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Saudi Arabia Persuades Pakistan to Abandon Iran-Pakistan Pipeline

Well at least i'm happy that countries are coming out to show interest towards Pakistan.

Riyadh is said to have offered an ‘alternative package’ to meet Islamabad’s growing energy needs in an effort to persuade it to abandon the Iran gas pipeline and electricity/oil import deals

Pakistan will stick with Iran's Gas offer. We are bordered and it makes sense for us to get resources consistently through ground pipeline. P.S Iran is desperate and i'm sure their offer will be a lot cheaper.

If Saudis think Oil is the solution, then i'm afraid it won't work out for us to meet our demands everyday. Please note that there will be shipping expenses and we don't want any delays.
Well at least i'm happy that countries are coming out to show interest towards Pakistan.

Pakistan will stick with Iran's Gas offer. We are bordered and it makes sense for us to get resources consistently through ground pipeline. P.S Iran is desperate and i'm sure their offer will be a lot cheaper.

If Saudis think Oil is the solution, then i'm afraid it won't work out for us to meet our demands everyday. Please note that there will be shipping expenses and we don't want any delays.

Ask Turkey how Iran overprices Gas for them to offset fall in Oil sales:
ENERGY - Turkey, Iran set for gas price arbitration case
Turkish-Iranian gas conundrum: high time for statesmanship

But After all you guys are free to decide you can instead buy the more expensive Iranian Gas which will damage your country more or relatively free one...

Sure I understand to some of you Iran means a lot more to you than Pakistan itself but all I am asking is for you to think it through.

Acutually the demand for gas in Turkey is less than Pakistan. And some reasons below can be Iran's interest.

Pakistan population 190 million
Turkey Population 79 Million

Pakistan's Natural gas - consumption: (From CIA Factfile)

42.9 billion cu m (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 22

Iran Natural gas - consumption: (From CIA Factfile)

38.12 billion cu m (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 25

Also we have moved down to use Gas in a lot of things.
Such as: in Cars, Buses, Cooking Stoves, Heaters, Industrialization etc...
Acutually the demand for gas in Turkey is less than Pakistan. And some reasons below can be Iran's interest.

Pakistan population 190 million
Turkey Population 79 Million

Pakistan's Natural gas - consumption: (From CIA Factfile)

42.9 billion cu m (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 22

Iran Natural gas - consumption: (From CIA Factfile)

38.12 billion cu m (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 25

Also we have moved down to use Gas in a lot of things.
Such as: in Cars, Buses, Cooking Stoves, Heaters, etc...

Well Turkey is taking Iran to court for preaching of contract. You might sign a 1$ for Gas deal today and tomorrow they will add two zeroes next to it.
As someone who has lived in Turkey for a while I know very well the suffering the sudden increase in Gas prices did to Turkish people. I spent there a total of a little over a year and a half and the prices just skyrocketed. Heaters bill went waaay up. Taxi fares became a double pain that it already is. And Goods prices raised a little as well. Ask anyone in Turkey and it all happened so suddenly because Iran decided to raise the prices one fine morning.

Again ask ANYONE who is in Turkey right now in this forum and he will tell you the same thing. Iran has a policy of offsetting prices. If Oil falls Gas goes up. If Gas falls Oil goes up. And with these sanctions you can only begin to imagine what prices they will charge. You want to support Iran's Holy struggle against the Zionists conspiracies of the evil western plotters of the Devil be my guest.
Well Turkey is taking Iran to court for preaching of contract. You might sign a 1$ for Gas deal today and tomorrow they will add two zeroes next to it.
As someone who has lived in Turkey for a while I know very well the suffering the sudden increase in Gas prices did to Turkish people. I spent there a total of a little over a year and a half and the prices just skyrocketed. Heaters bill went waaay up. Taxi fares became a double pain that it already is. And Goods prices raised a little as well. Ask anyone in Turkey and it all happened so suddenly because Iran decided to raise the prices one fine morning.

Again ask ANYONE who is in Turkey right now in this forum and he will tell you the same thing. Iran has a policy of offsetting prices. If Oil falls Gas goes up. If Gas falls Oil goes up. And with these sanctions you can only begin to imagine what prices they will charge. You want to support Iran's Holy struggle against the Zionists conspiracies of the evil western plotters of the Devil be my guest.

Well whatever Iran does, the fact of the matter is that we will also make profit out of it. China is already showing interest. Hopefully by then it will also include Tajikstan and Kyrgistan in the future Next, Russia just recently said that they will help us build the pipeline. I guess they to are in the same boat. One huge loss however that i must point out is India. It WAS in the deal but now today because of U.S pressure, they will look to change their heads.
Well whatever Iran does, the fact of the matter is that we will also make profit out of it. China is already showing interest. Hopefully by then it will also include Tajikstan and Kyrgistan in the future Next, Russia just recently said that they will help us build the pipeline. I guess they to are in the same boat. One huge loss however that i must point out is India. It WAS in the deal but now today because of U.S pressure, they will look to change their heads.

Well I already said everything that is to be said. I also remember a Pakistani businessman here in KSA who I met recently saying that Iran's Gas will cost 10% more than the Turkmenistani Gas.
Tajikistan has gas? lmao another gem from mosa

Mosa, your ifs and buts and maybes only makes sense in your head.

Iran is the second largest holder of gas in the world after Russia. It will eventually start flowing in all directions.

Pakistan wouldn't risk all this tension with the US, for all these years, if Iranian gas wasn't worth their while. Flap your wings all you want.
Tajikistan has gas? lmao another gem from mosa

Mosa, your ifs and buts and maybes only makes sense in your head.

Iran is the second largest holder of gas in the world after Russia. It will eventually start flowing in all directions.

Pakistan wouldn't risk all this tension with the US, for all these years, if Iranian gas wasn't worth their while. Flap your wings all you want.

Sorry I meant Turkmenistan:

Tajikistan has gas? lmao another gem from mosa

Mosa, your ifs and buts and maybes only makes sense in your head.

Iran is the second largest holder of gas in the world after Russia. It will eventually start flowing in all directions.

Pakistan wouldn't risk all this tension with the US, for all these years, if Iranian gas wasn't worth their while. Flap your wings all you want.

If all Iranians were like you then I wouldn't even trust it to buy a bottle of water.
I would like to see Pakistan engaging a bit more actively, socially.

Gas: From Iran
Oil : From Saudi Arabia
Electricity: China
Water : Go to UNSC to solve problem with India

We must NOT rely on just 1 country source and cut out rest. Or else that would be dumb politics...
Pakistan should go with Iran on this. Saudi's need to stop meddling with Pakistan affairs, as if Pakistani politics wasn't enough for them to poke their noses :argh: that they have started to interfere in our foreign policy as well. Two words for the Saudis, BUTT OUT!!!!
The gas pipeline is crucial to pakistan's ability to generate electricity using gas instead of petroleum. This project is in the long term interest of Pakistan and China and should not be forsaken for other interests. I would like to see improvement in Pakistan and Iran relationship in a strategic long-term Partnership. Pakistan should not forsake its long term Strategic interest at the request of Saudi Arabia. When Saudi Arabia felt the need to have closer military ties with India, they did not consult Pakistan. All countries follow their own strategic interest independently and so should Pakistan.

Ask Turkey how Iran overprices Gas for them to offset fall in Oil sales:
ENERGY - Turkey, Iran set for gas price arbitration case
Turkish-Iranian gas conundrum: high time for statesmanship

But After all you guys are free to decide you can instead buy the more expensive Iranian Gas which will damage your country more or relatively free one...

Sure I understand to some of you Iran means a lot more to you than Pakistan itself but all I am asking is for you to think it through.

I-P line, another scandal like the "private power plants" or "rental power plants" where millions were pocketed by Pakistani politicians and officials and in the end how much of the shortage was covered and is covered as of today?

And recently one senior ministry official said that the power shortages are due to demand and supply issue!!. And i was thinking the load shedding was due to some some inter-galactic issue. Come on even a small kid knows the issue is due to demand and supply issue, but the ministry official did not want to state that the load shedding is due to "experienced" (let alone "highly experienced") politicians and ministers running the country.

After all these years they just found out that the load shedding was due to supply and demand? If people like these run our country what do you expect from Pakistan?
reality check!
Saudi arabia is bieng called, unpaid agents of CIA, they really dumb peoples!
Who are living under the fear, of bieng left alone, once US gets its relationship with. IRAN ,in right direction!
Really foolish, & selfish peoples!
Just check their involvment in the distruction, of IRAQ & LIBIYA & now in SIRIYA, they are all over middle east? Why we should listen them?
IRAN is & was a, real stratgic partner of pakistan, both bieng harrased,& attacked by USA & both can form a very strong front, which is not In the interst of US or KSA?
They were supporting, & financing killings of shia's of pakistan,they are the biggest donners of jihadi outfits, all over pakistan?
Why we not try to stand on our own. Feets! Let them say, whatever they, say & decide , what we need!
Any ways some years after, they would be looking for pakistan ,because they hvnt hve the ability , even to defend their own lands, from their so called american brothers.
Sorry I meant Turkmenistan:
So in your opinion, we should buy gas from a country that would pass it through Afghanistan, a region where it is most likely that the pipeline shall have blasts everyday. Besides, Afghan-Pak relations have never been great so getting supplies through them is a horrific idea. Add to that the US presence and it is completely non-feasible
So in your opinion, we should buy gas from a country that would pass it through Afghanistan, a region where it is most likely that the pipeline shall have blasts everyday. Besides, Afghan-Pak relations have never been great so getting supplies through them is a horrific idea. Add to that the US presence and it is completely non-feasible
lol Mosa never makes any sense

"Don't buy gas from Iran, it's expensive; buy gas from Turkeministan it's cheap" lmao

build a pipeline through AFG, pay transit fees to AFG, fix the pipeline every week after the Taliban blow it up and then eventually stop getting gas all together cuz Turkeministan has run out. Makes sense.
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