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Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test

It's called circumstantial evidence, as in "Joe was near the crime scene when the crime happened".

Did Joe do it? did he leave any evidence behind linking him to the crime?

Once again, I am not taking sides either way -- maybe it was the Chinese debris, maybe it wasn't. The point is that the claimant has to prove their case.

Space Junk: Tracking & Removing Orbital Debris | Space.com

Despite the small size of most of the objects in space, the U.S. and Russian military are able to keep track of a great deal of the mess. Objects as small as 4 inches (about 10 cm) can be seen by radars or optical telescopes on Earth. When preparing a launch, mission controllers screen the predicted post-launch orbit for potential collisions to avoid as much damage as possible.

Nothing circumstantial about it. Russia can track nearly all the debris in space and determine it's origin. If Russia can track thousands of pieces of Small debris then they can obviously track Chinese satellites, and they do track them. Russian satellites also know every time the Chinese launch anything into orbit, this means if Russian satellites track a Chinese rocket they know exactly when it was launched and it's trajectory, they also know the trajectory of Chinese satellites, so when a Chinese satellite is destroyed into thousands of pieces all the debris from that Chinese satellite is tracked. In other words, debris from a destroyed Chinese satellite can be precisely tracked.
Ignorant post.No meteors pieces exist in such orbits.All debris came from previous space launches and artificial satellites.Currently all large sized debris(larger than 5 cm) in such orbits which can cause damage to artificial satellites are well documented and tracked 24/7 by space agencies around the world.So there won't be any problem to prove it at all.

Here is a good source about how they do it and how space debris increased after Chinese A-SAT test.


Thank you for your precious source, however, on the fourth page it wrotes:

Space debris encompasses both natural (meteoroid) and artificial (man-made) particles. Meteoroids are in orbit about the Sun,
while most artificial debris are in orbit about the Earth. Hence, the latter are more commonly referred to as orbital debris.

It contradicts with your statement of "No" existence of meteoroid particles right?

Apart from that, NASA proudly listed the orbital maneuvers requested from NASA to avoid satellite collisions within the year 2008 (slide 2), which is after the Chinese ASAT demo, only one-fifth of the request are caused by Chinese debris, others are all US or Former USSR/ Russian debris(TRIAD, Delta and Cosmos series rocket or satellite debris). This pretty much tells everything: China is still yet to be the biggest trouble maker, and is likely never going to be, so when those western media and politicians accuse China on this dick, check their pants first~~lol~~
track nearly all the debris in space


Nobody has ever denied that (tiny) objects in space are being tracked. The whole issue is to corroborate the claim by proving that the object trajectories intercepted.

"Although the predicted distance would seem to preclude a collision, the fact that the close approach occurred within 10 seconds of the estimated change in orbit made it appear likely that this piece of Fengyun 1C debris actually collided with BLITS," Kelso wrote.
Thank you for your precious source, however, on the fourth page it wrotes:

It contradicts with your statement of "No" existence of meteoroid particles right?

Why don't you read the second line.There are no contradiction at all.

Meteoroids are in orbit about the Sun, while most artificial debris are in orbit about the Earth. Hence, the latter are more commonly referred to as orbital debris

Apart from that, NASA proudly listed the orbital maneuvers requested from NASA to avoid satellite collisions within the year 2008 (slide 2), which is after the Chinese ASAT demo, only one-fifth of the request are caused by Chinese debris, others are all US or Former USSR/ Russian debris(TRIAD, Delta and Cosmos series rocket or satellite debris). This pretty much tells everything: China is still yet to be the biggest trouble maker, and is likely never going to be, so when those western media and politicians accuse China on this dick, check their pants first~~lol~~

Chinese ASAT demo only made things worse,Wait and watch for a few more such incidents will take palce.
Why don't you read the second line.There are no contradiction at all.

Chinese ASAT demo only made things worse,Wait and watch for a few more such incidents will take palce.

dude SPACE is SPACE no one has sovernty over SPace so their sat should have stayed clear of the debris and if a country wants to have weapons in space you cannot stop them thats like telling me not to go to bathroom when i need to take a leak instead **** my pants

thank you come again
Science 101: meteors do not orbit Earth. They travel from extraterrestrial space and (some of them) fall into the Earth. On their way from extraterrestrial space to Earth's surface, they cross the orbits of satellites.

That's exactly what I am saying,Impacts from particle outside the orbit are even more easy to detect.
dude SPACE is SPACE no one has sovernty over SPace so their sat should have stayed clear of the debris and if a country wants to have weapons in space you cannot stop them thats like telling me not to go to bathroom when i need to take a leak instead **** my pants

thank you come again

You,Ignominious troll,If you post such comments go and post it on stupid and funny thread,This thread is for serious discussion.know that,Weaponizion of space is banned by International law.
You,Ignominious troll,If you post such comments go and post it on stupid and funny thread,This thread is for serious discussion.know that,Weaponizion of space is banned by International law.
did India Signed on that LAw if did please provide source i know china russia,UK,FRANCE,AND ENGLAND did not
space weapons come under CTBT or what ever its called its like this if the 5 five countries that are already nuke capable they can do what ever they want But the rest of the world Cannot thats why india did not signed on it so did the dushmans

and dont need to get angry Bro take a chill pill drink some Indian Beers and relax this is just disscussion

Thank You Come again
Why don't you read the second line.There are no contradiction at all.

Chinese ASAT demo only made things worse,Wait and watch for a few more such incidents will take palce.

Ahh, yeah, I missed the line that follows that you quoted, but also the next line that follows:

"For most size regimes, the flux of orbital debris within 2000 km of the Earth’s surface already exceeds the flux of meteoroids."

I guess that implies the mass flux of orbital debris is still comparable to the mass flux of meteoroids in terms of its magnitude, though they're not on earth orbit, but they got intercepted by earth's celestial revolution. so your statement is still not valid to the topic anyway~

I do believe a few more of such incidents will take place, but even more is gonna be caused by Former USSR/Russian and U.S. debris for sure. However I do agree that China should no longer conduct such kinda tests as it do makes trouble, now the technical ability has been demonstrated, no need for exceeding showing off~ And I also agree that there should be a international venture on developing space debris removal technology and vehicles.
Ahh, yeah, I missed the line that follows that you quoted, but also the next line that follows:

"For most size regimes, the flux of orbital debris within 2000 km of the Earth’s surface already exceeds the flux of meteoroids."

I guess that implies the mass flux of orbital debris is still comparable to the mass flux of meteoroids in terms of its magnitude, though they're not on earth orbit, but they got intercepted by earth's celestial revolution. so your statement is still not valid to the topic anyway~

The risks posed by orbital debris are far higher than the flux of meteoroids from outer space.That's what I was pointing out.

I do believe a few more of such incidents will take place, but even more is gonna be caused by Former USSR/Russian and U.S. debris for sure. However I do agree that China should no longer conduct such kinda tests as it do makes trouble, now the technical ability has been demonstrated, no need for exceeding showing off~ And I also agree that there should be a international venture on developing space debris removal technology and vehicles.

I appreciate your comment and I hope India doesn't venture in to such adevetures.
did India Signed on that LAw if did please provide source i know china russia,UK,FRANCE,AND ENGLAND did not
space weapons come under CTBT or what ever its called its like this if the 5 five countries that are already nuke capable they can do what ever they want But the rest of the world Cannot thats why india did not signed on it so did the dushmans

and dont need to get angry Bro take a chill pill drink some Indian Beers and relax this is just disscussion

Thank You Come again

Read outer space treaty,India has signed and ratified it.CTBT is about Nuclear weapons testing in space.India didn't sign CTBT because it was discriminatory in nature.
Outer Space Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read outer space treaty,India has signed and ratified it.CTBT is about Nuclear weapons testing in space.India didn't sign CTBT because it was discriminatory in nature.
Outer Space Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, the Treaty does not prohibit the placement of conventional weapons in orbit.

This is from the Wikipedia article Dude did you read it or just had a Brain Fart and exchanged flatulence here referring back to your first post where you quoted me

Thank you Come again :cheers:
However, the Treaty does not prohibit the placement of conventional weapons in orbit.

This is from the Wikipedia article Dude did you read it or just had a Brain Fart and exchanged flatulence here referring back to your first post where you quoted me

Thank you Come again :cheers:

So what??You want rest of the world to place conventional weapons in Space,This exemption was deliberately done to allow Soviet Cosmonauts to carry small arms to space,They were worried about Cosmonauts accidentally landing in enemy territory on their re entry.Of course, their might has been other reason since conventional weapon is an ill-defined word in this context.Any thing could be used as a conventional weapon in orbit,even a spy satellite could be considered as a conventional weapon.So before you come up with more of such brain farts,understand the subject completely.There is a general consensus in the world against placing WMD's in space and carrying out A-SAT tests.Before you post any more of your brain farts,know this.
So what??You want rest of the world to place conventional weapons in Space,This exemption was deliberately done to allow Soviet Cosmonauts to carry small arms to space,They were worried about Cosmonauts accidentally landing in enemy territory on their re entry.Of course, their might has been other reason since conventional weapon is an ill-defined word in this context.Any thing could be used as a conventional weapon in orbit,even a spy satellite could be considered as a conventional weapon.So before you come up with more of such brain farts,understand the subject completely.There is a general consensus in the world against placing WMD's in space and carrying out A-SAT tests.Before you post any more of your brain farts,know this.

a-sats are legitmate according to the treaty no matter what the russian concern was and you was not even born at that time so you were not their hope this answers your question brother
"thank you come again":cheers:
a-sats are legitmate according to the treaty no matter what the russian concern was and you was not even born at that time so you were not their hope this answers your question brother
"thank you come again":cheers:

Say,If India tests an A Sat weapon,Will you still say its legitimate??
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