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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

It’s possible China has gotten very good at these technologies, and for Pakistan’s sake I hope they have great systems. Any indication where these systems have been battle tested and refined, similar to how the Russians have done in Syria for the last decade?
The same weapon would have completetly different performances while used by USA and Saudi Arabia respectively.
The same weapon would have completetly different performances while used by USA and Saudi Arabia respectively.

True, but through field testing some of the limitations, especially in Datalinks and EW can be found. Besides Pakistan, where are Chinese datalinks and EW being used these days?
I don’t underestimate the Chinese, but there are certain technologies others have a head start in, which China will catch up in due time. Certain Networking/Data-Link and EW tech Pakistan could buy from Turkey or Europe (especially Sweden if it is open to sell it) could enough far enough ahead that it can make the difference. Link-16 helped a lot for the Feb 27 counter-attack. We need to try to get the best tech from wherever we can, and be the best at integrating it.
Exactly, Pakistan has always incorporated western technology wherever possible when it invests in Chinese platforms whether in the air, sea or land. but with the JF17 program they have been selecting Chinese avionics as their confidence level increases. If you remember in the early days, PAF wanted french radar and missiles but the french government refused citing technology transfer to China by Pakistan. Few decades ago, the Chinese were definitely behind the west but the gap is closing fast.
Exactly, Pakistan has always incorporated western technology wherever possible when it invests in Chinese platforms whether in the air, sea or land. but with the JF17 program they have been selecting Chinese avionics as their confidence level increases. If you remember in the early days, PAF wanted french radar and missiles but the french government refused citing technology transfer to China by Pakistan. Few decades ago, the Chinese were definitely behind the west but the gap is closing fast.
Don't we have Western/Turkish EW Pod for JF 17?
PAF doctrine is basically based on and in responsive of Indian Capabilities.

5th Gen AZM fighter capabilities and timelines will be as per Indian developments.

Whether it's modified J31 or something new that all depends on how much time India give us.
You pay more, and will get more.

Besides, FC-31 wasn't showed on Dubai Airshow-2019, meaning that the JV on FC-31 is impossible already, and you would find the maiden flight of the new variant very soon.
Any official or rumoured update regarding this ? Will the virus affect this as well ?
Will the virus affect this as well ?
Why do you think it would affect China heavily?

99 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infection reported on Chinese mainland
Source: Xinhua | 2020-03-07 09:00:36 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese health authority said Saturday it received reports of 99 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 28 deaths on Friday on the Chinese mainland.

The 28 deaths were all reported in Hubei Province, according to the National Health Commission.

Meanwhile, 99 new suspected cases were reported, said the commission.

Also on Friday, 1,678 people were discharged from hospital after recovery, while the number of severe cases decreased by 248 to 5,489.

The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 80,651 by the end of Friday, including 22,177 patients who were still being treated, 55,404 patients who had been discharged after recovery, and 3,070 people who had died of the disease.

The commission said that 502 people were still suspected of being infected with the virus.

The commission added 26,730 close contacts were still under medical observation. On Friday, 4,773 people were discharged from medical observation.

Also on Friday, 24 imported cases of novel coronavirus infection were reported on the mainland, including 17 in Gansu Province, three in Beijing, three in Shanghai and one in Guangdong Province. By the end of Friday, 60 imported cases had been reported, said the commission.

By the end of Friday, 107 confirmed cases including two deaths had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), 10 confirmed cases in the Macao SAR, and 45 in Taiwan, including one death.

Fifty-one patients in Hong Kong, 10 in Macao and 12 in Taiwan had been discharged from hospital after recovery.
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