Do you think we want trade as gift? That is the last thing on earth we want. No we don't want to be part of tribute system. But we have no choice, because the Chinese force us to be a part of their system.
Your opoint is partial.
In fact, the Chinese Impire liked other countries to make a tribute to him, and to achieve that goal, China perfered to give back a economic return,which is times more valuable that the tribute .
On the other hand, it is a porfitable exchange for the tributary, which always take advange of it .
The tribute system has regulations on the period of making a tribute and the quantity and content of tribute, which are always ingoranted by the tributaries.
Therefore, they actually pay much more tribute more frequently that regulated so as to get more return from Chinese, which become a huge burden to China Empire.
There were some cases occurred that some merchants impersonated foreign delegate to make a tribute to gain extra profits.
There was a famous violent conflicts between two japanese delegations in order to make the tribute to Ming Dynasty.
All of i said has been recorded in documents of Chinese Dynasty.
What do you think the Chinese will do if we refuse?
That depends on situations.
It is hard for China Empire to transmit its strength to a remote area in most of conditions, duo to the technical status of transportation and communication at that time.
Only an ambious emperor at his empire's height of power could make a dicition to lauch the strike on a remote country, which just made it return to the part of tribute system.
In history, it is China Empire’s duty to help his tributaries when they meet internal or outside crisises.
In Vietnam's history, there were lots of revolts when someone raised up to overthrow the old dynasty and established a new.
At first, the king of the old dynasty could get help from China Empire to restore his rule ,at the same time ,China Empire would not accept the new dynasty which means it's illegal in oritental international society,that could anger the new ruler .
Even on such a condition, the new ruler would not give up the hope to persuade China Empire to recongnize him ,cause he knew China Empire would recognize the status quo at last if he could defeat the old ruler thoroughly and hold the land formidablely.
After Chine Empire gave up the aid to restore the old dynasty, the new dynasty would take the iniative to be a part of tribute system.
Some ambitious ruler may feel a little insulted and shameful ,but he would still do it ,cause it's benefitical for him politiscally and economically.
In last 19th century, Vietnam asked Qing Dynasty for help when Franch tried to colonize the entire Vietnam .
Unforunately, Qing Dynasty got defeated and had to sign an agreement to admit France 's ownership of Vietnam.