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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

Free Media? you should check Saudi Media they eat everybody alive.
Free courts? Our courts are free but it is the judges in the court that needs replacement a system to do this is already underway.
Ruler Elected by people? the Bay'ah council is for the royal family and Tribal leaders to choose who is the next king.
Freedom of Speech? We could improve on that that I admit.
Equal rights for all? If I work hard I can be a minister or a governor the old system changed.

The only reason why Saudi Arabia did not get a revolution is because we are happy and consider ourselves more free than other so called "Democratic" nations around us.

No sir ,

Saudies never had free media they cant say even one word against king..
no free courts sir we know saudi price and royal family ppl have many many illegal affairs they also drink no one is prosecuted according to shrya law where as if common man does so they cut his head off not fair
women rights ? lolz you know this thing better then me... saudies treat women like animals
equal rights they wouldnt allow even you to have simple discussion then how can you get even basic rights
Poor saudies were never able to elect their ruler ...

stand for justice in arabia and kick these puppet dictators.
No sir ,

Saudies never had free media they cant say even one word against king..
no free courts sir we know saudi price and royal family ppl have many many illegal affairs they also drink no one is prosecuted according to shrya law where as if common man does so they cut his head off not fair
women rights ? lolz you know this thing better then me... saudies treat women like animals
equal rights they wouldnt allow even you to have simple discussion then how can you get even basic rights
Poor saudies were never able to elect their ruler ...

stand for justice in arabia and kick these puppet dictators.

Hahaha aha your post amuses me it is like reading something right out of a Hollywood stereotype.
Well, saudies are our brother we favour them in every matter , even we are ready to defend them , we dont support them to get even basic rights , ridicules isnt that.
When ever someone tries to say about right of ppl dictator or supporter of dictator shut them up..........

Wakeup Arabia if not now then when ?
You actually belive that the Saudis recivie dollars against oil and only if they would stop the world would turn rosy?? What about other countries trading oil in dollar. The Saudi print their own currency in exchange of dollar and it is their oil they can do what ever they wish to do or in what ever currency they want to sell it.

Have you read the OP. It would appear from this statement that you make they do not teach economics at the madrassa you went to. But thats understandable cos parasite family will not fund normal education lol
You are not Iranian why do you care?? Ohh wait..confession of another false flag...since when did Al-Quds started an internet wing ??? The Arabs dont like the Persians and that is an understood fact for last few thousand years and there is no reason for you to shed tears over it unless off course you are one of them in any sense..

Iran constant obsession with Zionist and Israel is suspicious!..highly suspicious indeed..it is "chore ke darhi me tinka"

This is drivel and codswallop. You have no evidence to support the assertions you make about me but then madd-rassas are not know for including logic evidence etc are they. I on the other hand have given you evidence in the form of over 4000 posts mostly not about saudi or iran. Yet you continue to repeat the same words thinking if you say them enough time the more logical rational or more importantly true they become. Give it a rest. Its embarrasing if that parasite family saw your and mossama trying to defend them in this manner you two would be the first two they would lock up because your defence of them tells us what you are about and they are about. Now back to topic its such a shame the parasite family pretend to support palestinians and muslims when they are best friends of killer muslim killers aka americans and israelis
Why should Iran attack Saudi Arabia in first place to begin with..You sound clearly a support of Iranian invasion of Saudi Arabia but not the Saudi right to defense. I am bullied and attack, I have the right to call anyone to my defense..even America!

Once again there is no mention in that statement from americans aboutr iran leet me put it here again for you.

Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond

Americans consider Israel and saudis as their true friends. And you know what their speciality is killing innocent muslims women and children. Shame on you.
Having good relations with the US is now a crime?? I have met many great and wonderful Americans who speak logically and in reason not like you who is only hoping for wars everywhere.

Mosa, i never said Saudis should go to war with the US, i personally have lived in the US most of my life therefore i have first hand experience of the honest and welcoming nature of American people, i grew up with in America, its my home just as Pakistan is my home.

However is it alright to plunder, loot, and destroy other nations? No!, none of this is justified because in the process America has only achieved its own downfall, hopefully the American people will come to their senses like they did during vietnam and conduct mass protests against these unjust, unnecessary, expensive, time consuming, resource consuming wars.

Again here you go again. the Saudi government is suffering terrorism itself why in the world would it support it?? Or maybe in your own lala land they do. We are also advancing only you choose not to see it.

Mosa, do you seriously think your government is innocent? Do you think that your country has not supported religious fanatics in order to counter Iranian influence? I'm not speaking on behalf of Iranians, for they too are to blame for this polarization of the Muslim world, but its really naive of you to think your gov. has not been involved in supporting religious fanatics who favor its interests.

The Devil's Horns Shall rise from Najd(Riyadh)

Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.” Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)
It can be deduced from the above Hadith that Najd is neither blessed nor a good place but one of Fitna and Evil. Najd has been deprived of the prayers of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) and therefore Najd has the seal of misery and misfortune and hoping for any good from there is going against the Will of Allah.

Volume 9, Book 88, Number 213:

Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

I heard Allah's Apostle while he was facing the East, saying, "Verily! Afflictions are there, from where the side of the head of Satan comes out."

3.Volume 9, Book 88, Number 212:

Narrated Salim's father:

The Prophet stood up beside the pulpit (and pointed with his finger towards the East) and said, "Afflictions are there! Afflictions are there, from where the side of the head of Satan comes out," or said, "..the side of the sun.."
Have you read the OP. It would appear from this statement that you make they do not teach economics at the madrassa you went to. But thats understandable cos parasite family will not fund normal education lol

bad comeback buddy, I am heading a company which is the third largest supplier of engineering equipments in the KSA and we sell to all universities, millitary and industrial institutes so I know exactly what kind of education they are funding.

And now Lo Behold!

Forbes ranks King Abdullah one of “world’s most powerful people”

Forbes said:
One of the world's few remaining absolute monarchs, King Abdullah has continued to pursue an agenda of moderate reform in the desert kingdom that contains 20% of the world's known oil reserves and Islam's 2 holiest sites. Recently granted women the right to vote in local elections and has consistently nudged the nation's educational system out from under clerical control. Yet al Saud is no liberal: [...] more

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud - Forbes

for the third year in a row King Abdullah has been graded one of the top then most powerful people in the world. Well the only grading from the Muslim and Arab world. So lets open our eyes and see them in plain sight instead of screen everything behind ayatollah glasses whose glass is half black and half white.

Naif: Right man in right place - Arab News

The next in line Saudi monarch is known to be even more pan-islamist and anti-Iran which might be a bad news for many wannabe ayatollahs!
bad comeback buddy, I am heading a company which is the third largest supplier of engineering equipments in the KSA and we sell to all universities, millitary and industrial institutes


Is that whay you sucking up to them. Back on topic can you address why Americans say an attack on Israel or Saudi is an attack on america

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------

Forbes ranks King Abdullah one of “world’s most powerful people”

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud - Forbes

for the third year in a row King Abdullah has been graded one of the top then most powerful people in the world. Well the only grading from the Muslim and Arab world. So lets open our eyes and see them in plain sight instead of screen everything behind ayatollah glasses whose glass is half black and half white.

Naif: Right man in right place - Arab News

The next in line Saudi monarch is known to be even more pan-islamist and anti-Iran which might be a bad news for many wannabe ayatollahs!

So you cant read properly. answer the questions I have asked why do americans say that saudi is their best friend?
Is that whay you sucking up to them. Back on topic can you address why Americans say an attack on Israel or Saudi is an attack on america

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------

So you cant read properly. answer the questions I have asked why do americans say that saudi is their best friend?

How does me heading a company has to do with sucking up to them?? I am just appreciating the rising standards and quality of education in Saudi Arabia.

Thats because it hurts American interests as simple as that and in politics everyone looks after their interests. America is just playing the role of guards man here as it is forced to commit its resources into protecting its interests which is nothing but oil. And the Saudi are selling their oil for money, its not like Americans are taking it for granted. If Iran attacks Saudi Arabia, it is the one being aggressor and every country has the right to defend themselves against uncalled aggression.

Oil is a gift from Allah and should be used for development and prosperity of mankind. Hz Ali said poverty is part of misfortune.

Is a simple logic like that so hard for you to understand? Or you are simply frustrated because the sanctions on your ayatollahs??

So you cant read properly. answer the questions I have asked why do americans say that saudi is their best friend?

Because it simply is and that does not mean the Saudis are butt kissing the Americans, its actually the other way around. America is being committed with their resources in the region to protect their own interests nothing else.

Why are so just stuck on two points ie:

1. Trading oil in dollar
2. Hypothetical American defense of S.Arabia if Iran attacks. Off-course that will not happen if Iran cuts a tactical under-table deal with its Zionist masters. So Saudis need not to count on the Americans.

he Devil's Horns Shall rise from Najd(Riyadh)

Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.” Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)

I expected you to bring this up but just like the rival clergy you understandings are too selective.

There is also another part to the same hadiths:

The Prophet said, "There will emerge from the East (najd) some people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not exceed their throats and who will go out of (renounce) the religion (Islam) as an arrow passes through the game, and they will never come back to it unless the arrow, comes back to the middle of the bow (by itself) (i.e., impossible). The people asked, "What will their signs be?" He said, "Their sign will be the habit of shaving ( their heads).

The Arabs of central region aka Najd don't have a habit of shaving their heads.

Looks like the Friday sermon was too harsh today! I have never seen such ardent defense of Iran in this forum before.
^^^^^^^^^^ Your inability to comprehend logic does not change the question.

Explain why killers of innocent muslims call this parasitic family their best friend

I have given you evidence that I am not iranian and or shia why do you continue on that line unless you are intellectually challenged or part of some cult that has been brainwashed into stating a standard line in face of irefutable evidence
^^^^^^^^^^ Your inability to comprehend logic does not change the question.

Explain why killers of innocent muslims call this parasitic family their best friend

I have given you evidence that I am not iranian and or shia why do you continue on that line unless you are intellectually challenged or part of some cult that has been brainwashed into stating a standard line in face of irefutable evidence

1. You have not given any evidence
2. No evidence can be provided to validate a person nationality or religious affiliations on an internet forum.
3. Why are you still debating with nonsense..if your bottom is really burning so bad why not send an email to whitehouse or the King Abdullah himself? End of the day the Arabs have the oil and the land and its their will to sell it against whatever they wish or defend themselves with what ever they wish. Even Prophet (SAW) made mutual defense treaties with the Jews and Christians of Arabia unless they reverted on the treaty.
4. There is no logic or a reason for a person living in UK to take sides with or against Iran vs Arabs unless off course he has some kind of affiliations or an agenda!

now enjoy one more Hadith:

Ever since I heard three things from Allah's Messenger I have loved the people of the tribe of Banu Tamim; I heard Allah's Messenger say about them that they will be the sternest among my Ummah against Al-Dajjal and would put up stout resistance . When the consignment of Sadaqah was brought to him, Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: These are the Sadaqat (i.e. voluntary charitable gifts) of our people. There was one female-slave in the house of umm-al-mu'minin Aisha and she was from the tribe of Banu Tamim; thereupon Allah's Messenger said: Set her free, for she is a descendant of Ishmael.
1. You have not given any evidence
2. No evidence can be provided to validate a person nationality or religious affiliations on an internet forum.
3. Why are you still debating with nonsense..if your bottom is really burning so bad why not send an email to whitehouse or the King Abdullah himself? End of the day the Arabs have the oil and the land and its their will to sell it against whatever they wish or defend themselves with what ever they wish. Even Prophet (SAW) made mutual defense treaties with the Jews and Christians of Arabia unless they reverted on the treaty.
4. There is no logic or a reason for a person living in UK to take sides with or against Iran vs Arabs unless off course he has some kind of affiliations or an agenda!


Logic and reason would dictate that if I have done 4300 plus posts and only a small fraction of those relate to saudis and or iranians then your assertions about my affiliations with Iran are flawed to say the least.

Now tell me why the killers of innocent muslim women and children aka americans and israelis treat saudi parasite not royal but fat family as their friends???
From reading Mosamania's comments he sounds really delusional, as if the whole world misunderstands Saudi Arabia and that it is actually a liberal utopia with free press, women rights, equal opportunity etc. Who are you kidding? Saudi Arabia is the most backward country in the entire region and their leaders deserve to be hung high for their shameless treachery.

I don't even understand why you bother to defend your beloved "king". His skeletons are out and open of the closets.

And as for free press, read : How Saudi Arabia and Qatar Became Friends Again

Saudi Arabia uses its foreign policy to make sure foreign countries don't write negative articles about the House of Saud, yet you are saying there is free press in SA. lol
What democracy?? Don't tell me you believe the lie of democracy now. What did Democracy ever do to anybody most countries with democracies are in a living hell it does not matter what the ruling system is, only the people matter the west is advanced not because of democracy but because of education give everyone the same education it will produce the same result.

a bit disappointed
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