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Russian pres Medvedev threatens Obama Admin with Thermo-Nuclear WAR

Star Wars

Jan 7, 2013
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Watch from 00:47 seconds to 02:19 ..... IS this something we should be worried about ?

Though you can still watch the whole Video ..
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Watch from 00:47 seconds to 02:19 ..... IS this something we should be worried about ?

Though you can still watch the whole Video ..

Worrisome. I hope the Russian goverment is hinting at a decrease of proxy wars, or the intesification of proxy wars by the use of smaller nukes. I doubt they're going to start firing all nukes stored in silo ICBMs.

I think this statement from the Russian government is a realistic statement, as some bunkers are now buried so deeply in the ground that only smaller "tactical nukes" can reach those targets.

I would welcome the Russian standpoint of not interfering with sovereign states, not abusing them for the development of better weaponry.

I have a suggestion for the countries with the largest militaries, an obvious one even; why not hold wargames with robotic warfare equipment with live fire but no humans around on such battle fields? This would decrease the amount of money needed in military budgets, leaving that free to improve the lives of the people in those countries, and it would mean a slower pace of development of new war machines with the side-effect of softening nationalistic hatred between the major powers on the U.N. security council.

From: rene7705 <rene7705@gmail.com>(=peacefan@defence.pk/forums + facebook.com/rene7705) Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 3:57 PM
To: info <info@cia.gov>, nsa <nsapao@nsa.gov>, noc <noc@tehila.gov.il>, jarven-digital-being@cia.gov, jarvis-digital-being@cia.gov, united-skynet <united-skynet@cia.gov>, "info@vvd.nl" <info@vvd.nl>, "info@pvv.nl" <info@pvv.nl>, "info@christenunie.nl" <info@christenunie.nl>

belangrijk voor het ministerie van defensie..
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That´s nothing wrong what Medvedev said. The United States have its bad as well as good side. As long as America is the dominant superpower, ensure you are not their enemy.
Then you can keep calling Medvedev the Russian president. Every word coming from his mouth are Putin's words.

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