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Saudi Arabia King Urges Islamic Unity: I'm your servent

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I am totally against his speech. He should not call for Ummah or any of that worthless crap. To hell with them all in my opinion.

The more we help them the more they hate us so they should starve get killed get lynched be thrown around genocide and then we should think about helping them.

King you are a good person trying to do good things but sad fully you are also kind of stupid.

يقول الله تعلى (لاَ يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَى أَلاَّ تَعْدِلُواْ اعْدِلُواْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ إِنَّ اللّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ )

Enshallah we can do it, haters were and will be always there to divide the ommah. They are no strangers and have existed since the time of our prophet peace be upon him.
Sir Ummah is not the worthless crap it is order of ALLAH and His PROPHET SAW and the way Muslims are being treated so badly is because we betrayed Ummah and divided ourselves in smaller countries ashamed to see people who call themselves Muslims are directly and indirectly making fun of orders of Quran and Sunnah and still dare to call themselves Muslims

I don't believe in Muslim Ummah not anymore anyways. Unless there is a big inter-Muslim war where at least 300-500 million are killed in it Muslims will never ever unite.
@jon why do people leave their country when they know they can face such incidents abroad? i say stay in your own country and work for your country.

When going to other countries and showing Pakistani passports at the counter raises some eyebrows (in relation to suicide attacks and media projection about Pakistan as a terrorist country), and when our own illiterate PM wants Pakistanis to leave the country and does not give a dime about them, where shall we go then?
If he need real brother hood from all Islamic Countries.......then must took first step to leave the slavery of US, and remove the US air bases from Riydh Saudi Arabia....Implement new laws to give Human Rights to Foreigners other than Arabs working in Gulf Countries (Currently they consider them 2nd category muslims)...........Actions are louder than words.

first there are no US bases in the kingdom. second we don't need to implement new laws for the foreigners if they don't like it there then they should leave out the country and give a chance for people in need. we don't force anyone to work in our country btw.
I don't believe in Muslim Ummah not anymore anyways. Unless there is a big inter-Muslim war where at least 300-500 million are killed in it Muslims will never ever unite.
Muslims will unite because that is destiny already mentioned in Hadees and several Hadees and if you don't believe in Ummah than clearly admit you don't believe in Quran and Hadees because by denying Ummah and you are in reality denying Quran and Hadees
Muslims will unite because that is destiny already mentioned in Hadees and several Hadees and if you don't believe in Ummah than clearly admit you don't believe in Quran and Hadees because by denying Ummah and you are in reality denying Quran and Hadees

Oh look we have a mutaween here. Put a sock in it. There is no Muslim Ummah the last time Muslims were one country was in the Ummayid Dynasty and it will never happen again until it is judgment day. Till then there are only countries with interests that should be looked out for.
I don't believe in Muslim Ummah not anymore anyways. Unless there is a big inter-Muslim war where at least 300-500 million are killed in it Muslims will never ever unite.

this Manadi reminds me of Shah Faisal (may his soul rest in peace)

King Shah Faisal Speech (Inspiring and Awakening) - YouTube

in my personal opinion Shah Faisal was Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz (RA) of Bannu Saud. the video is very emotional.
what a tragedy that this fine person was so mercilessly taken from the Muslim world.

(I am sorry I cant find the original video.. the speech is mixed up with current events & people might have different take on things & whatever the uploader is trying to convey, I was only interested in what Shah Faisal was saying. the people of Saudia must never forget this great man.

this country enjoys such a great position that its leadership is bound to make a positive impact for Muslims and the rest of the world. not against anyone but "FOR" the Muslims, what we lack is a good advocate.
Oh look we have a mutaween here. Put a sock in it. There is no Muslim Ummah the last time Muslims were one country was in the Ummayid Dynasty and it will never happen again until it is judgment day. Till then there are only countries with interests that should be looked out for.
Sir first this will happen a lot before day of Judgement and I am not what you said but what I do is read Quran and Sunnah and they clearly have ordered Muslim to always remain part of Ummah and stick with it but yes some will betray it and will face wrath of ALLAH in this world and in here after to INSHALLAH Ummah still exists but will become more prominent before day of Judgement because it will than exist on government level to which is missed today
Saudis and Saudi Arabia only is the only thing that should matter King Abdullah. We have poor people here why do you give bilious of aid to other countries?? We have high unemployment here why do you push for bringing more foreigners here to help their economy?? We have messed up roads and highways here why do you give so mich money in making roads in other poor Islamic countries?? I really hate you sometimes Abdullah.
I think Saudi should instead urge for GCC Unity. Unity without common traditions and culture is impossible. The GCC has common traditions and cultures and GCC unity is realistic in this case, not pan-islamist unity.
Saudis and Saudi Arabia only is the only thing that should matter King Abdullah. We have poor people here why do you give bilious of aid to other countries?? We have high unemployment here why do you push for bringing more foreigners here to help their economy?? We have messed up roads and highways here why do you give so mich money in making roads in other poor Islamic countries?? I really hate you sometimes Abdullah.
Sir because he is a Muslim and part of Ummah and as Muslims we believe in Quran and Sunnah which has ordered Muslims to be part of Ummah for ever and never betray it like some born traitors
Saudis and Saudi Arabia only is the only thing that should matter King Abdullah. We have poor people here why do you give bilious of aid to other countries?? We have high unemployment here why do you push for bringing more foreigners here to help their economy?? We have messed up roads and highways here why do you give so mich money in making roads in other poor Islamic countries?? I really hate you sometimes Abdullah.

Very Much Right. Saudi Money comes from Selling Oil, Which is Ultimately Saudi Natural Resource. Saudi has complete right over its money. Some Countries in the Name of Islamic Brotherhood Suck Up Billions of Dollars and Backstab you. Saudi Money should only be used on Saudi People. :tup:
ref my last post

A clarification is in order, the video also adds the bits from Muslim brotherhood.but I only meant to show what Shah Faisal had to sa
I am no way endorsing or supporting any other political messages mixed up by the uploader . like I said, my focus was only the Kings Speech
Sir because he is a Muslim and part of Ummah and as Muslims we believe in Quran and Sunnah which has ordered Muslims to be part of Ummah for ever and never betray it like some born traitors

The only thng that will guarantee you a job in Saudi Arabia is if you are a doctor and that is it. We have thousands of unemployed engineers and bacholrette Golding graduates of all fields. Yet we see more and more foreigners taking jobs in our country.

My cousin graduated with 3.74 out of 4.0 GPA in chemical engineering. He applied to work for a company but they rejected him and instead they brought an Indian who will do the job for half the salary he would be getting. Tell me what are we supposed to feel about that??

Right now Saudi expats are going to work in more richer countries like Qatar and UAE because Saudis are not treated as if they are in their own country anymore. Hell the first thing I am going to do after I get my specialization degree is apply for a job in UAE because they give better salaries than the $hit salary they give Saudi doctors here.
When reading some of the racist, hatred based, and non-sense comments above, it does show the big gap of ignorance that is too much to catch up with and fill within a forum-like discussion. We need a class and a 3 months course with a grade system so that they take it serious to elevate their small minds to a level where we can discuss such things.

Long live our king raising the true flag of Islam and protecting the holy land of Islam from Shirk and man worshiping ideology invaders under the name of Islam.

Most if not all of your complaints are unjustified. Please report the posts that you are offended by and they will be deleted resulting in infractions if what you stated is and or was true.

Simply making jingoistic comments and insulting forum members is not in my mind a way to discuss or convince us to your way of thinking
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