what about american fleet LOL
what is the difference?
Tunisia > no american interest. US intervened there to ask army of Tunisia not interfering against the people. USA didn't intervene to ask the armies to attack the protesters
Egypt > ah ah ah. USA protected to the last moment the bad guy and when it had no choice it didn't go to the unacceptable point to support Moubarak. Egypt respecting the security agreement with Israel is a major point for the US. This point is respected => US won't make a hell to the protesters. Army still in power and US dependant . Yes USA would have done NOTHING but the Egyptians were courageous. And the good point compared to Bahrain > there not some states around who send an army against the protesters
Tariq > stop with your propaganda anti Iranian. Iranian every where ? so big joke.
Again and again > it is not because there are some bad guys that it means the all movment is bad.
The protesters protest for they are very low considered by the king. sure that a minority having the power on a majority ... is how to say ... very democratic. especially when this minority takes everything and the majority are considered like garbages. even indians and pakistanis are much better considered than the bahrainis themselves.
i understand some people having friends of family there who work for this dictatorship is supporting this dictarorship// well NO i don't understand . this is a bad attitude and surely not muslim one.