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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

When some arabs marry more than 4 it is assumed by many non arabs that he is married to all of them at the same time. Actually they marry and and get kids and after some period divorce her, but divorcing her just not mean they stop taking care of her, in fact the ex-wives get monthly expenses and houses to stay in (not just forgotten).

This is what I know from one such person in UAE who has 60+children and grandchildren.
What saudis do is their concern, Why some so called Pakistanis forget, Pakistan is doing worse than what saudia arabia do. When someone comes on high horse personally attacking saudis and forgetting "LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP". that's what we calls a hypocrisy.

Saudis Royals Support Israel eH? Forgetting Our Ex president and foreign minister shook hands with Israelis? Did some one forget Pakistan begs to US every other day? at least Saudia is better that they earn by not begging and then come some moral brigade who forgot that The country in which we are living in.

Photoshopped images of the Saudi king showing him kissing in an unappropriate way. And Pakistanis forget that in reality Pakistani leaders and generals kiss western leaders everywhere on the body just to get money for thier bank accounts and their children who knows these leaders may very well everyweek be having a wife.
The Defenders of Islam the saudi backed forces shooting the holy quran a disgraceful act.

why are you quoting some misleading video.

You forgot when in the begining of the uprising protestors came out and it was all over the news channels but the Syrian state TV was showing the news and reporting it as "people have come out together in huge numbers to offer صلاة الاستسقاء prayer for rain.
I keep hearing that King Abdullah is a great reformer, could you please tell me what key things he has reformed in the country and society? As far as I'm concerned, there are still beheadings, stonings, religious police, mandatory burkas, and of course, women can't drive. If you consider sending students overseas to study as groundbreaking "reform", we clearly have different understandings of the term.

You wrote a whole paragraph and could not google ?
I suggest you google the terms and see for yourself, if we tell you; you may think we are exaggerating.
Assalam alaikum

Mosa, aryan bhai is trying hard to make u insult pakistanies and i appreciate ur posts coz u did a good job


How am I trying to ask him to insult Pakistanis? Stop snivelling to arabs. All I have done is expose the link between Saudis Royal parasites amnericans and Israelis.

---------- Post added at 09:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------

I praise mosa for his patience n pray God to bless ignorants !

This thread should be in stupid n funny section.

What do you mean. Is it funny that Saudi Parasites family support muslim killers aka as israel and america

---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 AM ----------

Assalam alaikum

Well actually u could not understand my pov , and this is why i m with regime changing uprisings in arab world


Why dont you support the removal of this parasite royal family despots who support americans and zionists

---------- Post added at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 AM ----------

Knowing the Arab tribal culture, these monarch are often pushed into marriages to enforce tribal loyalties and fulfill customs. Prophet also engaged in several marriages with a max limit of four at a time and multiple marriages has been part of Arab customs since pre-islamic days though Islam changed it from unlimited to a maximum of four. I saw a lawful and acknowledged marriage with an element of family is far better than Sigeh or Mutah practiced widely in Iran.

Noun 1. sigeh - a Shiite tradition of temporary marriage permitted in Iran that allows a couple to specify the terms of their relationship; can last from a few minutes to 99 years; "sigeh legally wraps premarital sex in an Islamic cloak"
Islam, Muslimism - the civilization of Muslims collectively which is governed by the Muslim religion; "Islam is predominant in northern Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and Indonesia"
marriage, matrimony, spousal relationship, wedlock, union - the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union"

Nikāḥ al-Mutʿah (Arabic: نكاح المتعة‎ "pleasure marriage"), is a fixed-term marriage in Shi'a Islam. The duration of this type of marriage is fixed at its inception and is then automatically dissolved upon completion of its term. The marriage is contractual and is subject to renewal. Financial payments may be made between the couple, usually with the male paying the female known as mahr or dower.

Mut'ah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nikah mut

sigeh - definition of sigeh by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

You decide who is engaged in true polygynism!

So you are now justifying and trying to mitigate their excesses

---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------

I think, Allah must be proud of him, be praise to King and womanising of 30 wives. Are you planning to change Quran to add new requirements of 30 wives like Abdullah and many leaders example today?

King Abdullah is not religion but enjoy alot of pleasures on each niqab wives. These many children will follow the same just like her dad Abdullah, these children no doubt will have more than 30 future wives...

Why should he care about muslims being killed by his freinds america whilst hes having fun?

---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------

I think, Allah must be proud of him, be praise to King and womanising of 30 wives. Are you planning to change Quran to add new requirements of 30 wives like Abdullah and many leaders example today?

King Abdullah is not religion but enjoy alot of pleasures on each niqab wives. These many children will follow the same just like her dad Abdullah, these children no doubt will have more than 30 future wives...

Why should he care about muslims being killed by his freinds america whilst hes having fun?

---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------

Nooo you are disrespecting Shias now it is not allowed here but it is perfectly okay to attack Saudis and their government after all this forum supports this with all its might.

You are off topic. If you want to talk about shias start a new thread. We are not disrespecting arabs. We are only exposing saudi parasite royal family links with american and zionist muslim killers

---------- Post added at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

Our economy will go kaboom either we Stop selling Oil to US or China look at it through real lenses not your hate filled one. And look at this entire post demeaning of Arabs and Saudis in every way but this is one of the pillars of this cursed forum that doesnt allow a single bad post about Iran but opens ones attacking KSA daily. I thought you were a good civilized person earlier but sadly you are nothing but a copy of the rest of them.

we are not demeaning arabs. Iranian misdemeanors which may or not be true are not under discussion and even if they did exist do not excuse or mitigate the royal parasite family supporting america and israel killers of muslims

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 AM ----------

Assalam alaikum

Mosa some of our brothers don't know about saudia they thing every country is blessed like ours have rivers agricultural land etc

So kind of these ppl u can convince them but there r others i will suggest u to ignore them coz they r here for a hidden agenda
of their own

Mosa i like to add one more point as u can see it we ( i mean pakistanies ) our best times is when we bash our leaders so bashing other countries leaders is normal over here and when they find someone defending them or justifiying their acts it some times gets dirty but we like ur inputs over here


There is no hidden agenda. we are critical of pakistani leaders who are corrupt thieves. But that does not and should not stop us from exposing saudi royal parasite family and their links with americans and Zionist killers of muslims

---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------

Its okay I am used to it. I could understand it when I was in an Iranian forum but here?? By Pakistanis?? who are just attacking my people and of course they will get away with it. This forum has really sunken to an all time low.

Stop whining we are not attacking you arabs or anyone else. we are exposing saudi royal parasites for links and encouragement of israel and americans in their killing fields

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Actually no I have been here for months and anything bad is said about Iran even if from good sources is closed very fast but if it is against Saudi Arabia even if it from a blog or a forum post it is idolized for 30 pages. People here troll and insult and be racist all they want against Arabs and Saudis but the same is not allowed to anybody else. This forum is begging to really sicken me.

We are not racist we are not attacking arabs. Iranian mistakes if they exist is no excuse for saudi royal parasite family to have links with muslim killers like israel and america

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ----------

Actually no I have been here for months and anything bad is said about Iran even if from good sources is closed very fast but if it is against Saudi Arabia even if it from a blog or a forum post it is idolized for 30 pages. People here troll and insult and be racist all they want against Arabs and Saudis but the same is not allowed to anybody else. This forum is begging to really sicken me.

We are not racist we are not attacking arabs. Iranian mistakes if they exist is no excuse for saudi royal parasite family to have links with muslim killers like israel and america

---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ----------

Also a lot of people need to put up right flags here! The concentration of pro-ayatollah regime propaganda by people bearing Pakistan flags really surprises me!

Anyone exposing saudi royal parasites is flying a false flag? How do you know that? Typical make it up as you go along cos you can not show that what I state is wrong.

---------- Post added at 10:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 AM ----------

So any country not going the Iran route is a slave country?? We must bark hold sermons and make fake weapons for you to cheer?? We are non-aligned. We supported Muslim countries in the past and all we got was to be called the financier of terrorism so as far as I am concern not a single penny should be given even as charity anymore and we should build our country instead of trying to take the responsibility of uniting the Muslim world like we did before. I firmly believe that we are non-aligned at all and not taking any sides or "Slave" to anyone. Having good relations with the US is now a crime?? I have met many great and wonderful Americans who speak logically and in reason not like you who is only hoping for wars everywhere.

What you see is truth through your own limited perspective is not what I see as the truth. I live here I study here I work here and I sleep here. I know my own country better than anyone else who is claiming to know it. And I have stated before if I find something is true I will be the first to acknowledge it. But when things are like this then you and everyone who is spreading this hate filled topics can go to hell.

Why are you going off topic. Its not about Iran. If you wanna talk about Iran start a new thread. This is about exposing 1 arab family that is a parasite supporting americans and zionists. whats wrong with that?

---------- Post added at 10:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

Truth hurts doesn't it?

Clearly it hurts Mosa.

---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 AM ----------

Finally Pakistani's can finally see the Saudi royals for what they are :lol:

saudi Royal family are evil personified and by implication enemies of muslims all around the world

---------- Post added at 10:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------

Saudi Arabia should have supported the uprising in Bahrain if they were really concerned about the welfare of people in the arab world.

Clearly the parasite fanily dont care. They care more about israel

---------- Post added at 10:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

I do not think Saudi Arabia or Iran (their leadership) are inherently bad, but they are sure (& support for them is) divided as hell, as can be seen in this very thread. This is not good for the (Muslim) world. Neither Saudi Arabia nor Iran is the bearer of the Islamic flag (or the defender of Islam), they do things out of their geopolitical strategic interests. We just need to accept that & move on.

Yes Bilalbhai but this thread is not about iranians. Its about saudi royal parasite family and links with americans and muslim killers

---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 AM ----------

What saudis do is their concern, Why some so called Pakistanis forget, Pakistan is doing worse than what saudia arabia do. When someone comes on high horse personally attacking saudis and forgetting "LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP". that's what we calls a hypocrisy.

Saudis Royals Support Israel eH? Forgetting Our Ex president and foreign minister shook hands with Israelis? Did some one forget Pakistan begs to US every other day? at least Saudia is better that they earn by not begging and then come some moral brigade who forgot that The country in which we are living in.

So our leaders are bad. So what? does that mitigate saudi parasite family supporting muslim killers like israel and america

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------

middle east countries could cut off all oil to the U.S. and it won't bring us to our knees. Only 25% of our oil currently comes from there. And there are other sources that would pick up the slack if need be. It would be a tough transition in the short term. But it deffinitly won't bring us to our knees.

Read the OP. If saudi parasite family stopped accepting us dollar it would lose reserve status and as such america would go bust. as a result of that israel would dissapear. Muslims would not be killed by america and israel

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

No not in a day but Turkey is going to make sure this uprising won't be over until Assad is hanged. Can you hear it?? Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok time is running out on Assad.

Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok time is running out for all dictators and despots including royal parasite family of saudi

---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------

Hamas hates us correct. Fatah does not however and lately they have been gaining the majority of the support because of the Palestinian State bid which Iran and Syria are hating very much. Again remind me why is Syria and Iran fully opposed of the State Bid even though Israelis are seeing it as their worst nightmare?? But when Hizboullah and Hamas send rockets they dance in joy for the world support??

All self respecting muslims hate saudi parasite family that supports muslim killers

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

Cleansing Syria of Assad is one of the steps to Palestinian liberation.

So is getting rid of israelie freinds in saudi aka Saudi Royal parasite family

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 AM ----------

The Wahhabi Myth created by your ilk will be destroyed soon. We are Muslims pure and simple oh and please do tell if if "Wahhabi" is a sect how do you identify them?? Or is there even a group of people categorizing themselves as Wahhabis??

Wahhabism is a religious movement[1] or a branch[2] of Islam. It was developed by an 18th century Muslim theologian (Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab) (1703–1792) from Najd, Saudi Arabia. Ibn Abdul Al-Wahhab advocated purging Islam of what he considered to be impurities and innovations. Wahhabism is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia. It has developed considerable influence in the Muslim world in part through Saudi funding of mosques, schools and social programs.

Wahhabism claims to adhere to the correct understanding of the general Islamic doctrine of Tawhid, the Uniqueness and Unity of God, shared by the majority of Islamic sects, but uniquely interpreted by Abdul Al-Wahhab .[3] Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyya and questioned classical interpretations of Islam, claiming to rely on the Qur'an and the Hadith.[3] He attacked a "perceived moral decline and political weakness" in the Arabian Peninsula and condemned what he perceived as idolatry, the popular cult of saints, and shrine and tomb visitation.[3]
Wahhabi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

---------- Post added at 10:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------

Saudi Arabia will support the devil himself if it ensured the survival of the House of Saud. This is nothing new.

at last some truth

---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

I keep hearing that King Abdullah is a great reformer, could you please tell me what key things he has reformed in the country and society? As far as I'm concerned, there are still beheadings, stonings, religious police, mandatory burkas, and of course, women can't drive. If you consider sending students overseas to study as groundbreaking "reform", we clearly have different understandings of the term.

How can they show you when they are being untruthful

---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------

When some arabs marry more than 4 it is assumed by many non arabs that he is married to all of them at the same time. Actually they marry and and get kids and after some period divorce her, but divorcing her just not mean they stop taking care of her, in fact the ex-wives get monthly expenses and houses to stay in (not just forgotten).

This is what I know from one such person in UAE who has 60+children and grandchildren.

Such good muslims wow
And now the parasite family invites/allow more american soldiers in arab lands:

GEO World
US to boost Gulf presence after Iraq pullout: NYT
Updated at: 1329 PST, Sunday, October 30, 2011
US to boost Gulf presence after Iraq pullout: NYT WASHINGTON: The United States is planning to bolster its military presence in the Gulf after it pulls out its remaining troops from Iraq, the New York Times reported in its online edition on Sunday.

President Barack Obama said on Oct. 21 that he had decided to withdraw all US troops from Iraq by the end of the year and the paper said that US military officers and diplomats worried that the withdrawal could bring instability to the region.

It said Washington was negotiating to maintain a combat presence on the ground in Kuwait and was considering deploying more warships in the area.

No one at the Pentagon was immediately available to comment.

The United States also wanted to expand its military ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, it said.

The proposal needed approval by GCC leaders who are due to meet in the Saudi capital Riyadh in December, the paper said. (Reuters)

Mr. President: An Iran Attack on Israel Is Attack on US
Friday, 04 Nov 2011 11:10 AM

Mr. President: An Iran Attack on Israel Is Attack on US

By Edward Koch

This week I sent a note to President Obama. I sent a similar note to the major Republican candidates for president. The following is the statement.

Dear Mr. President:

I am attaching a statement issued by former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani and myself.

It provides the reasons why we believe you should put Iran on notice that an attack by it upon Saudi Arabia or Israel would be considered an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. would immediately respond.
We have asked the Republican candidates for president to support you on such a decision. I personally believe that your doing this is in the best interests of our country and would deter Iran from initiating a war against either or both Saudi Arabia and Israel.

All the best.
Ed Koch

Statement by Former Mayors
Edward I. Koch and Rudolph Giuliani
October 28, 2011

The President has announced a withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq. We support continued United States help to a democratic transformation among the Arab countries and societies of North Africa and the Middle East.

Iran’s nuclear ambitions are unabated and the virulence of Ahmadinejad’s anti-American and anti-Israel existential threats continue. To add to these risks, Tehran has been the strongest supporter of the Assad regime in Syria, has worked to undermine our ally Saudi Arabia and other friendly Gulf states, and is the strongest supporter of Hezbollah and Hamas, two anti-Western terrorist organizations in the region.

Recently, the President of the U.S. and the Attorney General of the U.S., Eric Holder, announced that Iranian officials ordered the assassination of Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the U.S. and the blowing up of the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, D.C.

In our view, Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Further, it should be placed on notice that an attack upon Israel or Saudi Arabia will be considered as equivalent to an attack upon the U.S. to which the U.S. will immediately respond.
The risk to the United States through an Iranian nuclear capability goes without saying. The United States and our Allies need to increase the pressure on Iran to thwart this initiative of theirs.

The risk to our country of an Iranian attack on our long-time allies, Israel, the only truly democratic power in the region, or Saudi Arabia, also a long-term American ally and provider of energy, would definitively turn the Middle East into a Tehran dominated region, with devastating consequences for our country and remaining supporters in the area.

We also call on the major Republican candidates for President — Michele Bachman, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum — to publicly support such action on the President’s part.

What more proof do you Royal Parasite Family Lovers want THAT SAUDI AMERICA & ISRAEL are one and enemies of muslims Hey Mosa what more proof you want?
This is incredibly bad. Soon you will look at an American and he will look like an Arab. Soon you will look at an Arab and he will look like an American. Their will be no difference. They act as one. Pretty scarey that the Saudi like sleeping so much with Americans. Wow
Aryan_B it seem you have an agenda on the behalf of ayatollahs..Why would Iran attack Israel..it is just plain BS to hide in plain cover of deception..Iran + Israel + Jews are one and who ever believed otherwise had paid dearly and history is witness to that.

And now the parasite family invites/allow more american soldiers in arab lands:

GEO World
US to boost Gulf presence after Iraq pullout: NYT
Updated at: 1329 PST, Sunday, October 30, 2011
US to boost Gulf presence after Iraq pullout: NYT WASHINGTON: The United States is planning to bolster its military presence in the Gulf after it pulls out its remaining troops from Iraq, the New York Times reported in its online edition on Sunday.

President Barack Obama said on Oct. 21 that he had decided to withdraw all US troops from Iraq by the end of the year and the paper said that US military officers and diplomats worried that the withdrawal could bring instability to the region.

It said Washington was negotiating to maintain a combat presence on the ground in Kuwait and was considering deploying more warships in the area.

No one at the Pentagon was immediately available to comment.

The United States also wanted to expand its military ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, it said.

The proposal needed approval by GCC leaders who are due to meet in the Saudi capital Riyadh in December, the paper said. (Reuters)

see the co-incidence of Iranian mantra with US announcement to boost presence in Gulf. Iran does the propoganda so US gets the excuse of scaring GCC government into getting permission for expanding naval presence..In reality..Iran is always complicit in pitting Muslims against the US for destruction. They are just doing a loyal service to the grand children of Abdullah Ibn Saba!

Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini told radio listeners, "It is not beyond guessing that this is the work of criminal American imperialism and international Zionism."[28][29] Muslim anti-American demonstrations followed in the Philippines, Turkey, Bangladesh, eastern Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan.[30] Anger fueled by these rumors peaked within hours in Islamabad, Pakistan, and on November 21, 1979, the day following the takeover, the U.S. embassy in that city was overrun by a mob, who then burned the embassy to the ground. A week later, this anger swept to the streets of Tripoli, Libya, where a mob attacked and burned the U.S. embassy there on December 2, 1979.[31]
The rebels' leader, Juhayman, was captured, and he and 67 of his fellow rebels — "all the surviving males" — were tried secretly, convicted and publicly beheaded in the squares of four Saudi cities.[32]
Saudi Royals are ofc dictators they have nothing to do this ppl and ppl sentiments. Many of Pakistanis support dictatorship in Arabia zone what an irony. com'n ppl democracy is basic right of ppl.
Saudi Royals are ofc dictators they have nothing to do this ppl and ppl sentiments. Many of Pakistanis support dictatorship in Arabia zone what an irony. com'n ppl democracy is basic right of ppl.
Yes and its doing or has done well for Pakistan in the past and present..right??
Aryan_B it seem you have an agenda on the behalf of ayatollahs..Why would Iran attack Israel..it is just plain BS to hide in plain cover of deception..Iran + Israel + Jews are one and who ever believed otherwise had paid dearly and history is witness to that.

see the co-incidence of Iranian mantra with US announcement to boost presence in Gulf. Iran does the propoganda so US gets the excuse of scaring GCC government into getting permission for expanding naval presence..In reality..Iran is always complicit in pitting Muslims against the US for destruction. They are just doing a loyal service to the grand children of Abdullah Ibn Saba!

If someone doesnt want to fall into your mindset then you call them Ayatollahs? Give me a break. Take a look at your Saudi royal bunch of clowns and blame them for you misgivings.
BTW the sheer hatred some of you Saudi members have on here is very evident and clear. You cant bully and opress people anymore.
Aryan_B it seem you have an agenda on the behalf of ayatollahs..

I am a patriot of pakistan i have done a lot of post you can go and check out my posts. I have no agenda on behalf of any ayotollas. And for your information I am not a shia.

Let me tell you why I am so upset with saudi parasite royal family. Over the last 10 years muslims have been from libya to pakistan. Sometimes innocents, women and children by americans west and israelis.

If the saudi parasite family were to stop accepting us dollar for their oil the us dollar would lose its reserve currency status and they would go bankrupt. And israel would collapse within a month or two. Muslims would stop being killed. Saudi parasite family is the only "muslims" that can do this. They wont and thats why I think its important they are exposed.
If someone doesnt want to fall into your mindset then you call them Ayatollahs? Give me a break. Take a look at your Saudi royal bunch of clowns and blame them for you misgivings.
BTW the sheer hatred some of you Saudi members have on here is very evident and clear. You cant bully and opress people anymore.

Blame them for mis giving? What type of mis givings actually?? Life is going fine and well in Saudi Arabia.

But reading a book may help!

I recently posted something on this forum - objecting to the Saudi royal family and the way their mindset was. I recieved a PM from a Saudi visitor on here. The PM had pure hatred for Iranians and all those who said ANYTHING bad about the Saudi royals. It shocked me to see that if you have an opinion how the Saudis tend to opress the moths of anyone objecting to their way of portraying Islam. Interesting PM. If anyone wants to know the content - let me know
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