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Saudi Arabia in Pictures

Thank you very much @al-Hasani for those beautiful pictures, the Unaizian must be very proud of their beautiful nature. Sorry to bother you with my request, I did not know that you are having exams.
The farm is big indeed, almost the same size with the city that i live in, 6k hectares. Thank you again my brother.

No need to apologize brother. Just ask all the questions you want to and I and others will try to answer them. If I don't answer immediately or the same day it means that I was unable to do so. Not because I did not want to or ignored you. I get quoted daily and sometimes in the middle of debates that I have not even read or taken part in and I can't read those debates so I often just skip past them.


faifa 2011
by al_gasemy, on Flickr

View over the Najran oasis
by CharlesFred, on Flickr

View . by oldwolf., on Flickr



Here are some more photos you can show.;)


King Saud of Saudi Arabia with one of his sons:

King Abdulaziz ibn Saud:

Rare picture of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, رحمه الله

حياك الله اخوي معنا في المنتدى

thanks buddy
guys, she is not لمى
guys, she is not لمى

So her name turned to be Ashwaq and not Lama? is that what you are trying to say?

وش السالفه لمى والا اشواق؟

Im confused. :confused:
So her name turned to be Ashwaq and not Lama? is that what you are trying to say?

وش السالفه لمى والا اشواق؟

Im confused. :confused:

لا لا دا واحد اهبل رفع الفيديو ويقول دي لمى الي طاحت بالبير ... البنت عملت فيديو ثاني تقول أنا مو لمى الي طحت بالبير.
لمى اسم البنت الي طاحت بالبير بس فيديو البنت الي جالسه تغني مو لمى.
Thanx for sharing the pics ... keep up the good works fellas :tup:


King Saud of Saudi Arabia with one of his sons:

King Abdulaziz ibn Saud:

Rare picture of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, رحمه الله

Thanks bro. Little description will be very helpful. People always want to know the location of a beautiful picture:bad:
Appreciate if you can tell us the location of these beautiful scenery brother @Arabian Legend

The first two pics were taken form Abha and the last two were taken from Al-Baha. Two beautiful cities in southern Saudi Arabia. Click on the name to find out more info about them.


Edit: Al-Baha is located in the south west and not in the south.
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