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Saudi Arabia officially designates the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation.

Playing victim?!!! keep your parents for yourself. The next time, either grow balls or do not try to troll someone who can kick in your balls. I had a very nice time laughing at you, now go and do lap dance for someone else. I got bored.
seriously you've got some serious mental problems .

starting to wonder if your parents have been all cool with you growing up !! ;)
So tell me Saudis what is this all for? Why is Egypt doing this to Gaza? I know about Israel they hate our guts but why Arabs? Why is Iran being isolated? Is this all to help the Palestinians? You want them to abandon Islam and put aside their resistance? Why? Tell us why?

Meanwhile Saudi Arabia sends thousands of Saudis to fight with what they designate 'terrorist organizations' and now is giving them an opportunity to return without consequences. Do you see the picture here people!? It's a game! Those people were sent by Saudi Arabia to do some work and freely able to return without consequences even though they may have killed people and joined a 'terrorist organization' as designated by Saudi Arabia!

Imagine if I was a citizen of Saudi Arabia and went to join Hamas in Palestine would Saudi Arabia allow me back? According to these designations as in the US I would be put behind bars for life!

Al-Qaeda has more freedom to operate, more benefits then Hamas and Hezbollah yet what have Hamas and Hezbollah done to the world? It's obvious this is not about ethics! This is because of other reasons!
And to think seven years ago people were concerned, "What will Egypt do if the M-B takes power?" Now we can see what happened: they turned the army and populace against themselves and alienated their key foreign supporters to boot.

I note, however, that the Saudi ban is very broad. Even expressing sympathy for the travails of the M-B is now against the law in Saudi Arabia. When a government attempts to forbid its citizenry from feeling pity, is that not a form of mind control?
And while all this is happening, Israel is given an opportunity to go attack and invade Gaza thinking the people of Gaza are weak. But, let me tell you something, I swear by God the resistance in Palestine is ready for all circumstances! The resistance glorifies moments of struggle and you may do everything you can logistically and materialistically but can never ever break the will the will of the Palestinian people! This is God's miracles! And while you're taking action and planning more maneuvers know that in the Quran God says the rulers of this world are planning unaware that God is also planning! You people have no dignity, you oppressors have no honor!
like this ?
Iran pays terrorists to fire rockets from dense populated areas:


Then when Israel fires back they celebrate. But Hamas does not want to play that game anymore.

Back to topic. Tell me how Hezbollah is defending its territory by starving children in Ghouta?
What a filthy liar you are, Israel of course only 'responds' to begin attacked when Israel is an occupying nation going on the offensive and every time and rockets were fired were in response to Israeli massacres against our people. Don't forget that that Israel was mercilessly killing Palestinians in Gaza during the intifada back when Israel was militarily occupying Gaza.

So much for densely populated areas, besides, Israel has pre planned targets, it doesn't just target people who are defending themselves it largely targets much infrastructure and many homes. That's what it's war strategy revolves around and you know this better than you do.

And he facetiously acts as if he's at odds wondering why Palestinians seek dignity and arm themselves. While at it in 2013 more Palestinians were killed in the West Bank then in Gaza, yet no rockets exist there. Hmm...I wonder why? Maybe because Israel occupies Palestinian land through brute force!
so thats the topic ?
You said that Hezbollah is defending its territory, so I asked u how its defending its territory by slaughtering people in Syria.

Then instead answering u started dead body ****. I can also post lots of dead from Syria. And fresh pics not several years old in contrast to urs.
your atrocities , are u proud of em ?
Only one who is interested in dead kids is ur crazy regime. When you fire rockets from dense populated areas civilians will always die. Now Hamas stopped firing rockets and u dont see killed civilians from both sides anymore.

that makes it less brutal ?
When you support guy who barrel bombs tens of thousands of civilians right now u dont have any right to shed crocodile tears about some killed 5 years ago.

Aleppo bombed today:

Stop supporting Assad and then maybe someone believe that ur crocodile tears are honest.
your atrocities , are u proud of em ?

i will post more and more in future and i warned u abt it . every one of them was posted with warning and in link

that makes it less brutal ?


And he's saying it while he knows Israel killed 230 Palestinians in one day.
Only one who is interested in dead kids is ur crazy regime

here we go :

Israelis Killed Palestinian Children in Photos

warning : sad and bloody pics of zio atrocities :








A Palestinian father with his son, shot in the head by an zionist sniper, while playing on the roof of his house.
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