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Saudi Arabia cancels U.N. speech over inaction on Arab, Muslim issues

I'll be blunt here. It's a strong view, but need to be heard.

Muslim nations are controlled by the Yankees except Iran. Only Iran has an independent foreign policy. This is why the Yankees hate them. Pretty much every Arab country is controlled by Washington due to massive corruption by their leaders.

I hate to say this but the Yankees think Muslim blood is cheaper than sea water.

Unless you guys get honest leaders in power and get the Yankees out of your countries, you will never be truly independent people. Just look at the way the Yankees slaughtered 2 million Iraqis and million Afghans, dropped depleted uranium causing grotesque birth defects for new born babies, raped your women and children, destroyed their infrastructure, and looted cultural and national treasures that are hundreds of years old.

Despite all those heinous crimes against your people, you still have favourable views of the Yankees.

Until you have self respect for yourself, others won't be respecting you.
In fact others will continue to treat Muslim people as dirt.

Iran is the only country among Muslim countries that has some self respect, everyone else is just a slave to the white man.

Slave? Self-respect? Aha...and that comes from a Chinese?

@Zakii @Oscar
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Is it possible to declare war against Assad? Why not get some combat practice?

you mean KSA declares a war against Assad(Syria's governmnet)? obviously its not possible ...
how much investment you have in USA? btw, GDP of USA is about 15-16 trillion dollars.

The US debit has reached 17 trillion, the US should pay that off first.

how much is it compared to GDP of USA? you are too delusional my friend.
The US has around 400million population need food, job and medical care. Saudi Arabia by itself has around three trillion in its safe box.

it seems that you have believed that USA is something like poor pakistani and afghans jihadist that you can buy them and order them.

Pakistan has reached what your country is not able to reach for. Watch your mouth when speaking about Pakistan or its people. With a small minded like you who is not able to think outside the box. read my first post.

FYI, when revolution happened in Iran, Iran had billions of dollars in US banks.

I guess it was about one year of Iran's oil revenue at that time. USA government simply blocked all that money, and Iran has not been able to take the money back so far. If your money is deposited in US banks, they can simply block your money whenever they want. It is as simple as this.

We are not that stupid, our money is not swimming in the US banks that we own already like city bank for example.

I don't wanna ruin your pride but the fact is you cannot produce any aircraft or aircraft missile, ... so, how do you wanna go war with USA? with sword?:no:

You need to identify who is ''You'' to get an answer.

modern military equipments are not like swords, they need technical support, and lots of accessories(for example missiles for aircrafts) to be effective. If you go war with USA or Israel sometime, you need to provide the technical support, ... by yourself and without help from USA. can you do that?

No one is depending on others for any kind of technical support. Saudi Arabia manufacture its own missiles and spare parts by itself let alone other Muslim nations. Look I'm not here to educate you nor I'm going to waste my time to do that so you better search the forum or do visit Mr. Google for some help, it is not my problem that you know nothing about our capability.
I think we will see dramatic changes in alliances around the globe in near future

Yes of course, a few alignments will change, but not as dramatic as some day dreaming that's happening on this thread.

If Syria was indeed attacked by America and if Assad had lost then that would have strengthened the hands of a few Sunni Muslim countries in some sort of an alliance - but then everyone else was against it - even China, who saw it as an act that will strengthen the hands of Islamic militants.
Is it possible to declare war against Assad? Why not get some combat practice?

That will give both The US and Russia an opportunity to work together against the most stable Islamic country in the region. we can do that effectively if things got out of hands any time in the future. I think what we need to do is provide some heavy arms to the FSA and block the route from Iraq to Syria. Saudi Arabia is moving very slowly gotta admit that as we are a little busy with Egypt at the moment. Things will change tough if the US leave out Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as to deal with the US base in Qatar for now, big headache for us.
Coming to your second point, most of those Arab muslims countries are armed to the teeth using western and eastern technologies as we speak. So getting more advanced systems from China and Russia to what we currently have will pretty much do the work.
I agree that some arab countries are well equipped with western and eastern and their own weapons..But the point i was making was how do they compare to the strategic assets and weapon systems which the west have..?Like ICBMs,Stealth planes,power projection capabilities,thermo nuclear devices etc-which arabs even after being "armed to teeth" do not fare

The west lost it against bunch of Ak's, they got owned by Taliban and Islamic army of Iraq let alone fighting an overwhelming organized armies considering the geo-strategic advantages those muslim countries have. Next time use your brain to analyze instead of running your empty mouth.

That is factually wrong and comparing entirely different scenarios..One is an all out war with west where you were claiming to teach west a lessen.The comparison of strategic assets and military capabilities I made was in such a context of an all out open war between the west and your islamic armies.The point was to demonstrate the vast gap in strategic capabilities.
The second scenario implied in your examples of taliban and iraqi insurgents is of "defeating west" by fighting insurgency by conducting hit and run attacks and blowing oneself up shouting "Allaaahu akbar" comes to the context only when the west,after defeating the organized armies establishes a puppet govt and try to reconstruct the war torn nation..Teaching west a lesson they can not forget by this method requires your regular armies to be defeated first,and the country turned to rubbles,some millions killed and then you can claim to "own the west' by killing a few thousands of soldiers over years span of occupation using hit and run attacks.I hope you can discern the difference between two wrt context of discussion.

"Arabs of now isn't the Arabs of the past, the Arabs of the past was the Arabs who fought the Persians, Mongols, Byzantium, Crusaders and such huge armies ruling three continents and four seas. The Arabs of now is the Arabs who bends down and kisses the shoes of the World Powers, the Arabs of now can't lift up a finger without approval from the West."

HILARIOUS, stop making me laugh and post nonsense trash. Arabs will never solve their own problems until they release themselves from the World Powers. :rofl:
The US debit has reached 17 trillion, the US should pay that off first.

The US has around 400million population need food, job and medical care. Saudi Arabia by itself has around three trillion in its safe box.

Pakistan has reached what your country is not able to reach for. Watch your mouth when speaking about Pakistan or its people. With a small minded like you who is not able to think outside the box. read my first post.

We are not that stupid, our money is not swimming in the US banks that we own already like city bank for example.

You need to identify who is ''You'' to get an answer.

No one is depending on others for any kind of technical support. Saudi Arabia manufacture its own missiles and spare parts by itself let alone other Muslim nations. Look I'm not here to educate you nor I'm going to waste my time to do that so you better search the forum or do visit Mr. Google for some help, it is not my problem that you know nothing about our capability.

It seems that you take my comment in a wrong way, and tried to respond it using your sentiments and not your brain and logic. believe it or not, I am not anyones enemy, including you. btw, I am not a fan of US administration or mullah regime, I have lived in both countries, and I know their problems very well.
do not be worried about US debts. that's how US society works, it works by debt. as long as US dollar is powerful, US government can produce more and more dollars and deal with debts.
I didn't say that you are stupid, but US government is not stupid either. Mohammad Reza Shah wasn't stupid either. I brought it as an example to show you that US can block your money easily. obviously they are always some insurances for the security of your money, ... but even all of those need to meet US government's regulations. right?
btw, comparing pakistan, and afghanistan with USA is obviously ridicules ;)
It seems that you take my comment in a wrong way, and tried to respond it using your sentiments and not your brain and logic. believe it or not, I am not anyones enemy, including you. btw, I am not a fan of US administration or mullah regime, I have lived in both countries, and I know their problems very well.
do not be worried about US debts. that's how US society works, it works by debt. as long as US dollar is powerful, US government can produce more and more dollars and deal with debts.

The US dollar will collapse once the world reject using it as international currency for trade. If OPEC refuse to use the dollar as currency for oil then the US will not be able to last a second because the value of the US dollar will go Zero.

I didn't say that you are stupid, but US government is not stupid either. Mohammad Reza Shah wasn't stupid either. I brought it as an example to show you that US can block your money easily. obviously they are always some insurances for the security of your money, ... but even all of those need to meet US government's regulations. right?
btw, comparing pakistan, and afghanistan with USA is obviously ridicules ;)

If Saudi arabia is to pull out its money then US cant block anything for the fact that our investments are not in the states hand. We only deal with papers no bills. Our money is in our banks and not in the US as I said earlier.
The US dollar will collapse once the world reject using it as international currency for trade. If OPEC refuse to use the dollar as currency for oil then the US will not be able to last a second because the value of the US dollar will go Zero.
Yes, Thats true. but it will not happen. thats why USA has military bases in all continents and lots of them in ME, and spend billions of dollars on military. if a ME country decides to trade with other currencies or something like that, USA army will overthrow the government. they may do coup or invade them or use sanctions, but they try not to let such a thing happens. you can consider Iran's case. Iran has tried to break the monopoly multiple times during Pahlavi dynasty and mullahs, but what west did was a coup on 1953 against nationalizing of oil, supporting khomeini on 1979 against Shah, and very recently, when mullahs decided to use euro, and other currencies, they expedite sanctions. your king, and leaders know all of this very well, and that's why they always consider west's opinions and interests before making any decision.
If Saudi arabia is to pull out its money then US cant block anything for the fact that our investments are not in the states hand. We only deal with papers no bills. Our money is in our banks and not in the US as I said earlier.
you are not right, but obviously if you decide to oppose west, thats what you need to do before any other action.
What are the offspring of Central Asian/Kazakh steppe nomads that came to the Middle East 2800 years ago (Farsis) doing in this thread? Why are they meddling in Arab affairs once again? Should they not worry about their neighbors in Turkmenistan and Afghanistan instead of the giant and ancient Arab world?

LOL, at all the nonsense.

The unemployment rate in KSA is 10,2%. Among the lowest in the entire region.

Saudi Arabia Unemployment rate - Economy

In Mullahistan the percentage is significantly higher.

Let us take a look at the GDP (PPP) per capita. The Saudi Arabian is higher than the average EU GDP per capita and 2.5 times higher than that of Mullahistan.


KSA is one of the fastest growing and safest economies in the world.

It is a G-20 MAJOR ECONOMIES MEMBER STATE while Mullahistan is busy dealing with their highly developed friends and equals in Belarus, North Korea and other similar pariah states.


One of the safest countries in the world too with among the lowest crime rates in the world.

Indeed Mullahistan is the benchmark for all in comparison while having the largest gas reserves in the region and among the largest oil reserves too. Especially regional countries.

In short KSA is safe and doing fine and moving in all the right directions for each day.

A very good decision.
I think its time for the OIC to reshapes its foreigner policies and play an effective role to sort out our Issues. Forming a military wing consisted of GCC, Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey has become essential. we need to solve the Palestine, Kashmir, Syria, Myanmar issues. Those issues only know the language of military force, life is moving and we are not getting anything out of it anyway. We have the manpower, money, and we manufacture military hardwares already, Pakistan is a nuclear, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia are doing a great job in term of military equips. we can impose oil embargo, skyrocketing oil prices and work with China on other hand. I think nothing is holding us back so we need to flex our muscles, we have the means and skills so nothing is missing I guess expect to raise the banner of Islam that we left behind. We together can teach the west and the east a lesson that they shall not forget for the rest of their lives.

Lo jee, ab arbi bhi aa gaye kashmir mein bakchodi karne...
What are the offspring of Central Asian/Kazakh steppe nomads that came to the Middle East 2800 years ago (Farsis) doing in this thread? Why are they meddling in Arab affairs once again? Should they not worry about their neighbors in Turkmenistan and Afghanistan instead of the giant and ancient Arab world?

LOL, at all the nonsense.

The unemployment rate in KSA is 10,2%. Among the lowest in the entire region.

Saudi Arabia Unemployment rate - Economy

In Mullahistan the percentage is significantly higher.

Let us take a look at the GDP (PPP) per capita. The Saudi Arabian is higher than the average EU GDP per capita and 2.5 times higher than that of Mullahistan.


KSA is one of the fastest growing and safest economies in the world.

It is a G-20 MAJOR ECONOMIES MEMBER STATE while Mullahistan is busy dealing with their highly developed friends and equals in Belarus, North Korea and other similar pariah states.


One of the safest countries in the world too with among the lowest crime rates in the world.

Indeed Mullahistan is the benchmark for all in comparison while having the largest gas reserves in the region and among the largest oil reserves too. Especially regional countries.

In short KSA is safe and doing fine and moving in all the right directions for each day.

A very good decision.
off topic post by a troll, but I need to say that you are a funny person. sometimes I read your posts and laugh. Thank you for bringing fun atmosphere to forum. btw, try being stand up comedian. you may be very lucky in that job, and please invite me on your future comedy performs.

Lo jee, ab arbi bhi aa gaye kashmir mein bakchodi karne...

Please translate your comment to English, Thanks
off topic post by a troll, but I need to say that you are a funny person. sometimes I read your posts and laugh. Thank you for bringing fun atmosphere to forum. btw, try being stand up comedian. you may be very lucky in that job, and please invite me on your future comedy performs.

Please translate your comment to English, Thanks

My bad, should have translated.

I just said looks like arbis (Arabs) are also going to get involved and screw around in Kashmir... (so far it had only been pakistan)
off topic post by a troll, but I need to say that you are a funny person. sometimes I read your posts and laugh. Thank you for bringing fun atmosphere to forum. btw, try being stand up comedian. you may be very lucky in that job, and please invite me on your future comedy performs.

Yes the truth might hurt you. Nothing funny about stating facts. You might not like them and call them funny. Your choice. Don't care. Now go back to your Mullahistan and don't meddle in the great and ancient Arab world. Worry about Turkmenistan or Afghanistan instead. Your actual neighbors. You are irrelevant anyway.
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