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Saudi Arabia to finance Indonesia aviation industry with $3 billions.

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Саудовская Аравия может прокредитовать экспорт индонезийского авиапрома - согласно заявлению индонезийского министра по делам госпредприятий Дахлана Искана.

Как пишет "Перископ.2", саудовский банк Islamic Development Bank (IDB) и индонезийская PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) выразили обоюдную заинтересованность в том, чтобы зарубежные заказчики индонезийского аэрокосмического концерна могли воспользоваться кредитными средствами саудовского банка. Как сообщает индонезийская пресса, есть договоренность о кредитной линии в размере около 3 млрд долл. сроком на три года.

В продуктовой линейке индонезийской компании, в частности, присутствуют лицензионные транспортники C295 и C-212, а также морской патрульный самолет CN-235 и многоцелевой вертолет Bell 412EP. Среди возможных получателей саудовских кредитов на индонезийскую авиатехнику называются Бангладеш и ряд стран Африки.

В апреле 2011 г. сообщалось, что замминистра обороны Индонезии в ходе визита в Саудовскую Аравию подписал соглашение о военном сотрудничестве, которым предусматривается взаимодействие по линии обучения личного состава и развития оборонных отраслей промышленности обеих стран.

Google translation:

Saudi Arabia can export credits for the Indonesian aviation industry - purportedly Indonesian Minister for SOEs Dahlan was looking for.

According to "Periskop.2" Saudi Bank Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the Indonesian PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) expressed interest to foreign customers Indonesian aerospace concern could use the Saudi bank credit facilities. According to the Indonesian press, there is an agreement on a credit line in the amount of approximately $ 3 billion for a period of three years.

In the Indonesian company's product line, in particular, there are licensed transporters C295 and C-212, as well as maritime patrol aircraft CN-235 and multi-purpose helicopter Bell 412EP. Among the possible recipients of Saudi loans to Indonesian airplanes called Bangladesh and several African countries.

In April 2011 it was reported that the Deputy Minister of Defence of Indonesia during a visit to Saudi Arabia signed a military cooperation agreement, which provides for interaction in the training of personnel and development of defense industries of both countries.

. : , . : .
@MuslimConscript @kalu_miah. your take on this as I couldn't find any further info. please do share if you hear anything in that matter. Maybe your media is much more active than ours.
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@Yzd Khalifa

What do you think of this islamic financing system. I think its a great opportunity for Muslim countries to benefit from?
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@Yzd Khalifa

What do you think of this islamic financing system. I think its a great opportunity for Muslim countries to benefit from?


Islamic financing may refer to two things, banking, and bank activities. In both cases it offers a great opportunity for investors, indviduals, and countries.

There are many Islamic nations which adopts this banking doctrine, so, I guess we are only left out with one thing, bingo! :D
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@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa
Thanks for opening this thread.

This is great news, Saudi Arabia helping Indonesia Aerospace industry with $3 Billion credit line via Saudi Bank and Islamic Development Bank (IDB). Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and its economy is experiencing steady growth. Its aircraft industry is also doing well:
Indonesian Aerospace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Main products looks like 2 military transport aircraft CN-235 and a bigger C-295 developed in collaboration with CASA of Spain and Bell 412EP helicopter, a newer enhanced version of an older US designed Bell 412 that is now being produced under license by Dirgantara (Indonesian aerospace), Augusta of Italy and others.

Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CASA became a part of EADS and then Airbus Military:
Airbus Military - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CASA/IPTN CN-235 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EADS CASA C-295 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bell 412EP:
Bell 412 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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. . . .
Alhamdulillah, now PT.DI has a partner for its financing so that the buyer does not have to pay cash again which is certainly damning buyers, with financing from the IDB then the buyer could buy credits / installments to IDB. With this scheme, hopefully PT.DI sell its products well. :D

IDB will help finance the export credit facility. Thus if PT DI to sell aircraft to a country, then PT DI do not have to worry about a bill, administration, loan interest, etc. IDB will pay PT DI full, and bill payments to the buyer's country will be taken care of IDB. If the buyer fails to pay, it will also be borne by the IDB. PT DI basically just accept everything clear.
. . .
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@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa
Thanks for opening this thread.

This is great news, Saudi Arabia helping Indonesia Aerospace industry with $3 Billion credit line via Saudi Bank and Islamic Development Bank (IDB). Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and its economy is experiencing steady growth. Its aircraft industry is also doing well:
Indonesian Aerospace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Main products looks like 2 military transport aircraft CN-235 and a bigger C-295 developed in collaboration with CASA of Spain and Bell 412EP helicopter, a newer enhanced version of an older US designed Bell 412 that is now being produced under license by Dirgantara (Indonesian aerospace), Augusta of Italy and others.

Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CASA became a part of EADS and then Airbus Military:
Airbus Military - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CASA/IPTN CN-235 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EADS CASA C-295 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Bell 412EP:
Bell 412 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Philippine Presidential helicopter but anyway congrats for the grant
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. .
Money is still money, there is no irony about it

accept that

You hate them but you love their money
, And that's not Ironic?
You hate Islamic system but when you get money from it you love it?

@Reashot Xigwin
Now I see, why there is a lot of corruption in our country
It is becouse Nationalist like you all who run the country
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