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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

But what it is ‘Al-Saeqah unit’? If it is the name of the special units of Saudi Arabia like ‘Delta Force’ in USA. Then it must be totally logical. All soldiers of a country - Army or other branches - can not receive training of special units.

It is impossible to achieve technical and totally unnecessary. That does not exist and will never exist. Very few men in a country may form part ‘real special units’. A few regiments of every military branches – Army, Navy or Air Force - defense forces, that's it.
But what it is ‘Al-Saeqah unit’? If it is the name of the special units of Saudi Arabia like ‘Delta Force’ in USA. Then it must be totally logical. All soldiers of a country - Army or other branches - can not receive training of special units.
Well, if its based on the original Egyptian version of ALSA3KA then they would be referred to as special forces however in reality they are the country's elite forces (Alnokhba). The actual special forces i.e counter terrorism units and such are recruited from these elite units. In Egypt every officer must go through SA3KA training, is it also the case in Saudi?
But what it is ‘Al-Saeqah unit’? If it is the name of the special units of Saudi Arabia like ‘Delta Force’ in USA. Then it must be totally logical. All soldiers of a country - Army or other branches - can not receive training of special units.

It is impossible to achieve technical and totally unnecessary. That does not exist and will never exist. Very few men in a country may form part ‘real special units’. A few regiments of every military branches – Army, Navy or Air Force - defense forces, that's it.

We are talking about Al-saeaqh training not Al-saeqah Forces.
‘Special forces counter terrorism’ are not real special units like ‘Delta Force, SAS (Special Air Service) or COS’.

There are only three countries in the world who have real special units with all the necessary training, all means projections around the world, military intelligence sophisticated (spy satellite etc…) and means of communication necessary. USA, United Kingdom, France.
‘Special forces counter terrorism’ are not real special units like ‘Delta Force, SAS (Special Air Service) or COS’.
Counter terroism units are special forces for one reason and one reason alone. They are provided with specialised training for specific missions. Now as for the examples you stated above these are tier one units who receive specialised training in multiple areas be it counter terrorism, infiltration and sabotage etc.
For example the French GIGN are used only for counter terrorist and hostage rescue operations and are considered special forces however their missions have may have little resemblance to say the American DEVGRU but DEVGRU is still capable of counter terrorist and hostage rescue operations.

There are only three countries in the world who have real special units with all the necessary training, means projections around the world, military intelligence sophisticated (spy satellite etc…) and means of communication necessary. USA, United Kingdom, France.
Any nation with specialised units has special forces however the capability of these forces depends on what you have stated to an extent.
... Any nation with specialised units has special forces however the capability of these forces depends on what you have stated to an extent.


Do not play with words. You have perfectly understood.

The ‘real special units’ lead direct actions (DA) with short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. Infiltration [Tactical ground vehicles, Helicopter, Parachute (By night using jump technique so their airplane does not alert the enemy), Boat, Underwater (By swimming or means from a submarine - nuclear-powered attack submarine : unlimited time - or may parachute into open water, go underwater, and swim to the target)], Attack, Exfiltration.

There are only three countries in the world - only three - who have ‘real capacity special units with best technological means’. USA (Delfa Force, Navy SEALs), United Kingdom (SAS), France (COS : Special Operations Command).
Do not play with words. You have perfectly understood.
No need for hostility this is a debate not an argument we are on a forum not a in an octagon.

The ‘real special units’ lead direct actions (DA) with short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. Infiltration [Tactical ground vehicles, Helicopter, Parachute (By night using jump technique so their airplane does not alert the enemy), Boat, Underwater (By swimming or means from a submarine or may parachute into open water, go underwater, and swim to the target)], Attack, Exfiltration.
The only thing i have a problem with there is the term you have coined "real special units". If a nation that has a unit that can do all of the above even if it may be a minnow those are special forces they need not have your certification of what constitutes a "real special unit". Again, they receive specialised training in multiple areas as above but the actual task of the unit they are contained in may only be counter terrorism and hostage rescue or a plethora of things such as what DEVGRU does.

There are only three countries in the world - only three - who have ‘real special units’. USA (Delfa Force, Navy SEALs), United Kingdom (SAS), France (COS : Special Operations Command).
Again, with the term "real". These nations have the capability and resources to fund incredibly capable task groups and so are able to project power elsewhere whereas the special forces of other nations may be limited to their own borders or theaters of war. An example of special forces which you may not consider "real" from one of the nations you have mentioned is the SFSG from Great Britain comprised of members from any branch of the British armed forces who have passed Pcoy or the all arms Commando course they are a by definition a special operations task group formed to support the SAS, SBS and the SRR and Im sure they wouldn't care if you don't class them as special forces.
You remove the truths what you do not like. ^^

‘Special forces counter terrorism’ are not real special units like ‘Delta Force, SAS (Special Air Service) or COS’.

There are only three countries in the world who have real special units with all the necessary training, all means projections around the world, military intelligence sophisticated (spy satellite etc…) and means of communication necessary. USA, United Kingdom, France.

The ‘real special units’ lead direct actions (DA) with short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. Infiltration [Tactical ground vehicles, Helicopter, Parachute (By night using jump technique so their airplane does not alert the enemy), Boat, Underwater (By swimming or means from a submarine - nuclear-powered attack submarine : unlimited time - or may parachute into open water, go underwater, and swim to the target)], Attack, Exfiltration.

There are only three countries in the world - only three - who have ‘real capacity special units with best technological means’. USA (Delfa Force, Navy SEALs), United Kingdom (SAS), France (COS : Special Operations Command).

The ‘real special units’ lead direct actions (DA) with short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. Infiltration [Tactical ground vehicles, Helicopter, Parachute (By night using jump technique so their airplane does not alert the enemy), Boat, Underwater (By swimming or means from a submarine or may parachute into open water, go underwater, and swim to the target)], Attack, Exfiltration.

There are only three countries in the world - only three - who have ‘real special units’. USA (Delfa Force, Navy SEALs), United Kingdom (SAS), France (COS : Special Operations Command).

Time wasting. :wave: :closed:
You remove the truths what you do not like. ^^
I removed nothing. There is really nothing i don't like its just i am trying to explain special forces do exist even if they do not fulfill all of the roles you have stated although they may be capable of them again as an example the SFSG they can operate out of nuclear submarines or other naval vessels and are capable of para jumps but their mission doesn't involve all you have stated and yet they are regarded by their own military as special forces.

My only issue is with the use of the word "real". The only judge of whether a special forces unit is "real" is the armed forces to which it belongs.

Time wasting.
Like we have anything better to do. Both of us are on a military forum for debate if your time was incredibly valuable I doubt you'd be on here.
@Mosamania Please describe the kind of training which Al Saeqah forces do that also now other troops will also have to do ?
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... There is really nothing i don't like its just i am trying to explain special forces do exist even if they do not fulfill all of the roles you have stated although they may be capable of them again as an example the SFSG they can operate out of nuclear submarines or other naval vessels and are capable of para jumps but their mission doesn't involve all you have stated and yet they are regarded by their own military as special forces.

My only issue is with the use of the word "real". The only judge of whether a special forces unit is "real" is the armed forces to which it belongs.

Like we have anything better to do. Both of us are on a military forum for debate if your time was incredibly valuable I doubt you'd be on here.

It's not because I'm on a forum sometimes - like hundreds of millions beings around the world - my time is just as valuable to me not. When I repeat something once, twice, three times ... And that for my part not advance. I'm not masochistic enough to continue without end to simply satisfy the pleasure the other.

Words are too overused. Yet they have their meaning. A wolf is not a tiger and will not be never.

All countries in the world claim to have Special Units. Matter of prestige, national pride. Now we give this term to everyone and anyone. Anti-terrorism special units, anti-drug special units, special units of Army in support of Special Units... lol

Special Units were created to fight a war secretes (where there are dead and no mercy) deep into enemy territory to the other end of the earth if that turns necessary - round the clock, 365 days 365 - in the service of politics when all other options have been exhausted finally. Nothing more.

We have the means its ambitions or not. Because facing the real, simple prestigious appellations do not work. Pretending not work.

For me end of discussion.

President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden - YouTube
All countries in the world claim to have Special Units. Matter of prestige, national pride. Now we give this term to everyone and anyone. Anti-terrorism special units, anti-drug special units, special units of Army in support of Special Units... lol
A matter of prestige and national pride?

Us Egyptians didn't even know if our counter terrorist and hostage rescue unit was even still in existence before 2011, if it were a matter of national pride and nationalism i think they would have shown them multiple times before things went south. Special operation units and forces are set up to fulfill tasks which conventional forces cannot. Conventional forces are not trained for special operations and any special operations unit put on the front line of a war can be just as capable if not less than those conventional forces.

Special Units were created to fight a war secretes (where there are dead and no mercy) deep into enemy territory to the other end of the earth if that turns necessary - round the clock, 365 days 365 - in the service of politics when all other options have been exhausted finally. Nothing more.
Ok so away from all the hyperbole these forces were set up to fulfill roles which conventional forces cannot, now anything in that envelope is considered a special unit no matter how limited or expansive its role may be or whether its tier one or not be they part of the security apparatus or the military. The level of combat readiness comes down to the military they serve in and the resources available to them, even if both of those are poor they are still considered special forces.

We have the means its ambitions or not. Because facing the real, simple prestigious appellations do not work. Pretending not work.
I have yet to see a military which has special forces just for the sake of prestige. Russia has just started creating its own specialised units and they are being recruited out of the Spetsnaz. Now is Russia seeking prestige or simply trying to create units for roles which their own conventional forces cannot?

For me end of discussion.
Thanks for talking :)
and how many people in army and ng you have in total and that is really good news that your soldier will be trained as best but when you started the al saeqah force did you took help from some country special force I mean Pakistan or USA

The number of KSA military personnel is considered a confidential data, no one really knows the exact number. My personal estimation of the land forces would be around 600000 fighters. As for the NG who serves as a Homeland security against any internal or external threat as we have seen during the Iraqi-Kuwite war in the battle of Al-khafji is now estimated to be around 200~300k.

Regarding Al-Saeqah training, Saudi Arabia has always been taking care of the army trainings and exercises studying and adopting skills and tactics. As you may know pakistan has always been involved in the training of the Saudi Navy (Frogman training) and land forces mountain warfare. There are also cooperation with the US and many other countries in term of joint exercise and training. It is a wise decision and something essential in my own opinion considering variety of military equipments and communication systems being operated by the army land, air, and navy troops. Not to mention the GCC integrated command. So yes Saudi Arabia has benefited from pakistan in building her today modernized and well trained army.
The number of KSA military personnel is considered a confidential data, no one really knows the exact number. My personal estimation of the land forces would be around 600000 fighters. As for the NG who serves as a Homeland security against any internal or external threat as we have seen during the Iraqi-Kuwite war in the battle of Al-khafji is now estimated to be around 200~300k.

Regarding Al-Saeqah training, Saudi Arabia has always been taking care of the army trainings and exercises studying and adopting skills and tactics. As you may know pakistan has always been involved in the training of the Saudi Navy (Frogman training) and land forces mountain warfare. There are also cooperation with the US and many other countries in term of joint exercise and training. It is a wise decision and something essential in my own opinion considering variety of military equipments and communication systems being operated by the army land, air, and navy troops. Not to mention the GCC integrated command. So yes Saudi Arabia has benefited from pakistan in building her today modernized and well trained army.
First of all you think Saudi Army alone exists of 600000 and NG has separate soldiers numbering between 200000 to 300000 are you joking or what @Mosamania needs to come here seriously and by the way what equipment NG is using these days and what new things they are looking forward to get ?
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