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Russian jets in Syrian skies

Russian SU 34 flying in Syria....Bloody time for the bearded kamis..
Russian airforce bag their first terrorist
The one in the video is not a drone. Definitely looks like a transport plane. I see 4 engines on the wings.
the video is of a Ilyushin Il-20 Coot intell gathering plane (ELINT) or Il-22B command post version
Nowhere to Hide: A Rundown of the Russian Bombs Being Dropped on ISIL

During the ongoing air operation in Syria, Russia is using a whole array of bombs and missiles equipped with sophisticated guidance systems, according to media reports.

A wide range of missiles and bombs equipped with advanced guidance systems are currently being used by Russia in its air campaign against Islamic State militants in Syria.
During precision airstrikes, Russian weaponry is launched from high altitudes to evade mobile air-defense systems.

The precision bombs typically use the GLONASS navigation system to destroy targets, the Russian developed alternative to GPS, whereas missiles are guided by a weapons system operator

© Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov
The precision weapons include is the KAB guided bomb, which includes two modifications such as KAB-250 and KAB-500.The KAB-250 bomb was designed in the 2000s for the Russian fifth generation PAK-FA fighter jet. Its distinctive egg-shaped form can be explained by the fact that this bomb is mounted in inside the plane's bays.


© Wikipedia/ Allocer
The bomb is also used by advanced Russian warplanes, including the Su-34 bombers, which are currently taking part in the air operation in Syria. The aircraft drop these bombs on Islamic State targets from an altitude of 5,000 meters.


© Wikipedia/ KGyST
As far as laser-guided missiles in use in Syria are concerned, they differ in ammunition power and include laser-guided versions of the Kh-25L and Kh-29L.


© Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov
The Russian ground-support fighter jets Su-24 and Su-25 also use non-guided air bombs in Syria, where a sophisticated targeting system helps pilots to plant bombs with total accuracy.

Additionally, special bunker-busting BETAB-500 air bombs are used in Syria to eliminate Islamic State command centers, which are multilevel underground bunkers made of reinforced concrete.

The concrete-piercing BETAB-500 bombs are equipped with a jet booster, which allows the bombs to completely destroy any underground installation.

Also being dropped on Islamic State militants in Syria are the fragmentation and demolition air bombs OFAB-250, which are specifically used to destroy unprotected targets, including enemy arms depots and training camps.

Read more: Nowhere to Hide: A Rundown of the Russian Bombs Being Dropped on ISIL
RT EXCLUSIVE: Mi-24 gunboats guarding Russia's hub of anti-ISIS ops in Syria

RT's Murad Gazdiev watches Mil Mi-24 helicopters patrolling the Russian air base in Latakia preventing possible militant raids. Bomber jets are at their most vulnerable during takeoff and landing when portable shoulder-launched missiles can be fired at them. The job of the mighty gunboats is to take out any would-be saboteurs approaching.

RT EXCLUSIVE: Mi-24 gunboats guarding Russia's hub of anti-ISIS ops in Syria — RT News
Russia will finish off this revolution whilst gulf arabs watch and throw hissy fits lol

So much gains for the syrian arab army. Lol Russia has eradicated more FSA than ISIS. Foreign jihadis are now fleeing syria, Jaish al islam is getting f**ked up as we speak. Everyone wrote off the Syrian army. Take another look now | Voices | The Independent

the bombing is working
in Syria all are terrorist now
there is no moderate people

Russian Jets Destroy 49 Terrorist Targets in Syria

The Russian Air Force has conducted 33 sorties hitting 49 ISIL targets in the Syria's provinces of Idlib, Latakia, Damascus, Aleppo, Hama, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.
"During aerial reconnaissance in the Idlib province, a Russian drone uncovered one of the command centers of Jabhat al-Nusra [Nusra Front] group. As a result of using an aerial bomb, the terrorists’ command center and two cargo vehicles carrying ZU-23 missile launchers next to it were destroyed."Su-25 strike in the province of Aleppo destroyed a plant producing home-made rockets."In… the Hama province, a Su-34 Fullback fighter bomber delivered a guided aerial bomb against hidden underground reconnaissance facilities with a network of exits into different parts of a populous area," Konashenkov said."Precision strikes by Russian aviation in the province of Damascus have prompted a huge change in the operative situation in this region. ISIL militants are suffering a huge deficit in arms and are leaving their positions en masse."

Read more: Russian Jets Destroy 49 Terrorist Targets in Syria
FSA 1st coastal divsion gathering hit major losses. Basel zimmo another big wig taken out by russian airforce whilst gulfies unable to act.

blessed revolution indeed

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