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Russian media:J20's stealth capability is far better than F-35 and pakfa

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The J-20, China's fifth-generation stealth fighter, is able to penetrate US air defense systems, according to a report from Russia's Military Analysis.

The report said that the stealth technology used by the J-20 is very similar to that used by the American F-22A. Its stealth capability is far better than the F-35 and even the Russian-built PAK FA fighter,
Looks like USA got skrewedup big time in technology........:smokin::china:
A pehnomenal level of technological advancement has been achieved by the chinese over the last 2 decades burning the a$$es of their critics and haters. Good going china.:tup: The russians will ultimately have to acknowledge chinese superiority and so will the americans while some hater wanna be hyper power will burn in jealousy.:)
A pehnomenal level of technological advancement has been achieved by the chinese over the last 2 decades burning the a$$es of their critics and haters. Good going china.:tup: The russians will ultimately have to acknowledge chinese superiority and so will the americans while some hater wanna be hyper power will burn in jealousy.:)

The Chinese who reverse engineer or rip-off Russian technology will have superior technology. :cheesy:
Carlo Kopp again.. :hitwall: :hitwall: it tells rest of the story... :lol:


a discussion between F-35,J-20 and T-50 was discussed to death between you,Gambit and few others and you lost that argument.no need to display those copy paste pics over again and again and again...:rolleyes:
It was technically worthless then and it is technically worthless now.


If it has a smaller radar, then one engine is enough, ya think? But here is where your argument fails: Just because one array may have a larger T/R count, that does not automatically equate to overall superiority. For now, the US still leads in terms of T/R quality and software design. In AESA system, maximum power is rarely used, in fact, available power is used as reserve power for sub-array partitioning and choreography, not to blast the sky with all that energy.

Well know you are speaking "chinese" to him. I bet he doesn't even begin to understand what you just said.
every plane has weakness and as well as advantages and remember Russian and us military aviation industry are lot mature than Chinese military aviation industry and as for martian your post is childish but i agree with martian Pak FA to underside and rear and as for ptldM3 Russian aviation scientist is saying that they build PAK FA inferior to F-22, i hope that PAK FA will improve as the development proceed:), the biggest flaws in J-20 is canard,ventral fin, and engine nozzle:enjoy:
A lot of design is temporary, because the engine

why bother with the yindees "no.1 weapons importer" anything western they will lick and def.
I have been making the same claim with my analyses during the past year.


From my July 9, 2012 post:

JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) is inferior to J-20 Mighty Dragon

1. JSF does not have supercruise capability.

2. JSF is not an all-aspect stealth fighter. It has less-stealthy LOAN (low observable asymmetric nozzle) nozzles. The flat nozzles on the F-22 are the best design for radar and infrared stealth.

The J-20 is likely to install flat nozzles when the powerful WS-15 engine is ready, because it is the only feature where it is clearly inferior to the F-22.

3. JSF has bumps along its entire bottom. There is also a large protrusion above the left airduct for the cannon on the F-35A, which makes it less stealthy.

4. JSF uses cheaper materials, which compromise stealth.

5. The combat radius is only half of the J-20.

6. JSF lacks internal side weapon bays.

7. The JSF is significantly smaller in physical size and can only carry a much smaller radar with less T/R (transmit/receive) modules. Since it has only one engine, the available power to the radar is also significantly less.

The JSF radar is clearly inferior to the F-22 and a J-20 equipped with AESA radar.

8. The J-20 will be able to look down and shoot missiles (with better kinematics or more kinetic energy) at the lower flying F-35. The service ceiling of the J-20 is 65,617 ft. It is only 60,000 ft. for the F-35.

In conclusion, the JSF is no match for the J-20. The battle plan is for the F-22 to engage the J-20. However, there are only 187 F-22s. The military balance may shift if China produces 300 or more J-20s in the future (circa 2018).

Sensor fusion doesn't mean much when the J-20 has a larger radar and greater detection range than the F-35. Furthermore, the J-20 has a cleaner design and is stealthier than the F-35. Sending a F-35 against the J-20 is unwise.


Latest J-20 "2002" Mighty Dragon photographs


Notice the gold transparent RAM on the J-20 cockpit canopy. Only China and the U.S. have this advanced material science technology.


The prominent DSI (diverterless supersonic inlet) strake was probably extensively modeled with Chinese supercomputers.


When the WS-15 engine is ready in a few years, China can replace the J-20 LOAN nozzles with flat nozzles. The J-20 will be good to go against the F-22.

[Note: Thank you to Greyboy2 for the pictures.]


From my March 14, 2012 post:

Su-30 is not stealthy. Therefore T-50/Pak-Fa is not stealthy.

Everyone agrees the Su-30 is not stealthy. In the following picture, I have identified 10 important non-stealth features of the Su-30. Interestingly, the T-50/Pak-Fa has the exact same 10 non-stealth features.

It seems to me there are only two logical choices. Either you agree with me that the T-50/Pak-Fa is not stealthy. Or you can make the incredible claim that both the T-50 and Su-30 are stealthy. I leave the choice to you.


Su-30 is not stealthy. Here are 10 non-stealth features.


In an interesting coincidence, the T-50/Pak-Fa shares all ten Su-30 non-stealth features.

Don't forget what we have seen in 2010 is the prototype of the PAK-FA. The battle ready bird will be much more different than what we see. Specially the engine, they were going to be replaced even when the jet was first flown.

Some random Russian webpage that copies Copp's verbal spewage is the proof. This is the same guy that claimed that the SU-35 is beter than the F-35, so if the pak-fa is a quanum leap over the SU-35, than where does that put the J-20? According to him the maneuverability and 'kenetics' from the SU-35 can defeate the F-35.

I'm a reader of Kopp's articles. Can you give me some other articles which I can look into?
In conclusion, your 'analysis' is no analysis but a technically ignorant fanboy's fantasy. Sending the J-20 with its floppity-flippity canards against the F-35 will be unwise.

Floppity-flippity LEVCONs.:lol:


Floppity-flippity horizontal stabilizers.:lol:

How do the russians know that???

The J-20, China's fifth-generation stealth fighter, is able to penetrate US air defense systems, according to a report from Russia's Military Analysis.

The report said that the stealth technology used by the J-20 is very similar to that used by the American F-22A. Its stealth capability is far better than the F-35 and even the Russian-built PAK FA fighter, it said. Considered a fighter-bomber similar to the US F-111 of the Cold War ear, the J-20's range would enable it to reach the Pacific second island chain of the Philippines and Guam. With mid-air refueling it could be extended further.

The J-20 already boasts better aerodynamic performance than the F-35, F-18A and F-18E/F currently used by the various branches of the US armed forces. The report said that between 400 and 500 J-20 aircraft will be produced to replace the Su-27SK and Su-33MKK currently deployed by the PLA Air Force.

russian link: Предварительная оценка прототипа малозаметного китайского истребителя Chengdu J-XX [J-20] » Военное обозрение

Технические замечания по конструкции прототипа
J-XX/J-20 является тяжелым истребителем, сравнимым по размерам с F-111. Первый образец обладает большим треугольным крылом по схеме "утка" с положительным углом поперечного ВЭ, с парой наклоненного наружу/назад поворотного вертикального/горизонтального хвостового оперения и парой похожих больших скошенных передних поворотных закрылков, которые если останутся на серийном самолете то наряду с хвостовым оперением обеспечат самолету весьма продвинутые возможности в области управляемости и маневренности. Несомненно, что такая конфигурация предназначена для обеспечения хорошей устойчивости на сверхзвуковом режиме с подходящим типом двигателя, а также обеспечит хорошие маневренные характеристики на транс-и сверхзвуковых режимах.

Без сомнения форма малозаметности значительно лучше, чем на российском прототипе Т-50 ПАК ФА и тем более лучше чем на запускаемом в производство F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Конструкция J-XX/J-20 по-видимому в значительной степени была основана на правилах формирования малозаметности F-22A Raptor:

Носовая секция китайского J-XX/J-20 и форма фонаря близки по внешнему виду к F-22, обеспечивая схожую сигнатуру уже проверенной конструкции.

Трапециевидные кромки воздухозаборников двигателей J-XX/J-20 похожи на F-22, хотя и кажутся большими и напоминающими стиль DSI (Diverterless Supersonic Inlet) F-35, очевидно направленные ​​на уменьшение заметности кромок воздухозаборников стиля F-22.

Имеющая решающее значение для малозаметности форма крепления крыльев к фюзеляжу J-XX/J-20 очень похожа на F-22 и явно превосходит российский прототип Т-50 ПАК ФА и американский истребитель F -35 Joint Strike.(english The report said that the stealth technology used by the J-20 is very similar to that used by the American F-22A.Its stealth capability is far better than the F-35 and even the Russian-built PAK FA fighter,)

Плоская нижняя часть фюзеляжа J-XX/J-20 является оптимальной для всех аспектов широкополосной малозаметности и тесно имитирует дизайн F-22.

Форма крыла в плане J-XX/J-20 показывает точное угловое выравнивание между передней кромкой горизонтального оперения и пеpедней кpомкой крыла и точное пересеченное угловое выравнивание края между задней кромкой горизонтального оперения и задней кpомкой крыла. Стреловидность передней кромки крыла составляет ~ 43°, что явно предназначено для эффективного сверхзвукового полета.

При создании носовых и основных створок шасси J-XX/J-20 использовалась оптимизированная для Х-диапазона зубчатая технология кромки, основанная на конструкции F-117A и F-22.

Кормовая часть фюзеляжа, хвостовые балки, стабилизаторы/ ребра, асимметричные сопла, не совместимых с эффективной малозаметностью, но могут служить лишь промежуточным решением для ускорения летных испытаний прототипа.

Конфигурация планера и формы кормы фюзеляжа соответствует стилю конструкции сопла с изменяемым вектором тяги F-22A или прямоугольного сопла предназначенного для контролируемой модели инфракрасного излучения и радиочастотной скрытности.

Конфигурация планера совместима с подфизюляжным, подкрыльным и размещением оружия во внутренних отсеках и является достаточно большой, чтобы соответствовать или в той или иной степени превосходить внутреннюю полезную нагрузку F-22A Raptor.

Объем размещаемого внутри самолета топлива также может оказаться высоким учитывая конфигурацию фюзеляжа и большие внутренние объемы треугольных крылев. Это свидетельствует о намерении обеспечить возможности устойчивого сверхзвукового крейсерского полета.

Китайцы не раскрывают тип двигателя. Существует мнение, что используются российские сверхзвуковые двигатели серии 117С, хотя с учетом общей эффективности аэродинамики самолета, их, скорее всего, будет недостаточно чтобы использовать весь потенциал этого современного планера.

Набор внутренних датчиков остается неизвестен. Китай до сих пор не продемонстрировал радар АФАР или продвинутую систему определения местоположения излучающих РЭС. Тем не менее, они могут стать доступны к моменту поступления планера на производство. Соответствующее российское оборудование в настоящее время находится на стадии разработки и/ или испытаний.


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