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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

So the train stops here....

You are misquoting me here. Any what is the matter with you there are lots of threads on here that an Indian can get involved in why are you making such a big deal about it
I'm for every Pakistani, but it is silly to single out a single group because extremists exist within every one of them.

This "wahabi" stuff that people are saying is wrong. "Wahabis" are in fact sufi friendly. I'm not one to judge anyone else, because God will judge me for my actions.
Actually nothing like this exist.
Religions are made for betterment of people, and to create the fear for people for wrong doing so that they avoid misadventures.
This is just to keep the humanity united and peaceful.
Like Hindu teaches us Peaceful life and brotherhood, Christian promotes Peace, and other religion does.
People made religion for the betterment of people and to keep away bad people so that they have fear and they do good work (in search of fruit/Paradise for Good things) which is imaginery.
There is no Indian with a Pakistani work permit in Pakistan except diplomatic visa....

But, Ramiz raja, wasim akram and hundreds other have it...
WhAt does it say?
Sorry its off topic, because you people Are instigTing me on this....

You are misquoting me here. Any what is the matter with you there are lots of threads on here that an Indian can get involved in why are you making such a big deal about it

In other words, i can not opine myself on this thread?
Based on what technicality senior?

You are misquoting me here

No sir, you are wrong, check yr original post.....i hv just qouted you PARTIALLY.
False, terrorism existed in Pakistan before the war on terror.

Terrorism never existed to this extent, and there was only one case of suicide bombing (committed by Egyptian national) in Pakistan's soil before the war on terror. You can not compare that to after America invaded neighboring Afghanistan.
yeah I've been to UAE twice. Of course it's a safe country. So is Saudi Arabia. What does "safety" have anything to do with anything? I'm talking about the extreme ideology that is exported to Pakistan in the form of the Bin Ladens, the talibans, the maderesas, the salafi/wahabis, the suicide bombers, the shia killers etc...

well it's truly a shock when people find khalijee culture worthy. Even arabs don't want you khalijees in their countries.

Agreed that Saudis have been exporting extremist ideologies to Pakistan. Who in the right mind can deny that.

But iranians have been no less in that field. Khomeni was way ahead of Arabs when it comes to exporting extremist ideology.

The first sectarian bifurcation was funded by Khomeni's regime.

So from Pakistani perspective both the regimes have been devastating. Armed with extreme religious ideology and above all petro-dollars, both Saudi Moooolah regime, and Iranian Ayatoooolahs have brought death and destruction to Pakistan.

Yes at this very moment Wahabis have upper hand in Pakistan, and they surely are masscaring innocent Pakistani-Shias.

But this light of hatred and terror was started by none other than Khomeni himself,.,

Unless Pakistanis kick out these two Biddu and tribal ideologies, we will remain in deep doooodddoo and continue killing our innocent fellow Pakistanis be them Sunni, Shias, Hindu, or Christian. Sadly.

yeah I've been to UAE twice. Of course it's a safe country. So is Saudi Arabia. What does "safety" have anything to do with anything? I'm talking about the extreme ideology that is exported to Pakistan in the form of the Bin Ladens, the talibans, the maderesas, the salafi/wahabis, the suicide bombers, the shia killers etc...

All these problems started in Pakistan after U.S. invaded neighboring Afghanistan. Pakistan is friends with Saudi Arabia since 1947. Why no suicide bombings in Pakistan from 1947-2001?

And if they export this extreme ideology to Pakistan, then that would mean that Saudi Arabia has these extreme ideologies in its country then why is Saudi Arabia one of the most peaceful and one of the safest countries in the Muslim world?
All these problems started in Pakistan after U.S. invaded neighboring Afghanistan. Pakistan is friends with Saudi Arabia since 1947. Why no suicide bombings in Pakistan from 1947-2001?

And if they export this extreme ideology to Pakistan, then that would mean that Saudi Arabia has these extreme ideologies in its country then why is Saudi Arabia one of the most peaceful and one of the safest countries in the Muslim world?

Very very simplistic analysis. Many Pakistanis do and you are not alone.

Braathre Aql,

If USA invades Afghanistan, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Afghanistan, and not in Pakistan.

If USA invades Korea, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Korea, and not in Pakistan.

If USA invades Iraq, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Iraq, and not in Iran, or Kuwait, or Saudi Arabia or in Pakistan.

If USA invades Yemen, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in yemen, and not in Pakistan.

If USA invades Iran, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Iran, and not in Pakistan.

Why do you justify the horrible actions of Pakistani Mooolahs? Are you my dear dear poster a ghar-damad (stay at home son-inlaw, sounds much funnier in Urdu) of Afghanis?

And your view of Saudi Arabia is very very naive and childish.

Why do you think Saudis invaded and occupied Khana Kaaba back in 1979? Were they imported from Pakistan?

Saudi is a very sparsely populated heavily policed country,.

Every major city has a ring of Police checkposts that will make sure you enter the city with proper documentation.

And even if the cities are open, Saudi police and court system has immense and ruthless powers that they use without fear when it comes to killing anti-Saud forces.

If Saudi Arabia was as densely populated as Pakistan, with similar resources, you would see it on fire every day.

Any tribal Arab-African country without oil is poverty stricken unstable hell on earth like Yemen, Somalia, and to a bit lesser extent Egypt.

But you won't understand braathere Aql, you will not. You have been raised with Arab farishta concept, where every Pakistani is a decendent of an Arab and Islam is true and blue in Arab.

So you like so many Pakistanis will continue living in denial, in a made up world of your own. And thus as a result, Pakistan will continue its path to decline, poverty, ignorance, arrogance, and lawlessness. We will be just like Arabs without oil. Just like Tribal Africans without oil, just like primitive Afghan tribals. Because they are your heros.

If USA invades Afghanistan, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Afghanistan, and not in Pakistan.

If USA invades Korea, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Korea, and not in Pakistan.

If USA invades Iraq, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Iraq, and not in Iran, or Kuwait, or Saudi Arabia or in Pakistan.

If USA invades Yemen, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in yemen, and not in Pakistan.

If USA invades Iran, suicides bombing or other nefarious acts would be and should be in Iran, and not in Pakistan.

You can not compare these other countries with Afghanistan. The tribal areas of Pakistan has always been linked with Afghanistan. What happens in Afghanistan always had an effect on Pakistan especially the tribal areas of Pakistan.

But you won't understand braathere Aql, you will not. You have been raised with Arab farishta concept, where every Pakistani is a decendent of an Arab and Islam is true and blue in Arab.

So you like so many Pakistanis will continue living in denial, in a made up world of your own. And thus as a result, Pakistan will continue its path to decline, poverty, ignorance, arrogance, and lawlessness. We will be just like Arabs without oil. Just like Tribal Africans without oil, just like primitive Afghan tribals. Because they are your heros.

Pakistan wants friendship with every country (except india) so we are in no condition to pick and chose especially if the friendly country is rich and has influence in the international community. Notice only our enemies want us to break the friendship we have with Saudi Arabia. It will be in Pakistan's interests if we continue this friendship with Saudi Arabia, they can do more business with Pakistan and help Pakistan's fragile economy.

Even our enemy india is trying to make friendship with Saudi Arabia. The friendship with Saudi Arabia is too valuable and Saudi Arabia is too much important country, we can not afford to lose this valuable friendship.
You can not compare these other countries with Afghanistan. The tribal areas of Pakistan has always been linked with Afghanistan. What happens in Afghanistan always had an effect on Pakistan especially the tribal areas of Pakistan.

Pakistan wants friendship with every country (except india) so we are in no condition to pick and chose especially if the friendly country is rich and has influence in the international community. Notice only our enemies want us to break the friendship we have with Saudi Arabia. It will be in Pakistan's interests if we continue this friendship with Saudi Arabia, they can do more business with Pakistan and help Pakistan's fragile economy.

Even our enemy india is trying to make friendship with Saudi Arabia. The friendship with Saudi Arabia is too valuable and Saudi Arabia is too much important country, we can not afford to lose this valuable friendship.
There is a difference between friendship and being slaves to the Saudi Wahabis.

Pakistan needs its own Independent secular movement and stop adopting the values of Wahabis.
Only way to do that is to vote Imran Khan.
There is a difference between friendship and being slaves to the Saudi Wahabis.

Pakistan needs its own Independent secular movement and stop adopting the values of Wahabis.
Only way to do that is to vote Imran Khan.

Pakistanis are not slaves to Saudis. The Saudis do not make any laws in Pakistan. They just do business with Pakistan and help build Pakistan.

And Pakistanis themselves will never accept secularism. The only places in Pakistan that secularism might be accepted is Karachi and maybe Lahore, and even in those places people will revolt.

And there are also millions of Pakistanis who are Wahabis and have been Wahabis for centuries, its just a school of thought. The VAST Majority of Pakistanis are Muslims, and that's the most important thing.
If you can see them that is.

Depends if you can see their beauty honestly.

What is that supposed to mean? Are you talking about the "abayah" Muslim women wear? Why won't someone be able to see their beauty?
...... What happens in Afghanistan always had an effect on Pakistan especially the tribal areas of Pakistan.....

If Afghanis are burning down their own drawing room, you want Pakistanis to burn down our drawing too?

What kind of ill-logic is that?

Or perhaps all this $hite is to covertly support Islamism and terror!

Who knows!
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