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Saras: How much indigenous is it???


Finally some one get some sense, yes dear iPhone is apple and US product.

No matter where it is made china, vietnam or combodia it will remain Apple and US product.

Likewise, saras, (M-102) will always remain Myasishchev Desgn Burea MDB, Russian design, weather it is assembled in India or Timbaktu.:azn:

And yet they didnt claim Saras belong them, right? Yes we did learn from russians many things. There's no shame or loss of pride. Atleast WE Did Not Steal!!

When everyone applauds for nobel prize winner i can hear you in the corner shouting on top of your voice 'that nobel belong to his teachers'!!
And yet they didnt claim Saras belong them, right? Yes we did learn from russians many things. There's no shame or loss of pride. Atleast WE Did Not Steal!!

When everyone applauds for nobel prize winner i can hear you in the corner shouting on top of your voice 'that nobel belong to his teachers'!!

of course there is no shame, why are you feeling shame??? My purpose IN STARTING THE THREAD is not to humiliate "indigenous" people either. It is just a study and a sort of information collection exercise.

Please! take it in the right spirit, no need to feel that way.

....and about "yet they didnt claim Saras belong them", just have a look at the news and how they refer to saras a s M-102,

Joint Stock Company «Myasishchev Desgn Burea»

6 May 2010.
The first group of specialists EMZ im.V.M. Myasishchev flew to India g.Bangalor under contract for development of the main directions of modification of a light aircraft "Saras" (M-102).

The Indian Saras light transport aircraft will be upgraded at the Myasishchev Experimental Machine Building Plant in Moscow, a defense industry source told Interfax-AVN.

“A framework contract was signed last September to upgrade and certify the Saras plane and to develop plane modifications in 2010-2011,” he said.

India built two Saras planes and one of them crashed during a test flight. The second plane will be modernized with Russian help, he said.

“Saras test flights will start at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year,” he said.

Russia & CIS Defense Policy Blog Russia to help modernize Indian Saras jets

Mr.Titanium, You need to understand the development history of Saras first. It was started as a joint venture between Myasishchev & NAL. After hitting the financial crisis in Russia MDB has left the project leaving with single partner. So its obvious that the original design is from MDB and none from NAL denying this. That's the reason MDB is the primary choice of NAL to redesign the airframe.
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Finally some one is happy.. guess we can close this thread ! What next?
Whats should come as a shock to "indigenous" people is that after inspecting by the russian, they concluded, saras need complete russian makeover to even be worthy of flight.

What exactly is problem with the "indigenous scientists"??, they can't make it fly even after blueprints and prototype given on a platter??
OK.. here a myth has busted by Titanium that Saras has nothing indigenous in it. Hence the usage of word 'indigenous' is prohibited and won't be used at least in PDF.:lol:.. Indian guys please follow the order...
OK.. here a myth has busted by Titanium that Saras has nothing indigenous in it. Hence the usage of word 'indigenous' is prohibited and won't be used at least in PDF.:lol:.. Indian guys please follow the order...

Am willing to correct this image, if you provide necessary "indigenous information:agree:


But now, the last remaining assembly, tinkering also has been shifted to Moscow.

Seems I need to add that too in that image:smokin:
If I may, Titanium you come across as an ' establishment' professional.

As a proud Canadian who's served in war and as an aerospace industry insider, let's not be politically incorrect and get so hung up over 1 word - indigenous.

In the aero biz mock up's ain't everything, the damn tthing's gotta fly, safely. Standards is everything.

Why? When I was in engg. school, aerospace was reserved for govt. types. One went into the tough aero engg. and looked fwd. to a dead end govt. job It didn't fire up anybody' s mind. Aerospace in Asia is all politics and clerkship. This industry puts up with a lot of govt. propaganda.

In light of politics, and the type of risk averse middling folks who inhabit this murky aero. world, it's OK to go with the flow.

Important thing is an entire behemoth of a civilian aerospace complex is being kicked and knocked into shape. India did that with its auto, IT, steel, real-estate and media, and oil refining industry. Minted many billionaires. Step by baby step.

Personally, lack of funding, priority or policy;
old Colonial India fell behind and the rot continued with govt. re: easy, contemporay and do-able aero sector. Catching up is no crime. HAL went from top notch to also ran re: western competition and none others could take it on in the pvt. sector.

Until now! Watch and learn, never mind indigenous-pindigenous :woot:

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