Arabia but i have seen Chinese doing the same meaningless jobs in western nations and i assure you they work like dogs and get paid lot less then $600/month.

We should learn something from them . Once they HAVE TO DO manual labor they will get down from their "High Camels" .

Cherokee its easier for me and you too say but not for the guy with kids and family to feed and this is the only option he thinks he has to provide for them.but as i said before they spend obscene amount of money chasing these agents that promise them these visas then to spent half and start a small business in their own countries.
I understand that there is a massive degree of youth unemployment among saudi youth and Royals fear a backlash. Instead of ripping people off their bread winning,they should ban all new visas and force multinationals to employ saudis instead of imported workforce.

They should ban extentions in visas,so that upon finishing a contract they can go home. These men should go to their countries and demand jobs from their own govts. Frankly,its their country and they can do as they please regardless of the concequences the deported men may face.

NOt really.
The low end jobs wont be dome by saudi youths...
Most arent qualified or experienced to do high end jobs either.
KSA has a long way to go before we see saudis workig in saudi arabia.
I have seen many folds hike in Asian brits with engineering,educational and medical degrees and experience...moving to KSA at much better wages they get in UK.
White brits wont move to saudia due to the impression of KSA among masses here..
So the jobs advertised here for KSA is grabbed by Pakistani brits, bengali brits and some indian brits...
The chief issue with us Pakistanis is that we have a national epidemic of finding 'short cuts'. Instead of innovating in our own environment we seek heaven in other nations.

Pakistanis are some of the most intelligent and hardworking people i have met. But with all of that,we also are quite stupid and emotional,we lack strategic thinking.

Find a bunch of Pakistanis in the US and compare them to the breed we export to the GCC, you will know what i mean. I think,we should ship ALL of our expats from GCC back to Pakistan. They will be enraged and would cause a crisis for any govt to introduce reforms in our own country.

"Beggars are not choosers", its time when we broke the 'kashkoll'.

You nailed it !!!!!!!!! short cuts is 100% the issue with Pakistanis.
NOt really.
The low end jobs wont be dome by saudi youths...
Most arent qualified or experienced to do high end jobs either.
KSA has a long way to go before we see saudis workig in saudi arabia.
I have seen many folds hike in Asian brits with engineering,educational and medical degrees and experience...moving to KSA at much better wages they get in UK.
White brits wont move to saudia due to the impression of KSA among masses here..
So the jobs advertised here for KSA is grabbed by Pakistani brits, bengali brits and some indian brits...

So if these low ends jobs wont be done by Saudi nationals then why is the Saudi government coming after these people?

If K S A is advertising these jobs in western world they are clearly not looking for Asian to fill them are they now? But even after the Asians are given these jobs they arent paid as same as the white westerner would be.?and The Asians are only given these jobs according to you cause white people don't want it ?
So if these low ends jobs wont be done by Saudi nationals then why is the Saudi government coming after these people?

If K S A is advertising these jobs in western world they are clearly not looking for Asian to fill them are they now? But even after the Asians are given these jobs they arent paid as same as the white westerner would be.?and The Asians are only given these jobs according to you cause white people don't want it ?

Most of the jobs advertised here are 'high end'.
Engineers with years of experiens..teachers with experience...doctors and specialist nurses..
But white brits wont go to saudia,so asians with british nationality apply and get the job at same pay scale as any white brit would.
Most of the jobs advertised here are 'high end'.
Engineers with years of experiens..teachers with experience...doctors and specialist nurses..
But white brits wont go to saudia,so asians with british nationality apply and get the job at same pay scale as any white brit would.

Safriz so the jobs locals wants and can solve the youth unemployment problem is advertised in west and not even being offered to locals to begin with as employers want people with experience . but to say or make it look like local authorities are doing some thing about this issue daily laborers are being punished why?
Most of the jobs advertised here are 'high end'.
Engineers with years of experiens..teachers with experience...doctors and specialist nurses..
But white brits wont go to saudia,so asians with british nationality apply and get the job at same pay scale as any white brit would.

I think the pay is determined by the color of the passport, and the title and bonuses by the color of the skin.
I think the pay is determined by the color of the passport, and the title and bonuses by the color of the skin.

i dont know..But by simple mathematics it doesnt look right..
An NHS nurse with specialization can make 2500 GBP a month after tax,so unleass saudi offer is significantly higher than that,they wont leave a secure job and move abroad... whether white or brown..
Saudi behaviour is much better towards white skin than towards a brown asian...But i know many unemployed well educated british whites,and they rather stay unemployed and live in Britain than go to saudiarabia at 60,000 pounds an year...and they say this..
While a brown asian will happily move to saudia at that pay scale with similar or better education and work experience than a white brit.

Safriz so the jobs locals wants and can solve the youth unemployment problem is advertised in west and not even being offered to locals to begin with as employers want people with experience . but to say or make it look like local authorities are doing some thing about this issue daily laborers are being punished why?

Political gimmick..
Happens all over Europe too...when government fails miserably to do anything good,they target the most unprotected and vulnerable community "the immigrants" and it always pleases the "locals".
Recently British prime minister did something similar... couldn't do anything about ailing British economy which is down in the dumps now...and he comes up with tougher immigration rules and get some vote bank for himsdelf from nationalists and racists..
its a tried and trusted political stunt... works all over the world...works in europe and works in saudia...
i dont know..But by simple mathematics it doesnt look right..
An NHS nurse with specialization can make 2500 GBP a month after tax,so unleass saudi offer is significantly higher than that,they wont leave a secure job and move abroad... whether white or brown..
Saudi behaviour is much better towards white skin than towards a brown asian...But i know many unemployed well educated british whites,and they rather stay unemployed and live in Britain than go to saudiarabia at 60,000 pounds an year...and they say this..
While a brown asian will happily move to saudia at that pay scale with similar or better education and work experience than a white brit.............

The issue is not just the money. It has more to do with the overall quality of life and social behaviors after hours, including entertainment and freedom of travel and association, if you know what I mean.
The issue is not just the money. It has more to do with the overall quality of life and social behaviors after hours, including entertainment and freedom of travel and association, if you know what I mean.

So far i have seen two very close friends immigratiNG to KSA FROM UK
Both are very happy..
Depending on which agency from KSA is your job provider and how smart you are in negotiating your contract of employment...the money you earn in KSA is tax free, accommodation free and 2 children go to school free...
And accompany that with the fact that most Asians (Pakistanis,bengalis) don't go clubbing and drinking every evening or weekend..they save loads in KSA....
For entertainment..since you are making good money..Dubai is next door..People can afford going to dubai every other week for entertainment...

Same canot be said for low end low paid workers..

So yes low end workers will be phased out from KSA for now,but i dont think local saudis will do the jobs at that price,..

But in the mean time many high end jobs will be done by Pakistanis with British passports....
So asians are there to stay...albeit in a different capacity...
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