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Saad Rafique slams Altaf over mourning call; terms Qadri as agent

and MQM should also stop rapes, like you got raped in Karachi and blame was put on MQM :lol:

I didnt knew that you people are rapists and that is another another medal in your long list of achievements.

I didnt knew that you people are rapists and that is another another medal in your long list of achievements.

you didn't know who defiled you? it must be MQM right?
my bad i admit it bhai but it was my reaction after so many low level and name calling posts from senior members. my point is simple majority of pakitanis choosed their party then why others are trying sack the gov of pakitan. give them time. my support is with innocent peopleas who were killed in this incident.parties like Q league and killer of thousands and thousans of Pakistanis (aka Altaf nhai supporting a man who has foriegn agenfa.
tell me brother when PTI appreciate current gov fot its so many good works amd projects only critisism gor critisism. right from the start of the gov every pti member is calling gan... this and that he is our prime minister atleast show some respect to your PM.
i appriciate your feedback brother. atleast you will not see such behaviour from mu side and i am also expectingdue respect for PM of pakistan from my PTI brother.
my key board is playing with me sorry for rough post.:cheers::cheers:

1) PTI appreciated NS govt for starting peace talks with talibans after all parties asked for it in APC

2) Asad Umer and PTI has appreciated good work of current govt, especially in power sector. Have you heard of any criticism of PTI at PML-N's power projects?

3) Just few days ago, PTI against sided govt by supporting army operation against TTP. They just expressed their concern that NA should have been taken into confidence before.

About rest of your post, well this forum is full of low lives from both sides, but we should learn how to deal with them. We shouldn't come down to their level because then there wouldn't be any difference left among them and us.

Actually word "low" is also quite high for the morality of them. PTI has proven again and again to be paikar-e-zanan than mard-e-maidan. They will continue to politicize this sad incident. Never mind them

:lol: So the so called self proclaimed Mard-e-Maidan didn't show up in my thread: State Terrorism of Punjab Govt against PAT exposed despite I've mentioned you in that thread several times. :lol:

Gullu Butt bhai, I know you are in a lot of stress these days, but still live up to your reputation.

ohh come on, he was worried one of his worker caught on camera, so given order because of media, while wasnt worried when he new all police misadvanture will fall on him, and didnt stop that operation on time. While whole media was there all the time.
Really how you guys think what is he? A dumb person? Too intelligent? Some one who does like king ship a.k.a living and enjoying life in palace or do showoff, by coming into public, buses, or at rain water? Is he scared of media or have all media on his payrole? Seroously, how exactly you have his image in your head. Since, many times your images do comtracdite each other.

Oh come on, don't tell me you don't know him. A man who wants to keep most of the ministries with himself and don't want to share power even with his own party workers, a man who gives lectures of simplicity but still roams around with massive security and couldn't stop his son from visiting fruit market in helos, a man who always likes to visit houses of rape victoms for photo ops when stats show the rapes in punjab are always increasing and no rapist is ever convicted or punished, a man who brags a lot about good governance but governance isn't just about building roads, buses and bridges: people are frequently dying in punjab via dangue, expired medicines, rats eating kids in hospital etc.

N-League has ruled punjab 6 times, around 26 years for you in total. Yet the state of Punjab Police is clearly evident after yesterday's incident. N-League goon was caught red handed controlling entire police squad against opponents in day light and police today busy tempering evidences. In 26 long freaking years, he couldn't make police independent from political interferences and corruption. We are talking about police in Lahore, the provincial capital. If police in Lahore is like this ,then God knows what is happening in far fetched rural areas of Punjab. Is this what you call good governance?
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Btw where is President of Pakistan? :hain:
That's how noora league work A one man Show
you didn't know who defiled you? it must be MQM right?

:lol: Fantasizing is the only thing you people can do as in reality you people are mere low level bhatta khoar and murderous scums. Go home you bloody wanker :haha:.
:lol: So the so called self proclaimed Mard-e-Maidan didn't show up in my thread: State Terrorism of Punjab Govt against PAT exposed despite I've mentioned you in that thread several times. :lol:
I don't show up on 90% threads on this forum...because where ever I see something valuable or worth discussing, I do comment. I don't know what notional value should I place on rants....
Oh come on, don't tell me you don't know him. A man who wants to keep most of the ministries with himself and don't want to share power even with his own party workers, a man who gives lectures of simplicity but still roams around with massive security and couldn't stop his son from visiting fruit market in helos, a man who always likes to visit houses of rape victoms for photo ops when stats show the rapes in punjab are always increasing and no rapist is ever convicted or punished, a man who brags a lot about good governance but governance isn't just about building roads, buses and bridges: people are frequently dying in punjab via dangue, expired medicines, rats eating kids in hospital etc.

N-League has ruled punjab 6 times, around 26 years for you in total. Yet the state of Punjab Police is clearly evident after yesterday's incident. N-League goon was caught red handed controlling entire police squad against opponents in day light and police today busy tempering evidences. In 26 long freaking years, he couldn't make police independent from political interferences and corruption. We are talking about police in Lahore, the provincial capital. If police in Lahore is like this ,then God knows what is happening in far fetched rural areas of Punjab. Is this what you call good governance?

Do you even know what he did in Punjab? I was not in Lahore prior to 2008, so commenting on this will be baised. But all 4 years from 2008-2012 I spend in Lahore. I can practically see the difference, in medical facilities, Computerizing exams, giving leverage to People of Punjab, when whole Pakistan was worried about floor, sugar, chicken, we were getting cheaper then whole country, when he try to catch corrupts while take action in mid nights, to hospitals, police stations.. My cousin is a doctor, used to work in a rural area of Punjab, his fellow doctors were sacked when SS went on the bike to see who missing from his Job.

This guy is known for not trusting many people, which is why he keeps most of the ministries with himself. He work 18 hrs a day to make sure things are intact. He probably not the genius guy for this Job, but always try to be honest.

yes, infrastructure is one of the best powers of Both brothers, and that is why Punjab is much better then all other Provinces. Just recently, a colleague from here went to Karachi and Lahore for some medical purpose, and he was surprise to see how good Lahore roads were, better then muscat. He is Balushi, and used to always complain about Pakistan, Pakistani establishment & Pakistani politicians, but when he came back, he said Baluchistan should also get a Administrator like SS.

You probably didn't even seen the people in Sindh who were asking SS to become their CM. The example set by SS has raised the bars, which is why CM KPK is getting hard time to keep up the peace.

Yesterday's Event was the misfortunate, & yes Punjab Government is responsible for it. It were their responsibility to keep Police as well administration at their bay. But due to your personal glitch, if you say SS was responsible since he planned this, then sorry mate you are wrong.. Logically, as well as morally.

My support for SS is for his work, I haven't got any laptop, neither any scholarship, nor I am living in Lahore who will expect anything from him for my self but only my country.
Do you even know what he did in Punjab? I was not in Lahore prior to 2008, so commenting on this will be baised. But all 4 years from 2008-2012 I spend in Lahore. I can practically see the difference, in medical facilities, Computerizing exams, giving leverage to People of Punjab, when whole Pakistan was worried about floor, sugar, chicken, we were getting cheaper then whole country, when he try to catch corrupts while take action in mid nights, to hospitals, police stations.. My cousin is a doctor, used to work in a rural area of Punjab, his fellow doctors were sacked when SS went on the bike to see who missing from his Job.

This guy is known for not trusting many people, which is why he keeps most of the ministries with himself. He work 18 hrs a day to make sure things are intact. He probably not the genius guy for this Job, but always try to be honest.

yes, infrastructure is one of the best powers of Both brothers, and that is why Punjab is much better then all other Provinces. Just recently, a colleague from here went to Karachi and Lahore for some medical purpose, and he was surprise to see how good Lahore roads were, better then muscat. He is Balushi, and used to always complain about Pakistan, Pakistani establishment & Pakistani politicians, but when he came back, he said Baluchistan should also get a Administrator like SS.

You probably didn't even seen the people in Sindh who were asking SS to become their CM. The example set by SS has raised the bars, which is why CM KPK is getting hard time to keep up the peace.

Yesterday's Event was the misfortunate, & yes Punjab Government is responsible for it. It were their responsibility to keep Police as well administration at their bay. But due to your personal glitch, if you say SS was responsible since he planned this, then sorry mate you are wrong.. Logically, as well as morally.

My support for SS is for his work, I haven't got any laptop, neither any scholarship, nor I am living in Lahore who will expect anything from him for my self but only my country.
What can I understand is, there is no competent and honest person in Punjab other than SS n close relatives n few other Kashmiris.
I have been in Karachi for last many years n have been going to interior sindh very frequently but didn't see any one asking for SS. Irrespective of their condition people in interior have a vote for BB shaheed and in urban areas are for Bhai n in recently lot of favorable sentiments and support for IK in urban areas.
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Better start looking for another party which you can support, its official that Gullu Butt was PML-N worker and N-League and Punjab police was behind this:

Police arrests PML-N activist for vandalism in Model Town protest - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Gullu Butt: The ugly face Pakistani politics – The Express Tribune Blog

Lahore clashes: Police tamper with medical reports of injured – The Express Tribune

Punjab police just did a mess yesterday and look at what they've done today. A boy is killed just for and arguing with SHO in Faisalabad:

فیصل آباد میں ایس ایچ او سے تلخ کلامی پر نوجوان قتل – ایکسپریسس اردو

The munshi of Sharif family called Gullu Butt Ullu Butt. This is an indirect admission that man has something to do with the party.

Also he has his pictures with Hamza Shehbaz circulating on social media.

This guy is known for not trusting many people, which is why he keeps most of the ministries with himself. He work 18 hrs a day to make sure things are intact. He probably not the genius guy for this Job, but always try to be honest.

What an idiot he is! He does not trust people! How do you think a province or a country is run? By whim or by institutions?

Shehbaz Sharif has destroyed institutions. As soon as PMLN govt is gone, Punjab will be left with corrupt excise, corrupt and out of control police and incompetent bureaucracy. Whatever you see you call development is because if his presence.

What Shehbaz is doing is donkey work, not smart work.

This is PMLN's sixth govt in the province. Police reform is a provincial subject. Always in a majority govt. Why could PMLN do police reforms?

Those things are not too much to ask. As for development, he is not doing it out of pocket. He is getting good commission out it being deposited in offshore accounts. Have you been to London? Have you seen Sharif family properties? Have you seen their munshi, confessing he has laundered money?
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PML-N's gangster Gullu Butt was captured by all tv channels yesterday when he was breaking and destroying cars. That tells the story about who was behind yesterday's drama and who did what.

And someone remind this Saad Rigger that he is minister of railways, he should better tell us about 3 railway engines that stopped working just after 2 days of delivery. Let these statement reserved for Info and Interior ministry.
How come there are more train accident during Nawaz government. Ittefaq foundry.
I don't show up on 90% threads on this forum...because where ever I see something valuable or worth discussing, I do comment. I don't know what notional value should I place on rants....

You advocate a party that is ruling Punjab for 6th time, 9 people are dead in day light in heart of Lahore, provincial capital of Punjab. And you don't consider it of national value? Enough said.
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